CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS pgsodium; CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgsodium WITH SCHEMA pgsodium; -- This is a demonstration user to show that the pgsodium_keyiduser -- role can be used to access only encryption functions by key_id, -- this role can never access raw encryption keys. CREATE ROLE auser; GRANT pgsodium_keyiduser TO auser; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA pgsodium TO auser; SET ROLE auser; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test ( id bigserial primary key, key_id bigint not null default 1, nonce bytea not null, data bytea ); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test_view AS SELECT id, convert_from( pgsodium.crypto_secretbox_open( data, nonce, key_id), 'utf8') AS data FROM test; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_encrypt() RETURNS trigger language plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE new_nonce bytea = pgsodium.crypto_secretbox_noncegen(); test_id bigint; BEGIN INSERT INTO test (nonce) VALUES (new_nonce) RETURNING ID INTO test_id; UPDATE test SET data = pgsodium.crypto_secretbox( convert_to(, 'utf8'), new_nonce, key_id) WHERE id = test_id; RETURN new; END; $$; CREATE TRIGGER test_encrypt_trigger INSTEAD OF INSERT ON test_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION test_encrypt(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rotate_key(test_id bigint, new_key bigint) RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE new_nonce bytea; BEGIN new_nonce = pgsodium.crypto_secretbox_noncegen(); UPDATE test SET nonce = new_nonce, key_id = new_key, data = pgsodium.crypto_secretbox( pgsodium.crypto_secretbox_open(, test.nonce, test.key_id), new_nonce, new_key) WHERE = test_id; RETURN; END; $$; \echo \echo Try inserting some data in test_view like: \echo " postgres=> insert into test_view (data) values ('this is one'), ('this is two');" \echo Type RESET ROLE; to get back to previous user insert into test_view (data) values ('this is one'), ('this is two');