# Postgres Message Queue (PGMQ) A lightweight distributed message queue. Like [AWS SQS](https://aws.amazon.com/sqs/) and [RSMQ](https://github.com/smrchy/rsmq) but on Postgres. ## Features - Lightweight - Rust and Postgres only - Guaranteed delivery of messages to exactly one consumer within a visibility timeout - API parity with [AWS SQS](https://aws.amazon.com/sqs/) and [RSMQ](https://github.com/smrchy/rsmq) - Messages stay in the queue until deleted - Messages can be archived, instead of deleted, for long-term retention and replayability - Completely asynchronous API ## Table of Contents - [Postgres Message Queue (PGMQ)](#postgres-message-queue-pgmq) - [Features](#features) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Start CoreDB Postgres](#start-coredb-postgres) - [Python Examples](#python-examples) - [SQL Examples](#sql-examples) - [Creating a queue](#creating-a-queue) - [Send two message](#send-two-message) - [Read messages](#read-messages) - [Pop a message](#pop-a-message) - [Archive a message](#archive-a-message) - [Delete a message](#delete-a-message) - [Development](#development) - [Setup dependencies](#setup-dependencies) - [Packaging](#packaging) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Partitioned Queues](#partitioned-queues) ## Start CoreDB Postgres CoreDB Postgres images come with the `pgmq` extension pre-installed. ```bash docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 quay.io/coredb/postgres:latest ``` ## Python Examples See python examples in [examples/python.py](examples/python.py) ## SQL Examples ```bash # Connect to Postgres psql postgres://postgres:postgres@ ``` ```sql -- create the extension CREATE EXTENSION pgmq CASCADE; ``` ### Creating a queue ```sql -- creates the queue. SELECT pgmq_create('my_queue'); pgmq_create ------------- ``` ### Send two message ```sql -- messages are sent as JSON pgmq=# SELECT * from pgmq_send('my_queue', '{"foo": "bar1"}'); SELECT * from pgmq_send('my_queue', '{"foo": "bar2"}'); ``` ```sql -- the message id is returned from the send function pgmq_send ----------- 1 (1 row) pgmq_send ----------- 2 (1 row) ``` ### Read messages Read two message from the queue. Make them invisible for 30 seconds. ```sql -- parameters are queue name, visibility timeout, and number of messages to read pgmq=# SELECT * from pgmq_read('my_queue', 30, 2); msg_id | read_ct | vt | enqueued_at | message --------+---------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------- 1 | 1 | 2023-02-07 04:56:00.650342-06 | 2023-02-07 04:54:51.530818-06 | {"foo":"bar"} 2 | 1 | 2023-02-07 04:56:00.650342-06 | 2023-02-07 04:54:51.530818-06 | {"foo":"bar"} ``` If the queue is empty, or if all messages are currently invisible, no rows will be returned. ```sql pgmq=# SELECT * from pgmq_read('my_queue', 30, 1); msg_id | read_ct | vt | enqueued_at | message --------+---------+----+-------------+--------- ``` ### Pop a message ```sql -- Read a message and immediately delete it from the queue. Returns `None` if the queue is empty. pgmq=# SELECT * from pgmq_pop('my_queue'); msg_id | read_ct | vt | enqueued_at | message --------+---------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------- 1 | 2 | 2023-02-07 04:56:00.650342-06 | 2023-02-07 04:54:51.530818-06 | {"foo":"bar"} ``` ### Archive a message ```sql -- Archiving a message removes it from the queue, and inserts it to the archive table. -- TODO: implement this in the extension ``` ### Delete a message ```sql -- Delete a message id `1` from queue named `my_queue`. pgmq=# select pgmq_delete('my_queue', 1); pgmq_delete ------------- t ``` # Development Setup `pgx`. ```bash cargo install --locked cargo-pgx cargo pgx init ``` Then, clone this repo and change into this directory. ```bash git clone git@github.com:CoreDB-io/coredb.git cd coredb/extensions/pgmq/ ``` ### Setup dependencies Install: - [pg_partman](https://github.com/pgpartman/pg_partman), which is required for partitioned tables. Update postgresql.conf in the development environment. ``` # ~/.pgx/data-14/postgresql.conf shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_partman_bgw' ``` Run the dev environment ```bash cargo pgx run pg14 ``` Create the extension ```pql CREATE EXTENSION pgmq cascade; ``` # Packaging Run this script to package into a `.deb` file, which can be installed on Ubuntu. ``` /bin/bash build-extension.sh ``` # Configuration ## Partitioned Queues pgmq supports partitioned queues with `create_partitioned()` by `msg_id` and the default value is 10000 messages per partition. New partitions are automatically created by [pg_partman](https://github.com/pgpartman/pg_partman/), which is a dependency of this extension. New partitions are created, if necessary, by setting `pg_partman_bgw.interval` in `postgresql.conf`. Below are the default configuration values set in CoreDB docker images.