To upgrade from v0.6 to v0.7, first, please make sure that you have upgraded to v0.6.1 already. To check that you can run the following query: ```sql SELECT table_operation FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE op_id = 21; ``` If the result is not `ADD AUDIT_ID`, you know you're on v0.6. If there is no such event in the `table_event_log` you can safely run the update to v0.7. Simply run the `UPGRADE_v061_to_v07.sql` script with psql from inside a shell environment. It will replace all functions and alter log tables. The script should finish with the message _"pgMemento upgrade completed!"_. ```bash psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U my_user -d my_database -f UPGRADE_061_to_V07.sql ``` Note, log triggers will be switched off for a short amount of time during the upgrade process. This is when some of the log logs tables are dropped and their copies are renamed to take their place. This might only take some seconds. If you care for keeping all changes in the logs during the upgrade, you should disable writes for the time of the upgrade. pgMemento's event triggers are disabled for the entire upgrade process, so avoid schema migrations. ## Breaking changes ### JSONB field in `row_log` renamed As v0.7 provides the feature to also log new values in a separate JSONB column - `new_data` - the `changes` column has been renamed to `old_data`. ### Foreign key between `table_event_log` and `row_log` The former foreign key column `event_id` in `row_log` referencing the `table_event_log` is gone. Both tables now store an `event_key` consisting of transaction and statement timestamps (in epoch format), internal txid, operation id, table and schema name. It can be used for joins. However, no foreign key constraint is enforced. The `event_key` allows for easier partitioning of these tables. ### Updated timestamp columns The `stmt_date` column in `transaction_log` is renamed to `txid_time` to easier distinguish between the new timestamp column - `stmt_time` - in `table_event_log` which stores the `statement_timestamp()`. ### Table OID columns in logs tables v0.7 stops relying on OID columns in the log tables. Instead the table and schema names are used, e.g. as new columns in `table_event_log`. The `audit_table_log` introduces a new column `log_id` to trace tables when they get renamed. Due to these changes, there are breaking changes in some function signatures that also required an OID argument. * `audit_table_check` now returns the `log_id` from `audit_table_log` as first column instead of table OID * `delete_audit_table_log` works with the new `log_id` * `delete_table_event_log` now requires table and schema name instead of one OID * `get_column_list_by_txid_range` replaces `table_oid` argument with `table_log_id` * `get_txid_bounds_to_table` replaces `table_oid` argument with `table_log_id` * `log_table_event` second `table_oid` argument is replaced by arguments `tablename` and `schemaname` * `restore_record_definition` replaces `table_oid` argument with `table_log_id` ### DROP AUDIT_ID event behavior changed The `drop_table_audit` function was updated to now separately choose if the audit trail shall be removed or not and if everything should be logged for the last time or not. Before, you could only choose between removal or logging. With this change the `DROP AUDIT_ID` could no longer be treated like a TRUNCATE event and got it's own `op_id` value of `81`. If a user decides to log the whole content of a table where auditing shall be stopped, pgMemento will now log an extra TRUNCATE event before the DROP AUDIT_ID event. ### Triggers renamed Log triggers and event triggers were renamed to be potentially less invasive. The general `log_` prefix is replaced with `pgememento_` so that it's immediately visible where the triggers are coming from. ### Changed function signatures Because of the new features of v0.7 like a configurable audit_id column many functions have changed their signatures. Have a look at the list in the [UPGRADE script](, as all changed functions are dropped explicitly.