\unset ECHO \i test/setup.sql SELECT plan(1009); -- SELECT * FROM no_plan(); CREATE SCHEMA someschema; CREATE FUNCTION someschema.huh () RETURNS BOOL AS 'SELECT TRUE' LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE FUNCTION someschema.bah (int, text) RETURNS BOOL AS 'BEGIN RETURN TRUE; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION public.yay () RETURNS BOOL AS 'SELECT TRUE' LANGUAGE SQL STRICT SECURITY DEFINER VOLATILE; CREATE FUNCTION public.oww (int, text) RETURNS BOOL AS 'BEGIN RETURN TRUE; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION public.pet () RETURNS SETOF BOOL AS 'BEGIN RETURN NEXT TRUE; RETURN; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; DO $$ BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 140000 THEN CREATE AGGREGATE public.tap_accum ( sfunc = array_append, basetype = anycompatible, stype = anycompatiblearray, initcond = '{}' ); CREATE FUNCTION atype() RETURNS text AS 'SELECT ''anycompatiblearray''::text' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION etype() RETURNS text AS 'SELECT ''anycompatible''::text' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; ELSE CREATE AGGREGATE public.tap_accum ( sfunc = array_append, basetype = anyelement, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}' ); CREATE FUNCTION atype() RETURNS text AS 'SELECT ''anyarray''::text' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; CREATE FUNCTION etype() RETURNS text AS 'SELECT ''anyelement''::text' LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE; END IF; END; $$; /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_function(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'now' ), true, 'simple function', 'Function now() should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now'::name ), true, 'simple schema.function', 'Function pg_catalog.now() should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'now', 'whatever' ), true, 'simple function desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'now', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'simple with 0 args', 'Function now() should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'now', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'simple with 0 args desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'simple schema.func with 0 args', 'Function pg_catalog.now() should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now', 'whatever' ), true, 'simple schema.func with desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'simple schema.func with 0 args, desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'lower', '{text}'::name[] ), true, 'simple function with 1 arg', 'Function lower(text) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'decode', '{text,text}'::name[] ), true, 'simple function with 2 args', 'Function decode(text, text) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'array_cat', ARRAY[atype(), atype()] ), true, 'simple array function', 'Function array_cat(' || atype() || ', ' || atype() || ') should exist', '' ); -- Check a custom function with an array argument. CREATE FUNCTION __cat__ (text[]) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS 'SELECT TRUE' LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( '__cat__', '{text[]}'::name[] ), true, 'custom array function', 'Function __cat__(text[]) should exist', '' ); -- Check a custom function with a numeric argument. CREATE FUNCTION __cat__ (numeric(10,2)) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS 'SELECT TRUE' LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( '__cat__', '{numeric}'::name[] ), true, 'custom numeric function', 'Function __cat__(numeric) should exist', '' ); -- Check a custom function with a schema-qualified arugment. CREATE DOMAIN public.intword AS TEXT CHECK (VALUE IN ('one', 'two', 'three')); CREATE FUNCTION __cat__(intword) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS 'SELECT TRUE' LANGUAGE SQL; SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( '__cat__', '{intword}'::name[] ), true, 'custom unqualified function with intword unqualified argument', 'Function __cat__(intword) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( '__cat__', '{public.intword}'::name[] ), true, 'custom unqualified function with intword qualified argument', 'Function __cat__(public.intword) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'public', '__cat__', '{intword}'::name[] ), true, 'custom qualified function with intword unqualified argument', 'Function public.__cat__(intword) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( 'public', '__cat__', '{public.intword}'::text[] ), true, 'custom qualified function with intword qualified argument', 'Function public.__cat__(public.intword) should exist', '' ); -- Check failure output. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_function( '__cat__', '{varchar[]}'::name[] ), false, 'failure output', 'Function __cat__(varchar[]) should exist', '' -- No diagnostics. ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_function(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'now' ), false, 'simple function', 'Function now() should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now'::name ), false, 'simple schema.function', 'Function pg_catalog.now() should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'now', 'whatever' ), false, 'simple function desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'now', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'simple with 0 args', 'Function now() should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'now', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'simple with 0 args desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'simple schema.func with 0 args', 'Function pg_catalog.now() should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now', 'whatever' ), false, 'simple schema.func with desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'pg_catalog', 'now', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'simple schema.func with 0 args, desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'lower', '{text}'::name[] ), false, 'simple function with 1 arg', 'Function lower(text) should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'decode', '{text,text}'::name[] ), false, 'simple function with 2 args', 'Function decode(text, text) should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( 'array_cat', ARRAY[atype(), atype()] ), false, 'simple array function', 'Function array_cat(' || atype() || ', ' || atype() || ') should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( '__cat__', '{text[]}'::name[] ), false, 'custom array function', 'Function __cat__(text[]) should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_function( '__cat__', '{numeric}'::name[] ), false, 'custom numeric function', 'Function __cat__(numeric) should not exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Try can() function names. SELECT * FROM check_test( can( 'pg_catalog', ARRAY['lower', 'upper'], 'whatever' ), true, 'can(schema) with desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( can( 'pg_catalog', ARRAY['lower', 'upper'] ), true, 'can(schema)', 'Schema pg_catalog can', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( can( 'pg_catalog', ARRAY['lower', 'foo', 'bar'], 'whatever' ), false, 'fail can(schema) with desc', 'whatever', ' pg_catalog.foo() missing pg_catalog.bar() missing' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( can( 'someschema', ARRAY['huh', 'lower', 'upper'], 'whatever' ), false, 'fail can(someschema) with desc', 'whatever', ' someschema.lower() missing someschema.upper() missing' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( can( ARRAY['__cat__', 'lower', 'upper'], 'whatever' ), true, 'can() with desc', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( can( ARRAY['lower', 'upper'] ), true, 'can(schema)', 'Schema ' || array_to_string(current_schemas(true), ' or ') || ' can', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( can( ARRAY['__cat__', 'foo', 'bar'], 'whatever' ), false, 'fail can() with desc', 'whatever', ' foo() missing bar() missing' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test function_lang_is(). SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[], 'sql', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, 0 args, sql, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[], 'sql' ), true, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, 0 args, sql)', 'Function someschema.huh() should be written in sql', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'bah', '{"integer", "text"}'::name[], 'plpgsql', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, args, plpgsql, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'bah', '{"integer", "text"}'::name[], 'plpgsql' ), true, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, args, plpgsql)', 'Function someschema.bah(integer, text) should be written in plpgsql', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[], 'perl', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, 0 args, perl, desc)', 'whatever', ' have: sql want: perl' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'why', '{}'::name[], 'sql', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(schema, non-func, 0 args, sql, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.why() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'why', '{"integer", "text"}'::name[], 'plpgsql' ), false, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, args, plpgsql)', 'Function someschema.why(integer, text) should be written in plpgsql', ' Function someschema.why(integer, text) does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'huh', 'sql', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, sql, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'huh', 'sql'::name ), true, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, sql)', 'Function someschema.huh() should be written in sql', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'huh', 'perl', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(schema, func, perl, desc)', 'whatever', ' have: sql want: perl' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'someschema', 'why', 'sql', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(schema, non-func, sql, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.why() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'sql', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_lang_is(func, 0 args, sql, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'sql' ), true, 'function_lang_is(func, 0 args, sql)', 'Function yay() should be written in sql', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'oww', '{"integer", "text"}'::name[], 'plpgsql', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_lang_is(func, args, plpgsql, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'oww', '{"integer", "text"}'::name[], 'plpgsql' ), true, 'function_lang_is(func, args, plpgsql)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be written in plpgsql', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'perl', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(func, 0 args, perl, desc)', 'whatever', ' have: sql want: perl' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'why', '{}'::name[], 'sql', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(non-func, 0 args, sql, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function why() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'why', '{"integer", "text"}'::name[], 'plpgsql' ), false, 'function_lang_is(func, args, plpgsql)', 'Function why(integer, text) should be written in plpgsql', ' Function why(integer, text) does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'yay', 'sql', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_lang_is(func, sql, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'yay', 'sql' ), true, 'function_lang_is(func, sql)', 'Function yay() should be written in sql', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'yay', 'perl', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(func, perl, desc)', 'whatever', ' have: sql want: perl' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_lang_is( 'why', 'sql', 'whatever' ), false, 'function_lang_is(non-func, sql, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function why() does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test function_returns(). SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[], 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, 0 args, bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[], 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, 0 args, bool)', 'Function someschema.huh() should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, args, bool, false)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, args, bool)', 'Function someschema.bah(integer, text) should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'public', 'pet', '{}'::name[], 'setof boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, 0 args, setof bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'public', 'pet', '{}'::name[], 'setof boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, 0 args, setof bool)', 'Function public.pet() should return setof boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'huh', 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'huh'::name, 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, bool)', 'Function someschema.huh() should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'bah', 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, other func, bool, false)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'someschema', 'bah'::name, 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, other func, bool)', 'Function someschema.bah() should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'public', 'pet', 'setof boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, setof bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'public', 'pet'::name, 'setof boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(schema, func, setof bool)', 'Function public.pet() should return setof boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(func, 0 args, bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(func, 0 args, bool)', 'Function yay() should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(func, args, bool, false)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(func, args, bool)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'pet', '{}'::name[], 'setof boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(func, 0 args, setof bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'pet', '{}'::name[], 'setof boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(func, 0 args, setof bool)', 'Function pet() should return setof boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'yay', 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(func, bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'yay', 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(func, bool)', 'Function yay() should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'oww', 'boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(other func, bool, false)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'oww', 'boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(other func, bool)', 'Function oww() should return boolean', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'pet', 'setof boolean', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_returns(func, setof bool, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( function_returns( 'pet', 'setof boolean' ), true, 'function_returns(func, setof bool)', 'Function pet() should return setof boolean', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test is_definer() isnt_definer(). SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func, 0 args)', 'Function public.yay() should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, 0 args)', 'Function public.yay() should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_definer(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_definer(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay'::name ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func)', 'Function public.yay() should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay'::name ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func)', 'Function public.yay() should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func, 0 args)', 'Function public.yay() should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, 0 args)', 'Function public.yay() should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_definer(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_definer(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'public', 'yay'::name ), true, 'is_definer(schema, func)', 'Function public.yay() should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'public', 'yay'::name ), false, 'isnt_definer(schema, func)', 'Function public.yay() should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_definer(func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_definer(func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_definer(func, 0 args)', 'Function yay() should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_definer(func, 0 args)', 'Function yay() should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_definer(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_definer(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_definer(func, args)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_definer(func, args)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should not be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'yay', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_definer(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'yay', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_definer(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_definer( 'yay'::name ), true, 'is_definer(func)', 'Function yay() should be security definer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_definer( 'yay'::name ), false, 'isnt_definer(func)', 'Function yay() should not be security definer', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test is_normal_function() and isnt_normal_function(). -- is_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) -- isnt_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, agg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, agg, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, agg, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, agg, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'nonesuch', '{}', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, nofunc, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nonesuch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'nonesuch', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, noagg, args, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nonesuch(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); -- is_normal_function( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) -- isnt_normal_function( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func, noargs)', 'Function someschema.huh() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, agg, noargs)', 'Function public.tap_accum(' || etype() || ') should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func, noargs)', 'Function someschema.huh() should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()] ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, agg, noargs)', 'Function public.tap_accum(' || etype() || ') should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func2, args)', 'Function someschema.bah(integer, text) should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func2, args)', 'Function someschema.bah(integer, text) should not be a normal function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'nonesuch', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, func, noargs)', 'Function someschema.nonesuch() should be a normal function', ' Function someschema.nonesuch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'nonesuch', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, nofunc, noargs)', 'Function public.nonesuch(' || etype() || ') should be a normal function', ' Function public.nonesuch(' || etype() || ') does not exist' '' ); -- is_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) -- isnt_normal_function ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func2, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func2, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'nonesuch', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, nofunc, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nonesuch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'nonesuch', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, noagg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function public.nonesuch() does not exist' ); -- is_normal_function( NAME, NAME ) -- isnt_normal_function( NAME, NAME ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh'::name ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func)', 'Function someschema.huh() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum'::name ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, agg)', 'Function public.tap_accum() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'huh'::name ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func)', 'Function someschema.huh() should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'public', 'tap_accum'::name ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, agg)', 'Function public.tap_accum() should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah'::name ), true, 'is_normal_function(schema, func2, args)', 'Function someschema.bah() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'someschema', 'bah'::name ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(schema, func2)', 'Function someschema.bah() should not be a normal function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'someschema', 'nonesuch'::name ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, nofunc)', 'Function someschema.nonesuch() should be a normal function', ' Function someschema.nonesuch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'public', 'nonesuch'::name ), false, 'is_normal_function(schema, nogg)', 'Function public.nonesuch() should be a normal function', ' Function public.nonesuch() does not exist' ); -- is_normal_function ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) -- isnt_normal_function ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(func, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(func, agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(func, agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'nonesuch', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(nofunc, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nonesuch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'nonesuch', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(func, noagg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nonesuch(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); -- is_normal_function( NAME, NAME[] ) -- isnt_normal_function( NAME, NAME[] ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_normal_function(func, noargs)', 'Function yay() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func, noargs)', 'Function yay() should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'is_normal_function(func, noargs)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func, noargs)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should not be a normal function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'nope', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'is_normal_function(nofunc, noargs)', 'Function nope() should be a normal function', ' Function nope() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'nope', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(fnounc, noargs)', 'Function nope() should not be a normal function', ' Function nope() does not exist' ); -- is_normal_function( NAME, TEXT ) -- isnt_normal_function( NAME, TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'yay', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_normal_function(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'yay', 'howdy' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func, desc)', 'howdy', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'oww', 'coyote' ), true, 'is_normal_function(func2, desc)', 'coyote', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'oww', 'hi there' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func2, desc)', 'hi there', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'none', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(nofunc, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function "none"() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'none', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_normal_function(noagg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function "none"() does not exist' ); -- is_normal_function( NAME ) -- isnt_normal_function( NAME ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'yay' ), true, 'is_normal_function(func)', 'Function yay() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'tap_accum' ), false, 'is_normal_function(agg)', 'Function tap_accum() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'yay' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func)', 'Function yay() should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'tap_accum' ), true, 'isnt_normal_function(agg)', 'Function tap_accum() should not be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'oww' ), true, 'is_normal_function(func2)', 'Function oww() should be a normal function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_normal_function( 'oww' ), false, 'isnt_normal_function(func2,)', 'Function oww() should not be a normal function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'zippo' ), false, 'is_normal_function(nofunc)', 'Function zippo() should be a normal function', ' Function zippo() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_normal_function( 'zippo' ), false, 'is_normal_function(noagg)', 'Function zippo() should be a normal function', ' Function zippo() does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test is_aggregate() and isnt_aggregate(). -- is_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) -- isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_aggregate(schema, func, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, agg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_aggregate(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'nope', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_aggregate(schema, nofunc, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function public.nope(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'nope', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, noagg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function public.nope(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) -- isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()] ), true, 'is_aggregate(schema, agg, arg)', 'Function public.tap_accum(' || etype() || ') should be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, agg, arg)', 'Function public.tap_accum(' || etype() || ') should not be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_aggregate(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should not be an aggregate function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'uhuh', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'is_aggregate(schema, noagg, arg)', 'Function public.uhuh(' || etype() || ') should be an aggregate function', ' Function public.uhuh(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'uhuh', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, noagg, arg)', 'Function public.uhuh(' || etype() || ') should not be an aggregate function', ' Function public.uhuh(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) -- isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_aggregate(schema, agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'nada', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_aggregate(schema, noagg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function public.nada() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'nada', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, noagg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function public.nada() does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate( NAME, NAME ) -- isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum'::name ), true, 'is_aggregate(schema, agg)', 'Function public.tap_accum() should be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'tap_accum'::name ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, agg)', 'Function public.tap_accum() should not be an aggregate function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'public', 'nope'::name ), false, 'is_aggregate(schema, noagg)', 'Function public.nope() should be an aggregate function', ' Function public.nope() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'public', 'nope'::name ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(schema, noagg)', 'Function public.nope() should not be an aggregate function', ' Function public.nope() does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) -- isnt_aggregate ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_aggregate(agg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(agg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_aggregate(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_aggregate(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'nonesuch', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_aggregate(noagg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nonesuch(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'nonesuch', ARRAY[etype()], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(noagg, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nonesuch(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate( NAME, NAME[] ) -- isnt_aggregate( NAME, NAME[] ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()] ), true, 'is_aggregate(agg, arg)', 'Function tap_accum(' || etype() || ') should be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'tap_accum', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(agg, arg)', 'Function tap_accum(' || etype() || ') should not be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_aggregate(func, args)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_aggregate(func, args)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should not be an aggregate function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( '_zip', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'is_aggregate(noagg, arg)', 'Function _zip(' || etype() || ') should be an aggregate function', ' Function _zip(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( '_zip', ARRAY[etype()] ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(noagg, arg)', 'Function _zip(' || etype() || ') should not be an aggregate function', ' Function _zip(' || etype() || ') does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate( NAME, TEXT ) -- isnt_aggregate( NAME, TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_aggregate(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'tap_accum', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(agg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'nope', 'whatever' ), false, 'is_aggregate(nofunc, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nope() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'nope', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(noagg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nope() does not exist' ); -- is_aggregate( NAME ) -- isnt_aggregate( NAME ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'tap_accum'::name ), true, 'is_aggregate(agg)', 'Function tap_accum() should be an aggregate function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'tap_accum'::name ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(agg)', 'Function tap_accum() should not be an aggregate function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_aggregate( 'nope'::name ), false, 'is_aggregate(noagg)', 'Function nope() should be an aggregate function', ' Function nope() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_aggregate( 'nope'::name ), false, 'isnt_aggregate(noagg)', 'Function nope() should not be an aggregate function', ' Function nope() does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test is_window() and isnt_window(). -- is_window ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) -- isnt_window ( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_window(schema, win, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, func, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_window(schema, func, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_window(schema, win, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, func, noarg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, win, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'nope', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, nowin, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nope(integer) does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'nope', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, nowin, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nope(integer) does not exist' ); -- is_window ( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) -- isnt_window ( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'] ), true, 'is_window(schema, win, arg)', 'Function pg_catalog.ntile(integer) should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'] ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, arg)', 'Function pg_catalog.ntile(integer) should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_window(schema, func, arg)', 'Function someschema.bah(integer, text) should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'bah', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_window(schema, func, arg)', 'Function someschema.bah(integer, text) should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_window(schema, win, noargs)', 'Function pg_catalog.dense_rank() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, noargs)', 'Function pg_catalog.dense_rank() should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'huh', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'is_window(schema, func, noarg)', 'Function someschema.huh() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, noargs)', 'Function pg_catalog.dense_rank() should not be a window function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'nada', ARRAY['integer'] ), false, 'is_window(schema, nowin, arg)', 'Function someschema.nada(integer) should be a window function', ' Function someschema.nada(integer) does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'nada', ARRAY['integer'] ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, nowin, arg)', 'Function someschema.nada(integer) should not be a window function', ' Function someschema.nada(integer) does not exist' ); -- is_window ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) -- isnt_window ( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile'::name, 'whatever' ), true, 'is_window(schema, win, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'bah'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'bah'::name, 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_window(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'huh'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'dense_rank'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'nil'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(schema, nowin, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nil() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'nil'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, nowin, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function someschema.nil() does not exist' ); -- is_window( NAME, NAME ) -- isnt_window( NAME, NAME ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile'::name ), true, 'is_window(schema, win)', 'Function pg_catalog.ntile() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'pg_catalog', 'ntile'::name ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, win)', 'Function pg_catalog.ntile() should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'bah'::name ), false, 'is_window(schema, func)', 'Function someschema.bah() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'bah'::name ), true, 'isnt_window(schema, func)', 'Function someschema.bah() should not be a window function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'someschema', 'zilch'::name ), false, 'is_window(schema, nowin)', 'Function someschema.zilch() should be a window function', ' Function someschema.zilch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'someschema', 'zilch'::name ), false, 'isnt_window(schema, nowin)', 'Function someschema.zilch() should not be a window function', ' Function someschema.zilch() does not exist' ); -- is_window ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) -- isnt_window ( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_window(win, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(win, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(func, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_window(func, arg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_window(win, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(win, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(func, noarg, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(win, noargs, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'nada', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(nowin, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nada(integer) does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'nada', ARRAY['integer'], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(nowin, arg, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nada(integer) does not exist' ); -- is_window( NAME, NAME[] ) -- isnt_window( NAME, NAME[] ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'] ), true, 'is_window(win, arg, desc)', 'Function ntile(integer) should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'ntile', ARRAY['integer'] ), false, 'isnt_window(win, arg, desc)', 'Function ntile(integer) should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_window(func, arg, desc)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_window(func, arg, desc)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_window(win, noargs, desc)', 'Function dense_rank() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_window(win, noargs, desc)', 'Function dense_rank() should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'is_window(func, noarg, desc)', 'Function yay() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'dense_rank', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_window(win, noargs, desc)', 'Function dense_rank() should not be a window function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'nope', ARRAY['integer'] ), false, 'is_window(nowin, arg, desc)', 'Function nope(integer) should be a window function', ' Function nope(integer) does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'nope', ARRAY['integer'] ), false, 'isnt_window(nowin, arg, desc)', 'Function nope(integer) should not be a window function', ' Function nope(integer) does not exist' ); -- is_window( NAME, TEXT ) -- isnt_window( NAME, TEXT ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'ntile'::name, 'whatever' ), true, 'is_window(win, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'lag'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(win, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'oww'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window('oww'::name, 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_window(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'yay'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'nonesuch'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'is_window(nowin, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nonesuch() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'nonesuch'::name, 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_window(nowin, desc)', 'whatever', ' Function nonesuch() does not exist' ); -- is_window( NAME ) -- isnt_window( NAME ) SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'ntile' ), true, 'is_window(win)', 'Function ntile() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'ntile' ), false, 'isnt_window(win)', 'Function ntile() should not be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'oww' ), false, 'is_window(func)', 'Function oww() should be a window function', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window('oww' ), true, 'isnt_window(func)', 'Function oww() should not be a window function', '' ); -- Test diagnostics SELECT * FROM check_test( is_window( 'nooo' ), false, 'is_window(nowin)', 'Function nooo() should be a window function', ' Function nooo() does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_window( 'nooo' ), false, 'isnt_window(nowin)', 'Function nooo() should not be a window function', ' Function nooo() does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test is_strict() and isnt_strict(). SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_strict(schema, func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_strict(schema, func, 0 args)', 'Function public.yay() should be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, 0 args)', 'Function public.yay() should not be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_strict(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_strict(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should not be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'public', 'yay', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_strict(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'yay', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'public', 'yay'::name ), true, 'is_strict(schema, func)', 'Function public.yay() should be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'yay'::name ), false, 'isnt_strict(schema, func)', 'Function public.yay() should not be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_strict(schema, func, args)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should not be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), true, 'is_strict(func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_strict(func, 0 args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), true, 'is_strict(func, 0 args)', 'Function yay() should be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'yay', '{}'::name[] ), false, 'isnt_strict(func, 0 args)', 'Function yay() should not be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), false, 'is_strict(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'whatever' ), true, 'isnt_strict(func, args, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), false, 'is_strict(func, args)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'] ), true, 'isnt_strict(func, args)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should not be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'yay', 'whatever' ), true, 'is_strict(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'yay', 'whatever' ), false, 'isnt_strict(func, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( is_strict( 'yay'::name ), true, 'is_strict(func)', 'Function yay() should be strict', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_strict( 'yay'::name ), false, 'isnt_strict(func)', 'Function yay() should not be strict', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test volatility_is(). SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'volatile', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, 0 args, volatile, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'v', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, 0 args, v, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'immutable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, args, immutable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'pet', '{}'::name[], 'stable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, 0 args, stable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'volatile' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, 0 args, volatile)', 'Function public.yay() should be VOLATILE', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'immutable' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, args, immutable)', 'Function public.oww(integer, text) should be IMMUTABLE' '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'yay', 'volatile', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, volatile, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'yay'::name, 'volatile' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, volatile)', 'Function public.yay() should be VOLATILE', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'oww', 'immutable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, immutable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'public', 'pet', 'stable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(schema, func, stable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'volatile', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, 0 args, volatile, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'v', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, 0 args, v, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'immutable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, args, immutable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'pet', '{}'::name[], 'stable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, 0 args, stable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'yay', '{}'::name[], 'volatile' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, 0 args, volatile)', 'Function yay() should be VOLATILE', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'oww', ARRAY['integer', 'text'], 'immutable' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, args, immutable)', 'Function oww(integer, text) should be IMMUTABLE' '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'yay', 'volatile', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, volatile, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'yay'::name, 'volatile' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, volatile)', 'Function yay() should be VOLATILE', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'oww', 'immutable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, immutable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( volatility_is( 'pet', 'stable', 'whatever' ), true, 'function_volatility(func, stable, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Finish the tests and clean up. SELECT * FROM finish(); ROLLBACK;