CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgtap_version() RETURNS NUMERIC AS 'SELECT 0.97;' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; -- pg_version_num() CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_version_num() RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT substring(s.a[1] FROM '[[:digit:]]+')::int * 10000 + COALESCE(substring(s.a[2] FROM '[[:digit:]]+')::int, 0) * 100 + COALESCE(substring(s.a[3] FROM '[[:digit:]]+')::int, 0) FROM ( SELECT string_to_array(current_setting('server_version'), '.') AS a ) AS s; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _is_indexed( NAME, NAME, TEXT[] ) RETURNS BOOL AS $$ SELECT EXISTS( SELECT TRUE FROM ( SELECT _ikeys(coalesce($1, n.nspname), $2, ci.relname) AS cols FROM pg_catalog.pg_index x JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct ON ct.oid = x.indrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON ci.oid = x.indexrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = ct.relnamespace WHERE ($1 IS NULL OR n.nspname = $1) AND ct.relname = $2 ) icols WHERE cols = $3 ) $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( schema, table, columns[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _is_indexed($1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( schema, table, columns[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _is_indexed($1, $2, $3), 'Should have an index on ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string( $3, ', ' ) || ')' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( table, columns[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _is_indexed(NULL, $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( table, columns[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _is_indexed(NULL, $1, $2), 'Should have an index on ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string( $2, ', ' ) || ')' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( schema, table, column, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok ( _is_indexed( $1, $2, ARRAY[$3]::NAME[]), $4); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( schema, table, column ) -- is_indexed( table, column, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN _is_schema( $1 ) THEN -- Looking for schema.table index. is_indexed( $1, $2, ARRAY[$3]::NAME[] ) ELSE -- Looking for particular columns. is_indexed( $1, ARRAY[$2]::NAME[], $3 ) END; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_indexed( table, column ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_indexed ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok ( _is_indexed( NULL, $1, ARRAY[$2]::NAME[]) ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_definer( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, NOT _definer($1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_definer( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _definer($1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should not be security definer' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_definer( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, NOT _definer($1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_definer( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _definer($1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should not be security definer' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_definer( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, NOT _definer($1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_definer( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _definer($1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should not be security definer' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_definer( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, NOT _definer($1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_definer( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_definer( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _definer($1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should not be security definer' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, NOT _agg($1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _agg($1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, NOT _agg($1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _agg($1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, NOT _agg($1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_aggregate( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _agg($1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, NOT _agg($1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _agg($1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- -- hasnt_opclass( schema, name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_opclass( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _opc_exists( $1, $2 ), 'Operator class ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_opclass( name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_opclass( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _opc_exists( $1 ), 'Operator class ' || quote_ident($1) || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- check extension exists function with schema name CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _ext_exists( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT TRUE FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension ex JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON ex.extnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = $1 AND ex.extname = $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- check extension exists function without schema name CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _ext_exists( NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT TRUE FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension ex WHERE ex.extname = $1 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_extension( schema, name, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_extension( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ext_exists( $1, $2 ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_extension( schema, name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_extension( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ext_exists( $1, $2 ), 'Extension ' || quote_ident($2) || ' should exist in schema ' || quote_ident($1) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_extension( name, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_extension( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ext_exists( $1 ), $2) $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_extension( name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_extension( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ext_exists( $1 ), 'Extension ' || quote_ident($1) || ' should exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_extension( schema, name, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_extension( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ext_exists( $1, $2 ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_extension( schema, name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_extension( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ext_exists( $1, $2 ), 'Extension ' || quote_ident($2) || ' should not exist in schema ' || quote_ident($1) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_extension( name, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_extension( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ext_exists( $1 ), $2) $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_extension( name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_extension( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ext_exists( $1 ), 'Extension ' || quote_ident($1) || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- throws_ok ( sql, errcode, errmsg, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION throws_ok ( TEXT, CHAR(5), TEXT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE query TEXT := _query($1); errcode ALIAS FOR $2; errmsg ALIAS FOR $3; desctext ALIAS FOR $4; descr TEXT; BEGIN descr := COALESCE( desctext, 'threw ' || errcode || ': ' || errmsg, 'threw ' || errcode, 'threw ' || errmsg, 'threw an exception' ); EXECUTE query; RETURN ok( FALSE, descr ) || E'\n' || diag( ' caught: no exception' || E'\n wanted: ' || COALESCE( errcode, 'an exception' ) ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS OR ASSERT_FAILURE THEN IF (errcode IS NULL OR SQLSTATE = errcode) AND ( errmsg IS NULL OR SQLERRM = errmsg) THEN -- The expected errcode and/or message was thrown. RETURN ok( TRUE, descr ); ELSE -- This was not the expected errcode or errmsg. RETURN ok( FALSE, descr ) || E'\n' || diag( ' caught: ' || SQLSTATE || ': ' || SQLERRM || E'\n wanted: ' || COALESCE( errcode, 'an exception' ) || COALESCE( ': ' || errmsg, '') ); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- lives_ok( sql, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION lives_ok ( TEXT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE code TEXT := _query($1); descr ALIAS FOR $2; detail text; hint text; context text; schname text; tabname text; colname text; chkname text; typname text; BEGIN EXECUTE code; RETURN ok( TRUE, descr ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS OR ASSERT_FAILURE THEN -- There should have been no exception. GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL, hint = PG_EXCEPTION_HINT, context = PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT, schname = SCHEMA_NAME, tabname = TABLE_NAME, colname = COLUMN_NAME, chkname = CONSTRAINT_NAME, typname = PG_DATATYPE_NAME; RETURN ok( FALSE, descr ) || E'\n' || diag( ' died: ' || _error_diag(SQLSTATE, SQLERRM, detail, hint, context, schname, tabname, colname, chkname, typname) ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;