-- UPGRADE_v07_to_v072.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This script is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script upgrades a pgMemento extension of v0.7.0 to v0.7.2 which -- replaces some functions (see changelog for more details) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.2.0 2021-03-21 reflect fixes for v0.7.2 FKun -- 0.1.0 2020-07-30 initial commit FKun -- \echo \echo 'Updgrade pgMemento from v0.7.0 to v0.7.2 ...' COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.user_name IS 'Stores the result of session_user function'; \echo \echo 'Recreate functions' CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.version( OUT full_version TEXT, OUT major_version INTEGER, OUT minor_version INTEGER, OUT revision INTEGER, OUT build_id TEXT ) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ SELECT 'pgMemento 0.7.2'::text AS full_version, 0 AS major_version, 7 AS minor_version, 2 AS revision, '87'::text AS build_id; $$ LANGUAGE sql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_table_audit( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}'; BEGIN -- check if pgMemento is already initialized for schema IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = $2 AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL ) THEN SELECT array_agg(c.relname) INTO except_tables FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = $2 AND c.relname <> $1 AND c.relkind = 'r'; PERFORM pgmemento.create_schema_audit($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, FALSE, except_tables); RETURN; END IF; -- remember audit_id_column when registering table in audit_table_log later PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $2 || '.' || $1 || '.audit_id.' || txid_current(), $3, TRUE); -- remember logging behavior when registering table in audit_table_log later PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $2 || '.' || $1 || '.log_data.' || txid_current(), CASE WHEN log_old_data THEN 'old=true,' ELSE 'old=false,' END || CASE WHEN log_new_data THEN 'new=true' ELSE 'new=false' END, TRUE); -- create log trigger PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_log_trigger($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); -- add audit_id column PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit_id($1, $2, $3); -- log existing table content as inserted IF $6 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_baseline($1, $2, $3, $5); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_transaction(current_txid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE session_info_text TEXT; session_info_obj JSONB; transaction_log_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- retrieve session_info set by client BEGIN session_info_text := current_setting('pgmemento.session_info'); IF session_info_text IS NULL OR session_info_text = '' THEN session_info_obj := NULL; ELSE session_info_obj := session_info_text::jsonb; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN session_info_obj := NULL; WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN BEGIN session_info_obj := to_jsonb(current_setting('pgmemento.session_info')); END; WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to parse session info: %', session_info_text; session_info_obj := NULL; END; -- try to log corresponding transaction INSERT INTO pgmemento.transaction_log (txid, txid_time, process_id, user_name, client_name, client_port, application_name, session_info) VALUES ($1, transaction_timestamp(), pg_backend_pid(), session_user, inet_client_addr(), inet_client_port(), current_setting('application_name'), session_info_obj ) ON CONFLICT (txid_time, txid) DO NOTHING RETURNING id INTO transaction_log_id; IF transaction_log_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $1, transaction_log_id::text, TRUE); ELSE transaction_log_id := current_setting('pgmemento.' || $1)::int; END IF; RETURN transaction_log_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.table_create_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE obj record; tablename TEXT; schemaname TEXT; current_default_column TEXT; current_log_old_data BOOLEAN; current_log_new_data BOOLEAN; BEGIN FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() LOOP IF obj.command_tag NOT IN ('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE AS', 'SELECT INTO') OR obj.object_type != 'table' THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- remove quotes if exists tablename := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,2)); schemaname := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,1)); -- check if auditing is active for schema SELECT default_audit_id_column, default_log_old_data, default_log_new_data INTO current_default_column, current_log_old_data, current_log_new_data FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = schemaname AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL; IF current_default_column IS NOT NULL THEN -- log as 'create table' event PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event( tablename, schemaname, 'CREATE TABLE' ); -- start auditing for new table PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit( tablename, schemaname, current_default_column, current_log_old_data, current_log_new_data, FALSE ); END IF; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_column_list( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_log_id INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, all_versions BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, OUT column_name TEXT, OUT column_count INTEGER, OUT data_type TEXT, OUT ordinal_position INTEGER, OUT txid_range numrange ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ BEGIN IF $6 THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT t.column_name, t.column_count, t.data_type, t.ordinal_position, t.txid_range FROM pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid_range($1, $2, $3) t; ELSE RETURN QUERY SELECT t.column_name, NULL::int, t.data_type, t.ordinal_position, NULL::numrange FROM pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid($2, $4, $5) t; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.jsonb_populate_value( jsonb_log JSONB, column_name TEXT, INOUT template anyelement ) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NOT NULL THEN IF right(pg_typeof($3)::text, 2) = '[]' THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT translate($1->>$2, ''[]'', ''{}'')::%s', pg_typeof($3)) INTO template USING $1, $2; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT ($1->>$2)::%s', pg_typeof($3)) INTO template USING $1, $2; END IF; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT NULL::%s', pg_typeof($3)) INTO template; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_query( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, aid BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, all_versions BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE log_id INTEGER; tab_name TEXT; tab_schema TEXT; tab_audit_id_column TEXT; tab_id INTEGER; new_tab_name TEXT; new_tab_schema TEXT; new_audit_id_column TEXT; new_tab_id INTEGER; join_recent_state BOOLEAN := FALSE; extract_logs TEXT; find_logs TEXT; query_text TEXT := E'SELECT\n'; BEGIN -- first check if table can be restored SELECT table_log_id, log_tab_name, log_tab_schema, log_audit_id_column, log_tab_id, recent_tab_name, recent_tab_schema, recent_audit_id_column, recent_tab_id INTO log_id, tab_name, tab_schema, tab_audit_id_column, tab_id, new_tab_name, new_tab_schema, new_audit_id_column, new_tab_id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_check($2, $3, $4); IF tab_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Can not restore table ''%'' because it did not exist before requested transaction %', $3, $2; END IF; -- check if recent state can be queried IF new_tab_id IS NULL THEN new_tab_id := tab_id; ELSE join_recent_state := TRUE; END IF; -- loop over all columns and query the historic value for each column separately SELECT string_agg( format(E' CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(g.log_%s) = ''null'' THEN NULL::%s\n', c_old.column_name, c_old.data_type) || CASE WHEN join_recent_state AND c_new.column_name IS NOT NULL THEN format(E' WHEN g.log_%s IS NULL THEN x.%I\n', c_old.column_name, c_new.column_name) ELSE '' END || ' ELSE ' || CASE WHEN right(c_old.data_type, 2) = '[]' THEN 'translate(' ELSE '' END || format('(jsonb_build_object(%L, g.log_%s) ->> %L)', c_old.column_name, quote_ident(c_old.column_name || CASE WHEN c_old.column_count > 1 THEN '_' || c_old.column_count ELSE '' END), c_old.column_name) || CASE WHEN right(c_old.data_type, 2) = '[]' THEN ',''[]'',''{}'')' ELSE '' END || format(E'::%s\n', c_old.data_type) || format(' END AS %s', quote_ident(c_old.column_name || CASE WHEN c_old.column_count > 1 THEN '_' || c_old.column_count ELSE '' END)) , E',\n' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position, c_old.column_count ), string_agg( CASE WHEN $6 THEN format(E' CASE WHEN transaction_id >= %L AND transaction_id < %L\n THEN ', CASE WHEN lower(c_old.txid_range) IS NOT NULL THEN lower(c_old.txid_range) ELSE $1 END, CASE WHEN upper(c_old.txid_range) IS NOT NULL THEN upper(c_old.txid_range) ELSE $2 END) ELSE ' ' END || format('first_value(a.old_data -> %L) OVER ', c_old.column_name, c_old.column_name) || format('(PARTITION BY f.event_key, a.audit_id ORDER BY a.old_data -> %L IS NULL, a.id)', c_old.column_name) || CASE WHEN $6 THEN format(E'\n ELSE jsonb_build_object(%L, NULL) -> %L END', c_old.column_name, c_old.column_name) ELSE '' END || format(' AS log_%s', quote_ident(c_old.column_name || CASE WHEN c_old.column_count > 1 THEN '_' || c_old.column_count ELSE '' END)) , E',\n' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position, c_old.column_count ) INTO extract_logs, find_logs FROM pgmemento.get_column_list($1, $2, log_id, tab_name, tab_schema, $6) c_old LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new ON c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND c_new.audit_table_id = new_tab_id AND upper(c_new.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c_new.txid_range) IS NOT NULL; -- finish restore query query_text := query_text -- add part to extract values from logs or get recent state || extract_logs || format(E',\n g.audit_id AS %s', quote_ident(tab_audit_id_column)) || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E',\n g.stmt_time,\n g.table_operation,\n g.transaction_id\n' ELSE E'\n' END -- use DISTINCT ON to get only one row || E'FROM (\n SELECT DISTINCT ON (' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN 'f.event_key, ' ELSE '' END || E'f.audit_id)\n' -- add subquery g that finds the right JSONB log snippets for each column || find_logs || format(E',\n f.audit_id') || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E',\n f.stmt_time,\n f.table_operation,\n f.transaction_id\n' ELSE E'\n' END -- add subquery f to get last event for given audit_id before given transaction || E' FROM (\n' || ' SELECT ' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E'\n' ELSE E'DISTINCT ON (r.audit_id)\n' END || ' r.audit_id, e.event_key, e.op_id' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E', e.stmt_time, e.table_operation, e.transaction_id\n' ELSE E'\n' END || E' FROM\n' || E' pgmemento.row_log r\n' || E' JOIN\n' || E' pgmemento.table_event_log e ON r.event_key = e.event_key\n' || format(E' WHERE e.transaction_id >= %L AND e.transaction_id < %L\n', $1, $2) || CASE WHEN $5 IS NULL THEN format(E' AND e.table_name = %L AND e.schema_name = %L\n', tab_name, tab_schema) ELSE format(E' AND r.audit_id = %L\n', $5) END || E' ORDER BY\n' || E' r.audit_id, e.id DESC\n' || E' ) f\n' -- left join on row_log table and consider only events younger than the one extracted in subquery f || E' LEFT JOIN\n' || E' pgmemento.row_log a ON a.audit_id = f.audit_id AND a.event_key > f.event_key\n' -- if 'all_versions' flag is FALSE do not produce a result if row did not exist before second transaction ID -- therefore, filter out DELETE, TRUNCATE or DROP TABLE events || CASE WHEN $6 THEN '' ELSE E' WHERE\n f.op_id < 7\n' END -- order by oldest log entry for given audit_id || E' ORDER BY\n' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN ' f.event_key, ' ELSE ' ' END || 'f.audit_id' || E'\n) g\n' -- left join on actual table to get the recent value for a field if nothing is found in the logs || CASE WHEN join_recent_state THEN E'LEFT JOIN\n' || format(E' %I.%I x ON x.' || new_audit_id_column || E' = g.audit_id\n', new_tab_schema, new_tab_name) ELSE '' END; RETURN query_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.jsonb_unroll_for_update( path TEXT, nested_value JSONB, complex_typname TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT string_agg(set_columns,', ') FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' AND p.typname IS NOT NULL THEN pgmemento.jsonb_unroll_for_update($1 || '.' || quote_ident(j.key), j.value, p.typname) ELSE $1 || '.' || quote_ident(j.key) || '=' || CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'array' THEN quote_nullable(translate($2 ->> j.key, '[]', '{}')) ELSE quote_nullable($2 ->> j.key) END END AS set_columns FROM jsonb_each($2) j LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attname = j.key AND jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = a.attrelid LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON t.typrelid = c.oid AND t.typname = $3 LEFT JOIN pg_type p ON p.typname = format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AND p.typcategory = 'C' ) u $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.recover_audit_version( tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, changes JSONB, table_op INTEGER, tab_name TEXT, tab_schema TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}'; stmt TEXT; table_log_id INTEGER; current_transaction INTEGER; BEGIN CASE -- CREATE TABLE case WHEN $4 = 1 THEN -- try to drop table BEGIN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I', $6, $5); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert CREATE TABLE event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- REINIT TABLE case WHEN $4 = 11 THEN BEGIN -- reinit only given table and exclude all others SELECT array_agg(table_name) INTO except_tables FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name <> $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND upper(txid_range) = $1; PERFORM pgmemento.reinit($6, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data, FALSE, except_tables) FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND upper(txid_range) = $1; -- if auditing was stopped within the same transaction (e.g. reverted ADD AUDIT_ID event) -- the REINIT TABLE event will not be logged by reinit function -- therefore, we have to make the insert here IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int AND table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND op_id = 11 -- REINIT TABLE event ) THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event($5, $6, 'REINIT TABLE'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert REINIT TABLE event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- RENAME TABLE case WHEN $4 = 12 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of renamed table SELECT format('%I.%I', t_old.schema_name, t_old.table_name ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t_old, pgmemento.audit_table_log t_new WHERE t_old.log_id = t_new.log_id AND t_new.table_name = $5 AND t_new.schema_name = $6 AND upper(t_new.txid_range) = $1 AND lower(t_old.txid_range) = $1; -- try to re-rename table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || stmt || format(' RENAME TO %I', $5); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert RENAME TABLE event for table %: %', stmt, SQLERRM; END; -- ADD COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 2 THEN BEGIN -- collect added columns SELECT string_agg( 'DROP COLUMN ' || quote_ident(c.column_name), ', ' ORDER BY c.id DESC ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON c.audit_table_id = t.id WHERE lower(c.txid_range) = $1 AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6; -- try to execute ALTER TABLE command IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt , $6, $5); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert ADD COLUMN event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- ADD AUDIT_ID case WHEN $4 = 21 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_audit($5, $6, $7, TRUE, FALSE); -- RENAME COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 22 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of renamed table SELECT 'RENAME COLUMN ' || quote_ident(c_old.column_name) || ' TO ' || quote_ident(c_new.column_name) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new WHERE c_old.audit_table_id = t.id AND c_new.audit_table_id = t.id AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 AND t.txid_range @> $1::numeric AND c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND upper(c_new.txid_range) = $1 AND lower(c_old.txid_range) = $1; -- try to re-rename table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt, $6, $5); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert RENAME COLUMN event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- INSERT case WHEN $4 = 3 THEN -- aid can be null in case of conflicts during insert IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN -- delete inserted row BEGIN EXECUTE format( 'DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE %I = $1', $6, $5, $7) USING $2; -- row is already deleted EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END; END IF; -- UPDATE case WHEN $4 = 4 THEN -- update the row with values from changes IF $2 IS NOT NULL AND $3 <> '{}'::jsonb THEN BEGIN -- create SET part SELECT string_agg(set_columns,', ') INTO stmt FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' AND p.typname IS NOT NULL THEN pgmemento.jsonb_unroll_for_update(j.key, j.value, p.typname) ELSE quote_ident(j.key) || '=' || CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'array' THEN quote_nullable(translate($3 ->> j.key, '[]', '{}')) ELSE quote_nullable($3 ->> j.key) END END AS set_columns FROM jsonb_each($3) j LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c ON c.column_name = j.key AND jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON t.id = c.audit_table_id AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 LEFT JOIN pg_type p ON p.typname = c.data_type AND p.typcategory = 'C' ) u; -- try to execute UPDATE command EXECUTE format( 'UPDATE %I.%I t SET ' || stmt || ' WHERE t.%I = $1', $6, $5, $7) USING $2; -- row is already deleted EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert UPDATE event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; END IF; -- ALTER COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 5 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of altered columns SELECT string_agg( format('ALTER COLUMN %I SET DATA TYPE %s USING pgmemento.restore_change(%L, %I, %L, NULL::%s)', c_new.column_name, c_old.data_type, $1, $7, quote_ident(c_old.column_name), c_old.data_type), ', ' ORDER BY c_new.id ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new WHERE c_old.audit_table_id = t.id AND c_new.audit_table_id = t.id AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 AND t.txid_range @> $1::numeric AND upper(c_old.txid_range) = $1 AND lower(c_new.txid_range) = $1 AND c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND c_old.data_type <> c_new.data_type; -- alter table if it has not been done, yet IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt , $6, $5); END IF; -- it did not work for some reason EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert ALTER COLUMN event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- DROP COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 6 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of dropped columns SELECT string_agg( 'ADD COLUMN ' || quote_ident(c_old.column_name) || ' ' || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' AND pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(c_old.column_default) LIKE E'%_seq\'::regclass)' THEN CASE WHEN c_old.data_type = 'smallint' THEN 'smallserial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'integer' THEN 'serial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'bigint' THEN 'bigserial' ELSE c_old.data_type END ELSE c_old.data_type || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default IS NOT NULL THEN ' DEFAULT ' || c_old.column_default ELSE '' END END || CASE WHEN c_old.not_null THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END, ', ' ORDER BY c_old.id ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old ON c_old.audit_table_id = t.id LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT c.column_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log atl JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c ON c.audit_table_id = atl.id WHERE atl.table_name = t.table_name AND atl.schema_name = t.schema_name AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) c_new ON c_old.column_name = c_new.column_name WHERE upper(c_old.txid_range) = $1 AND c_new.column_name IS NULL AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6; -- try to execute ALTER TABLE command IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt , $6, $5); END IF; -- fill in data with an UPDATE statement if audit_id is set IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 4, $5, $6, $7); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_column THEN -- if column already exists just do an UPDATE PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 4, $5, $6, $7); END; -- DELETE or TRUNCATE case WHEN $4 = 7 OR $4 = 8 THEN IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM jsonb_populate_record(null::%I.%I, $1)', $6, $5, $6, $5) USING $3; -- row has already been re-inserted, so update it based on the values of this deleted version EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- merge changes with recent version of table record and update row PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 4, $5, $6, $7); END; END IF; -- DROP AUDIT_ID case WHEN $4 = 81 THEN -- first check if a preceding CREATE TABLE event already recreated the audit_id BEGIN current_transaction := current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; BEGIN IF current_transaction IS NULL OR NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = current_transaction AND table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND op_id = 1 -- RE/CREATE TABLE event ) THEN -- try to restart auditing for table PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit(table_name, schema_name, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data, FALSE) FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND upper(txid_range) = $1; END IF; -- audit_id already exists EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert DROP AUDIT_ID event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- DROP TABLE case WHEN $4 = 9 THEN -- collect information of columns of dropped table SELECT t.log_id, string_agg( quote_ident(c_old.column_name) || ' ' || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' AND pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(c_old.column_default) LIKE E'%_seq\'::regclass)' THEN CASE WHEN c_old.data_type = 'smallint' THEN 'smallserial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'integer' THEN 'serial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'bigint' THEN 'bigserial' ELSE c_old.data_type END ELSE c_old.data_type || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default IS NOT NULL THEN ' DEFAULT ' || c_old.column_default ELSE '' END END || CASE WHEN c_old.not_null THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END, ', ' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position ) INTO table_log_id, stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old ON c_old.audit_table_id = t.id LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT atl.table_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log atl WHERE atl.table_name = t.table_name AND atl.schema_name = t.schema_name AND upper(atl.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(atl.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) t_new ON t.table_name = t_new.table_name WHERE upper(c_old.txid_range) = $1 AND c_old.column_name <> $7 AND t_new.table_name IS NULL AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 GROUP BY t.log_id; -- try to create table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event($5, $6, 'RECREATE TABLE'); PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $6 || '.' || $5, table_log_id::text, TRUE); EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %I.%I (' || stmt || ')', $6, $5); END IF; -- fill in truncated data with an INSERT statement if audit_id is set IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 8, $5, $6, $7); END IF; END CASE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pgmemento.audit_tables AS SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, atl.audit_id_column, atl.log_old_data, atl.log_new_data, bounds.txid_min, bounds.txid_max, CASE WHEN tg.tgenabled IS NOT NULL AND tg.tgenabled <> 'D' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS tg_is_active FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pgmemento.audit_schema_log asl ON asl.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(asl.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(asl.txid_range) IS NOT NULL JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (log_id) log_id, table_name, schema_name, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY log_id, id ) atl ON atl.table_name = c.relname AND atl.schema_name = n.nspname JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.attname = atl.audit_id_column JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM pgmemento.get_txid_bounds_to_table(atl.log_id) ) bounds ON (true) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT tgrelid, tgenabled FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname = 'pgmemento_transaction_trigger'::name ) AS tg ON c.oid = tg.tgrelid WHERE c.relkind = 'r' ORDER BY schemaname, tablename; \echo \echo 'pgMemento upgrade completed!'