/** * PostgreSQL pgsql_tweaks extension * Licence: PostgreSQL Licence, see https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjstoelting/pgsql-tweaks/master/LICENSE.md * Author: Stefanie Janine Stölting * Repository: http://github.com/sjstoelting/pgsql_tweaks/ * Version: 0.11.0 */ /*** initial statements ***/ SET client_min_messages TO warning; SET log_min_messages TO warning; /*** files with creation statements ***/ /** * Creates two functions to check strings for being a date. * The first function checks it with the default format, the second with the * format given as parameter. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_date(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::date; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_date(s text) IS 'Takes a text and checks if it is a date, uses standard date format YYYY-MM-DD'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_date(s text, f text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM to_date(s, f); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_date(s text, f text) IS 'Takes a text and checks if it is a date by taking the second text as date format'; /** * Creates two functions to check strings for being a time. * The first function checks it with the default format, the second with the * format given as parameter. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_time(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::TIME; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_time(s text) IS 'Takes a text and checks if it is a time, uses standard date format HH24:MI:SS.US'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_time(s text, f text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM to_timestamp(s, f)::TIME; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_time(s text, f text) IS 'Takes a text and checks if it is a time by taking the second text as time format'; /** * Creates two functions to check strings for being timestamps. * The first function checks it with the default format, the second with the * format given as parameter. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_timestamp(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::TIMESTAMP; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_timestamp(s text) IS 'Takes a text and checks if it is a timestamp, uses standard timestamp format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_timestamp(s text, f text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM to_timestamp(s, f)::TIMESTAMP; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_timestamp(s text) IS 'Takes a text and checks if it is a timestamp by taking the second text as date format'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being nunbers. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_numeric(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::NUMERIC; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_numeric(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a number'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being BIGINT. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_bigint(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::BIGINT; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_bigint(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a BIGINT'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being INTEGER. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_integer(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::INTEGER; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_integer(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is an INTEGER'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being SMALLINT. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_smallint(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::SMALLINT; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_smallint(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a smallint'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being INTEGER. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_real(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::REAL; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_real(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a REAL'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being INTEGER. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_double_precision(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::DOUBLE PRECISION; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_double_precision(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a DOUBLE PRECISION'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being BOOLEAN. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_boolean(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::BOOLEAN; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_boolean(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a BOOLEAN'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being JSON. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_json(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::JSON; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_json(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given text is a JSON'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being JSONB. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_jsonb(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::JSONB; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_jsonb(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given text is a JSONB'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being UUID. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_uuid(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::UUID; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_uuid(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a uuid'; /** * Creates a function which returns a SHA256 hash for the given string. * * The function needs the pgcrypto package, this is checked on the installation. */ DO $$ DECLARE pg_extension_installed BOOLEAN; function_source TEXT; BEGIN SELECT count(*) = 1 AS pgcrypto_installed FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pgcrypto' INTO pg_extension_installed; IF pg_extension_installed THEN -- The pgcrypto extension is installed, sha256 will be installed function_source := $string$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sha256(bytea) RETURNS text AS $f1$ SELECT ENCODE(digest($1, 'sha256'), 'hex') $f1$ LANGUAGE SQL STRICT IMMUTABLE ; $string$ ; EXECUTE function_source; COMMENT ON FUNCTION sha256(bytea) IS 'Returns a SHA254 hash for the given string'; END IF; END $$; /** * Creates a function which returns the size of a schema. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_schema_size(text) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ SELECT SUM(pg_total_relation_size(quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename)))::BIGINT FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 $$ LANGUAGE SQL STRICT IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION pg_schema_size(text) IS 'Returns the size for given schema name'; /** * Creates a view to get all views of the current database but excluding system views and all views which do start with 'pg' or '_pg'. */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_db_views AS SELECT table_catalog AS view_catalog , table_schema AS view_schema , table_name AS view_name , view_definition FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.views WHERE NOT table_name LIKE 'pg%' AND NOT table_name LIKE '\\_pg%' AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY table_catalog , table_schema , table_name ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_db_views IS 'Creates a view to get all views of the current database but excluding system views and all views which do start with ''pg'' or ''_pg'''; /** * Creates a view to get all foreign keys of the current database. */ DO $$ DECLARE version_11_greater BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT to_number((string_to_array(version(), ' '))[2], '999.99') >= 11 INTO version_11_greater; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS pg_foreign_keys; IF version_11_greater THEN -- Only version 11 or newer CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_foreign_keys AS SELECT ccu.constraint_name , tc.is_deferrable , tc.initially_deferred , tc."enforced" , tc.table_schema , tc.table_name , kcu.column_name , ccu.table_schema AS foreign_table_schema , ccu.TABLE_NAME AS foreign_table_name , ccu.COLUMN_NAME AS foreign_column_name , EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_index AS i WHERE i.indrelid = cs.conrelid AND i.indpred IS NULL AND (i.indkey::smallint[])[0:cardinality(cs.conkey)-1] OPERATOR(pg_catalog.@>) cs.conkey ) AS is_indexed FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE AS ccu ON ccu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME INNER JOIN PG_CATALOG.PG_NAMESPACE AS n ON tc.table_schema = n.nspname INNER JOIN PG_CATALOG.PG_CONSTRAINT AS cs ON n."oid" = cs.connamespace AND tc.constraint_name = cs.conname WHERE tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' ; ELSE -- Older than version 11 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_foreign_keys AS SELECT ccu.constraint_name , tc.is_deferrable , tc.initially_deferred , tc.table_schema , tc.table_name , kcu.column_name , ccu.table_schema AS foreign_table_schema , ccu.TABLE_NAME AS foreign_table_name , ccu.COLUMN_NAME AS foreign_column_name , EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_index AS i WHERE i.indrelid = cs.conrelid AND i.indpred IS NULL AND (i.indkey::smallint[])[0:cardinality(cs.conkey)-1] OPERATOR(pg_catalog.@>) cs.conkey ) AS is_indexed FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS AS tc INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE AS kcu ON tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = kcu.CONSTRAINT_NAME INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE AS ccu ON ccu.CONSTRAINT_NAME = tc.CONSTRAINT_NAME INNER JOIN PG_CATALOG.PG_NAMESPACE AS n ON tc.table_schema = n.nspname INNER JOIN PG_CATALOG.PG_CONSTRAINT AS cs ON n."oid" = cs.connamespace AND tc.constraint_name = cs.conname WHERE tc.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' ; END IF; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_foreign_keys IS 'The view returns all foreign keys of the current database'; END $$; /** * Creates a view to get all functions of the current database. * This is the script handles the different installations which are needed for * PostgreSQL 11 or newer and PostgreSQL 10 or older. */ DO $$ DECLARE version_greater_11 BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT to_number((string_to_array(version(), ' '))[2], '999.99') >= 11 INTO version_greater_11; IF version_greater_11 THEN -- Create the view pg_functions for PostgreSQL 11 or newer CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_functions AS SELECT pg_namespace.nspname AS schema_name , pg_proc.proname AS function_name , pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(pg_proc.oid) AS returning_data_type , pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(pg_proc.oid) AS parameters , CASE WHEN pg_proc.prokind = 'a' THEN 'aggregate' WHEN pg_proc.prokind = 'w' THEN 'window' WHEN pg_proc.prokind = 'f' THEN 'function' WHEN pg_proc.prorettype = 'pg_catalog.trigger'::pg_catalog.regtype THEN 'trigger' ELSE 'unknown' END as function_type , pg_description.description AS function_comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_proc.pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description ON pg_proc.oid = pg_description.objoid WHERE pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(pg_proc.oid) AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY schema_name , function_name , parameters ; ELSE -- Create the view pg_functions for PostgreSQL older than 11 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_functions AS SELECT pg_namespace.nspname AS schema_name , pg_proc.proname AS function_name , pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(pg_proc.oid) AS returning_data_type , pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(pg_proc.oid) AS parameters , CASE WHEN pg_proc.proisagg THEN 'aggregate' WHEN pg_proc.proiswindow THEN 'window' WHEN pg_proc.prorettype = 'pg_catalog.trigger'::pg_catalog.regtype THEN 'trigger' ELSE 'function' END as function_type , pg_description.description AS function_comment FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_proc.pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description ON pg_proc.oid = pg_description.objoid WHERE pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(pg_proc.oid) AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY schema_name , function_name , parameters ; END IF; -- Add a comment COMMENT ON VIEW pg_functions IS 'The view returns all functions of the current database, excluding those in the schema pg_catalog and information_schema'; END $$; /** * Creates a view to get information about table and materialized views in the * current database. It includes their sizes and indexes. */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_table_matview_infos AS WITH indexes AS ( SELECT schemaname , tablename , array_agg(indexname) AS indexes FROM pg_indexes GROUP BY schemaname , tablename ) SELECT 'table' AS type , n.nspname AS schemaname , c.relname AS tablename , pg_get_userbyid (c.relowner) AS tableowner , t.spcname AS TABLESPACE , i.indexes , pg_table_size (c.oid) AS table_size , pg_indexes_size(c.oid) AS indexes_size , pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_relation_size , pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size(c.oid)) AS table_size_pretty , pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size(c.oid)) AS indexes_size_pretty , pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(c.oid)) AS total_relation_size_pretty FROM pg_class AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace AS t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace LEFT OUTER JOIN indexes AS i ON n.nspname = i.schemaname AND c.relname = i.tablename WHERE c.relkind = ANY (ARRAY['r'::"char", 'p'::"char"]) AND n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') UNION ALL SELECT 'matview' AS type , n.nspname AS schemaname , c.relname AS matviewname , pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS matviewowner , t.spcname AS tablespace , i.indexes , pg_table_size(c.oid) AS table_size , pg_indexes_size(c.oid) AS indexes_size , pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_relation_size , pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size(c.oid)) AS table_size_pretty , pg_size_pretty(pg_indexes_size(c.oid)) AS indexes_size_pretty , pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(c.oid)) AS total_relation_size_pretty FROM pg_class AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace t ON t.oid = c.reltablespace LEFT OUTER JOIN indexes AS i ON n.nspname = i.schemaname AND c.relname = i.tablename WHERE c.relkind = 'm'::"char" ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_table_matview_infos IS 'The view shows detailed information about sizes and indexes of tables and materialized views'; /** * Creates a view to get information about partitioned tables. */ DO $$ DECLARE version_greater_10 BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT to_number((string_to_array(version(), ' '))[2], '999.99') >= 10 INTO version_greater_10; IF version_greater_10 THEN -- Create the view pg_functions for PostgreSQL 10 or newer CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_partitioned_tables_infos AS SELECT cl.oid AS parent_relid , n.nspname AS parent_schemaname , cl.relname AS parent_tablename , r.rolname AS parent_owner , CASE pt.partstrat WHEN 'l' THEN 'LIST' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RANGE' WHEN 'h' THEN 'HASH' END AS partition_strategy , count (cl2.oid) OVER (PARTITION BY cl.oid) AS count_of_partitions , COALESCE (sum (pg_relation_size (cl2.oid)) OVER (PARTITION BY cl.oid), 0) AS overall_size , cl2.oid AS child_relid , n2.nspname AS child_schemaname , cl2.relname AS child_tablename , r2.rolname AS child_owner , pg_relation_size (cl2.oid) AS child_size FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS cl INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table AS pt ON cl.oid = pt.partrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n ON cl.relnamespace = n.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r ON cl.relowner = r.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_inherits AS i ON cl.oid = i.inhparent LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS cl2 ON i.inhrelid = cl2.oid AND cl2.relispartition AND cl2.relkind = 'r' LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n2 ON cl2.relnamespace = n2.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r2 ON cl2.relowner = r2.oid WHERE cl.relkind = 'p' ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_partitioned_tables_infos IS 'Creates a view to get information about partitioned tables'; END IF; END $$; /** * Creates two functions to check strings about encodings. * The first function checks if an UTF-8 string does only contain characters * in the given second parameter. * The second parameter takes as third parameter the encoding in which the * string is and checks if the string does only contain characters as given in * the second parameter. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM convert(s::bytea, 'UTF8', enc); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text) IS 'Checks, whether the given UTF8 sting contains only encodings in the given encoding characters'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text, enc_from text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM convert(s::bytea, enc_from, enc); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_encoding(s text, enc text, enc_from text) IS 'Checks, whether the given encoding sting contains only encodings in the given encoding characters'; /** * Creates a function to check UTF-8 strings for containing only Latin1 * characters. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_latin1(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM convert(s::bytea, 'UTF8', 'LATIN1'); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_latin1(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter contains only latin1 characters'; /** * Creates a function which returns a distinct array with all non latin1 * characters . Depends on function is_latin1 which is part of this repository. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION return_not_part_of_latin1(s text) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text[]; current_s text := NULL::text[]; BEGIN LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(s); i := i + 1; current_s := substring(s FROM i FOR 1); IF (NOT is_latin1(current_s)) THEN SELECT array_append(res, current_s) INTO res; END IF; END LOOP; WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(res) AS c1 ) , t2 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT c1 FROM t1 ) , t3 AS ( SELECT array_agg(c1) AS res_array FROM t2 ) SELECT res_array FROM t3 INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION return_not_part_of_latin1(s text) IS 'Creates a function which returns a distinct array with all non latin1 characters'; /** * Creates three function to replace characters, that are not part of the given * encoding. * The function does depend on the function is_encoding which is part of this * repository. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_encoding(s text, e text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text; BEGIN res := s; LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(res); i := i + 1; IF (NOT is_encoding(substring(res FROM i FOR 1 ), e)) THEN res := OVERLAY(res PLACING '' FROM i FOR 1); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_encoding(s text, e text) IS 'Replaces all characters, which are not part of the given encoding, with spaces and returns the result only with characters which are part of the given encoding'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_encoding(s text, e text, replacement text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text; BEGIN res := s; LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(res); i := i + 1; IF (NOT is_encoding(substring(res FROM i FOR 1 ), e)) THEN res := OVERLAY(res PLACING replacement FROM i FOR 1); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_encoding(s text, e text, replacement text) IS 'Replaces all characters, which are not part of the given encoding, with the given replacement in the third parameter and returns the result only with characters which are part of the given encoding'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_encoding(s text, s_search text[], s_replace text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text; length_equal BOOLEAN; a_count INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT array_length(s_search, 1) = array_length(s_replace, 1) INTO length_equal; IF NOT length_equal THEN RAISE 'Search and replacement arrays do not have the same count of entries' USING ERRCODE = '22000'; END IF; SELECT array_length(s_search, 1) INTO a_count; res := s; LOOP EXIT WHEN i >= a_count; i := i + 1; res := REPLACE(res, s_search[i], s_replace[i]); END LOOP; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_encoding(s text, s_search text[], s_replace text[]) IS 'Replaces charactes given in s_search with characters given in s_replace at the same array position'; /** * Creates two function to replace characters, that are not part of latin1. * The function does depend on the function is_latin1 which is part of this * repository. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_latin1(s text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text; BEGIN res := s; LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(res); i := i + 1; IF (NOT is_latin1(substring(res FROM i FOR 1 ))) THEN res := OVERLAY(res PLACING '' FROM i FOR 1); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_latin1(s text) IS 'Replaces all not latin1 characters with spaces and returns the result with only containing latin1 characters'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_latin1(s text, replacement text) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text; BEGIN res := s; LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(res); i := i + 1; IF (NOT is_latin1(substring(res FROM i FOR 1 ))) THEN res := OVERLAY(res PLACING replacement FROM i FOR 1); END IF; END LOOP; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_latin1(s text, replacement text) IS 'Replaces all not latin1 characters with the given replacement in the second parameter and returns the result with only containing latin1 characters'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION replace_latin1(s text, s_search text[], s_replace text[]) RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE res text; BEGIN SELECT replace_encoding(s, s_search, s_replace) INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION replace_latin1(s text, s_search text[], s_replace text[]) IS 'Replaces charactes given in s_search with characters given in s_replace at the same array position. The function is an alias for replace_encoding.'; /** * Creates a function which returns a distinct array with all non latin1 characters . */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION return_not_part_of_encoding(s text, e text) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE i INTEGER := 0; res text[]; current_s text := NULL::text[]; BEGIN LOOP EXIT WHEN i > length(s); i := i + 1; current_s := substring(s FROM i FOR 1); IF (NOT is_encoding(current_s, e)) THEN SELECT array_append(res, current_s) INTO res; END IF; END LOOP; WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(res) AS c1 ) , t2 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT c1 FROM t1 ) , t3 AS ( SELECT array_agg(c1) AS res_array FROM t2 ) SELECT res_array FROM t3 INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION return_not_part_of_encoding(s text, e text) IS 'Creates a function which returns a distinct array with all characters which are not part of the encoding give in e'; /** * Create a window function to calculate values for gaps. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION gap_fill_internal(s anyelement, v anyelement) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ BEGIN RETURN COALESCE(v, s); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION gap_fill_internal(s anyelement, v anyelement) IS 'The function is used to fill gaps in window functions'; -- The Window function needs an aggregate DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS gap_fill(anyelement); CREATE AGGREGATE gap_fill(anyelement) ( SFUNC=gap_fill_internal, STYPE = anyelement ) ; COMMENT ON AGGREGATE gap_fill(anyelement) IS 'Implements the aggregate function to fill gaps using the function GapFillInternal'; /** * Creates a function which returns the given date in German format. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION date_de(d DATE) RETURNS text AS $$ BEGIN RETURN to_char(d, 'DD.MM.YYYY'); END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION date_de(d DATE) IS 'Creates a function which returns the given date in German format'; /** * Creates a function which returns the given timestamp in German format. * The second parameter indicates, if the result is with or without time zone, * default is with thime zone */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION datetime_de(t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, with_tz BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE) RETURNS text AS $$ BEGIN IF with_tz THEN RETURN to_char(t, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS TZ'); ELSE RETURN to_char(t, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI:SS'); END IF; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; COMMENT ON FUNCTION datetime_de(t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, with_tz BOOLEAN) IS 'Creates a function which returns the given timestamp in German format'; /** * Creates two functions which returns unix timestamp for the a given timestamp * or a given timestamp with time zone. * * The function needs the pgcrypto package. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_unix_timestamp(ts timestamp) RETURNS bigint AS $$ SELECT EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM ts)::bigint; $$ LANGUAGE SQL STRICT IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION to_unix_timestamp(ts timestamp) IS 'Returns an unix timestamp for the given timestamp'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_unix_timestamp(ts timestamp with time zone) RETURNS bigint AS $$ SELECT EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM ts)::bigint; $$ LANGUAGE SQL STRICT IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION to_unix_timestamp(ts timestamp with time zone) IS 'Returns an unix timestamp for the given timestamp with time zone'; /** * Creates a function to checks a string variable for being either, NULL or ''. * The function is installed with a different name, is_empty_b when the * extension pgtap is installed as it also has an is_empty function, but with * a different implementation. * The b in is_empty_b stands for the boolean result, that the function is * returning. */ DO $$ DECLARE pg_extension_installed BOOLEAN; function_source TEXT; BEGIN SELECT count(*) pgtap_exists FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'pgtap' INTO pg_extension_installed; IF NOT pg_extension_installed THEN -- pgtap is not installed, is_empty will be installed function_source := $string$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_empty(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $f1$ BEGIN RETURN COALESCE(s, '') = ''; END; $f1$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; $string$ ; EXECUTE function_source; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_empty(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is NULL or '''''; ELSE -- pgtap is installed, is_empty will be installed as is_empty_b function_source := $string$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_empty_b(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $f1$ BEGIN RETURN COALESCE(s, '') = ''; END; $f1$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; $string$ ; EXECUTE function_source; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_empty_b(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is NULL or '''''; END IF; END $$; /** * Returns the maximum value of an array. * Implementation for BIGINT, INTEGER, SMALLINT, TEXT */ -- BIGINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a BIGINT[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res BIGINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a BIGINT[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of a BIGINT array'; -- INTEGER implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a INTEGER[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res INTEGER; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a INTEGER[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of an INTEGER array'; -- SMALLINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a SMALLINT[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res SMALLINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a SMALLINT[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of a SMALLINT array'; -- TEXT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE res TEXT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a TEXT[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of a TEXT array'; -- REAL implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a REAL[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a REAL[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of a REAL array'; -- DOUBLE PRECISION implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of a DOUBLE PRECISION array'; -- NUMERIC implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_max(a NUMERIC[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT max(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_max(a NUMERIC[]) IS 'Returns the maximum value of a NUMERIC array'; /** * Returns the minumum value of an array. * Implementation for BIGINT, INTEGER, SMALLINT, TEXT */ -- BIGINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a BIGINT[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res BIGINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a BIGINT[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of a BIGINT array'; -- INTEGER implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a INTEGER[]) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE res INTEGER; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a INTEGER[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of an INTEGER array'; -- SMALLINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a SMALLINT[]) RETURNS SMALLINT AS $$ DECLARE res SMALLINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a SMALLINT[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of a SMALLINT array'; -- TEXT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE res TEXT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a TEXT[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of a TEXT array'; -- REAL implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a REAL[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a REAL[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of a REAL array'; -- DOUBLE PRECISION implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of a DOUBLE PRECISION array'; -- NUMERIC implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_min(a NUMERIC[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res REAL; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT min(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_min(a NUMERIC[]) IS 'Returns the minumum value of a NUMERIC array'; /** * Returns the average value of an array. * Implementation for BIGINT, INTEGER, SMALLINT */ -- BIGINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_avg(a BIGINT[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT avg(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_avg(a BIGINT[]) IS 'Returns the average value of a BIGINT array'; -- INTEGER implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_avg(a INTEGER[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT avg(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_avg(a INTEGER[]) IS 'Returns the average value of an INTEGER array'; -- SMALLINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_avg(a SMALLINT[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT avg(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_avg(a SMALLINT[]) IS 'Returns the average value of a SMALLINT array'; --REAL implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_avg(a REAL[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT avg(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_avg(a REAL[]) IS 'Returns the average value of a REAL array'; -- DOUBLE PRECISION implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_avg(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT avg(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_avg(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) IS 'Returns the average value of a DOUBLE PRECISION array'; -- NUMERIC implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_avg(a NUMERIC[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT avg(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_avg(a NUMERIC[]) IS 'Returns the average value of a NUMERIC array'; /** * Returns the sum of values of an array. * Implementation for BIGINT, INTEGER, SMALLINT */ -- BIGINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sum(a BIGINT[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res BIGINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT sum(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_sum(a BIGINT[]) IS 'Returns the sum of values of a BIGINT array'; -- INTEGER implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sum(a INTEGER[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res BIGINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT sum(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_sum(a INTEGER[]) IS 'Returns the sum of values of an INTEGER array'; -- SMALLINT implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sum(a SMALLINT[]) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ DECLARE res BIGINT; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT sum(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_sum(a SMALLINT[]) IS 'Returns the sum of values of a SMALLINT array'; -- REAL implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sum(a REAL[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT sum(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_sum(a REAL[]) IS 'Returns the sum of values of a REAL array'; -- DOUBLE PRECISION implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sum(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT sum(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_sum(a DOUBLE PRECISION[]) IS 'Returns the sum of values of a DOUBLE PRECISION array'; -- NUMERIC implementation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_sum(a NUMERIC[]) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC; BEGIN WITH unnested AS ( SELECT UNNEST(a) AS vals ) SELECT sum(vals) FROM unnested AS x INTO res; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_sum(a NUMERIC[]) IS 'Returns the sum of values of a NUMERIC array'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a text[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS text[] AS $$ DECLARE res text[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE vals != '' INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE vals != '' INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a text[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a text array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a SMALLINT[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SMALLINT[] AS $$ DECLARE res SMALLINT[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a SMALLINT[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a SMALLINT array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a INTEGER[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS INTEGER[] AS $$ DECLARE res INTEGER[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a INTEGER[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a INTEGER array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a BIGINT[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS BIGINT[] AS $$ DECLARE res BIGINT[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a BIGINT[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a BIGINT array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a NUMERIC[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS NUMERIC[] AS $$ DECLARE res NUMERIC[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a NUMERIC[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a NUMERIC array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a REAL[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS REAL[] AS $$ DECLARE res REAL[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a REAL[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a REAL array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a DOUBLE PRECISION[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION[] AS $$ DECLARE res DOUBLE PRECISION[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a DOUBLE PRECISION[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a DOUBLE PRECISION array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a DATE[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS DATE[] AS $$ DECLARE res DATE[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a DATE[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a DATE array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a TIMESTAMP[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS TIMESTAMP[] AS $$ DECLARE res TIMESTAMP[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a TIMESTAMP[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a TIMESTAMP array, can remove duplicates, too'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION array_trim(a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE[], rd BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE[] AS $$ DECLARE res TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE[]; BEGIN IF rd THEN WITH t1 AS ( SELECT DISTINCT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; ELSE WITH t1 AS ( SELECT unnest(a) AS vals ) SELECT array_agg(vals) FROM t1 WHERE NOT vals IS NULL INTO res; END IF; RETURN res; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION array_trim(a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE[], rd BOOLEAN) IS 'Removes empty entries from a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE array, can remove duplicates, too'; /** * Creates a view to get all connections and their locks. */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_active_locks AS SELECT DISTINCT pid , state , datname , usename , application_name , client_addr , query_start , wait_event_type , wait_event , locktype , mode , query FROM pg_stat_activity AS a INNER JOIN pg_locks AS l USING(pid) ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_active_locks IS 'Creates a view to get all connections and their locks'; /** * Creates a view to get the ownership of all objects in the current database. * This is the script handles the different installations which are needed for * PostgreSQL 11 or newer and PostgreSQL 10 or older. */ DO $$ DECLARE version_greater_11 BOOLEAN; version_greater_10 BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT to_number((string_to_array(version(), ' '))[2], '999.99') >= 11 INTO version_greater_11; SELECT to_number((string_to_array(version(), ' '))[2], '999.99') >= 10 INTO version_greater_10; IF version_greater_11 THEN -- Create the view pg_object_ownership for PostgreSQL 11 or newer CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_object_ownership AS WITH dbobjects AS ( SELECT cls.oid , nsp.nspname AS object_schema , cls.relname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , CASE cls.relkind WHEN 'I' THEN 'PARTITIONED INDEX' WHEN 'S' THEN 'SEQUENCE' WHEN 'c' THEN 'COMPOSITE TYPE' WHEN 'f' THEN 'FOREIGN TABLE' WHEN 'i' THEN 'INDEX' WHEN 'm' THEN 'MATERIALIZED_VIEW' WHEN 'p' THEN 'PARTITIONED TABLE' WHEN 'r' THEN 'TABLE' WHEN 'v' THEN 'VIEW' ELSE cls.relkind::text END AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS cls INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON cls.relowner = rol.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS nsp ON cls.relnamespace = nsp.oid UNION ALL SELECT db.oid , NULL AS object_schema , db.datname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'DATABASE' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_database AS db INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON db.datdba = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT ext.oid , NULL AS object_schema , ext.extname , rol.rolname AS owner , 'EXTENSION' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension AS ext INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON ext.extowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT fdw.oid , NULL AS object_schema , fdw.fdwname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper AS fdw INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON fdw.fdwowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT srv.oid , NULL AS object_schema , srv.srvname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'FOREIGN SERVER' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server AS srv INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON srv.srvowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT lang.oid , NULL AS object_schema , lang.lanname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'LANGUAGE' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_language AS lang INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON lang.lanowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT nsp.oid , NULL AS object_schema , nsp.nspname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'SCHEMA' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS nsp INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON nsp.nspowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT opc.oid , NULL AS object_schema , opc.opcname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'OPERATOR CLASS' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass AS opc INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON opc.opcowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT pro.oid , nsp.nspname AS object_schema , pro.proname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , CASE lower(pro.prokind) WHEN 'f' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN 'p' THEN 'PROCEDURE' WHEN 'a' THEN 'AGGREGATE FUNCTION' WHEN 'w' THEN 'WINDOW FUNCTION' ELSE lower(pro.prokind) END AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc AS pro INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON pro.proowner = rol.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace nsp ON pro.pronamespace = nsp.oid WHERE nsp.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') UNION ALL SELECT col.oid , NULL AS object_schema , col.collname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'COLLATION' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_collation AS col INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON col.collowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT con.oid , NULL AS object_schema , con.conname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'CONVERSION' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_conversion AS con INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON con.conowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT evt.oid , NULL AS object_schema , evt.evtname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'EVENT TRIGGER' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger AS evt INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON evt.evtowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT opf.oid , NULL AS object_schema , opf.opfname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'OPERATION FAMILY' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_opfamily AS opf INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON opf.opfowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT pub.oid , NULL AS object_schema , pub.pubname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'PUBLICATIONS' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication AS pub INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON pub.pubowner = rol.oid ) SELECT dbobjects.oid , dbobjects.object_schema , dbobjects.owner , dbobjects.object_type , depend.deptype , CASE depend.deptype WHEN 'n' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_NORMAL' WHEN 'a' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_AUTO' WHEN 'i' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL' WHEN 'P' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_PRI' WHEN 'S' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_SEC' WHEN 'e' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_EXTENSION' WHEN 'x' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_EXTENSION' WHEN 'p' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_PIN' ELSE 'NOT DEFINED, SEE DOCUMENTATION' END AS dependency_type FROM dbobjects LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_depend AS depend ON dbobjects.oid = depend.objid WHERE object_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') AND object_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%' ; -- Add a comment COMMENT ON VIEW pg_object_ownership IS 'The view returns all objects, its type, and its ownership in the current database, excluding those in the schema pg_catalog and information_schema'; ELSIF version_greater_10 THEN -- Create the view pg_object_ownership for PostgreSQL older than 11 CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_object_ownership AS WITH dbobjects AS ( SELECT cls.oid , nsp.nspname AS object_schema , cls.relname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , CASE cls.relkind WHEN 'I' THEN 'PARTITIONED INDEX' WHEN 'S' THEN 'SEQUENCE' WHEN 'c' THEN 'COMPOSITE TYPE' WHEN 'f' THEN 'FOREIGN TABLE' WHEN 'i' THEN 'INDEX' WHEN 'm' THEN 'MATERIALIZED_VIEW' WHEN 'p' THEN 'PARTITIONED TABLE' WHEN 'r' THEN 'TABLE' WHEN 'v' THEN 'VIEW' ELSE cls.relkind::text END AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS cls INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON cls.relowner = rol.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS nsp ON cls.relnamespace = nsp.oid UNION ALL SELECT db.oid , NULL AS object_schema , db.datname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'DATABASE' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_database AS db INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON db.datdba = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT ext.oid , NULL AS object_schema , ext.extname , rol.rolname AS owner , 'EXTENSION' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension AS ext INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON ext.extowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT fdw.oid , NULL AS object_schema , fdw.fdwname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper AS fdw INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON fdw.fdwowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT srv.oid , NULL AS object_schema , srv.srvname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'FOREIGN SERVER' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server AS srv INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON srv.srvowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT lang.oid , NULL AS object_schema , lang.lanname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'LANGUAGE' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_language AS lang INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON lang.lanowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT nsp.oid , NULL AS object_schema , nsp.nspname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'SCHEMA' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS nsp INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON nsp.nspowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT opc.oid , NULL AS object_schema , opc.opcname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'OPERATOR CLASS' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass AS opc INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON opc.opcowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT col.oid , NULL AS object_schema , col.collname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'COLLATION' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_collation AS col INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON col.collowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT con.oid , NULL AS object_schema , con.conname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'CONVERSION' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_conversion AS con INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON con.conowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT evt.oid , NULL AS object_schema , evt.evtname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'EVENT TRIGGER' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_event_trigger AS evt INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON evt.evtowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT opf.oid , NULL AS object_schema , opf.opfname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'OPERATION FAMILY' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_opfamily AS opf INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON opf.opfowner = rol.oid UNION ALL SELECT pub.oid , NULL AS object_schema , pub.pubname AS object_name , rol.rolname AS owner , 'PUBLICATIONS' AS object_type FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication AS pub INNER JOIN pg_roles AS rol ON pub.pubowner = rol.oid ) SELECT dbobjects.oid , dbobjects.object_schema , dbobjects.owner , dbobjects.object_type , depend.deptype , CASE depend.deptype WHEN 'n' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_NORMAL' WHEN 'a' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_AUTO' WHEN 'i' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_INTERNAL' WHEN 'P' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_PRI' WHEN 'S' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_PARTITION_SEC' WHEN 'e' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_EXTENSION' WHEN 'x' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_EXTENSION' WHEN 'p' THEN 'DEPENDENCY_PIN' ELSE 'NOT DEFINED, SEE DOCUMENTATION' END AS dependency_type FROM dbobjects LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_depend AS depend ON dbobjects.oid = depend.objid WHERE object_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') AND object_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_toast%' ; -- Add a comment COMMENT ON VIEW pg_object_ownership IS 'The view returns all objects, its type, and its ownership in the current database, excluding those in the schema pg_catalog and information_schema'; END IF; END $$; /** * The view shows bloat in tables and indexes. */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_bloat_info AS WITH constants AS ( SELECT current_setting('block_size')::numeric AS bs , 23 AS hdr , 4 AS ma ) , bloat_info AS ( SELECT ma ,bs ,schemaname ,tablename , (datawidth + (hdr + ma - (case when hdr%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE hdr%ma END)))::numeric AS datahdr , (maxfracsum * (nullhdr + ma - (case when nullhdr%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE nullhdr%ma END))) AS nullhdr2 FROM ( SELECT schemaname , tablename , hdr , ma , bs , sum ((1 - null_frac) * avg_width) AS datawidth , max (null_frac) AS maxfracsum , hdr + ( SELECT 1 + count(*) / 8 FROM pg_stats s2 WHERE null_frac != 0 AND s2.schemaname = s.schemaname AND s2.tablename = s.tablename ) AS nullhdr FROM pg_stats AS s, constants GROUP BY 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ) AS foo ) , table_bloat AS ( SELECT schemaname , tablename , cc.relpages , bs , CEIL ((cc.reltuples * ((datahdr + ma - (CASE WHEN datahdr%ma = 0 THEN ma ELSE datahdr%ma END)) + nullhdr2 + 4)) / (bs - 20::float)) AS otta FROM bloat_info INNER JOIN pg_class cc ON cc.relname = bloat_info.tablename INNER JOIN pg_namespace nn ON cc.relnamespace = nn.oid AND nn.nspname = bloat_info.schemaname AND nn.nspname NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'pg_catalog' ) ) , index_bloat AS ( SELECT schemaname , tablename , bs , COALESCE (c2.relname,'?') AS iname , COALESCE (c2.reltuples,0) AS ituples , COALESCE (c2.relpages,0) AS ipages , COALESCE (CEIL ((c2.reltuples * (datahdr - 12)) / (bs - 20::float)), 0) AS iotta -- very rough approximation, assumes all cols FROM bloat_info INNER JOIN pg_class AS cc ON cc.relname = bloat_info.tablename INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS nn ON cc.relnamespace = nn.oid AND nn.nspname = bloat_info.schemaname AND nn.nspname NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'pg_catalog' ) INNER JOIN pg_index AS i ON indrelid = cc.oid INNER JOIN pg_class AS c2 ON c2.oid = i.indexrelid ) SELECT type , schemaname , object_name , bloat , pg_size_pretty(raw_waste) AS waste FROM ( SELECT 'table' AS type , schemaname , tablename AS object_name , ROUND (CASE WHEN otta = 0 THEN 0.0 ELSE table_bloat.relpages/otta::numeric END, 1) AS bloat , CASE WHEN relpages < otta THEN '0' ELSE (bs * (table_bloat.relpages-otta)::bigint)::bigint END AS raw_waste FROM table_bloat UNION SELECT 'index' AS type , schemaname , tablename || '::' || iname as object_name , ROUND (CASE WHEN iotta = 0 OR ipages = 0 THEN 0.0 ELSE ipages / iotta::numeric END, 1) AS bloat , CASE WHEN ipages < iotta THEN '0' ELSE (bs*(ipages-iotta))::bigint END AS raw_waste FROM index_bloat ) AS bloat_summary ORDER BY raw_waste DESC , bloat DESC ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_bloat_info IS 'The view shows bloat in tables and indexes.'; /** * The view shows unused indexes with further information about the table. */ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_unused_indexes AS SELECT schemaname , relname AS table_name , indexrelname AS index_name , idx_scan , pg_size_pretty (pg_table_size ('"' || schemaname || '"."' || relname || '"')) AS table_size , pg_size_pretty (pg_total_relation_size ('"' || schemaname || '"."' || relname || '"')) AS table_total_size , pg_size_pretty (pg_indexes_size ('"' || schemaname || '"."' || relname || '"')) AS all_indexes_size , pg_size_pretty (pg_relation_size (indexrelid)) AS index_size , pg_size_pretty (sum (pg_relation_size (indexrelid)) over ()) AS size_of_all_indexes FROM pg_stat_all_indexes WHERE idx_scan = 0 AND schemaname NOT IN ( 'information_schema', 'pg_catalog', 'pg_toast' ) ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_unused_indexes IS 'The view shows unused indexes with further information about the table.'; /** * Creates a function to convert a hexadicimal number given as string into a BIGINT. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION hex2bigint(s TEXT) RETURNS BIGINT AS $$ WITH RECURSIVE hex_sep AS ( SELECT cast (cast (cast ('x0' || substring (s, length (s), 1) AS BIT(8)) AS INT) * POWER(16, 0) AS BIGINT ) int_res , substring (s, 1 , length (s) - 1) AS rest , length (s) - 1 AS len , 1 AS row_num UNION ALL SELECT cast (cast (cast ('x0' || substring (rest, length (rest), 1) AS BIT(8)) AS INT) * POWER(16, row_num) AS BIGINT) int_res , substring (rest, 1 , length (rest) - 1) AS rest , length (rest) - 1 AS len , row_num + 1 AS row_num FROM hex_sep WHERE len > 0 ) SELECT cast (sum(int_res)AS BIGINT) FROM hex_sep ; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION hex2bigint(s TEXT) IS 'Converts a hexadicimal number given as string into a BIGINT'; /** * Creates a function to check hexadeciaml numbers passed as strings for being hexadeciaml fitting into a 0BIGINT. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_hex(s TEXT) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM hex2bigint (s); RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_hex(s TEXT) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a hexadeciaml number fitting into a BIGINT'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being a BIGINT array. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_bigint_array(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::BIGINT[]; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_bigint_array(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a BIGINT array'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being an INTEGER array. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_integer_array(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::INTEGER[]; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_integer_array(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is an INTEGER array'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being an SMALLINT array. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_smallint_array(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::SMALLINT[]; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_smallint_array(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a SMALLINT array'; /** * Creates a function to check strings for being an SMALLINT array. */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION is_text_array(s text) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM s::TEXT[]; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $$ STRICT LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION is_text_array(s text) IS 'Checks, whether the given parameter is a TEXT array'; /** * Function to generate a documentation from database comments as Markdown for * a given Schema. * The result is a text in Markdown format. * * Currently the following objects are supported: * - Database * - Schema * - Tables with columns * - Views with columns * - Materialized Views with columns * - Foreign Tables with columns * - Functions * - Procedures * * Author: Stefanie Janine Stölting */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_markdown_doku_by_schema(in_schema_name TEXT, time_zone TEXT DEFAULT 'Europe/Berlin') RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$ DECLARE res TEXT DEFAULT ''; current_table_name TEXT DEFAULT ''; current_table_type TEXT DEFAULT ''; current_program_name TEXT DEFAULT ''; current_mv_name TEXT DEFAULT ''; table_header TEXT; time_zone_exists BOOLEAN; curs_tables CURSOR FOR WITH indexes AS ( SELECT schemaname , tablename , array_agg(indexname) AS indexes FROM pg_indexes GROUP BY schemaname , tablename ) SELECT t.table_type , c.table_catalog AS database_name , c.table_schema AS schema_name , c.table_name , c.column_name , COALESCE (array_to_string (i.indexes, ';'), '') AS indexes , COALESCE (c.column_default, '') AS column_default , c.is_nullable , c.data_type , COALESCE (c.character_maximum_length::TEXT, '') AS character_maximum_length , COALESCE (de.description, '') AS database_description , obj_description(('"' || c.table_schema || '"')::regnamespace) AS schema_description , COALESCE (OBJ_DESCRIPTION(('"' || c.table_schema || '"."' || c.table_name || '"')::regclass), '') AS table_description , COALESCE (COL_DESCRIPTION(('"' || c.table_schema || '"."' || c.table_name || '"')::regclass, c.ordinal_position), '') AS column_description FROM information_schema.columns AS c INNER JOIN information_schema."tables" AS t USING (table_catalog, table_schema, table_name) INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database AS d ON c.table_catalog = d.datname LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_shdescription AS de ON d."oid" = de.objoid LEFT OUTER JOIN indexes AS i ON c.table_schema = i.schemaname AND c.table_name = i.tablename WHERE c.table_schema = in_schema_name ORDER BY t.table_type , c.table_name , c.ordinal_position ; table_record RECORD; curs_programs CURSOR FOR SELECT (current_database())::information_schema.sql_identifier AS database_name , pg_namespace.nspname AS schema_name , pg_proc.proname AS program_name , COALESCE (pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(pg_proc.oid), '') AS parameters , COALESCE (pg_catalog.pg_get_function_result(pg_proc.oid), '') AS returning_data_type , CASE WHEN pg_proc.prokind = 'a' THEN 'AGGREGATE' WHEN pg_proc.prokind = 'w' THEN 'WINDOW' WHEN pg_proc.prokind = 'f' THEN 'FUNCTION' WHEN pg_proc.prorettype = 'pg_catalog.trigger'::pg_catalog.regtype THEN 'TRIGGER' ELSE 'UNKNOWN' END as program_type , pg_language.lanname AS program_language , COALESCE (pg_description.description, '') AS program_description FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_language ON pg_proc.prolang = pg_language.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_proc.pronamespace = pg_namespace.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description ON pg_proc.oid = pg_description.objoid WHERE pg_catalog.pg_function_is_visible(pg_proc.oid) AND pg_namespace.nspname = in_schema_name ORDER BY schema_name , program_name , parameters ; program_record RECORD; curs_mv CURSOR FOR WITH indexes AS ( SELECT schemaname , tablename , array_agg(indexname) AS indexes FROM pg_indexes GROUP BY schemaname , tablename ) SELECT (current_database())::information_schema.sql_identifier AS database_name , n.nspname AS schema_name , c.relname AS table_name , col.attname AS column_name , COALESCE (array_to_string (i.indexes, ';'), '') AS indexes , format_type (col.atttypid, col.atttypmod) as data_type , COALESCE (obj_description (c."oid"), '') AS materialized_view_description , COALESCE (COL_DESCRIPTION(('"' || n.nspname || '"."' || c.relname || '"')::regclass, col.attnum), '') AS column_description FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS c INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute AS col ON c.oid = col.attrelid LEFT OUTER JOIN indexes AS i ON n.nspname = i.schemaname AND c.relname = i.tablename WHERE c.relkind = 'm' AND col.attnum >= 1 AND n.nspname = in_schema_name ORDER BY schema_name , table_name , column_name ; mv_record RECORD; BEGIN -- Check given time zone for existence EXECUTE 'SELECT count (*) = 1 AS exist FROM pg_catalog.pg_timezone_names WHERE name::TEXT = $1' USING time_zone INTO time_zone_exists ; IF NOT time_zone_exists THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Time zone % does not exist!', time_zone; END IF; table_header = '| Column | Default | Is Nullable | Data Type | Maximum Length | Description |' || CHR(13) || '|--|--|--|--|--|--|' || CHR(13); -- TABLES and VIEWS OPEN curs_tables; FETCH NEXT FROM curs_tables INTO table_record; WHILE FOUND LOOP IF current_table_name = '' THEN res = '# DATABASE ' || table_record.database_name || ' SCHEMA ' || table_record.schema_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || 'Generated: ' || TO_CHAR (now() AT time ZONE time_zone, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI') || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || '## Database Description' || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || table_record.database_description || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || '## Schema Description' || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || table_record.schema_description || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; END IF; IF current_table_type <> table_record.table_type THEN current_table_type = table_record.table_type; CASE table_record.table_type WHEN 'BASE TABLE' THEN res = res || '## Tables in Schema ' || table_record.schema_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; WHEN 'VIEW' THEN res = res || '## Views in Schema ' || table_record.schema_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; WHEN 'FOREIGN' THEN res = res || '## Foreign Tables in Schema ' || table_record.schema_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; ELSE res = res; END CASE; END IF; IF current_table_name <> table_record.table_name THEN current_table_name = table_record.table_name; res = res || '### ' || table_record.table_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; res = res || table_record.table_description || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; IF table_record.indexes <> '' THEN res = res || 'Indexes: ' || table_record.indexes || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; END IF; res = res || table_header; END IF; res = res || '| ' || table_record.column_name || ' | ' || table_record.column_default || ' | ' || table_record.is_nullable || ' | ' || table_record.data_type || ' | ' || table_record.character_maximum_length || ' | ' || table_record.column_description || ' |' || CHR(13) ; FETCH NEXT FROM curs_tables INTO table_record; END LOOP; CLOSE curs_tables; -- MATERIALIZED VIEWS OPEN curs_mv; FETCH NEXT FROM curs_mv INTO mv_record; WHILE FOUND LOOP IF current_mv_name = '' THEN res = res || CHR(13) || '## MATERIALIZED VIEWS in DATABASE ' || mv_record.database_name || ' SCHEMA ' || mv_record.schema_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; END IF; IF current_mv_name <> mv_record.table_name THEN current_mv_name = mv_record.table_name; res = res || '### ' || mv_record.table_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || mv_record.materialized_view_description || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; IF mv_record.indexes <> '' THEN res = res || 'Indexes: ' || mv_record.indexes || CHR(13) || CHR(13) ; END IF; res = res || '| Column | Data Type | | Description |' || CHR(13) || '|--|--|--|' || CHR(13) ; END IF; res = res || '| ' || mv_record.column_name || ' | ' || mv_record.data_type || ' | ' || mv_record.column_description || ' |' || CHR(13) ; FETCH NEXT FROM curs_mv INTO mv_record; END LOOP; CLOSE curs_mv; -- PROGRAMS AND FUNCTIONS OPEN curs_programs; FETCH NEXT FROM curs_programs INTO program_record; WHILE FOUND LOOP IF current_program_name = '' THEN current_program_name = program_record.program_name; res = res || CHR(13) || '## FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES in DATABASE ' || program_record.database_name || ' SCHEMA ' || program_record.schema_name || CHR(13) || CHR(13) || '| Program Name | Type | Language | Parameters | Returning | Description |' || CHR(13) || '|--|--|--|--|--|--|' || CHR(13) ; END IF; res = res || '| ' || program_record.program_name || ' | ' || program_record.program_type || ' | ' || program_record.program_language || ' | ' || program_record.parameters || ' | ' || program_record.returning_data_type || ' |' || program_record.program_description || ' | ' || CHR(13) ; FETCH NEXT FROM curs_programs INTO program_record; END LOOP; CLOSE curs_programs; RETURN res; END; $$ ; COMMENT ON FUNCTION get_markdown_doku_by_schema(TEXT, TEXT) IS 'Function to generate a documentation from database comments as Markdown. The result is a text in Markdown format.';