CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _get_func_privs(TEXT, TEXT) RETURNS TEXT[] AS $$ BEGIN IF pg_catalog.has_function_privilege($1, $2, 'EXECUTE') THEN RETURN '{EXECUTE}'; ELSE RETURN '{}'; END IF; EXCEPTION -- Not a valid func name. WHEN undefined_function THEN RETURN '{undefined_function}'; -- Not a valid role. WHEN undefined_object THEN RETURN '{undefined_role}'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _fprivs_are ( TEXT, NAME, NAME[], TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE grants TEXT[] := _get_func_privs($2, $1); BEGIN IF grants[1] = 'undefined_function' THEN RETURN ok(FALSE, $4) || E'\n' || diag( ' Function ' || $1 || ' does not exist' ); ELSIF grants[1] = 'undefined_role' THEN RETURN ok(FALSE, $4) || E'\n' || diag( ' Role ' || quote_ident($2) || ' does not exist' ); END IF; RETURN _assets_are('privileges', grants, $3, $4); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- has_table( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_table ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _rexists( 'r', $1, $2 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_table( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_table ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _rexists( 'r', $1, $2 ), 'Table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should not exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- has_foreign_table( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION has_foreign_table ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( _rexists( 'f', $1, $2 ), 'Foreign table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' should exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- hasnt_foreign_table( schema, table ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hasnt_foreign_table ( NAME, NAME ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( NOT _rexists( 'f', $1, $2 ), 'Foreign table ' || quote_ident($1) || '.' || quote_ident($2) || ' not should exist' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION skip ( why text, how_many int ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE output TEXT[]; BEGIN output := '{}'; FOR i IN 1..how_many LOOP output = array_append( output, ok( TRUE ) || ' ' || diag( 'SKIP' || COALESCE( ' ' || why, '') ) ); END LOOP; RETURN array_to_string(output, E'\n'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION skip ( text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT ok( TRUE ) || ' ' || diag( 'SKIP' || COALESCE(' ' || $1, '') ); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- check_test( test_output, pass, name, description, diag, match_diag ) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_test( TEXT, BOOLEAN, TEXT, TEXT, TEXT, BOOLEAN ) RETURNS SETOF TEXT AS $$ DECLARE tnumb INTEGER; aok BOOLEAN; adescr TEXT; res BOOLEAN; descr TEXT; adiag TEXT; have ALIAS FOR $1; eok ALIAS FOR $2; name ALIAS FOR $3; edescr ALIAS FOR $4; ediag ALIAS FOR $5; matchit ALIAS FOR $6; BEGIN -- What test was it that just ran? tnumb := currval('__tresults___numb_seq'); -- Fetch the results. EXECUTE 'SELECT aok, descr FROM __tresults__ WHERE numb = ' || tnumb INTO aok, adescr; -- Now delete those results. EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM __tresults__ WHERE numb = ' || tnumb; EXECUTE 'ALTER SEQUENCE __tresults___numb_seq RESTART WITH ' || tnumb; -- Set up the description. descr := coalesce( name || ' ', 'Test ' ) || 'should '; -- So, did the test pass? RETURN NEXT is( aok, eok, descr || CASE eok WHEN true then 'pass' ELSE 'fail' END ); -- Was the description as expected? IF edescr IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN NEXT is( adescr, edescr, descr || 'have the proper description' ); END IF; -- Were the diagnostics as expected? IF ediag IS NOT NULL THEN -- Remove ok and the test number. adiag := substring( have FROM CASE WHEN aok THEN 4 ELSE 9 END + char_length(tnumb::text) ); -- Remove the description, if there is one. IF adescr <> '' THEN adiag := substring( adiag FROM 1 + char_length( ' - ' || substr(diag( adescr ), 3) ) ); END IF; IF NOT aok THEN -- Remove failure message from ok(). adiag := substring(adiag FROM 1 + char_length(diag( 'Failed test ' || tnumb || CASE adescr WHEN '' THEN '' ELSE COALESCE(': "' || adescr || '"', '') END ))); END IF; IF ediag <> '' THEN -- Remove the space before the diagnostics. adiag := substring(adiag FROM 2); END IF; -- Remove the #s. adiag := replace( substring(adiag from 3), E'\n# ', E'\n' ); -- Now compare the diagnostics. IF matchit THEN RETURN NEXT matches( adiag, ediag, descr || 'have the proper diagnostics' ); ELSE RETURN NEXT is( adiag, ediag, descr || 'have the proper diagnostics' ); END IF; END IF; -- And we're done RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;