\unset ECHO \i test/setup.sql SELECT plan(884); --SELECT * FROM no_plan(); -- This will be rolled back. :-) SET client_min_messages = warning; CREATE TABLE public.sometab( id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT DEFAULT '', numb NUMERIC(10, 2), "myInt" NUMERIC(8) ); -- Create a partition. CREATE FUNCTION mkpart() RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN EXECUTE $E$ CREATE TABLE public.apart (dt DATE NOT NULL) PARTITION BY RANGE (dt); $E$; ELSE EXECUTE $E$ CREATE TABLE public.apart (dt DATE NOT NULL); $E$; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT * FROM mkpart(); CREATE TYPE public.sometype AS ( id INT, name TEXT ); CREATE TYPE public."myType" AS ( id INT, foo INT ); CREATE DOMAIN public.us_postal_code AS TEXT CHECK( VALUE ~ '^[[:digit:]]{5}$' OR VALUE ~ '^[[:digit:]]{5}-[[:digit:]]{4}$' ); CREATE DOMAIN public."myDomain" AS TEXT CHECK(TRUE); CREATE SEQUENCE public.someseq; CREATE SCHEMA someschema; RESET client_min_messages; /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_tablespace(). Can't really test with the location argument, though. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_tablespace( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_tablespace(non-existent tablespace)', 'Tablespace "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_tablespace( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_tablespace(non-existent tablespace, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_tablespace( 'pg_default' ), true, 'has_tablespace(tablespace)', 'Tablespace pg_default should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_tablespace( 'pg_default', 'lol' ), true, 'has_tablespace(tablespace, desc)', 'lol', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_tablespace(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_tablespace( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_tablespace(non-existent tablespace)', 'Tablespace "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_tablespace( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_tablespace(non-existent tablespace, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_tablespace( 'pg_default' ), false, 'hasnt_tablespace(pg_default)', 'Tablespace pg_default should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_tablespace( 'pg_default', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_tablespace(tablespace, desc)', 'lol', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_schema(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_schema( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_schema(non-existent schema)', 'Schema "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_schema( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_schema(non-existent schema, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_schema( 'someschema' ), true, 'has_schema(schema)', 'Schema someschema should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_schema( 'someschema', 'lol' ), true, 'has_schema(schema, desc)', 'lol', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_schema(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_schema( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_schema(non-existent schema)', 'Schema "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_schema( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_schema(non-existent schema, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_schema( 'someschema' ), false, 'hasnt_schema(schema)', 'Schema someschema should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_schema( 'someschema', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_schema(schema, desc)', 'lol', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_table(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_table(non-existent table)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol'::name ), false, 'has_table(non-existent schema, tab)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__".lol should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_table(non-existent table, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_table(sch, non-existent table, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'pg_type', 'lol' ), true, 'has_table(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), true, 'has_table(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); -- It should ignore views and types. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_tables', 'desc' ), false, 'has_table(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'sometype', 'desc' ), false, 'has_table(type, desc)', 'desc', '' ); -- But not partitions. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'public', 'apart', 'have apart' ), true, 'has_table(sch, part, desc)', 'have apart', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'apart', 'have apart' ), true, 'has_table(part, desc)', 'have apart', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_table(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_table(non-existent table)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol'::name ), true, 'hasnt_table(non-existent schema, tab)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__".lol should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_table(non-existent table, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_table(sch, non-existent tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'pg_type', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_table(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_table(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'apart', 'got apart' ), false, 'hasnt_table(part, desc)', 'got apart', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'public', 'apart', 'got apart' ), false, 'hasnt_table(sch, part, desc)', 'got apart', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_view(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_view(non-existent view)', 'View "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), false, 'has_view(non-existent view, desc)', 'howdy', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_view(sch, non-existent view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'pg_tables', 'yowza' ), true, 'has_view(view, desc)', 'yowza', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), true, 'has_view(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_view(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_view(non-existent view)', 'View "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), true, 'hasnt_view(non-existent view, desc)', 'howdy', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_view(sch, non-existent view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'pg_tables', 'yowza' ), false, 'hasnt_view(view, desc)', 'yowza', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_view(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_sequence(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_sequence( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_sequence(non-existent sequence)', 'Sequence "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_sequence( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), false, 'has_sequence(non-existent sequence, desc)', 'howdy', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_sequence( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_sequence(sch, non-existent sequence, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_sequence( 'someseq', 'yowza' ), true, 'has_sequence(sequence, desc)', 'yowza', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_sequence( 'public', 'someseq', 'desc' ), true, 'has_sequence(sch, sequence, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_sequence( 'public', 'someseq'::name ), true, 'has_sequence(sch, sequence)', 'Sequence public.someseq should exist' '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_sequence(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_sequence( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_sequence(non-existent sequence)', 'Sequence "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_sequence( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), true, 'hasnt_sequence(non-existent sequence, desc)', 'howdy', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_sequence( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_sequence(sch, non-existent sequence, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_sequence( 'someseq', 'yowza' ), false, 'hasnt_sequence(sequence, desc)', 'yowza', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_sequence( 'public', 'someseq', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_sequence(sch, sequence, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_composite(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_composite(non-existent composite type)', 'Composite type "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_composite(non-existent schema, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_composite(sch, non-existent composite type, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( 'sometype', 'lol' ), true, 'has_composite(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( 'public', 'sometype', 'desc' ), true, 'has_composite(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); -- It should ignore views and tables. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_composites', 'desc' ), false, 'has_composite(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_composite( 'sometab', 'desc' ), false, 'has_composite(type, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_composite(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_composite( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_composite(non-existent composite type)', 'Composite type "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_composite( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_composite(non-existent schema, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_composite( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_composite(sch, non-existent tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_composite( 'sometype', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_composite(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_composite( 'public', 'sometype', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_composite(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_type(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'sometype' ), true, 'has_type(type)', 'Type sometype should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'sometype', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_type(type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'public'::name, 'sometype'::name ), true, 'has_type(scheam, type)', 'Type public.sometype should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'public', 'sometype', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_type(schema, type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Try case-sensitive. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'myType' ), true, 'has_type(myType)', 'Type "myType" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'myType', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_type(myType, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'public'::name, 'myType'::name ), true, 'has_type(scheam, myType)', 'Type public."myType" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'public', 'myType', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_type(schema, myType, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Try failures. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( '__foobarbaz__' ), false, 'has_type(type)', 'Type __foobarbaz__ should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), false, 'has_type(type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'public'::name, '__foobarbaz__'::name ), false, 'has_type(scheam, type)', 'Type public.__foobarbaz__ should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'public', '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), false, 'has_type(schema, type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Make sure it works for domains. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'us_postal_code' ), true, 'has_type(domain)', 'Type us_postal_code should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_type( 'myDomain' ), true, 'has_type(myDomain)', 'Type "myDomain" should exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_type(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( '__foobarbaz__' ), true, 'hasnt_type(type)', 'Type __foobarbaz__ should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), true, 'hasnt_type(type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( 'public'::name, '__foobarbaz__'::name ), true, 'hasnt_type(scheam, type)', 'Type public.__foobarbaz__ should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( 'public', '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), true, 'hasnt_type(schema, type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Try failures. SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( 'sometype' ), false, 'hasnt_type(type)', 'Type sometype should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( 'sometype', 'mydesc' ), false, 'hasnt_type(type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( 'public'::name, 'sometype'::name ), false, 'hasnt_type(scheam, type)', 'Type public.sometype should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_type( 'public', 'sometype', 'mydesc' ), false, 'hasnt_type(schema, type, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_domain(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'us_postal_code' ), true, 'has_domain(domain)', 'Domain us_postal_code should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'us_postal_code', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_domain(domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'public'::name, 'us_postal_code'::name ), true, 'has_domain(scheam, domain)', 'Domain public.us_postal_code should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_domain(schema, domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Try case-sensitive. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'myDomain' ), true, 'has_domain(myDomain)', 'Domain "myDomain" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'myDomain', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_domain(myDomain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'public'::name, 'myDomain'::name ), true, 'has_domain(scheam, myDomain)', 'Domain public."myDomain" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'public', 'myDomain', 'mydesc' ), true, 'has_domain(schema, myDomain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Try failures. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( '__foobarbaz__' ), false, 'has_domain(domain)', 'Domain __foobarbaz__ should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), false, 'has_domain(domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'public'::name, '__foobarbaz__'::name ), false, 'has_domain(scheam, domain)', 'Domain public.__foobarbaz__ should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_domain( 'public', '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), false, 'has_domain(schema, domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_domain(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( '__foobarbaz__' ), true, 'hasnt_domain(domain)', 'Domain __foobarbaz__ should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), true, 'hasnt_domain(domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( 'public'::name, '__foobarbaz__'::name ), true, 'hasnt_domain(scheam, domain)', 'Domain public.__foobarbaz__ should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( 'public', '__foobarbaz__', 'mydesc' ), true, 'hasnt_domain(schema, domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); -- Try failures. SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( 'us_postal_code' ), false, 'hasnt_domain(domain)', 'Domain us_postal_code should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( 'us_postal_code', 'mydesc' ), false, 'hasnt_domain(domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( 'public'::name, 'us_postal_code'::name ), false, 'hasnt_domain(scheam, domain)', 'Domain public.us_postal_code should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_domain( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'mydesc' ), false, 'hasnt_domain(schema, domain, desc)', 'mydesc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_column(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( '__SDFSDFD__', 'foo' ), false, 'has_column(non-existent tab, col)', 'Column "__SDFSDFD__".foo should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( '__SDFSDFD__', 'bar', 'whatever' ), false, 'has_column(non-existent tab, col, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'bar', 'desc' ), false, 'has_column(non-existent sch, tab, col, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( 'sometab', 'id' ), true, 'has_column(table, column)', 'Column sometab.id should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'table_name', 'desc' ), true, 'has_column(sch, tab, col, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( 'sometab', 'myInt' ), true, 'has_column(table, camleCase column)', 'Column sometab."myInt" should exist', '' ); -- Make sure it works with views. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( 'pg_tables', 'schemaname' ), true, 'has_column(view, column)', 'Column pg_tables.schemaname should exist', '' ); -- Make sure it works with composite types. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_column( 'sometype', 'name' ), true, 'has_column(type, column)', 'Column sometype.name should exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_column(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( '__SDFSDFD__', 'foo' ), true, 'hasnt_column(non-existent tab, col)', 'Column "__SDFSDFD__".foo should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( '__SDFSDFD__', 'bar', 'whatever' ), true, 'hasnt_column(non-existent tab, col, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'bar', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_column(non-existent sch, tab, col, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( 'sometab', 'id' ), false, 'hasnt_column(table, column)', 'Column sometab.id should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'table_name', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_column(sch, tab, col, desc)', 'desc', '' ); -- Make sure it works with views. SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( 'pg_tables', 'whatever' ), true, 'hasnt_column(view, column)', 'Column pg_tables.whatever should not exist', '' ); -- Make sure it works with composite types. SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_column( 'sometype', 'foobar' ), true, 'hasnt_column(type, column)', 'Column sometype.foobar should not exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_cast(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', 'int8', 'desc' ), true, 'has_cast( src, targ, schema, func, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', 'int8'::name), true, 'has_cast( src, targ, schema, func )', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog.int8() should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'int8', 'desc' ), true, 'has_cast( src, targ, func, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'int8'::name), true, 'has_cast( src, targ, func)', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") WITH FUNCTION int8() should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'desc' ), true, 'has_cast( src, targ, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint' ), true, 'has_cast( src, targ )', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', 'foo', 'desc' ), false, 'has_cast( src, targ, schema, func, desc) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'foo', 'desc' ), false, 'has_cast( src, targ, func, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_cast( 'integer', 'clue', 'desc' ), false, 'has_cast( src, targ, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_cast(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', 'int8', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, schema, func, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', 'int8'::name), false, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, schema, func )', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") WITH FUNCTION pg_catalog.int8() should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'int8', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, func, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'int8'::name), false, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, func)', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") WITH FUNCTION int8() should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint' ), false, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ )', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', 'foo', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, schema, func, desc) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'bigint', 'foo', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, func, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_cast( 'integer', 'clue', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_cast( src, targ, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test cast_has_context(). SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'implicit', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, context, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'implicit' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, context )', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") context should be implicit', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'i', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, i, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'IMPL', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, IMPL, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'bigint', 'smallint', 'assignment', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, assignment, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'bigint', 'smallint', 'a', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, a, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'bigint', 'smallint', 'ASS', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, ASS, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'bit', 'integer', 'explicit', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, explicit, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'bit', 'integer', 'e', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, e, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'bit', 'integer', 'EX', 'desc' ), true, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, EX, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'ex', 'desc' ), false, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, context, desc ) fail', 'desc', ' have: implicit want: explicit' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bigint', 'ex' ), false, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, context ) fail', 'Cast ("integer" AS "bigint") context should be explicit', ' have: implicit want: explicit' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( cast_context_is( 'integer', 'bogus', 'ex', 'desc' ), false, 'cast_context_is( src, targ, context, desc ) noexist', 'desc', ' Cast ("integer" AS bogus) does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_operator(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', 'pg_catalog', '<=', 'integer', 'boolean', 'desc' ), true, 'has_operator( left, schema, name, right, result, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', 'pg_catalog', '<=', 'integer', 'boolean'::name ), true, 'has_operator( left, schema, name, right, result )', 'Operator pg_catalog.<=(integer,integer) RETURNS boolean should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'integer', 'boolean', 'desc' ), true, 'has_operator( left, name, right, result, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'integer', 'boolean'::name ), true, 'has_operator( left, name, right, result )', 'Operator <=(integer,integer) RETURNS boolean should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'integer', 'desc' ), true, 'has_operator( left, name, right, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'integer'::name ), true, 'has_operator( left, name, right )', 'Operator <=(integer,integer) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', 'pg_catalog', '<=', 'text', 'boolean', 'desc' ), false, 'has_operator( left, schema, name, right, result, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', 'pg_catalog', '<=', 'text', 'boolean'::name ), false, 'has_operator( left, schema, name, right, result ) fail', 'Operator pg_catalog.<=(integer,text) RETURNS boolean should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'text', 'boolean', 'desc' ), false, 'has_operator( left, name, right, result, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'text', 'boolean'::name ), false, 'has_operator( left, name, right, result ) fail', 'Operator <=(integer,text) RETURNS boolean should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'text', 'desc' ), false, 'has_operator( left, name, right, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_operator( 'integer', '<=', 'text'::name ), false, 'has_operator( left, name, right ) fail', 'Operator <=(integer,text) should exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_leftop(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( 'pg_catalog', '!!', 'bigint', 'numeric', 'desc' ), true, 'has_leftop( schema, name, right, result, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( 'pg_catalog', '!!', 'bigint', 'numeric'::name ), true, 'has_leftop( schema, name, right, result )', 'Left operator pg_catalog.!!(NONE,bigint) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'bigint', 'numeric', 'desc' ), true, 'has_leftop( name, right, result, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'bigint', 'numeric'::name ), true, 'has_leftop( name, right, result )', 'Left operator !!(NONE,bigint) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'bigint', 'desc' ), true, 'has_leftop( name, right, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'bigint' ), true, 'has_leftop( name, right )', 'Left operator !!(NONE,bigint) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( 'pg_catalog', '!!', 'text', 'numeric', 'desc' ), false, 'has_leftop( schema, name, right, result, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( 'pg_catalog', '!!', 'text', 'numeric'::name ), false, 'has_leftop( schema, name, right, result ) fail', 'Left operator pg_catalog.!!(NONE,text) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'text', 'numeric', 'desc' ), false, 'has_leftop( name, right, result, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'text', 'numeric'::name ), false, 'has_leftop( name, right, result ) fail', 'Left operator !!(NONE,text) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'text', 'desc' ), false, 'has_leftop( name, right, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_leftop( '!!', 'text' ), false, 'has_leftop( name, right ) fail', 'Left operator !!(NONE,text) should exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_rightop(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', '!', 'numeric', 'desc' ), true, 'has_rightop( left, schema, name, result, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'bigint', 'pg_catalog', '!', 'numeric'::name ), true, 'has_rightop( left, schema, name, result )', 'Right operator pg_catalog.!(bigint,NONE) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'bigint', '!', 'numeric', 'desc' ), true, 'has_rightop( left, name, result, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'bigint', '!', 'numeric'::name ), true, 'has_rightop( left, name, result )', 'Right operator !(bigint,NONE) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'bigint', '!', 'desc' ), true, 'has_rightop( left, name, desc )', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'bigint', '!' ), true, 'has_rightop( left, name )', 'Right operator !(bigint,NONE) should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'text', 'pg_catalog', '!', 'numeric', 'desc' ), false, 'has_rightop( left, schema, name, result, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'text', 'pg_catalog', '!', 'numeric'::name ), false, 'has_rightop( left, schema, name, result ) fail', 'Right operator pg_catalog.!(text,NONE) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'text', '!', 'numeric', 'desc' ), false, 'has_rightop( left, name, result, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'text', '!', 'numeric'::name ), false, 'has_rightop( left, name, result ) fail', 'Right operator !(text,NONE) RETURNS numeric should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'text', '!', 'desc' ), false, 'has_rightop( left, name, desc ) fail', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_rightop( 'text', '!' ), false, 'has_rightop( left, name ) fail', 'Right operator !(text,NONE) should exist', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_language() and hasnt_language(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_language('plpgsql'), true, 'has_language(language)', 'Procedural language ' || quote_ident('plpgsql') || ' should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_language('plpgsql', 'whatever'), true, 'has_language(language, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_language('aoijaoisjfaoidfjaisjdfosjf'), false, 'has_language(nonexistent language)', 'Procedural language aoijaoisjfaoidfjaisjdfosjf should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_language('aoijaoisjfaoidfjaisjdfosjf', 'desc'), false, 'has_language(nonexistent language, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_language('plpgsql'), false, 'hasnt_language(language)', 'Procedural language ' || quote_ident('plpgsql') || ' should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_language('plpgsql', 'whatever'), false, 'hasnt_language(language, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_language('plomgwtf'), true, 'hasnt_language(nonexistent language)', 'Procedural language plomgwtf should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_language('plomgwtf', 'desc'), true, 'hasnt_language(nonexistent language, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test language_is_trusted(). SELECT * FROM check_test( language_is_trusted('sql', 'whatever'), true, 'language_is_trusted(language, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( language_is_trusted('sql'), true, 'language_is_trusted(language)', 'Procedural language sql should be trusted', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( language_is_trusted('c', 'whatever'), false, 'language_is_trusted(language, desc) fail', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( language_is_trusted('plomgwtf', 'whatever'), false, 'language_is_trusted(language, desc) non-existent', 'whatever', ' Procedural language plomgwtf does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_opclass() and hasnt_opclass(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_opclass( 'pg_catalog', 'int4_ops', 'whatever' ), true, 'has_opclass( schema, name, desc )', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_opclass( 'pg_catalog', 'int4_ops'::name ), true, 'has_opclass( schema, name )', 'Operator class pg_catalog.int4_ops should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_opclass( 'int4_ops', 'whatever' ), true, 'has_opclass( name, desc )', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_opclass( 'int4_ops' ), true, 'has_opclass( name )', 'Operator class int4_ops should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_opclass( 'pg_catalog', 'int4_opss', 'whatever' ), false, 'has_opclass( schema, name, desc ) fail', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_opclass( 'int4_opss', 'whatever' ), false, 'has_opclass( name, desc ) fail', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_opclass( 'pg_catalog', 'int4_ops', 'whatever' ), false, 'hasnt_opclass( schema, name, desc )', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_opclass( 'pg_catalog', 'int4_ops'::name ), false, 'hasnt_opclass( schema, name )', 'Operator class pg_catalog.int4_ops should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_opclass( 'int4_ops', 'whatever' ), false, 'hasnt_opclass( name, desc )', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_opclass( 'int4_ops' ), false, 'hasnt_opclass( name )', 'Operator class int4_ops should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_opclass( 'pg_catalog', 'int4_opss', 'whatever' ), true, 'hasnt_opclass( schema, name, desc ) fail', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_opclass( 'int4_opss', 'whatever' ), true, 'hasnt_opclass( name, desc ) fail', 'whatever', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test domain_type_is() and domain_type_isnt(). SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'pg_catalog', 'text', 'whatever'), true, 'domain_type_is(schema, domain, schema, type, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'pg_catalog'::name, 'text'), true, 'domain_type_is(schema, domain, schema, type)', 'Domain public.us_postal_code should extend type pg_catalog.text', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'pg_catalog', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(schema, domain, schema, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' have: pg_catalog.text want: pg_catalog.integer' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'zip_code', 'pg_catalog', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(schema, nondomain, schema, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain public.zip_code does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'integer', 'pg_catalog', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(schema, type, schema, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' Domain public.integer does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'text', 'whatever'), true, 'domain_type_is(schema, domain, type, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public'::name, 'us_postal_code', 'text'), true, 'domain_type_is(schema, domain, type)', 'Domain public.us_postal_code should extend type text', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(schema, domain, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' have: text want: integer' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'zip_code', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(schema, nondomain, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain public.zip_code does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'public', 'integer', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(schema, type, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' Domain public.integer does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'us_postal_code', 'text', 'whatever'), true, 'domain_type_is(domain, type, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'us_postal_code', 'text'), true, 'domain_type_is(domain, type)', 'Domain us_postal_code should extend type text', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'us_postal_code', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(domain, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' have: text want: integer' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'zip_code', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(nondomain, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain zip_code does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_is( 'integer', 'integer', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_is(type, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' Domain integer does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'public', 'integer', 'whatever'), true, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, domain, schema, type, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'pg_catalog'::name, 'integer'), true, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, domain, schema, type)', 'Domain public.us_postal_code should not extend type pg_catalog.integer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'pg_catalog', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, domain, schema, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' have: pg_catalog.text want: anything else' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'zip_code', 'pg_catalog', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, nondomain, schema, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain public.zip_code does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'integer', 'pg_catalog', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, type, schema, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain public.integer does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'integer', 'whatever'), true, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, domain, type, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public'::name, 'us_postal_code', 'integer'), true, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, domain, type)', 'Domain public.us_postal_code should not extend type integer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'us_postal_code', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, domain, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' have: text want: anything else' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'zip_code', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, nondomain, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain public.zip_code does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'public', 'integer', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(schema, type, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain public.integer does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'us_postal_code', 'integer', 'whatever'), true, 'domain_type_isnt(domain, type, desc)', 'whatever', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'us_postal_code', 'integer'), true, 'domain_type_isnt(domain, type)', 'Domain us_postal_code should not extend type integer', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'us_postal_code', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(domain, type, desc) fail', 'whatever', ' have: text want: anything else' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'zip_code', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(nondomain, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain zip_code does not exist' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( domain_type_isnt( 'integer', 'text', 'whatever'), false, 'domain_type_isnt(type, type, desc)', 'whatever', ' Domain integer does not exist' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_foreign_table() and hasnt_foreign_table(). CREATE FUNCTION test_fdw() RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ DECLARE tap record; BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 90100 THEN EXECUTE $E$ CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy; CREATE SERVER foo FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER dummy; CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.my_fdw (id int) SERVER foo; $E$; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(non-existent table)', 'Foreign table "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol'::name ), false, 'has_foreign_table(non-existent schema, tab)', 'Foreign table "__SDFSDFD__".lol should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(non-existent table, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(sch, non-existent table, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( 'my_fdw', 'lol' ), true, 'has_foreign_table(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( 'public', 'my_fdw', 'desc' ), true, 'has_foreign_table(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; -- It should ignore views and types. FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_foreign_tables', 'desc' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_foreign_table( 'sometype', 'desc' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(type, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_foreign_table( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(non-existent table)', 'Foreign table "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_foreign_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol'::name ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(non-existent schema, tab)', 'Foreign table "__SDFSDFD__".lol should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_foreign_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(non-existent table, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_foreign_table( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(sch, non-existent tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_foreign_table( 'my_fdw', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_foreign_table(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_foreign_table( 'public', 'my_fdw', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_foreign_table(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; ELSE -- Fake it with has_table(). FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(non-existent table)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol'::name ), false, 'has_foreign_table(non-existent schema, tab)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__".lol should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(non-existent table, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(sch, non-existent table, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'pg_type', 'lol' ), true, 'has_foreign_table(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), true, 'has_foreign_table(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; -- It should ignore views and types. FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_foreign_tables', 'desc' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_table( 'sometype', 'desc' ), false, 'has_foreign_table(type, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(non-existent table)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol'::name ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(non-existent schema, tab)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__".lol should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(non-existent table, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_foreign_table(sch, non-existent tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'pg_type', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_foreign_table(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_table( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_foreign_table(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_relation(). SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_relation(non-existent relation)', 'Relation "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), false, 'has_relation(non-existent schema, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_relation(sch, non-existent relation, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( 'pg_type', 'lol' ), true, 'has_relation(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), true, 'has_relation(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); -- It should not ignore views and types. SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), true, 'has_relation(sch, view, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( has_relation( 'sometype', 'desc' ), true, 'has_relation(type, desc)', 'desc', '' ); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_relation(). SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_relation( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_relation(non-existent relation)', 'Relation "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_relation( '__SDFSDFD__', 'lol' ), true, 'hasnt_relation(non-existent schema, tab)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_relation( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_relation(sch, non-existent tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_relation( 'pg_type', 'lol' ), false, 'hasnt_relation(tab, desc)', 'lol', '' ); SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_relation( 'pg_catalog', 'pg_type', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_relation(sch, tab, desc)', 'desc', '' ); SELECT * FROM test_fdw(); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test has_materialized_view(). CREATE FUNCTION test_has_materialized_view() RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ DECLARE tap record; BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 93000 THEN EXECUTE $E$ CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW public.mview AS SELECT * FROM public.sometab; $E$; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_materialized_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view)', 'Materialized view "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_materialized_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), false, 'has_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_materialized_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_materialized_view(sch, non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_materialized_view( 'mview', 'yowza' ), true, 'has_materialized_view(materialized_view, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_materialized_view( 'public', 'mview', 'desc' ), true, 'has_materialized_view(sch, materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; ELSE FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'has_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view)', 'View "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), false, 'has_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'has_materialized_view(sch, non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'pg_tables', 'yowza' ), true, 'has_materialized_view(materialized_view, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), true, 'has_materialized_view(sch, materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ language PLPGSQL; /****************************************************************************/ -- Test hasnt_materialized_view(). CREATE FUNCTION test_hasnt_materialized_views_are() RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ DECLARE tap record; BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 93000 THEN FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_materialized_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view)', 'Materialized view "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_materialized_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), true, 'hasnt_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_materialized_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_materialized_view(sch, non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_materialized_view( 'mview', 'yowza' ), false, 'hasnt_materialized_view(materialized_view, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_materialized_view( 'public', 'mview', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_materialized_view(sch, materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; else FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'hasnt_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view)', 'View "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), true, 'hasnt_materialized_view(non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'hasnt_materialized_view(sch, non-existent materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'pg_tables', 'yowza' ), false, 'hasnt_materialized_view(materialized_view, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), false, 'hasnt_materialized_view(sch, materialized_view, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ language PLPGSQL; SELECT * FROM test_has_materialized_view(); SELECT * FROm test_hasnt_materialized_views_are(); /****************************************************************************/ -- Test is_partitioned(). CREATE FUNCTION test_is_partitioned() RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ DECLARE tap record; BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'is_partitioned(non-existent part)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__" should be partitioned', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), false, 'is_partitioned(non-existent part, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'is_partitioned(sch, non-existent part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( 'public', 'apart', 'desc' ), true, 'is_partitioned(sch, part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( 'public', 'apart'::name ), true, 'is_partitioned(sch, part)', 'Table public.apart should be partitioned', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( 'apart', 'yowza' ), true, 'is_partitioned(part, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( is_partitioned( 'apart' ), true, 'is_partitioned(part)', 'Table apart should be partitioned', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; ELSE FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), false, 'is_partitioned(non-existent part)', 'View "__SDFSDFD__" should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), false, 'is_partitioned(non-existent part, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), false, 'is_partitioned(sch, non-existent part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), true, 'is_partitioned(sch, part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), true, 'is_partitioned(sch, part)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), true, 'is_partitioned(part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( has_view( 'pg_tables' ), true, 'is_partitioned(part)', 'View pg_tables should exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ language PLPGSQL; /****************************************************************************/ -- Test isnt_partitioned(). CREATE FUNCTION test_isnt_partitioned() RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ DECLARE tap record; BEGIN IF pg_version_num() >= 100000 THEN FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'isnt_partitioned(non-existent part)', 'Table "__SDFSDFD__" should not be partitioned', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), true, 'isnt_partitioned(non-existent part, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'isnt_partitioned(sch, non-existent part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( 'public', 'apart', 'desc' ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(sch, part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( 'public', 'apart'::name ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(sch, part)', 'Table public.apart should not be partitioned', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( 'apart', 'yowza'::text ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(part, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( isnt_partitioned( 'apart' ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(part)', 'Table apart should not be partitioned', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; else FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( '__SDFSDFD__' ), true, 'isnt_partitioned(non-existent part)', 'View "__SDFSDFD__" should not exist', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( '__SDFSDFD__', 'howdy' ), true, 'isnt_partitioned(non-existent part, desc)', 'howdy', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'foo', '__SDFSDFD__', 'desc' ), true, 'isnt_partitioned(sch, non-existent part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(sch, part, desc)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'information_schema', 'tables', 'desc' ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(sch, part)', 'desc', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'pg_tables', 'yowza' ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(part, desc)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; FOR tap IN SELECT * FROM check_test( hasnt_view( 'pg_tables', 'yowza' ), false, 'isnt_partitioned(part)', 'yowza', '' ) AS b LOOP RETURN NEXT tap.b; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ language PLPGSQL; SELECT * FROM test_is_partitioned(); SELECT * FROM test_isnt_partitioned(); /****************************************************************************/ -- Finish the tests and clean up. SELECT * FROM finish(); ROLLBACK;