CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgtap_version() RETURNS NUMERIC AS 'SELECT 1.2;' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; -- isnt_member_of( role, members[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_member_of( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE extra text[]; BEGIN IF NOT _has_role($1) THEN RETURN fail( $3 ) || E'\n' || diag ( ' Role ' || quote_ident($1) || ' does not exist' ); END IF; SELECT ARRAY( SELECT quote_ident($2[i]) FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($2, 1)) s(i) LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles r ON rolname = $2[i] WHERE r.oid = ANY ( _grolist($1) ) ORDER BY s.i ) INTO extra; IF extra[1] IS NULL THEN RETURN ok( true, $3 ); END IF; RETURN ok( false, $3 ) || E'\n' || diag( ' Members, who should not be in ' || quote_ident($1) || E' role:\n ' || array_to_string( extra, E'\n ') ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- isnt_member_of( role, member, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_member_of( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT isnt_member_of( $1, ARRAY[$2], $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_member_of( role, members[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_member_of( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT isnt_member_of( $1, $2, 'Should not have members of role ' || quote_ident($1) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_member_of( role, member ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_member_of( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT isnt_member_of( $1, ARRAY[$2] ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_view( schema, view ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_view ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT has_view ($1, $2, 'View ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_view( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_view ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT hasnt_view( $1, $2, 'View ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _def_is( TEXT, TEXT, anyelement, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE thing text; BEGIN -- Function, cast, or special SQL syntax. IF $1 ~ '^[^'']+[(]' OR $1 ~ '[)]::[^'']+$' OR $1 = ANY('{CURRENT_CATALOG,CURRENT_ROLE,CURRENT_SCHEMA,CURRENT_USER,SESSION_USER,USER,CURRENT_DATE,CURRENT_TIME,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,LOCALTIME,LOCALTIMESTAMP}') THEN RETURN is( $1, $3, $4 ); END IF; EXECUTE 'SELECT is(' || COALESCE($1, 'NULL' || '::' || $2) || '::' || $2 || ', ' || COALESCE(quote_literal($3), 'NULL') || '::' || $2 || ', ' || COALESCE(quote_literal($4), 'NULL') || ')' INTO thing; RETURN thing; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- results_eq( cursor, cursor, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION results_eq( refcursor, refcursor, text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE have ALIAS FOR $1; want ALIAS FOR $2; have_rec RECORD; want_rec RECORD; have_found BOOLEAN; want_found BOOLEAN; rownum INTEGER := 1; err_msg text := 'details not available in pg <= 9.1'; BEGIN FETCH have INTO have_rec; have_found := FOUND; FETCH want INTO want_rec; want_found := FOUND; WHILE have_found OR want_found LOOP IF have_rec IS DISTINCT FROM want_rec OR have_found <> want_found THEN RETURN ok( false, $3 ) || E'\n' || diag( ' Results differ beginning at row ' || rownum || E':\n' || ' have: ' || CASE WHEN have_found THEN have_rec::text ELSE 'NULL' END || E'\n' || ' want: ' || CASE WHEN want_found THEN want_rec::text ELSE 'NULL' END ); END IF; rownum = rownum + 1; FETCH have INTO have_rec; have_found := FOUND; FETCH want INTO want_rec; want_found := FOUND; END LOOP; RETURN ok( true, $3 ); EXCEPTION WHEN datatype_mismatch THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS err_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT; RETURN ok( false, $3 ) || E'\n' || diag( E' Number of columns or their types differ between the queries' || CASE WHEN have_rec::TEXT = want_rec::text THEN '' ELSE E':\n' || ' have: ' || CASE WHEN have_found THEN have_rec::text ELSE 'NULL' END || E'\n' || ' want: ' || CASE WHEN want_found THEN want_rec::text ELSE 'NULL' END END || E'\n ERROR: ' || err_msg ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION results_ne( refcursor, refcursor, text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE have ALIAS FOR $1; want ALIAS FOR $2; have_rec RECORD; want_rec RECORD; have_found BOOLEAN; want_found BOOLEAN; err_msg text := 'details not available in pg <= 9.1'; BEGIN FETCH have INTO have_rec; have_found := FOUND; FETCH want INTO want_rec; want_found := FOUND; WHILE have_found OR want_found LOOP IF have_rec IS DISTINCT FROM want_rec OR have_found <> want_found THEN RETURN ok( true, $3 ); ELSE FETCH have INTO have_rec; have_found := FOUND; FETCH want INTO want_rec; want_found := FOUND; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN ok( false, $3 ); EXCEPTION WHEN datatype_mismatch THEN GET STACKED DIAGNOSTICS err_msg = MESSAGE_TEXT; RETURN ok( false, $3 ) || E'\n' || diag( E' Number of columns or their types differ between the queries' || CASE WHEN have_rec::TEXT = want_rec::text THEN '' ELSE E':\n' || ' have: ' || CASE WHEN have_found THEN have_rec::text ELSE 'NULL' END || E'\n' || ' want: ' || CASE WHEN want_found THEN want_rec::text ELSE 'NULL' END END || E'\n ERROR: ' || err_msg ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- hasnt_operator( left_type, schema, name, right_type, return_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_operator ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ), $6 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_operator( left_type, schema, name, right_type, return_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_operator ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ), 'Operator ' || quote_ident($2) || '.' || $3 || '(' || $1 || ',' || $4 || ') RETURNS ' || $5 || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_operator( left_type, name, right_type, return_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_operator ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3, $4 ), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_operator( left_type, name, right_type, return_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_operator ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3, $4 ), 'Operator ' || $2 || '(' || $1 || ',' || $3 || ') RETURNS ' || $4 || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_operator( left_type, name, right_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_operator ( NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3 ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_operator( left_type, name, right_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_operator ( NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3 ), 'Operator ' || $2 || '(' || $1 || ',' || $3 || ') should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_leftop( schema, name, right_type, return_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_leftop ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists(NULL, $1, $2, $3, $4), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_leftop( schema, name, right_type, return_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_leftop ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists(NULL, $1, $2, $3, $4 ), 'Left operator ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || $2 || '(NONE,' || $3 || ') RETURNS ' || $4 || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_leftop( name, right_type, return_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_leftop ( NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists(NULL, $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_leftop( name, right_type, return_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_leftop ( NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists(NULL, $1, $2, $3 ), 'Left operator ' || $1 || '(NONE,' || $2 || ') RETURNS ' || $3 || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_leftop( name, right_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_leftop ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists(NULL, $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_leftop( name, right_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_leftop ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists(NULL, $1, $2 ), 'Left operator ' || $1 || '(NONE,' || $2 || ') should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_rightop( left_type, schema, name, return_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_rightop ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists( $1, $2, $3, NULL, $4), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_rightop( left_type, schema, name, return_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_rightop ( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, $3, NULL, $4 ), 'Right operator ' || quote_ident($2) || '.' || $3 || '(' || $1 || ',NONE) RETURNS ' || $4 || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_rightop( left_type, name, return_type, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_rightop ( NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists( $1, $2, NULL, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_rightop( left_type, name, return_type ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_rightop ( NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, NULL, $3 ), 'Right operator ' || $2 || '(' || $1 || ',NONE) RETURNS ' || $3 || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_rightop( left_type, name, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_rightop ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists( $1, $2, NULL), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_rightop( left_type, name ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_rightop ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _op_exists($1, $2, NULL ), 'Right operator ' || $2 || '(' || $1 || ',NONE) should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; /* * tap_funky used to just be a simple view, but the problem with that is the * definition of pg_proc changed in version 11. Thanks to how pg_dump (and * hence pg_upgrade) works, this made it impossible to upgrade Postgres if * pgTap was installed. In order to fix that, we need code that will actually * work on both < PG11 and >= PG11. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _prokind( p_oid oid ) RETURNS "char" AS $$ BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 110000 THEN RETURN prokind FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE oid = p_oid; ELSE RETURN CASE WHEN proisagg THEN 'a' WHEN proiswindow THEN 'w' ELSE 'f' END FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE oid = p_oid; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; -- Returns true if the specified function exists and is the specified type, -- false if it exists and is not the specified type, and NULL if it does not -- exist. Types are f for a normal function, p for a procedure, a for an -- aggregate function, or w for a window function -- _type_func(type, schema, function, args[]) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _type_func ( "char", NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT kind = $1 FROM tap_funky WHERE schema = $2 AND name = $3 AND args = array_to_string($4, ',') $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- _type_func(type, schema, function) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _type_func ( "char", NAME, NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT kind = $1 FROM tap_funky WHERE schema = $2 AND name = $3 $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- _type_func(type, function, args[]) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _type_func ( "char", NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT kind = $1 FROM tap_funky WHERE name = $2 AND args = array_to_string($3, ',') AND is_visible; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- _type_func(type, function) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _type_func ( "char", NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT kind = $1 FROM tap_funky WHERE name = $2 AND is_visible; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_aggregate( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, _type_func( 'a', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_aggregate( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, _type_func('a', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_aggregate( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, _type_func('a', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_aggregate( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, _type_func('a', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_aggregate( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('a', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_aggregate( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('a', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_aggregate( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, _type_func('a', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_aggregate( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_aggregate( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, _type_func('a', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('a', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('a', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, NOT _type_func('a', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_aggregate( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, NOT _type_func('a', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('a', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_aggregate( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('a', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('a', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_aggregate( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_aggregate( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('a', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should not be an aggregate function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; DROP FUNCTION _agg ( NAME ); DROP FUNCTION _agg ( NAME, NAME[] ); DROP FUNCTION _agg ( NAME, NAME ); DROP FUNCTION _agg ( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ); -- is_normal_function( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, _type_func('f', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_normal_function( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, _type_func('f', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_normal_function( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, _type_func('f', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_normal_function( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, _type_func('f', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_normal_function( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('f', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_normal_function( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('f', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_normal_function( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, _type_func('f', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_normal_function( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_normal_function( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, _type_func('f', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_normal_function( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('f', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_normal_function( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('f', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should not be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_normal_function( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, NOT _type_func('f', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_normal_function( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, NOT _type_func('f', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should not be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_normal_function( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('f', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_normal_function( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('f', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should not be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_normal_function( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('f', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_normal_function( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_normal_function( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('f', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should not be a normal function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_window( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, _type_func( 'w', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_window( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, _type_func('w', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_window( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, _type_func('w', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_window( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, _type_func('w', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_window( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('w', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_window( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('w', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_window( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, _type_func('w', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_window( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_window( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, _type_func('w', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_window( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('w', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_window( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('w', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should not be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_window( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, NOT _type_func('w', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_window( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, NOT _type_func('w', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should not be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_window( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('w', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_window( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('w', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should not be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_window( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('w', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_window( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_window( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('w', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should not be a window function' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_procedure( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, _type_func( 'p', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_procedure( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, _type_func('p', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_procedure( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, _type_func('p', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_procedure( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, _type_func('p', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_procedure( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('p', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_procedure( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, _type_func('p', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_procedure( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, _type_func('p', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- is_procedure( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_procedure( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, _type_func('p', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_procedure( schema, function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('p', $1, $2, $3), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_procedure( schema, function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, $3, NOT _type_func('p', $1, $2, $3), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '(' || array_to_string($3, ', ') || ') should not be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_procedure( schema, function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare($1, $2, NOT _type_func('p', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_procedure( schema, function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( $1, $2, NOT _type_func('p', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || '() should not be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_procedure( function, args[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('p', $1, $2), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_procedure( function, args[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, $2, NOT _type_func('p', $1, $2), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '(' || array_to_string($2, ', ') || ') should not be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_procedure( function, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare(NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('p', $1), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- isnt_procedure( function ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_procedure( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _func_compare( NULL, $1, NOT _type_func('p', $1), 'Function ' || quote_ident($1) || '() should not be a procedure' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql;