SET client_min_messages TO warning; SET log_min_messages TO warning; /*** files with test statements ***/ /** * Test for function is_date * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_date' ) SELECT 2 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with date in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_date('2018-01-01') AS isdate, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isdate THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_date' ) SELECT test.exist = 2 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with wrong date in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_date('2018-02-31') AS isdate, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isdate THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with date in German format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_date('01.01.2018', 'DD.MM.YYYY') AS isdate, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isdate THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with wrong date in German format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_date('31.02.2018', 'DD.MM.YYYY') AS isdate, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isdate THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_time * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_time' ) SELECT 2 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_time' ) SELECT test.exist = 2 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with time in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_time('14:33:55.456574') AS istime , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN istime THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with wrong time in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_time('25:33:55.456574') AS istime , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT istime THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with time in some format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_time('14.33.55,456574', 'HH24.MI.SS,US') AS istime , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN istime THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with wrong time in some format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_time('25.33.55,456574', 'HH24.MI.SS,US') AS istime , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT istime THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_timestamp * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_timestamp' ) SELECT 2 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_timestamp' ) SELECT test.exist = 2 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with timestamp in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_timestamp('2018-01-01 00:00:00') AS istimestamp, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN istimestamp THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with wrong timestamp in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_timestamp('2018-01-01 25:00:00') AS istimestamp, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT istimestamp THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with timestamp in German format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_timestamp('01.01.2018 00:00:00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24.MI.SS') AS istimestamp, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN istimestamp THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with wrong timestamp in German format WITH test AS ( SELECT is_timestamp('01.01.2018 25:00:00', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24.MI.SS') AS istimestamp, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT istimestamp THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_numeric * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_numeric' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test integer WITH test AS ( SELECT is_numeric('123') AS isnum, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isnum THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test a number with decimal separator WITH test AS ( SELECT is_numeric('123.456') AS isnum, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isnum THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test not a number WITH test AS ( SELECT is_numeric('1 2') AS isnum, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isnum THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_integer * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_integer' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test integer WITH test AS ( SELECT is_integer('123') AS isnum, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isnum THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test a number with decimal separator, not an integer WITH test AS ( SELECT is_integer('123.456') AS isnum, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isnum THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function pg_schema_size * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'pg_schema_size' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with date in default format WITH test AS ( SELECT pg_schema_size('public') AS schema_size, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN schema_size > 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for view pg_db_views * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_views WHERE viewname = 'pg_db_views' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if the view runs without errors WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) as key_count , 0 AS zero FROM pg_db_views ) SELECT CASE WHEN key_count >= 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for view pg_foreign_keys * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_views WHERE viewname = 'pg_foreign_keys' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if the view runs without errors WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) as key_count , 0 AS zero FROM pg_foreign_keys ) SELECT CASE WHEN key_count >= 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for view pg_functions * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_views WHERE viewname = 'pg_functions' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if the view runs without errors WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) as key_count , 0 AS zero FROM pg_functions ) SELECT CASE WHEN key_count >= 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_encoding * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_encoding' ) SELECT 2 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_encoding' ) SELECT test.exist = 2 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with a test string containing only latin1 WITH test AS ( SELECT is_encoding('Some characters', 'LATIN1') AS isencoding, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isencoding THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with a test string containing non latin1 characters WITH test AS ( SELECT is_encoding('Some characters, ğ is Turkish and not latin1', 'LATIN1') AS isencoding, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isencoding THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with a test string containing only latin1 WITH test AS ( SELECT is_encoding('Some characters', 'LATIN1', 'UTF8') AS isencoding, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isencoding THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with a test string containing non latin1 characters WITH test AS ( SELECT is_encoding('Some characters, ğ is Turkish and not latin1', 'LATIN1', 'UTF8') AS isencoding, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isencoding THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_latin1 * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_latin1' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with a test string containing only latin1 WITH test AS ( SELECT is_latin1('Some characters') AS islatin1, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN islatin1 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with a test string containing non latin1 characters WITH test AS ( SELECT is_latin1('Some characters, ğ is Turkish and not latin1') AS islatin1, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT islatin1 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions return_not_part_of_latin1 * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'return_not_part_of_latin1' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test the returning result which should contain two array elements with test AS ( SELECT return_not_part_of_latin1('ağbƵcğeƵ') AS res , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN array_length(res, 1) = 2 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END as res_1 , CASE WHEN 'ğ' = ANY (res) AND 'Ƶ' = ANY (res) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END as res_2 FROM test ; END; /** * Test for the functions replace_encoding * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'replace_encoding' ) SELECT 3 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all three implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist , 0 AS zero FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'replace_encoding' ) SELECT CASE WHEN test.exist = 3 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res FROM test ; -- Test of the first implementation which replaces none latin1 characters with -- empty strings WITH test AS ( SELECT 'ağbƵcğeƵ' AS test_string , 'latin1' AS enc , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN length(test_string) = 8 AND length(replace_encoding(test_string, enc)) = 4 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 , CASE WHEN is_encoding(replace_encoding(test_string, enc), enc) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_2 FROM test ; -- Test of the second implementation which replaces none latin1 characters with -- second parameter WITH test AS ( SELECT 'ağbcğe' AS test_string , 'latin1' AS enc , 'g' AS replacement , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN length(test_string) = length(replace_encoding(test_string, enc, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 , CASE WHEN is_encoding(replace_encoding(test_string, enc, replacement), enc) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_2 FROM test ; -- Test of the third implementation which replaces given none latin1 characters -- in an array as second parameter with latin1 characters given in an array as -- the third paramater WITH test AS ( SELECT 'ağbƵcğeƵ' AS test_string , string_to_array('ğ,Ƶ', ',') AS to_replace , string_to_array('g,Z', ',') AS replacement , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN length(test_string) = length(replace_encoding(test_string, to_replace, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 , CASE WHEN is_latin1(replace_encoding(test_string, to_replace, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_2 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions replace_latin1 * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'replace_latin1' ) SELECT 3 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all three implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist , 0 AS zero FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'replace_latin1' ) SELECT CASE WHEN test.exist = 3 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res FROM test ; -- Test of the first implementation which replaces none latin1 characters with -- empty strings WITH test AS ( SELECT 'ağbƵcğeƵ' AS test_string , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN length(test_string) = 8 AND length(replace_latin1(test_string)) = 4 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 , CASE WHEN is_latin1(replace_latin1(test_string)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_2 FROM test ; -- Test of the second implementation which replaces none latin1 characters with -- second parameter WITH test AS ( SELECT 'ağbcğe' AS test_string , 'g' AS replacement , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN length(test_string) = length(replace_latin1(test_string, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 , CASE WHEN is_latin1(replace_latin1(test_string, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_2 FROM test ; -- Test of the third implementation which replaces given none latin1 characters -- in an array as second parameter with latin1 characters given in an array as -- the third paramater WITH test AS ( SELECT 'ağbƵcğeƵ' AS test_string , string_to_array('ğ,Ƶ', ',') AS to_replace , string_to_array('g,Z', ',') AS replacement , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN length(test_string) = length(replace_latin1(test_string, to_replace, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 , CASE WHEN is_latin1(replace_latin1(test_string, to_replace, replacement)) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_2 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions return_not_part_of_encoding * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'return_not_part_of_encoding' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test the returning result which should contain two array elements WITH test AS ( SELECT return_not_part_of_encoding('ağbƵcğeƵ', 'latin1') AS res , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN array_length(res, 1) = 2 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END as res_1 , CASE WHEN 'ğ' = ANY (res) AND 'Ƶ' = ANY (res) THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END as res_2 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the aggregate gap_fill * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'gap_fill_internal' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if the aggregate exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'gap_fill' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Create a table with some test values CREATE TABLE test_gap_fill(id INTEGER, some_value VARCHAR); INSERT INTO test_gap_fill(id, some_value) VALUES (1, 'value 1'), (1, NULL), (2, 'value 2'), (2, NULL), (2, NULL), (3, 'value 3') ; -- Select the test data and return filled columns, the count of colums should be -- the same number as the count of not empty ones WITH t1 AS ( SELECT id , gap_fill(some_value) OVER (ORDER BY id) AS some_value FROM test_gap_fill ) SELECT count(*) / count(*) FILTER (WHERE NOT some_value IS NULL) = 1 AS res FROM t1 ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function date_de * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'date_de' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Uses function is_date which is part of this repository WITH test AS ( SELECT date_de('2018-01-01') AS d_de , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN is_date(d_de, 'DD.MM.YYYY') THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function datetime_de * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'datetime_de' ) SELECT 2 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_time' ) SELECT test.exist = 2 AS res FROM test ; -- Uses function is_timestamp which is part of this repository WITH test AS ( SELECT datetime_de('2018-01-01 13:30:30 GMT') AS ts_de , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN is_timestamp(ts_de, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for functions to_unix_timestamp * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'to_unix_timestamp' ) SELECT 2 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test with timestamp without time zone WITH test AS ( SELECT to_unix_timestamp('2018-01-01 00:00:00') AS unix_timestamp, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN unix_timestamp > 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test with timestamp with time zone WITH test AS ( SELECT to_unix_timestamp(now()) AS unix_timestamp, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN unix_timestamp > 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for function is_empty * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'is_empty' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test not empty WITH test AS ( SELECT is_empty('abc') AS isempty, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN NOT isempty THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test empty string WITH test AS ( SELECT is_empty('') AS isempty, 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN isempty THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; -- Test NULL WITH test_data AS ( SELECT NULL AS test_value ) , test AS ( SELECT is_empty(test_value) AS isempty, 0 AS zero FROM test_data ) SELECT CASE WHEN isempty THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions array_max * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_max' ) SELECT 4 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all three implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist , 0 AS zero FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_max' ) SELECT CASE WHEN test.exist = 4 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res FROM test ; -- Test of the first implementation -- SMALLINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_max(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::SMALLINT[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 99 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the second implementation -- INTEGER ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_max(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::INTEGER[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 99 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the third implementation -- BIGINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_max(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::BIGINT[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 99 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the fourth implementation -- TEXT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_max(ARRAY['def', 'abc', 'ghi']::TEXT[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 'ghi' THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions array_min * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_min' ) SELECT 4 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all three implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist , 0 AS zero FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_min' ) SELECT CASE WHEN test.exist = 4 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res FROM test ; -- Test of the first implementation -- SMALLINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_min(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::SMALLINT[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 43 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the second implementation -- INTEGER ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_min(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::INTEGER[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 43 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the third implementation -- BIGINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_min(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::BIGINT[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 43 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the fourth implementation -- TEXT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_min(ARRAY['def', 'abc', 'ghi']::TEXT[]) AS min_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN min_value = 'abc' THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions array_avg * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_avg' ) SELECT 3 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all three implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist , 0 AS zero FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_avg' ) SELECT CASE WHEN test.exist = 3 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res FROM test ; -- Test of the first implementation -- SMALLINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_avg(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::SMALLINT[]) AS avg_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN avg_value = 62 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the second implementation -- INTEGER ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_avg(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::INTEGER[]) AS avg_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN avg_value = 62 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the third implementation -- BIGINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_avg(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::BIGINT[]) AS avg_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN avg_value = 62 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for the functions array_sum * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_sum' ) SELECT 3 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if all three implementations exists WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) AS exist , 0 AS zero FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc WHERE proname = 'array_sum' ) SELECT CASE WHEN test.exist = 3 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res FROM test ; -- Test of the first implementation -- SMALLINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_sum(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::SMALLINT[]) AS sum_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN sum_value = 247 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the second implementation -- INTEGER ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_sum(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::INTEGER[]) AS sum_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN sum_value = 247 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; -- Test of the third implementation -- BIGINT ARRAY WITH test AS ( SELECT array_sum(ARRAY[45, 60, 43, 99]::BIGINT[]) AS sum_value , 0 AS zero ) SELECT CASE WHEN sum_value = 247 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / END AS res_1 FROM test ; ROLLBACK; /** * Test for view pg_active_locks * * Every test does raise division by zero if it failes */ BEGIN; -- Test if the function exists WITH test AS ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_views WHERE viewname = 'pg_active_locks' ) SELECT 1 / test.exist = 1 AS res FROM test ; -- Test if the view runs without errors WITH test AS ( SELECT count(*) as key_count , 0 AS zero FROM pg_active_locks ) SELECT CASE WHEN key_count >= 0 THEN TRUE ELSE (1 / zero)::BOOLEAN END AS res FROM test ; ROLLBACK;