Logging can be stopped and restarted per schema. This removes log triggers but keeps the audit_id column in audited tables. These tables are still listed in the [audit_tables](https://github.com/pgMemento/pgMemento/wiki/Audit_tables-VIEW) view, showing triggers are disabled. The transaction id ranges in `audit_schema_log` and `audit_table_log` remain open. They are only closed if auditing is [dropped](https://github.com/pgMemento/pgMemento/wiki/End-an-audit-trail). Auditing can be paused either by calling `pgmemento.stop` or by running the interactive `STOP_AUDITING.sql` script. You can specify: 1. The schema, where you want to stop/start logging and 2. define a set of tables you want to exclude from the action (comma-separated list) The function or script should finish with the message "pgMemento is stopped for schema.". If you exclude tables then "partly" is added to the message. ## Pause logging for single tables If you only want to pause/deactivate logging for a single table use the `pgmemento.drop_table_log_trigger` function: ```sql SELECT pgmemento.drop_table_log_trigger('table_A', 'public'); ``` ## Restart auditing To start auditing again you can call `pgmemento.start` or run the `START_AUDITING` script. This will only work if pgMemento is already initialized in the schema and registered in the `audit_schema_log`. The `start` endpoint offers the same options than [init](https://github.com/pgMemento/pgMemento/wiki/Initialize-auditing) except that you cannot log the existing content of tables. If you choose a different logging behavior or default name for the audit_id column, a new entry is written to the `audit_schema_log`. ## Create log triggers for a single table If you want to recreate the log triggers for a single table and don't want to use the `start` endpoint by excluding every other table, call the following function: ```sql SELECT pgmemento.create_table_log_trigger( table_name := 'table_A', schema_name := 'public', audit_id_column_name := 'pgmemento_audit_id', log_old_data := TRUE, log_new_data := FALSE ); ```