/** * Creates two functions to check strings about encodings. * The first function checks if an UTF-8 string does only contain characters * in the given second parameter. * The second parameter takes as third parameter the encoding in which the * string is and checks if the string does only contain characters as given in * the second parameter. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM convert(s::bytea, 'UTF8', enc); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text) IS 'Checks, whether the given UTF8 sting contains only encodings in the given encoding characters'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text, enc_from text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM convert(s::bytea, enc_from, enc); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text, enc_from text) IS 'Checks, whether the given encoding sting contains only encodings in the given encoding characters';