CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _array_to_sorted_string( name[], text ) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY( SELECT $1[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($1, 1)) s(i) ORDER BY $1[i] ), $2); $$ LANGUAGE SQL immutable; -- policies_are( schema, table, policies[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policies_are( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _are( 'policies', ARRAY( SELECT p.polname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = p.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = $1 AND c.relname = $2 EXCEPT SELECT $3[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($3, 1)) s(i) ), ARRAY( SELECT $3[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($3, 1)) s(i) EXCEPT SELECT p.polname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = p.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = $1 AND c.relname = $2 ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policies_are( schema, table, policies[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policies_are( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT policies_are( $1, $2, $3, 'Table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should have the correct policies' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policies_are( table, policies[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policies_are( NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _are( 'policies', ARRAY( SELECT p.polname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = p.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relname = $1 AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') EXCEPT SELECT $2[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($2, 1)) s(i) ), ARRAY( SELECT $2[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($2, 1)) s(i) EXCEPT SELECT p.polname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy p JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = p.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policies_are( table, policies[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policies_are( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT policies_are( $1, $2, 'Table ' || quote_ident($1) || ' should have the correct policies' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policy_roles_are( schema, table, policy, roles[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_roles_are( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _are( 'policy roles', ARRAY( SELECT pr.rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy AS pp JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS pr ON pr.oid = ANY (pp.polroles) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pc ON pc.oid = pp.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS pn ON pn.oid = pc.relnamespace WHERE pn.nspname = $1 AND pc.relname = $2 AND pp.polname = $3 EXCEPT SELECT $4[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($4, 1)) s(i) ), ARRAY( SELECT $4[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($4, 1)) s(i) EXCEPT SELECT pr.rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy AS pp JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS pr ON pr.oid = ANY (pp.polroles) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pc ON pc.oid = pp.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS pn ON pn.oid = pc.relnamespace WHERE pn.nspname = $1 AND pc.relname = $2 AND pp.polname = $3 ), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policy_roles_are( schema, table, policy, roles[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_roles_are( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT policy_roles_are( $1, $2, $3, $4, 'Policy ' || quote_ident($3) || ' for table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should have the correct roles' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policy_roles_are( table, policy, roles[], description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_roles_are( NAME, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT _are( 'policy roles', ARRAY( SELECT pr.rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy AS pp JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS pr ON pr.oid = ANY (pp.polroles) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pc ON pc.oid = pp.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS pn ON pn.oid = pc.relnamespace WHERE pc.relname = $1 AND pp.polname = $2 AND pn.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') EXCEPT SELECT $3[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($3, 1)) s(i) ), ARRAY( SELECT $3[i] FROM generate_series(1, array_upper($3, 1)) s(i) EXCEPT SELECT pr.rolname FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy AS pp JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS pr ON pr.oid = ANY (pp.polroles) JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pc ON pc.oid = pp.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS pn ON pn.oid = pc.relnamespace WHERE pc.relname = $1 AND pp.polname = $2 AND pn.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policy_roles_are( table, policy, roles[] ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_roles_are( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT policy_roles_are( $1, $2, $3, 'Policy ' || quote_ident($2) || ' for table ' || quote_ident($1) || ' should have the correct roles' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- policy_cmd_is( schema, table, policy, command, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_cmd_is( NAME, NAME, NAME, text, text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE cmd text; BEGIN SELECT CASE pp.polcmd WHEN 'r' THEN 'SELECT' WHEN 'a' THEN 'INSERT' WHEN 'w' THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN 'd' THEN 'DELETE' ELSE 'ALL' END FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy AS pp JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pc ON pc.oid = pp.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS pn ON pn.oid = pc.relnamespace WHERE pn.nspname = $1 AND pc.relname = $2 AND pp.polname = $3 INTO cmd; RETURN is( cmd, upper($4), $5 ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- policy_cmd_is( schema, table, policy, command ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_cmd_is( NAME, NAME, NAME, text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT policy_cmd_is( $1, $2, $3, $4, 'Policy ' || quote_ident($3) || ' for table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should apply to ' || upper($4) || ' command' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- policy_cmd_is( table, policy, command, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_cmd_is( NAME, NAME, text, text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE cmd text; BEGIN SELECT CASE pp.polcmd WHEN 'r' THEN 'SELECT' WHEN 'a' THEN 'INSERT' WHEN 'w' THEN 'UPDATE' WHEN 'd' THEN 'DELETE' ELSE 'ALL' END FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy AS pp JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS pc ON pc.oid = pp.polrelid JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS pn ON pn.oid = pc.relnamespace WHERE pc.relname = $1 AND pp.polname = $2 AND pn.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') INTO cmd; RETURN is( cmd, upper($3), $4 ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- policy_cmd_is( table, policy, command ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION policy_cmd_is( NAME, NAME, text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT policy_cmd_is( $1, $2, $3, 'Policy ' || quote_ident($2) || ' for table ' || quote_ident($1) || ' should apply to ' || upper($3) || ' command' ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _funkargs ( NAME[] ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ BEGIN RETURN array_to_string($1::regtype[], ','); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN RETURN array_to_string($1, ','); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _got_func ( NAME, NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS( SELECT TRUE FROM tap_funky WHERE schema = $1 AND name = $2 AND args = _funkargs($3) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _got_func ( NAME, NAME[] ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS( SELECT TRUE FROM tap_funky WHERE name = $1 AND args = _funkargs($2) AND is_visible ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; /* * Internal function to test whether the specified table in the specified schema * has an inheritance chain. Returns true or false. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _inherited( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS( SELECT true FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname = $1 AND c.relname = $2 AND c.relhassubclass = true ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; /* * Internal function to test whether a specific table in the search_path has an * inheritance chain. Returns true or false. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _inherited( NAME ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT EXISTS( SELECT true FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible( c.oid ) AND c.relname = $1 AND c.relhassubclass = true ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_inherited_tables( schema, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_inherited_tables( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _inherited( $1, $2 ), $3); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_inherited_tables( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_inherited_tables( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _inherited( $1, $2 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should have descendents' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_inherited_tables( table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_inherited_tables( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _inherited( $1 ), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_inherited_tables( table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_inherited_tables( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _inherited( $1 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should have descendents' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_inherited_tables( schema, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_inherited_tables( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _inherited( $1, $2 ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_inherited_tables( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_inherited_tables( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _inherited( $1, $2 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should not have descendents' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_inherited_tables( table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_inherited_tables( NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _inherited( $1 ), $2 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_inherited_tables( table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_inherited_tables( NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _inherited( $1 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should not have descendents' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; /* * Internal function to test whether the schema-qualified table is an ancestor of * the other schema-qualified table. The integer value is the length of the * inheritance chain: a direct ancestor has has a chain length of 1. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ WITH RECURSIVE inheritance_chain AS ( -- select the ancestor tuple SELECT i.inhrelid AS descendent_id, 1 AS inheritance_level FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhparent = ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = $2 AND n1.nspname = $1 ) UNION -- select the descendents SELECT i.inhrelid AS descendent_id, p.inheritance_level + 1 AS inheritance_level FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN inheritance_chain p ON p.descendent_id = i.inhparent WHERE i.inhrelid = ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = $4 AND n1.nspname = $3 ) ) SELECT EXISTS( SELECT true FROM inheritance_chain WHERE inheritance_level = COALESCE($5, inheritance_level) AND descendent_id = ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = $4 AND n1.nspname = $3 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; /* * Internal function to check if not-qualified tables * within the search_path are connected by an inheritance chain. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ WITH RECURSIVE inheritance_chain AS ( -- select the ancestor tuple SELECT i.inhrelid AS descendent_id, 1 AS inheritance_level FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i WHERE i.inhparent = ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = $1 AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible( c1.oid ) ) UNION -- select the descendents SELECT i.inhrelid AS descendent_id, p.inheritance_level + 1 AS inheritance_level FROM pg_catalog.pg_inherits i JOIN inheritance_chain p ON p.descendent_id = i.inhparent WHERE i.inhrelid = ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = $2 AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible( c1.oid ) ) ) SELECT EXISTS( SELECT true FROM inheritance_chain WHERE inheritance_level = COALESCE($3, inheritance_level) AND descendent_id = ( SELECT c1.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c1 JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n1 ON c1.relnamespace = n1.oid WHERE c1.relname = $2 AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible( c1.oid ) ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ), $6 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should be ancestor ' || $5 || ' for ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, NULL ), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should be an ancestor of ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( table, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3 ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( table, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should be ancestor ' || $3 || ' of ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( table, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, NULL ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_ancestor_of( table, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $1, $2, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should be an ancestor of ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ), $6 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should not be ancestor ' || $5 || ' for ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, NULL ), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( schema, table, schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3, $4, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should not be an ancestor of ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( table, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3 ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( table, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, $3 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should not be ancestor ' || $3 || ' of ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( table, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, NULL ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_ancestor_of( table, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_ancestor_of( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $1, $2, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should not be an ancestor of ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, $5 ), $6 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, $5 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should be descendent ' || $5 || ' from ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, NULL ), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should be a descendent of ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( table, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $2, $1, $3 ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( table, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $2, $1, $3 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should be descendent ' || $3 || ' from ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( table, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $2, $1, NULL ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- is_descendent_of( table, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_descendent_of( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _ancestor_of( $2, $1, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should be a descendent of ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok(NOT _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, $5 ), $6 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, $5 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should not be descendent ' || $5 || ' from ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok(NOT _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, NULL ), $5 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( schema, table, schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $3, $4, $1, $2, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $2 ) || ' should not be a descendent of ' || quote_ident( $3 ) || '.' || quote_ident( $4 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( table, table, depth, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, INT, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok(NOT _ancestor_of( $2, $1, $3 ), $4 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( table, table, depth ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, INT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $2, $1, $3 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should not be descendent ' || $3 || ' from ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( table, table, description ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok(NOT _ancestor_of( $2, $1, NULL ), $3 ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- isnt_descendent_of( table, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isnt_descendent_of( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _ancestor_of( $2, $1, NULL ), 'Table ' || quote_ident( $1 ) || ' should not be a descendent of ' || quote_ident( $2) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _def_is( TEXT, TEXT, anyelement, TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE thing text; BEGIN -- Function or special SQL syntax. IF $1 ~ '^[^'']+[(]' OR $1 = ANY('{CURRENT_CATALOG,CURRENT_ROLE,CURRENT_SCHEMA,CURRENT_USER,SESSION_USER,USER}') THEN RETURN is( $1, $3, $4 ); END IF; EXECUTE 'SELECT is(' || COALESCE($1, 'NULL' || '::' || $2) || '::' || $2 || ', ' || COALESCE(quote_literal($3), 'NULL') || '::' || $2 || ', ' || COALESCE(quote_literal($4), 'NULL') || ')' INTO thing; RETURN thing; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;