/** * Creates a function which returns a distinct array with all non latin1 * characters . Depends on function is_latin1 which is part of this repository. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION return_not_part_of_latin1(s text) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text[]; current_s text := NULL::text[]; BEGIN LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(s); i := i + 1; current_s := substring(s FROM i FOR 1); IF (NOT is_latin1(current_s)) THEN SELECT array_append(res, current_s) INTO res; END IF; END LOOP; WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(res) AS c1 ) , t2 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT c1 FROM t1 ) , t3 AS ( SELECT array_agg(c1) AS res_array FROM t2 ) SELECT res_array FROM t3 INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION return_not_part_of_latin1(s text) IS 'Creates a function which returns a distinct array with all non latin1 characters';