-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION --\echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pgtelemetry" to load this file. \quit -- filter non-backend connections from pg_stat_activity create view client_stat_activity as select * from pg_stat_activity where backend_type = 'client backend'; -- disk space CREATE VIEW relation_total_size AS select c.oid, c.oid::regclass as relation, pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) as inclusive_bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(c.oid)) as inclusive_size, pg_relation_size(c.oid) as exclusive_bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(c.oid)) as exclusive_size from pg_class c join pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE relkind = 'r' and n.nspname not in ('pg_toast', 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema'); COMMENT ON VIEW relation_total_size IS $$ This view provides basic information on relation size. Catalogs and tables in the information schema are exclused, as are TOAST tables. The inclusive metrics show the relation along with indexes and TOAST. The exclusiove metrics show without these things. The bytes metrics are intended for graph drawing, while the sizes are there for administrators who want to quickly query this information and make decisions. $$; CREATE VIEW catalog_total_size AS select c.oid, c.oid::regclass as relation, pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) as inclusive_bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(c.oid)) as inclusive_size, pg_relation_size(c.oid) as exclusive_bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(c.oid)) as exclusive_size from pg_class c join pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE relkind = 'r' and n.nspname in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema'); COMMENT ON VIEW relation_total_size IS $$ This view provides basic information on relation size in PostgreSQL system tables (those in pg_catalog and information_schema). The inclusive metrics show the relation along with indexes and TOAST. The exclusiove metrics show without these things. The bytes metrics are intended for graph drawing, while the sizes are there for administrators who want to quickly query this information and make decisions. $$; -- biggest indexes CREATE VIEW index_size AS select c.oid, c.oid::regclass as index, pg_relation_size(c.oid) as bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(c.oid)) as size from pg_class c join pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE relkind = 'i' and n.nspname not in ('pg_toast', 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema'); COMMENT ON VIEW index_size IS $$ This table is most useful in tracking down questions of bloat, fill factor, and performance of GIN indexes among other things. $$; -- Tables by size (TOAST) CREATE VIEW relation_toast_size AS select c.oid, c.oid::regclass as relation, pg_relation_size(t.oid) as exclusive_bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size(t.oid)) as exclusive_size from pg_class c join pg_class t ON t.relname = 'pg_toast_' || c.oid::text join pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid; COMMENT ON VIEW relation_toast_size IS $$ This measures the amount of space in a relation's TOAST tables. These are populated when data exceeds what can be reasonably stored inline in the main heap pages. You would expect to see this non-zero where you have large fields being stored, particularly arrays of composite types. Performance-wise moving data to TOAST improves sequential scans where the data is not required (count(*) for example) at the cost of making the data that has been moved far more expensive to retrieve and process. $$; -- tablespaces size CREATE VIEW tablespace_size AS select spcname as name, pg_tablespace_size(oid) as bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_tablespace_size(oid)) as size from pg_tablespace; COMMENT ON VIEW tablespace_size IS $$ This provides database-cluster-wide statistics on disk usage by tablespace. Note that tablespaces and databases are orthogonal. Typically if you are running out of disk space, you want to check this one first, then database_size and then the size of the relations in the largest database in that order. $$; -- database size CREATE VIEW database_size AS SELECT datname as name, pg_database_size(oid) as bytes, pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(oid)) as size FROM pg_database; comment on view database_size is $$ This provides cluser-wide size statistics of databases. $$; -- connections by application_name CREATE VIEW connections_by_application AS select application_name, count(*) from pg_stat_activity group by application_name; comment on view connections_by_application is $$ This gives you the number of connections (cluster-wide) by application name. By default the application name is the program name that connected to the db. $$; -- connections by state CREATE VIEW connections_by_state AS select case when wait_event is null then state else 'waiting' end as state, count(*) from pg_stat_activity group by 1; CREATE VIEW waiting_queries_reason_details AS select wait_event_type, wait_event, count(*) from pg_stat_activity WHERE wait_event is not null GROUP BY wait_event_type, wait_event; comment on view connections_by_state is $$ This gives you the number of connections (cluster-wide) by state (active, idle, idle in transaction, etc). If the query is active but is waiting on a lock or latch, we change this to 'waiting.' $$; -- connections by ip address source CREATE VIEW connections_by_ip_source as SELECT client_addr, count(*) as count, count(*) filter(where state = 'active') as active_count, count(*) filter(where state = 'idle in transaction' or state = 'idle in transaction (aborted)') as idle_in_transaction_count, count(*) filter(where state = 'idle') as idle_count from @extschema@.client_stat_activity GROUP BY client_addr; comment on view connections_by_ip_source is $$ This is a cluster-wide breakdown of connections by IP source. Between this and the applicaiton_name it is a good indication of where server laod is coming from as well as porblems like connection handle leaks. $$; -- table access stats -- longest-running active queries CREATE VIEW longest_running_active_queries AS select application_name, state, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, pid, client_addr, age(now(), query_start) as running_for from pg_stat_activity where state = 'active' ORDER BY age(now(), query_start) desc; comment on view longest_running_active_queries is $$ This view is intended to be typically used by administrators in determining which queries to focus on. However it can be used for reporting and alerting as well. $$; -- waiting connections CREATE VIEW waiting_connections_by_event_type AS select wait_event_type, count(*) from pg_stat_activity WHERE wait_event is not null GROUP BY wait_event_type; comment on view waiting_connections_by_event_type is $$ This view provides basic, cluster-global, statistics on why queries are waiting on other queries. $$; -- locks by type CREATE VIEW locks_by_type AS SELECT locktype, count(*) from pg_locks GROUP BY locktype; COMMENT ON VIEW locks_by_type is $$ This view provides cluster-wide statistics on what sorts of locks are present. These incude advisory locks, relation, tuple, transaction id, etc. This can be helpful in determining where the locks are coming from. $$; -- locks by mode CREATE VIEW locks_by_mode AS SELECT mode, count(*) from pg_locks GROUP BY mode; COMMENT ON view locks_by_mode is $$ This view provides cluster-wide statistics on locks by lock mode (access share vs exclusive for example). Combined with the locks_by_type view, this view provides a some opportunities to spot locking problems. $$; -- count client backends waiting on a lock for more than given number of seconds create or replace function count_waiting_on_locks_more_than_seconds(int default 300) returns bigint as $$ select count(1) from pg_locks join @extschema@.client_stat_activity using(pid) where granted = 'f' and extract('epoch' from now() - query_start) > $1; $$ language sql; comment on function count_waiting_on_locks_more_than_seconds is $$ This function provides the number of client backend processes waiting on a lock for more than given number of seconds (5 minutes if not supplied). Can be used to spot locking conflicts. $$; CREATE VIEW tuple_access_stats AS select schemaname, relname, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del, n_tup_hot_upd, n_live_tup, n_dead_tup, n_mod_since_analyze FROM pg_stat_user_tables; comment on view tuple_access_stats is $$ This view provides statistcs for scans (index and sequential) along with numbers of tuples updated through various means. It allows you to get a pretty good idea of where you may need indexes or where IO-related problems may be coming from. $$; -- autovacuum stats CREATE VIEW autovacuum_stats AS select schemaname, relname, last_vacuum, extract (epoch from age(now(), last_vacuum)) as age_last_vacuum, vacuum_count, last_autovacuum, extract (epoch from age(now(), last_autovacuum)) as age_last_autovacuum, autovacuum_count, last_analyze, extract (epoch from age(now(), last_analyze)) as age_last_analyze, analyze_count, last_autoanalyze, extract (epoch from age(now(), last_autoanalyze)) as age_last_autoanalyze, autoanalyze_count FROM pg_stat_user_tables; comment on view autovacuum_stats is $$ This provides basic metrics per table in the current database for when autovacuum and analyze were last run (as well as manual maintenance). $$; -- query stats -- call, time, rows CREATE VIEW statement_query_rows_time AS SELECT datname, queryid, query, sum(calls) as calls, sum(total_time) as total_time, sum(rows) as rows FROM pg_stat_statements JOIN pg_database d ON d.oid = dbid GROUP BY datname, queryid, query; comment on view statement_query_rows_time is $$ This gives aggregated of stats for a given query (cluster-wide) per query and database name. This view provides high level timing and row statistics. $$; -- buffers CREATE VIEW statement_query_buffers AS SELECT datname, queryid, query, sum(calls), sum(shared_blks_hit) as shared_blks_hit, sum(shared_blks_read) as shared_blks_read, sum(shared_blks_dirtied) as shared_blks_dirtied, sum(shared_blks_written) as shared_blks_written, sum(temp_blks_read) as tmp_blkd_read, sum(temp_blks_written) as tmp_blkd_written FROM pg_stat_statements JOIN pg_database d ON d.oid = dbid GROUP BY datname, queryid, query; comment on view statement_query_buffers is $$ This gives aggregated of stats for a given query (cluster-wide) per query and database name. This view provides low-level IO statistics. $$; -- WAL last state CREATE TABLE pg_telemetry_wal_log ( run_time numeric unique, -- epoch timestamp timestamp timestamp unique, lsn pg_lsn ); COMMENT ON TABLE pg_telemetry_wal_log IS $$ This table logs the times and results of wal telemetry readings so that deltas can be calculated. At least one row must be present to get any useful data out of the wal_telemetry() function at all. If you get one telemetry entry a minute, over the course of a year you will get just over half a million entries. These are indexed on both epoch and timestamp so access is not impaired, but if you want ot purge, be careful to leave at least one entry at the end. You can also process these as a time series using WINDOW functions like lag. $$; -- WAL telemetry create function wal_telemetry_create_or_select_record() returns pg_telemetry_wal_log language plpgsql as $$ declare log_entry pg_telemetry_wal_log; begin if pg_is_in_recovery() then select * into log_entry from pg_telemetry_wal_log order by run_time desc limit 1; else insert into pg_telemetry_wal_log select extract('epoch' from now()), now(), pg_current_wal_lsn() as wal_location returning * into log_entry; end if; return log_entry; end; $$; create function wal_telemetry() returns table ( current_epoch numeric, last_epoch numeric, secs_elapsed numeric, current_lsn pg_lsn, last_lsn pg_lsn, bytes_elapsed numeric, bytes_per_sec numeric ) language sql as $$ select c.run_time as current_epoch, l.run_time as last_epoch, c.run_time - l.run_time as secs_elapsed, c.lsn as current_lsn, l.lsn as last_lsn, c.lsn - l.lsn as bytes_elapsed, (c.lsn - l.lsn)::numeric / (c.run_time - l.run_time) as bytes_per_sec FROM wal_telemetry_create_or_select_record() c, lateral (select * from pg_telemetry_wal_log where run_time < c.run_time order by run_time desc limit 1) l; $$ set search_path from current; select wal_telemetry(); comment on function wal_telemetry() is $$ The wal_telemetry() function checks the current wal location and compares with the last entry in the pg_telemetry_wal_log. It then provides for you both current and last data, and the differences between them. These include bytes elapsed and seconds elapsed, and bytes per sec. The function is designed so that you can export delta information to a monitoring solution such as munin or prometheus without the latter having to know anything about lsn representation or losing information in the process. On a replica this does not write to the table and measures deltas from the last this was written on the master. $$; -- Replication slots CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW replication_slot_lag as SELECT slot_name, slot_type, active, restart_lsn, to_jsonb(s) as full_data, now() as querytime, CASE WHEN pg_is_in_recovery() THEN pg_last_wal_replay_lsn() ELSE pg_current_wal_lsn() END AS pg_current_xlog_location, CASE WHEN pg_is_in_recovery() THEN null::int ELSE pg_current_wal_lsn() - restart_lsn END AS current_lag_bytes FROM pg_replication_slots s ORDER BY s.slot_name; COMMENT ON VIEW replication_slot_lag IS $$ This view monitors lag on downstream slots. It compares the last sent wal segment to the current known wal location. For master database, the current wal location is self-explanatory. For replicas we use the last received WAL location instead. Note that replicas can have replication slots for downstream replication tracking. $$; create or replace function get_autovacuum_vacuum_info ( _except regclass[] default null, out queue_depth int8, out total_dead_tup int8 ) returns record language plpgsql stable as $fnc$ begin select count(*), sum(n_dead_tup) into queue_depth, total_dead_tup from pg_class c, --lateral pg_stat_get_dead_tuples(c.oid) n_dead_tup where coalesce(c.oid != any (_except), true) and n_dead_tup > coalesce((select option_value::int4 from pg_options_to_table(reloptions) where option_name = 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold'), current_setting('autovacuum_vacuum_threshold')::int4)+ reltuples*coalesce((select option_value::float4 from pg_options_to_table(reloptions) where option_name = 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor'), current_setting('autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor')::float4) and not exists (select from pg_options_to_table(reloptions) where option_name = 'autovacuum_enabled' and option_value::bool = false) ; return; end; $fnc$; create or replace function get_autovacuum_analyze_info ( _except regclass[] default array['pg_catalog.pg_statistic'], out queue_depth int8, out total_mod_since_analyze int8 ) returns record language plpgsql stable as $fnc$ begin select count(*), sum(n_mod_since_analyze) into queue_depth, total_mod_since_analyze from pg_class c, pg_stat_get_mod_since_analyze(c.oid) n_mod_since_analyze where c.relnamespace != 'pg_toast'::regnamespace and coalesce(c.oid != any (_except), true) and n_mod_since_analyze > coalesce((select option_value::int4 from pg_options_to_table(reloptions) where option_name = 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold'), current_setting('autovacuum_analyze_threshold')::int4)+ reltuples*coalesce((select option_value::float4 from pg_options_to_table(reloptions) where option_name = 'autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor'), current_setting('autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor')::float4) and not exists (select from pg_options_to_table(reloptions) where option_name = 'autovacuum_enabled' and option_value::bool = false) ; return; end; $fnc$; create or replace function @extschema@.vacuum_progress() returns table ( datname name, schemaname name, relname name, phase text, heap_blks_total int8, heap_blks_scanned int8, heap_blks_vacuumed int8, index_vacuum_count int8, max_dead_tuples int8, num_dead_tuples int8 ) language plpgsql stable as $fnc$ begin /* too lazy to check which version of pg the view was added in, so * just check if its there and return null if its not */ if exists (select from pg_class c where c.relnamespace='pg_catalog'::regnamespace and c.relname = 'pg_stat_progress_vacuum') then return query select v.datname, c.relnamespace::regnamespace::name as schemaname, c.relname, v.phase, v.heap_blks_total, v.heap_blks_scanned, v.heap_blks_vacuumed, v.index_vacuum_count, v.max_dead_tuples, v.num_dead_tuples from pg_stat_progress_vacuum v left join pg_class c on c.oid=v.relid; end if; return; end; $fnc$; create table @extschema@.long_running_query_rules ( priority int4, application_name_ilike text, usename name, state text, alert_threshold interval not null, active_since timestamptz, active_until timestamptz, created_at timestamptz default now(), comment text ); insert into @extschema@.long_running_query_rules(priority, application_name_ilike, usename, state, alert_threshold) values (0, 'pg\_dump', null, null, interval'6 hours'), -- pg_dump 6 hours (0, 'pg2ch', null, null, interval'3 hours'), -- pg2ch 3 hours (100, null, null, 'idle in transaction', interval'5 minutes'), -- any idle transaction 5 minutes (100, null, null, 'idle in transaction (aborted)', interval'5 minutes'), -- same as above, except one of the statements in the transaction caused an error (1000, null, null, null, interval'1 hour'); -- anything else 1 hour create or replace view @extschema@.long_running_queries ( duration, pid, is_slave, application_name, username, database, backend_type, client_addr, state, wait_event, wait_event_type, query ) as select now() - coalesce(p.state_change, p.query_start) as duration, p.pid, pg_is_in_recovery() as is_slave, p.application_name, p.usename, p.datname as database, p.backend_type, p.client_addr, p.state, p.wait_event, p.wait_event_type, p.query from pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity p, lateral ( select alert_threshold, active_since, active_until from @extschema@.long_running_query_rules l where coalesce(p.application_name ilike l.application_name_ilike, true) and coalesce(p.usename = l.usename, true) and coalesce(p.state = l.state, true) and coalesce(now() >= l.active_since, true) and coalesce(now() <= l.active_until, true) order by priority asc limit 1 ) l where p.state != 'idle' and backend_type = 'client backend' and age(now(), query_start) > l.alert_threshold order by duration desc;