TESTS = $(wildcard test/sql/*.sql) EXTRA_CLEAN = test/setup.sql *.html DATA_built = sql/pgtap.sql sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql DOCS = doc/pgtap.md REGRESS = $(patsubst test/sql/%.sql,%,$(TESTS)) REGRESS_OPTS = --inputdir=test --load-language=plpgsql ifdef NO_PGXS top_builddir = ../.. PG_CONFIG := $(top_builddir)/src/bin/pg_config/pg_config else # Run pg_config to get the PGXS Makefiles PG_CONFIG = pg_config PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs) endif # We need to do various things with various versions of PostgreSQL. VERSION = $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --version | awk '{print $$2}') PGVER_MAJOR = $(shell echo $(VERSION) | awk -F. '{ print ($$1 + 0) }') PGVER_MINOR = $(shell echo $(VERSION) | awk -F. '{ print ($$2 + 0) }') PGVER_PATCH = $(shell echo $(VERSION) | awk -F. '{ print ($$3 + 0) }') PGTAP_VERSION = 0.25 # We support 8.0 and later. ifneq ($(PGVER_MAJOR), 8) ifneq ($(PGVER_MAJOR), 9) $(error pgTAP requires PostgreSQL 8.0 or later. This is $(VERSION)) endif endif # Compile the C code only if we're on 8.3 or older. ifeq ($(PGVER_MAJOR), 8) ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 4) MODULES = src/pgtap endif endif # We need Perl. ifndef PERL PERL := $(shell which perl) endif # Load PGXS now that we've set all the variables it might need. ifdef NO_PGXS include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global include $(top_srcdir)/contrib/contrib-global.mk else include $(PGXS) endif # Is TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP installed? ifdef PERL HAVE_HARNESS := $(shell $(PERL) -le 'eval { require TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP }; print 1 unless $$@' ) endif ifndef HAVE_HARNESS $(warning To use pg_prove, TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP Perl module) $(warning must be installed from CPAN. To do so, simply run:) $(warning cpan TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::pgTAP) endif # Set up extra substitutions based on version numbers. ifeq ($(PGVER_MAJOR), 8) ifeq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 2) # Enum tests not supported by 8.2 and earlier. TESTS := $(filter-out sql/enumtap.sql,$(TESTS)) REGRESS := $(filter-out enumtap,$(REGRESS)) endif ifeq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 1) # Values tests not supported by 8.1 and earlier. TESTS := $(filter-out sql/enumtap.sql sql/valueset.sql,$(TESTS)) REGRESS := $(filter-out enumtap valueset,$(REGRESS)) endif ifeq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 0) # Throw, runtests, enums, and roles aren't supported in 8.0. TESTS := $(filter-out sql/throwtap.sql sql/runtests.sql sql/enumtap.sql sql/roletap.sql sql/valueset.sql,$(TESTS)) REGRESS := $(filter-out throwtap runtests enumtap roletap valueset,$(REGRESS)) endif endif # Determine the OS. Borrowed from Perl's Configure. OSNAME := $(shell ./getos.sh) # Override how .sql targets are processed to add the schema info, if # necessary. Otherwise just copy the files. test/setup.sql: test/setup.sql.in ifdef TAPSCHEMA sed -e 's,TAPSCHEMA,$(TAPSCHEMA),g' -e 's/^-- ## //g' $< >$@ else cp $< $@ endif sql/pgtap.sql: sql/pgtap.sql.in test/setup.sql cp $< $@ ifeq ($(PGVER_MAJOR), 8) ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 5) ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 4) patch -p0 < compat/install-8.3.patch ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 3) patch -p0 < compat/install-8.2.patch ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 2) patch -p0 < compat/install-8.1.patch ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 1) patch -p0 < compat/install-8.0.patch # Hack for E'' syntax (<= PG8.0) mv sql/pgtap.sql sql/pgtap.tmp sed -e "s/ E'/ '/g" sql/pgtap.tmp > sql/pgtap.sql rm sql/pgtap.tmp endif endif endif endif endif endif ifdef TAPSCHEMA sed -e 's,TAPSCHEMA,$(TAPSCHEMA),g' -e 's/^-- ## //g' -e 's,MODULE_PATHNAME,$$libdir/pgtap,g' -e 's,__OS__,$(OSNAME),g' -e 's,__VERSION__,$(PGTAP_VERSION),g' sql/pgtap.sql > sql/pgtap.tmp else sed -e 's,MODULE_PATHNAME,$$libdir/pgtap,g' -e 's,__OS__,$(OSNAME),g' -e 's,__VERSION__,$(PGTAP_VERSION),g' sql/pgtap.sql > sql/pgtap.tmp endif mv sql/pgtap.tmp sql/pgtap.sql sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql: sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql.in test/setup.sql cp sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql.in sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql ifeq ($(PGVER_MAJOR), 8) ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 5) ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 4) patch -p0 < compat/uninstall-8.3.patch ifneq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 3) patch -p0 < compat/uninstall-8.2.patch endif ifeq ($(PGVER_MINOR), 0) patch -p0 < compat/uninstall-8.0.patch endif endif endif endif ifdef TAPSCHEMA sed -e 's,TAPSCHEMA,$(TAPSCHEMA),g' -e 's/^-- ## //g' sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql > sql/uninstall.tmp mv sql/uninstall.tmp sql/uninstall_pgtap.sql endif # Make sure that we build the regression tests. installcheck: test/setup.sql # In addition to installcheck, one can also run the tests through pg_prove. test: test/setup.sql pg_prove --pset tuples_only=1 $(TESTS) html: markdown -F 0x1000 doc/pgtap.md > doc/pgtap.html perl -ne 'BEGIN { $$prev = 0; $$lab = ""; print "


\n\n" }' readme.html > toc.html perl -pi -e 'BEGIN { my %seen }; s{(