/** * Creates a view to get information about partitioned tables. */ DO $$ DECLARE version_greater_10 BOOLEAN; BEGIN SELECT to_number((string_to_array(version(), ' '))[2], '999.99') >= 10 INTO version_greater_10; IF version_greater_10 THEN -- Create the view pg_functions for PostgreSQL 10 or newer CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pg_partitioned_tables_infos AS SELECT cl.oid AS parent_relid , n.nspname AS parent_schemaname , cl.relname AS parent_tablename , r.rolname AS parent_owner , CASE pt.partstrat WHEN 'l' THEN 'LIST' WHEN 'r' THEN 'RANGE' WHEN 'h' THEN 'HASH' END AS partition_strategy , count (cl2.oid) OVER (PARTITION BY cl.oid) AS count_of_partitions , COALESCE (sum (pg_relation_size (cl2.oid)) OVER (PARTITION BY cl.oid), 0) AS overall_size , cl2.oid AS child_relid , n2.nspname AS child_schemaname , cl2.relname AS child_tablename , r2.rolname AS child_owner , pg_relation_size (cl2.oid) AS child_size FROM pg_catalog.pg_class AS cl INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_partitioned_table AS pt ON cl.oid = pt.partrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n ON cl.relnamespace = n.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r ON cl.relowner = r.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_inherits AS i ON cl.oid = i.inhparent LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS cl2 ON i.inhrelid = cl2.oid AND cl2.relispartition AND cl2.relkind = 'r' LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n2 ON cl2.relnamespace = n2.oid LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r2 ON cl2.relowner = r2.oid WHERE cl.relkind = 'p' ; COMMENT ON VIEW pg_partitioned_tables_infos IS 'Creates a view to get information about partitioned tables'; END IF; END $$;