# Generic and Short Hashing libsodium provides functions for "generic" and "short" hashing. Generic hashing is suitable for cryptographic purposes using the BLAKE2b algorithm. ```python %load_ext sql ``` ```python %config SqlMagic.feedback=False %config SqlMagic.displaycon=False %sql postgresql://postgres@/ ``` ```sql %%sql CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgsodium; ``` [] ### `crypto_generichash_keygen()` ```python k = %sql select pgsodium.crypto_generichash_keygen() generichash_key = k[0][0].tobytes() print(generichash_key) ``` b'\xf2\xcc\xc18\x8f)\x93\x0b^\x12\x13\xa3q\x9e\x83\x03\xb7\xb0\xe9z+/\x1b\xd4\xae\x1fO\xa4pj\xab\xef' ### `crypto_generichash(message bytea, key bytea = NULL)` ```python signature = %sql select pgsodium.crypto_generichash('this is a message') print(signature[0][0].tobytes()) ``` b'\x9dJc\xe5\xdc\x1dw\xed\x99\xb6\xf7V\x92\x0e\xdb\x89\xdf\xda\xd2|J!\xf2\xa9j\x85\x82K\x8f\xdb_\xe1' ```python signature = %sql select pgsodium.crypto_generichash('this is a message', :generichash_key) print(signature[0][0].tobytes()) ``` b'Y\xc6"\x97\xa5\x16\xa4\xa3\xaay8\xe4\xad)XS\xa1~UDO)X\x0bl\x82\xa0\x87\xba|\x1al' ## Short Hashing Many applications and programming language implementations were recently found to be vulnerable to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks when a hash function with weak security guarantees, such as MurmurHash3, was used to construct a hash table. To address this, Sodium provides the crypto_shorthash() function, which outputs short but unpredictable (without knowing the secret key) values suitable for picking a list in a hash table for a given key. This function is optimized for short inputs. The output of this function is only 64 bits. Therefore, it should not be considered collision-resistant. Use cases: - Hash tables - Probabilistic data structures, such as Bloom filters - Integrity checking in interactive protocols ### `crypto_shorthash_keygen()` ```python k = %sql select pgsodium.crypto_shorthash_keygen() shorthash_key = k[0][0].tobytes() print(shorthash_key) ``` b'%\x9a\xedN\xad\xa3\xf5php\xa5\x93\rd\xe3\xa2' ### `crypto_shorthash(message bytea, key bytea)` ```python short_signature = %sql select pgsodium.crypto_shorthash('this is a message', :shorthash_key) print(short_signature[0][0].tobytes()) ``` b'\xb1\xfd\xa4VAjg\xcc'