create or replace view @extschema@.long_running_queries ( duration, pid, is_slave, application_name, username, database, backend_type, client_addr, state, wait_event, wait_event_type, query ) as select now() - coalesce(p.state_change, p.query_start) as duration,, pg_is_in_recovery() as is_slave, p.application_name, p.usename, p.datname as database, p.backend_type, p.client_addr, p.state, p.wait_event, p.wait_event_type, p.query from pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity p, lateral ( select alert_threshold, active_since, active_until from @extschema@.long_running_query_rules l where coalesce(p.application_name ilike l.application_name_ilike, true) and coalesce(p.usename = l.usename, true) and coalesce(p.state = l.state, true) and coalesce(now() >= l.active_since, true) and coalesce(now() <= l.active_until, true) order by priority asc limit 1 ) l where p.state != 'idle' and backend_type = 'client backend' and age(now(), query_start) > l.alert_threshold order by duration desc;