-- SCHEMA.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This script is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script contains the database schema of pgMemento. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.7.4 2020-03-23 add audit_id_column to audit_table_log FKun -- 0.7.3 2020-03-21 new audit_schema_log table FKun -- 0.7.2 2020-02-29 new column in row_log to also audit new data FKun -- new unique index on event_key and audit_id -- 0.7.1 2020-02-02 put unique index of table_event_log on event_key FKun -- 0.7.0 2020-01-09 remove FK to events and use concatenated metakeys FKun -- store more events with statement_timestamp -- 0.6.2 2019-02-27 comments for tables and columns FKun -- 0.6.1 2018-07-23 schema part cut from SETUP.sql FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * PGMEMENTO SCHEMA * Addtional schema that contains the log tables and * all functions to enable versioning of the database. * * TABLES: * audit_column_log * audit_table_log * audit_schema_log * row_log * table_event_log * transaction_log * * INDEXES: * column_log_column_idx * column_log_range_idx * column_log_table_idx * row_log_audit_idx * row_log_event_idx * row_log_new_data_idx * row_log_old_data_idx * table_event_log_event_idx * table_event_log_fk_idx * table_log_idx * table_log_range_idx * transaction_log_session_idx * transaction_log_txid_idx * * SEQUENCES: * audit_id_seq * schema_log_id_seq * table_log_id_seq * ***********************************************************/ -- transaction metadata is logged into the transaction_log table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pgmemento.transaction_log CASCADE; CREATE TABLE pgmemento.transaction_log ( id SERIAL, txid BIGINT NOT NULL, txid_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, process_id INTEGER, user_name TEXT, client_name TEXT, client_port INTEGER, application_name TEXT, session_info JSONB ); ALTER TABLE pgmemento.transaction_log ADD CONSTRAINT transaction_log_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); COMMENT ON TABLE pgmemento.transaction_log IS 'Stores metadata about each transaction'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.id IS 'The Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.txid IS 'The internal transaction ID by PostgreSQL (can cycle)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.txid_time IS 'Stores the result of transaction_timestamp() function'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.process_id IS 'Stores the result of pg_backend_pid() function'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.user_name IS 'Stores the result of current_user function'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.client_name IS 'Stores the result of inet_client_addr() function'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.client_port IS 'Stores the result of inet_client_port() function'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.application_name IS 'Stores the output of current_setting(''application_name'')'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.transaction_log.session_info IS 'Stores any infos a client/user defines beforehand with set_config'; -- event on tables are logged into the table_event_log table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pgmemento.table_event_log CASCADE; CREATE TABLE pgmemento.table_event_log ( id SERIAL, transaction_id INTEGER NOT NULL, stmt_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, op_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, table_operation TEXT, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, event_key TEXT NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE pgmemento.table_event_log ADD CONSTRAINT table_event_log_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); COMMENT ON TABLE pgmemento.table_event_log IS 'Stores metadata about different kind of events happening during one transaction against one table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.id IS 'The Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.transaction_id IS 'Foreign Key to transaction_log table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.stmt_time IS 'Stores the result of statement_timestamp() function'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.op_id IS 'ID of event type'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.table_operation IS 'Text for of event type'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.table_name IS 'Name of table that fired the trigger'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.schema_name IS 'Schema of firing table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.table_event_log.event_key IS 'Concatenated information of most columns'; -- all row changes are logged into the row_log table DROP TABLE IF EXISTS pgmemento.row_log CASCADE; CREATE TABLE pgmemento.row_log ( id BIGSERIAL, audit_id BIGINT NOT NULL, event_key TEXT NOT NULL, old_data JSONB, new_data JSONB ); ALTER TABLE pgmemento.row_log ADD CONSTRAINT row_log_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); COMMENT ON TABLE pgmemento.row_log IS 'Stores the historic data a.k.a the audit trail'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.row_log.id IS 'The Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.row_log.audit_id IS ' The implicit link to a table''s row'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.row_log.event_key IS 'Concatenated information of table event'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.row_log.old_data IS 'The old values of changed columns in a JSONB object'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.row_log.new_data IS 'The new values of changed columns in a JSONB object'; -- if and how pgMemento is running, is logged in the audit_schema_log CREATE TABLE pgmemento.audit_schema_log ( id SERIAL, log_id INTEGER NOT NULL, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, default_audit_id_column TEXT NOT NULL, default_log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, default_log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, txid_range numrange ); ALTER TABLE pgmemento.audit_schema_log ADD CONSTRAINT audit_schema_log_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); COMMENT ON TABLE pgmemento.audit_schema_log IS 'Stores information about how pgMemento is configured in audited database schema'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.id IS 'The Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.log_id IS 'ID to trace a changing database schema'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.schema_name IS 'The name of the database schema'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.default_audit_id_column IS 'The default name for the audit_id column added to audited tables'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.default_log_old_data IS 'Default setting for tables to log old values'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.default_log_new_data IS 'Default setting for tables to log new values'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.trigger_create_table IS 'Flag that shows if pgMemento starts auditing for newly created tables'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_schema_log.txid_range IS 'Stores the transaction IDs when pgMemento has been activated or stopped in the schema'; -- liftime of audited tables is logged in the audit_table_log table CREATE TABLE pgmemento.audit_table_log ( id SERIAL, log_id INTEGER NOT NULL, relid OID, table_name TEXT NOT NULL, schema_name TEXT NOT NULL, audit_id_column TEXT NOT NULL, log_old_data BOOLEAN NOT NULL, log_new_data BOOLEAN NOT NULL, txid_range numrange ); ALTER TABLE pgmemento.audit_table_log ADD CONSTRAINT audit_table_log_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); COMMENT ON TABLE pgmemento.audit_table_log IS 'Stores information about audited tables, which is important when restoring a whole schema or database'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.id IS 'The Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.log_id IS 'ID to trace a changing table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.relid IS '[DEPRECATED] The table''s OID to trace a table when changed'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.table_name IS 'The name of the table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.schema_name IS 'The schema the table belongs to'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.audit_id_column IS 'The name for the audit_id column added to the audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.log_old_data IS 'Flag that shows if old values are logged for audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.log_new_data IS 'Flag that shows if new values are logged for audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_table_log.txid_range IS 'Stores the transaction IDs when the table has been created and dropped'; -- lifetime of columns of audited tables is logged in the audit_column_log table CREATE TABLE pgmemento.audit_column_log ( id SERIAL, audit_table_id INTEGER NOT NULL, column_name TEXT NOT NULL, ordinal_position INTEGER, data_type TEXT, column_default TEXT, not_null BOOLEAN, txid_range numrange ); ALTER TABLE pgmemento.audit_column_log ADD CONSTRAINT audit_column_log_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); COMMENT ON TABLE pgmemento.audit_column_log IS 'Stores information about audited columns, which is important when restoring previous versions of tuples and tables'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.id IS 'The Primary Key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.audit_table_id IS 'Foreign Key to pgmemento.audit_table_log'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.column_name IS 'The name of the column'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.ordinal_position IS 'The ordinal position within the table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.data_type IS 'The column''s data type (incl typemods)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.column_default IS 'The column''s default expression'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.not_null IS 'A flag to tell, if the column is a NOT NULL column or not'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_column_log.txid_range IS 'Stores the transaction IDs when the column has been created and dropped'; -- create foreign key constraints ALTER TABLE pgmemento.table_event_log ADD CONSTRAINT table_event_log_txid_fk FOREIGN KEY (transaction_id) REFERENCES pgmemento.transaction_log (id) MATCH FULL ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE pgmemento.audit_column_log ADD CONSTRAINT audit_column_log_fk FOREIGN KEY (audit_table_id) REFERENCES pgmemento.audit_table_log (id) MATCH FULL ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- create indexes on all columns that are queried later DROP INDEX IF EXISTS transaction_log_unique_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS transaction_log_session_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS table_event_log_fk_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS table_event_log_event_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS row_log_audit_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS row_log_event_audit_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS row_log_old_data_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS row_log_new_data_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS table_log_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS table_log_range_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS column_log_table_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS column_log_column_idx; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS column_log_range_idx; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX transaction_log_unique_idx ON pgmemento.transaction_log USING BTREE (txid_time, txid); CREATE INDEX transaction_log_session_idx ON pgmemento.transaction_log USING GIN (session_info); CREATE INDEX table_event_log_fk_idx ON pgmemento.table_event_log USING BTREE (transaction_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX table_event_log_event_idx ON pgmemento.table_event_log USING BTREE (event_key); CREATE INDEX row_log_audit_idx ON pgmemento.row_log USING BTREE (audit_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX row_log_event_audit_idx ON pgmemento.row_log USING BTREE (event_key, audit_id); CREATE INDEX row_log_old_data_idx ON pgmemento.row_log USING GIN (old_data); CREATE INDEX row_log_new_data_idx ON pgmemento.row_log USING GIN (new_data); CREATE INDEX table_log_idx ON pgmemento.audit_table_log USING BTREE (log_id); CREATE INDEX table_log_name_idx ON pgmemento.audit_table_log USING BTREE (table_name, schema_name); CREATE INDEX table_log_range_idx ON pgmemento.audit_table_log USING GIST (txid_range); CREATE INDEX column_log_table_idx ON pgmemento.audit_column_log USING BTREE (audit_table_id); CREATE INDEX column_log_column_idx ON pgmemento.audit_column_log USING BTREE (column_name); CREATE INDEX column_log_range_idx ON pgmemento.audit_column_log USING GIST (txid_range); /*********************************************************** CREATE SEQUENCE ***********************************************************/ DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS pgmemento.audit_id_seq; CREATE SEQUENCE pgmemento.audit_id_seq INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 0 MAXVALUE 2147483647 START WITH 1 CACHE 1 NO CYCLE OWNED BY NONE; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS pgmemento.schema_log_id_seq; CREATE SEQUENCE pgmemento.schema_log_id_seq INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 0 MAXVALUE 2147483647 START WITH 1 CACHE 1 NO CYCLE OWNED BY NONE; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS pgmemento.table_log_id_seq; CREATE SEQUENCE pgmemento.table_log_id_seq INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 0 MAXVALUE 2147483647 START WITH 1 CACHE 1 NO CYCLE OWNED BY NONE; -- SETUP.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This script is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script provides functions to set up pgMemento for a schema in an -- PostgreSQL 9.5+ database. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.7.10 2020-04-19 change signature for drop audit functions and FKun -- define new REINIT TABLE event -- 0.7.9 2020-04-13 remove txid from log_table_event FKun -- 0.7.8 2020-03-29 make logging of old data configurable, too FKun -- 0.7.7 2020-03-23 allow configurable audit_id column FKun -- 0.7.6 2020-03-21 new function log_transaction to do writes and FKun -- renamed trigger function to log_statement -- 0.7.5 2020-03-07 set SECURITY DEFINER where log tables are touched FKun -- 0.7.4 2020-02-29 added option to also log new data in row_log FKun -- 0.7.3 2020-02-09 reflect changes on schema and triggers FKun -- 0.7.2 2020-02-08 new get_table_oid function to replace trimming FKun -- 0.7.1 2019-04-21 introduce new event RECREATE TABLE with op_id FKun -- 0.7.0 2019-03-23 reflect schema changes in UDFs and VIEWs FKun -- 0.6.9 2019-03-23 Audit views list tables even on relid mismatch FKun -- 0.6.8 2019-02-14 ADD AUDIT_ID event gets its own op_id FKun -- new helper function trim_outer_quotes -- 0.6.7 2018-11-19 new log events for adding and dropping audit_id FKun -- 0.6.6 2018-11-10 rename log_table_state to log_table_baseline FKun -- new option for drop_table_audit to drop all logs -- 0.6.5 2018-11-05 get_txid_bounds_to_table function now takes OID FKun -- 0.6.4 2018-11-01 reflect range bounds change in audit tables FKun -- 0.6.3 2018-10-26 fixed delta creation for UPDATEs with JSON types FKun -- 0.6.2 2018-10-25 log_state argument changed to boolean FKun -- 0.6.1 2018-07-23 moved schema parts in its own file FKun -- 0.6.0 2018-07-14 additional columns in transaction_log table and FKun -- better handling for internal txid cycles -- 0.5.3 2017-07-26 Improved queries for views FKun -- 0.5.2 2017-07-25 UNIQUE constraint for audit_id column, new op_ids FKun -- new column order in audit_column_log -- 0.5.1 2017-07-18 add functions un/register_audit_table FKun -- 0.5.0 2017-07-12 simplified schema for audit_column_log FKun -- 0.4.2 2017-04-10 included parts from other scripts FKun -- 0.4.1 2017-03-15 empty JSONB diffs are not logged anymore FKun -- updated schema for DDL log tables -- 0.4.0 2017-03-05 updated JSONB functions FKun -- 0.3.0 2016-04-14 new log tables for ddl changes (removed FKun -- table_templates table) -- 0.2.4 2016-04-05 more constraints on log tables (+ new ID column) FKun -- 0.2.3 2016-03-17 work with time zones and renamed column in FKun -- table_templates table -- 0.2.2 2016-03-09 fallbacks for adding columns and triggers FKun -- 0.2.1 2016-02-14 removed unnecessary plpgsql and dynamic sql code FKun -- 0.2.0 2015-02-21 new table structure, more triggers and JSONB FKun -- 0.1.0 2014-11-26 initial commit FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * VIEWS: * audit_tables * audit_tables_dependency * * FUNCTIONS: * column_array_to_column_list(columns TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT * create_schema_audit(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, * except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * create_schema_audit_id(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * create_schema_log_trigger(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, * log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * create_table_audit(tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ,log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * create_table_audit_id(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * create_table_log_trigger(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_schema_audit(schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, drop_log BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_schema_audit_id(schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_schema_log_trigger(schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_table_audit(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, drop_log BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_table_audit_id(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_table_log_trigger(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * get_operation_id(operation TEXT) RETURNS SMALLINT * get_table_oid(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS OID * get_txid_bounds_to_table(table_log_id INTEGER, OUT txid_min INTEGER, OUT txid_max INTEGER) RETURNS RECORD * log_new_table_state(columns TEXT[], table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, table_event_key TEXT, * audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * log_old_table_state(columns TEXT[], table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, table_event_key TEXT, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * log_schema_baseline(audit_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * log_table_baseline(table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * log_table_event(event_txid BIGINT, tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT, op_type TEXT) RETURNS TEXT * log_transaction(current_txid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER * register_audit_table(audit_table_name TEXT, audit_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS INTEGER * trim_outer_quotes(quoted_string TEXT) RETURNS TEXT * unregister_audit_table(audit_table_name TEXT, audit_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * * TRIGGER FUNCTIONS * log_delete() RETURNS trigger * log_insert() RETURNS trigger * log_tansaction() RETURNS trigger * log_truncate() RETURNS trigger * log_update() RETURNS trigger * ***********************************************************/ /*********************************************************** * GET TXID BOUNDS TO TABLE * * A helper function to get highest and lowest logged * transaction id to an audited table ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_txid_bounds_to_table( table_log_id INTEGER, OUT txid_min INTEGER, OUT txid_max INTEGER ) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ SELECT min(transaction_id) AS txid_min, max(transaction_id) AS txid_max FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE table_log_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; /*********************************************************** * AUDIT_TABLES VIEW * * A view that shows the user at which transaction auditing * has been started. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pgmemento.audit_tables AS SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, atl.audit_id_column, atl.log_old_data, atl.log_new_data, bounds.txid_min, bounds.txid_max, CASE WHEN tg.tgenabled IS NOT NULL AND tg.tgenabled <> 'D' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END AS tg_is_active FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pgmemento.audit_schema_log asl ON asl.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(asl.txid_range) IS NULL JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (log_id) log_id, table_name, schema_name, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE upper(txid_range) IS NULL ORDER BY log_id, id ) atl ON atl.table_name = c.relname AND atl.schema_name = n.nspname JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.attname = atl.audit_id_column JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM pgmemento.get_txid_bounds_to_table(atl.log_id) ) bounds ON (true) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT tgrelid, tgenabled FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgname = 'pgmemento_transaction_trigger'::name ) AS tg ON c.oid = tg.tgrelid WHERE c.relkind = 'r' ORDER BY schemaname, tablename; COMMENT ON VIEW pgmemento.audit_tables IS 'Lists which tables are audited by pgMemento (a.k.a. have an audit_id column)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.schemaname IS 'The schema the audited table belongs to'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.tablename IS 'Name of the audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.audit_id_column IS 'Name of the audit_id column added to the audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.log_old_data IS 'Flag that shows if old values are logged for audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.log_new_data IS 'Flag that shows if new values are logged for audited table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.txid_min IS 'The minimal transaction ID referenced to the audited table in the table_event_log'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.txid_max IS 'The maximal transaction ID referenced to the audited table in the table_event_log'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables.tg_is_active IS 'Flag, that shows if logging is activated for the table or not'; /*********************************************************** * AUDIT_TABLES_DEPENDENCY VIEW * * This view is essential for reverting transactions. * pgMemento can only log one INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE event per * table per transaction which maps all changed rows to this * one event even though it belongs to a subsequent one. * Therefore, knowledge about table dependencies is required * to not violate foreign keys. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency AS WITH RECURSIVE table_dependency( parent_oid, child_oid, table_log_id, table_name, schema_name, depth ) AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (ct.conrelid) ct.confrelid AS parent_oid, ct.conrelid AS child_oid, a.log_id AS table_log_id, a.table_name, n.nspname AS schema_name, 1 AS depth FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN pg_constraint ct ON ct.conrelid = c.oid JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = c.relname AND a.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL WHERE ct.contype = 'f' AND ct.conrelid <> ct.confrelid UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT ON (ct.conrelid) ct.confrelid AS parent_oid, ct.conrelid AS child_oid, a.log_id AS table_log_id, a.table_name, n.nspname AS schema_name, d.depth + 1 AS depth FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN pg_constraint ct ON ct.conrelid = c.oid JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = c.relname AND a.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL JOIN table_dependency d ON d.child_oid = ct.confrelid WHERE ct.contype = 'f' AND d.child_oid <> ct.conrelid ) SELECT child_oid AS relid, table_log_id, schema_name AS schemaname, table_name AS tablename, depth FROM ( SELECT child_oid, table_log_id, schema_name, table_name, max(depth) AS depth FROM table_dependency GROUP BY child_oid, table_log_id, schema_name, table_name UNION ALL SELECT atl.relid, atl.log_id AS table_log_id, atl.schema_name, atl.table_name, 0 AS depth FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log atl LEFT JOIN table_dependency d ON d.table_log_id = atl.log_id WHERE d.table_log_id IS NULL AND upper(atl.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(atl.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) td ORDER BY schemaname, depth, tablename; COMMENT ON VIEW pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency IS 'Lists the dependencies between audited tables which is important for reverts'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency.relid IS 'The OID of the table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency.table_log_id IS 'The tracing log ID from audit_table_log'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency.schemaname IS 'The schema name the table belongs to'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency.tablename IS 'The name of the table'; COMMENT ON COLUMN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency.depth IS 'The depth of foreign key references'; /********************************************************** * TRIM_OUTER_QUOTES * * Helper function to support auditing quoted tables ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(quoted_string TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN length(btrim($1, '"')) < length($1) THEN replace(substr($1, 2, length($1) - 2),'""','"') ELSE replace($1,'""','"') END; $$ LANGUAGE sql; /********************************************************** * GET_OPERATION_iD * * Helper function to return id for triggered operation ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_operation_id(operation TEXT) RETURNS SMALLINT AS $$ SELECT (CASE $1 WHEN 'CREATE TABLE' THEN 1 WHEN 'RECREATE TABLE' THEN 1 WHEN 'REINIT TABLE' THEN 11 WHEN 'RENAME TABLE' THEN 12 WHEN 'ADD COLUMN' THEN 2 WHEN 'ADD AUDIT_ID' THEN 21 WHEN 'RENAME COLUMN' THEN 22 WHEN 'INSERT' THEN 3 WHEN 'UPDATE' THEN 4 WHEN 'ALTER COLUMN' THEN 5 WHEN 'DROP COLUMN' THEN 6 WHEN 'DELETE' THEN 7 WHEN 'TRUNCATE' THEN 8 WHEN 'DROP AUDIT_ID' THEN 81 WHEN 'DROP TABLE' THEN 9 ELSE NULL END)::smallint; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT; /********************************************************** * GET_TABLE_OID * * Returns the OID for schema.table / "schema"."table" ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_table_oid( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS OID AS $$ DECLARE table_oid OID; BEGIN table_oid := ($2 || '.' || $1)::regclass::oid; RETURN table_oid; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN table_oid := (quote_ident($2) || '.' || quote_ident($1))::regclass::oid; RETURN table_oid; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; /********************************************************** * UN/REGISTER TABLE * * Function to un/register information of audited table in * audit_table_log and corresponding columns in audit_column_log ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.unregister_audit_table( audit_table_name TEXT, audit_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE tab_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- update txid_range for removed table in audit_table_log table UPDATE pgmemento.audit_table_log SET txid_range = numrange(lower(txid_range), current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, '(]') WHERE table_name = $1 AND schema_name = $2 AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL RETURNING id INTO tab_id; IF tab_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- update txid_range for removed columns in audit_column_log table UPDATE pgmemento.audit_column_log SET txid_range = numrange(lower(txid_range), current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, '(]') WHERE audit_table_id = tab_id AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.register_audit_table( audit_table_name TEXT, audit_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE tab_id INTEGER; table_log_id INTEGER; old_table_name TEXT; old_schema_name TEXT; audit_id_column_name TEXT; log_data_settings TEXT; BEGIN -- check if affected table exists in 'audit_table_log' (with open range) SELECT id INTO tab_id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $1 AND schema_name = $2 AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; IF tab_id IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN tab_id; END IF; BEGIN -- check if table exists in 'audit_table_log' with another name (and open range) table_log_id := current_setting('pgmemento.' || quote_ident($2) || '.' || quote_ident($1))::int; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int AND table_name = $1 AND schema_name = $2 AND ((op_id = 1 AND table_operation = 'RECREATE TABLE') OR op_id = 11) -- REINIT TABLE event ) THEN SELECT table_name, schema_name INTO old_table_name, old_schema_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE log_id = table_log_id AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN table_log_id := nextval('pgmemento.table_log_id_seq'); END; -- if so, unregister first before making new inserts IF old_table_name IS NOT NULL AND old_schema_name IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.unregister_audit_table(old_table_name, old_schema_name); END IF; -- get audit_id_column name which was set in create_table_audit_id or in event trigger when renaming the table audit_id_column_name := current_setting('pgmemento.' || $2 || '.' || $1 || '.audit_id.' || txid_current()); -- get logging behavior which was set in create_table_audit_id or in event trigger when renaming the table log_data_settings := current_setting('pgmemento.' || $2 || '.' || $1 || '.log_data.' || txid_current()); -- now register table and corresponding columns in audit tables INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_table_log (log_id, relid, schema_name, table_name, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data, txid_range) VALUES (table_log_id, pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2), $2, $1, audit_id_column_name, CASE WHEN split_part(log_data_settings, ',' ,1) = 'old=true' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END, CASE WHEN split_part(log_data_settings, ',' ,2) = 'new=true' THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END, numrange(current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, NULL, '(]')) RETURNING id INTO tab_id; -- insert columns of new audited table into 'audit_column_log' INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_column_log (id, audit_table_id, column_name, ordinal_position, column_default, not_null, data_type, txid_range) ( SELECT nextval('pgmemento.audit_column_log_id_seq') AS id, tab_id AS audit_table_id, a.attname AS column_name, a.attnum AS ordinal_position, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid, TRUE) AS column_default, a.attnotnull AS not_null, substr( format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), position('.' IN format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod))+1, length(format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)) ) AS data_type, numrange(current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, NULL, '(]') AS txid_range FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON (a.attrelid, a.attnum) = (d.adrelid, d.adnum) WHERE a.attrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND a.attname <> audit_id_column_name AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ORDER BY a.attnum ); -- rename unique constraint for audit_id column IF old_table_name IS NOT NULL AND old_schema_name IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I RENAME CONSTRAINT %I TO %I', $2, $1, old_table_name || '_' || audit_id_column_name || '_key', $1 || '_' || audit_id_column_name || '_key'); END IF; RETURN tab_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * LOGGING TRIGGER * * Define trigger on a table to fire events when * - a statement is executed * - rows are inserted, updated or deleted * - the table is truncated ***********************************************************/ -- create logging triggers for one table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_table_log_trigger( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND tgname = 'pgmemento_transaction_trigger' ) THEN RETURN; ELSE /* statement level triggers */ -- first trigger to be fired on each transaction EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TRIGGER pgmemento_transaction_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE OR TRUNCATE ON %I.%I FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.log_statement()', $2, $1); -- second trigger to be fired before truncate events if old data shall be logged IF $4 THEN EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TRIGGER pgmemento_truncate_trigger BEFORE TRUNCATE ON %I.%I FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.log_truncate(%L)', $2, $1, $3); END IF; /* row level triggers */ -- trigger to be fired after insert events EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TRIGGER pgmemento_insert_trigger AFTER INSERT ON %I.%I FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.log_insert(%L, %s, %s)', $2, $1, $3, CASE WHEN $4 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END, CASE WHEN $5 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END); -- trigger to be fired after update events EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TRIGGER pgmemento_update_trigger AFTER UPDATE ON %I.%I FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.log_update(%L, %s, %s)', $2, $1, $3, CASE WHEN $4 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END, CASE WHEN $5 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END); -- trigger to be fired after insert events EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TRIGGER pgmemento_delete_trigger AFTER DELETE ON %I.%I FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.log_delete(%L, %s)', $2, $1, $3, CASE WHEN $4 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform create_table_log_trigger on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_schema_log_trigger( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.create_table_log_trigger(c.relname, $1, s.default_audit_id_column, $2, $3) FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $1 JOIN pgmemento.audit_schema_log s ON s.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(s.txid_range) IS NULL WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($4,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; -- drop logging triggers for one table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_table_log_trigger( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_delete_trigger ON %I.%I', $2, $1); EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_update_trigger ON %I.%I', $2, $1); EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_insert_trigger ON %I.%I', $2, $1); EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_truncate_trigger ON %I.%I', $2, $1); EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_transaction_trigger ON %I.%I', $2, $1); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform drop_table_log_trigger on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_schema_log_trigger( schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename <> ALL (COALESCE($2,'{}'::text[])) AND tg_is_active ) THEN PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_log_trigger(tablename, $1) FROM pgmemento.audit_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename <> ALL (COALESCE($2,'{}'::text[])) AND tg_is_active; PERFORM pgmemento.stop($1, $2); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * AUDIT ID COLUMN * * Add an extra audit column to a table to trace changes on * rows over time. ***********************************************************/ -- add audit column to a table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_table_audit_id( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN -- log as 'add column' event, as it is not done by event triggers PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event($1, $2, 'ADD AUDIT_ID'); -- add audit column to table -- throws exception if it already exist EXECUTE format( 'ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD COLUMN %I BIGINT DEFAULT nextval(''pgmemento.audit_id_seq''::regclass) UNIQUE NOT NULL', $2, $1, $3); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform create_table_audit_id on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_schema_audit_id( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.create_table_audit_id(c.relname, $1, s.default_audit_id_column) FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $1 JOIN pgmemento.audit_schema_log s ON s.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(s.txid_range) IS NULL WHERE c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($2,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; -- drop audit column from a table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_table_audit_id( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN -- drop audit column if it exists IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND attname = $3 AND attislocal = 't' AND NOT attisdropped ) THEN EXECUTE format( 'ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I, DROP COLUMN %I', $2, $1, $1 || '_' || audit_id_column_name || '_key', $3); ELSE RETURN; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform drop_table_audit_id on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_schema_audit_id( schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.drop_table_audit_id(tablename, $1, audit_id_column) FROM pgmemento.audit_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename <> ALL (COALESCE($2,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * LOG TABLE STATE * * Function to log the whole content of a table or only * for given columns. **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.column_array_to_column_list(columns TEXT[]) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT array_to_string(array_agg(format('%L, %I', k, v)), ', ') FROM unnest($1) k, unnest($1) v WHERE k = v; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_old_table_state( columns TEXT[], tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT, table_event_key TEXT, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NOT NULL AND array_length($1, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN -- log content of given columns EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log(audit_id, event_key, old_data) SELECT %I, $1, jsonb_build_object('||pgmemento.column_array_to_column_list($1)||') AS content FROM %I.%I ORDER BY %I ON CONFLICT (audit_id, event_key) DO NOTHING', $5, $3, $2, $5) USING $4; ELSE -- log content of entire table EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log (audit_id, event_key, old_data) SELECT %I, $1, to_jsonb(%I) AS content FROM %I.%I ORDER BY %I ON CONFLICT (audit_id, event_key) DO NOTHING', $5, $2, $3, $2, $5) USING $4; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_new_table_state( columns TEXT[], tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT, table_event_key TEXT, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NOT NULL AND array_length($1, 1) IS NOT NULL THEN -- log content of given columns EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log(audit_id, event_key, new_data) SELECT %I, $1, jsonb_build_object('||pgmemento.column_array_to_column_list($1)||') AS content FROM %I.%I ORDER BY %I ON CONFLICT (audit_id, event_key) DO UPDATE SET new_data = excluded.new_data', $5, $3, $2, $5) USING $4; ELSE -- log content of entire table EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log (audit_id, event_key, new_data) SELECT %I, $1, to_jsonb(%I) AS content FROM %I.%I ORDER BY %I ON CONFLICT (audit_id, event_key) DO UPDATE SET new_data = excluded.new_data', $5, $2, $3, $2, $5) USING $4; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * LOG TRANSACTION * * Function that write information of ddl and dml events into * transaction_log and returns the transaction ID **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_transaction(current_txid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE session_info_text TEXT; session_info_obj JSONB; transaction_log_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- retrieve session_info set by client BEGIN session_info_text := current_setting('pgmemento.session_info'); IF session_info_text IS NULL OR session_info_text = '' THEN session_info_obj := NULL; ELSE session_info_obj := session_info_text::jsonb; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN session_info_obj := NULL; WHEN invalid_text_representation THEN BEGIN session_info_obj := to_jsonb(current_setting('pgmemento.session_info')); END; WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Unable to parse session info: %', session_info_text; session_info_obj := NULL; END; -- try to log corresponding transaction INSERT INTO pgmemento.transaction_log (txid, txid_time, process_id, user_name, client_name, client_port, application_name, session_info) VALUES ($1, transaction_timestamp(), pg_backend_pid(), current_user, inet_client_addr(), inet_client_port(), current_setting('application_name'), session_info_obj ) ON CONFLICT (txid_time, txid) DO NOTHING RETURNING id INTO transaction_log_id; IF transaction_log_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $1, transaction_log_id::text, TRUE); ELSE transaction_log_id := current_setting('pgmemento.' || $1)::int; END IF; RETURN transaction_log_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * LOG TABLE EVENT * * Function that write information of ddl and dml events into * transaction_log and table_event_log and returns the event ID **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_table_event( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT, op_type TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE txid_log_id INTEGER; stmt_ts TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := statement_timestamp(); operation_id SMALLINT := pgmemento.get_operation_id($3); table_event_key TEXT; BEGIN -- try to log corresponding transaction txid_log_id := pgmemento.log_transaction(txid_current()); -- try to log corresponding table event -- on conflict do nothing INSERT INTO pgmemento.table_event_log (transaction_id, stmt_time, op_id, table_operation, table_name, schema_name, event_key) VALUES (txid_log_id, stmt_ts, operation_id, $3, $1, $2, concat_ws(';', extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()), extract(epoch from stmt_ts), txid_current(), operation_id, $1, $2)) ON CONFLICT (event_key) DO NOTHING RETURNING event_key INTO table_event_key; RETURN table_event_key; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * TRIGGER PROCEDURE log_statement * * Procedure that is called when a pgmemento_transaction_trigger * is fired. Metadata of each transaction is written to the * transaction_log table. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_statement() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event(TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_OP); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * TRIGGER PROCEDURE log_truncate * * Procedure that is called when a log_truncate_trigger is fired. * Table pgmemento.row_log is filled up with entries of truncated table. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_truncate() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN -- log the whole content of the truncated table in the row_log table PERFORM pgmemento.log_old_table_state('{}'::text[], TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, event_key, TG_ARGV[0]) FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int AND table_name = TG_TABLE_NAME AND schema_name = TG_TABLE_SCHEMA AND op_id = 8; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * TRIGGER PROCEDURE log_insert * * Procedure that is called when a log_insert_trigger is fired. * Table pgmemento.row_log is filled up with inserted entries * without specifying the content. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_insert() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE new_audit_id BIGINT; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || TG_ARGV[0] USING NEW INTO new_audit_id; -- log inserted row ('old_data' column can be left blank) INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log (audit_id, event_key, new_data) VALUES (new_audit_id, concat_ws(';', extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()), extract(epoch from statement_timestamp()), txid_current(), pgmemento.get_operation_id(TG_OP), TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA), CASE WHEN TG_ARGV[2] = 'true' THEN to_json(NEW) ELSE NULL END); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * TRIGGER PROCEDURE log_update * * Procedure that is called when a log_update_trigger is fired. * Table pgmemento.row_log is filled up with updated entries * but logging only the difference between OLD and NEW. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_update() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE new_audit_id BIGINT; jsonb_diff_old JSONB; jsonb_diff_new JSONB; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || TG_ARGV[0] USING NEW INTO new_audit_id; -- log values of updated columns for the processed row -- therefore, a diff between OLD and NEW is necessary IF TG_ARGV[1] = 'true' THEN SELECT COALESCE( (SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json(key) || ':' || value, ',') || '}') FROM jsonb_each(to_jsonb(OLD)) WHERE to_jsonb(NEW) ->> key IS DISTINCT FROM to_jsonb(OLD) ->> key ), '{}')::jsonb INTO jsonb_diff_old; END IF; IF TG_ARGV[2] = 'true' THEN -- switch the diff to only get the new values SELECT COALESCE( (SELECT ('{' || string_agg(to_json(key) || ':' || value, ',') || '}') FROM jsonb_each(to_jsonb(NEW)) WHERE to_jsonb(OLD) ->> key IS DISTINCT FROM to_jsonb(NEW) ->> key ), '{}')::jsonb INTO jsonb_diff_new; END IF; IF jsonb_diff_old <> '{}'::jsonb OR jsonb_diff_new <> '{}'::jsonb THEN INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log (audit_id, event_key, old_data, new_data) VALUES (new_audit_id, concat_ws(';', extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()), extract(epoch from statement_timestamp()), txid_current(), pgmemento.get_operation_id(TG_OP), TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA), jsonb_diff_old, jsonb_diff_new) ON CONFLICT (audit_id, event_key) DO UPDATE SET new_data = excluded.new_data; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * TRIGGER PROCEDURE log_delete * * Procedure that is called when a log_delete_trigger is fired. * Table pgmemento.row_log is filled up with deleted entries * including the complete row as JSONB. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_delete() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE old_audit_id BIGINT; BEGIN EXECUTE 'SELECT $1.' || TG_ARGV[0] USING OLD INTO old_audit_id; -- log content of the entire row in the row_log table INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log (audit_id, event_key, old_data) VALUES (old_audit_id, concat_ws(';', extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()), extract(epoch from statement_timestamp()), txid_current(), pgmemento.get_operation_id(TG_OP), TG_TABLE_NAME, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA), CASE WHEN TG_ARGV[1] = 'true' THEN to_json(OLD) ELSE NULL END); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * LOG TABLE BASELINE * * Log table content in the row_log table (as inserted values) * to have a baseline for table versioning. **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_table_baseline( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE is_empty INTEGER := 0; table_event_key TEXT; pkey_columns TEXT := ''; BEGIN -- first, check if table is not empty EXECUTE format('SELECT 1 FROM %I.%I LIMIT 1', $2, $1) INTO is_empty; IF is_empty <> 0 THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Log existing data in table %.% as inserted', $1, $2; table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event($1, $2, 'INSERT'); -- fill row_log table IF table_event_key IS NOT NULL THEN -- get the primary key columns SELECT array_to_string(array_agg('t.' || pga.attname),',') INTO pkey_columns FROM pg_index pgi, pg_class pgc, pg_attribute pga WHERE pgc.oid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND pgi.indrelid = pgc.oid AND pga.attrelid = pgc.oid AND pga.attnum = ANY(pgi.indkey) AND pgi.indisprimary; IF pkey_columns IS NOT NULL THEN pkey_columns := ' ORDER BY ' || pkey_columns; ELSE pkey_columns := ' ORDER BY t.' || $3; END IF; EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO pgmemento.row_log (audit_id, event_key' || CASE WHEN $4 THEN ', new_data' ELSE '' END || ') ' || 'SELECT t.' || $3 || ', $1' || CASE WHEN $4 THEN ', to_json(t.*) ' ELSE ' ' END || 'FROM %I.%I t ' || 'LEFT JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.audit_id = t.' || $3 || ' WHERE r.audit_id IS NULL' || pkey_columns || ' ON CONFLICT (audit_id, event_key) DO NOTHING', $2, $1) USING table_event_key; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform log_table_baseline on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.log_schema_baseline( audit_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.log_table_baseline(a.table_name, a.schema_name, a.audit_id_column, a.log_new_data) FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log s, pgmemento.audit_table_log a, pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency d WHERE s.schema_name = $1 AND s.schema_name = a.schema_name AND a.schema_name = d.schemaname AND a.table_name = d.tablename AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY d.depth; $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * ENABLE/DISABLE PGMEMENTO * * Enables/disables pgMemento for a specified tabl e/schema. ***********************************************************/ -- create pgMemento for one table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_table_audit( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}'; BEGIN -- check if pgMemento is already initialized for schema IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = $2 AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL ) THEN SELECT array_agg(c.relname) INTO except_tables FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname = $2 AND c.relname <> $1 AND c.relkind = 'r'; PERFORM pgmemento.create_schema_audit($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, FALSE, except_tables); END IF; -- remember audit_id_column when registering table in audit_table_log later PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $2 || '.' || $1 || '.audit_id.' || txid_current(), $3, TRUE); -- remember logging behavior when registering table in audit_table_log later PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $2 || '.' || $1 || '.log_data.' || txid_current(), CASE WHEN log_old_data THEN 'old=true,' ELSE 'old=false,' END || CASE WHEN log_new_data THEN 'new=true' ELSE 'new=false' END, TRUE); -- create log trigger PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_log_trigger($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); -- add audit_id column PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit_id($1, $2, $3); -- log existing table content as inserted IF $6 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_baseline($1, $2, $3, $5); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform create_table_audit on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_schema_audit( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE current_txid_range numrange; BEGIN -- check if schema is already audited SELECT txid_range INTO current_txid_range FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = $1; -- if not initialize pgMemento, this will also call create_schema_audit IF current_txid_range IS NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.init($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); RETURN; ELSE IF upper(current_txid_range) IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Schema has been audited before. pgMemento will only be started.'; PERFORM pgmemento.start($1, $2, $3, $4, $6, $7); END IF; END IF; PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit(c.relname, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables at ON at.tablename = c.relname AND at.schemaname = n.nspname AND NOT at.tg_is_active WHERE n.nspname = $1 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($7,'{}'::text[])) AND at.tg_is_active IS NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; -- drop pgMemento for one table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_table_audit( table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, drop_log BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE table_event_key TEXT; BEGIN -- first drop log trigger PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_log_trigger($1, $2); -- log the whole content of the table to keep the reference between audit_id and table rows IF $4 THEN -- log event as event triggers will walk around anything related to the audit_id table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event($1, $2, 'TRUNCATE'); -- log the whole content of the table to keep the reference between audit_id and table rows PERFORM pgmemento.log_old_table_state('{}'::text[], $1, $2, table_event_key, $3); END IF; -- log event as event triggers will walk around anything related to the audit_id table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event($1, $2, 'DROP AUDIT_ID'); -- update audit_table_log and audit_column_log PERFORM pgmemento.unregister_audit_table($1, $2); -- remove all logs related to given table IF $5 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.delete_audit_table_log($1, $2); END IF; -- drop audit_id column PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_audit_id($1, $2, $3); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform drop_table_audit on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_schema_audit( schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, drop_log BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename <> ALL (COALESCE($4,'{}'::text[])) ) THEN PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_audit(tablename, $1, audit_id_column, $2, $3) FROM pgmemento.audit_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename <> ALL (COALESCE($4,'{}'::text[])); PERFORM pgmemento.drop($1, $2, $3, $4); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; -- LOG_UTIL.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This script is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script provides utility functions for pgMemento and creates VIEWs -- for document auditing and table dependencies -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.7.6 2020-04-28 change new_data in row_log on update/delete FKun -- cover row_log when deleting events -- 0.7.5 2020-03-23 add audit_id_column to audit_table_check FKun -- 0.7.4 2020-03-07 set SECURITY DEFINER where log tables are FKun -- touched -- 0.7.3 2020-02-29 reflect new schema of row_log table FKun -- 0.7.2 2020-02-09 reflect changes on schema and triggers FKun -- 0.7.1 2020-02-08 stop using trim_outer_quotes FKun -- 0.7.0 2019-03-23 reflect schema changes in UDFs FKun -- 0.6.4 2019-03-23 audit_table_check can handle relid mismatch FKun -- 0.6.3 2018-11-20 new helper function to revert updates with FKun -- composite data types -- 0.6.2 2018-11-05 delete_table_event_log now takes OID FKun -- 0.6.1 2018-11-02 new functions to get historic table layouts FKun -- 0.6.0 2018-10-28 new function to update a key in logs FKun -- new value filter in delete_key function -- 0.5.1 2018-10-24 audit_table_check function moved here FKun -- 0.5.0 2018-07-16 reflect changes in transaction_id handling FKun -- 0.4.2 2017-07-26 new function to remove a key from all logs FKun -- 0.4.1 2017-04-11 moved VIEWs to SETUP.sql & added jsonb_merge FKun -- 0.4.0 2017-03-06 new view for table dependencies FKun -- 0.3.0 2016-04-14 reflected changes in log tables FKun -- 0.2.1 2016-04-05 additional column in audit_tables view FKun -- 0.2.0 2016-02-15 get txids done right FKun -- 0.1.0 2015-06-20 initial commit FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * AGGREGATE: * jsonb_merge(jsonb) * * FUNCTIONS: * audit_table_check(IN tid INTEGER, IN tab_name TEXT, IN tab_schema TEXT, * OUT table_log_id INTEGER, OUT log_tab_name TEXT, OUT log_tab_schema TEXT, OUT log_tab_id INTEGER, * OUT recent_tab_name TEXT, OUT recent_tab_schema TEXT, OUT recent_tab_id INTEGER) RETURNS RECORD * delete_audit_table_log(tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER * delete_key(aid BIGINT, key_name TEXT, old_value anyelement) RETURNS SETOF BIGINT * delete_table_event_log(tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER * delete_table_event_log(tid INTEGER, tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER * delete_txid_log(tid INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER * get_column_list_by_txid(tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * OUT column_name TEXT, OUT data_type TEXT, OUT ordinal_position INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF RECORD * get_column_list_by_txid_range(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_log_id INTEGER, * OUT column_name TEXT, OUT column_count INTEGER, OUT data_type TEXT, OUT ordinal_position INTEGER, * OUT txid_range numrange) RETURNS SETOF RECORD * get_max_txid_to_audit_id(aid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER * get_min_txid_to_audit_id(aid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER * get_txids_to_audit_id(aid BIGINT) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER * jsonb_unroll_for_update(path TEXT, nested_value JSONB, complex_typname TEXT) RETURNS TEXT * update_key(aid BIGINT, path_to_key_name TEXT[], old_value anyelement, new_value anyelement) RETURNS SETOF BIGINT * ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************** * JSONB MERGE * * Custom aggregate function to merge several JSONB logs * into one JSONB element eliminating redundant keys ***********************************************************/ CREATE AGGREGATE pgmemento.jsonb_merge(jsonb) ( sfunc = jsonb_concat(jsonb, jsonb), stype = jsonb, initcond = '{}' ); /********************************************************** * JSONB UNROLL * * Helper function to revert updates with composite datatypes ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.jsonb_unroll_for_update( path TEXT, nested_value JSONB, complex_typname TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT string_agg(set_columns,', ') FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' AND p.typname IS NOT NULL THEN pgmemento.jsonb_unroll_for_update($1 || '.' || quote_ident(j.key), j.value, p.typname) ELSE $1 || '.' || quote_ident(j.key) || '=' || quote_nullable(j.value->>0) END AS set_columns FROM jsonb_each($2) j LEFT JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attname = j.key AND jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' LEFT JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = a.attrelid LEFT JOIN pg_type t ON t.typrelid = c.oid AND t.typname = $3 LEFT JOIN pg_type p ON p.typname = format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AND p.typcategory = 'C' ) u $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT; /********************************************************** * GET TRANSACTION ID * * Simple functions to return the transaction_id related to * certain database entities ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_txids_to_audit_id(aid BIGINT) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER AS $$ SELECT t.id FROM pgmemento.transaction_log t JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON e.transaction_id = t.id JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND r.audit_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_min_txid_to_audit_id(aid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ SELECT min(t.id) FROM pgmemento.transaction_log t JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON e.transaction_id = t.id JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND r.audit_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_max_txid_to_audit_id(aid BIGINT) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ SELECT max(t.id) FROM pgmemento.transaction_log t JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON e.transaction_id = t.id JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND r.audit_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; /********************************************************** * DELETE LOGS * * Delete log information of a given transaction, event or * audited tables / columns ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.delete_txid_log(tid INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ DELETE FROM pgmemento.transaction_log WHERE id = $1 RETURNING id; $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.delete_table_event_log( tid INTEGER, tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER AS $$ WITH delete_table_event AS ( DELETE FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = $1 AND table_name = $2 AND schema_name = $3 RETURNING id, event_key ), delete_row_log_event AS ( DELETE FROM pgmemento.row_log r USING delete_table_event dte WHERE dte.event_key = r.event_key ) SELECT id FROM delete_table_event; $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.delete_table_event_log( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER AS $$ WITH delete_table_event AS ( DELETE FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE table_name = $1 AND schema_name = $2 RETURNING id, event_key ), delete_row_log_event AS ( DELETE FROM pgmemento.row_log r USING delete_table_event dte WHERE dte.event_key = r.event_key ) SELECT id FROM delete_table_event; $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.delete_audit_table_log( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF INTEGER AS $$ DECLARE table_log_id INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT log_id INTO table_log_id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $1 AND schema_name = $2 AND upper(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; -- only allow delete if table has already been dropped IF table_log_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- remove corresponding table events from event log PERFORM pgmemento.delete_table_event_log(table_name, schema_name) FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE log_id = table_log_id; RETURN QUERY DELETE FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE log_id = table_log_id AND upper(txid_range) IS NOT NULL RETURNING id; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Either audit table is not found or the table still exists.'; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * DATA CORRECTION * * Functions to delete or update a value for a given key * inside the audit trail ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.delete_key( aid BIGINT, key_name TEXT, old_value anyelement ) RETURNS SETOF BIGINT AS $$ WITH find_log AS ( SELECT id AS row_log_id, event_key AS log_event, new_data AS new_log FROM pgmemento.row_log WHERE audit_id = $1 AND old_data @> jsonb_build_object($2, $3) ), remove_key AS ( UPDATE pgmemento.row_log r SET old_data = r.old_data - $2, new_data = r.new_data - $2 FROM find_log f WHERE r.id = f.row_log_id RETURNING r.id ), remove_prev_new_key AS ( UPDATE pgmemento.row_log r SET new_data = r.new_data - $2 FROM find_log f WHERE r.audit_id = $1 AND r.event_key < f.log_event AND r.new_data @> jsonb_build_object($2, $3) AND f.new_log IS NULL RETURNING r.id ), update_prev_new_key AS ( UPDATE pgmemento.row_log r SET new_data = jsonb_set(new_data, ARRAY[$2], f.new_log -> $2, FALSE) FROM find_log f WHERE r.audit_id = $1 AND r.event_key < f.log_event AND r.new_data @> jsonb_build_object($2, $3) AND f.new_log IS NOT NULL RETURNING r.id ) SELECT id FROM ( SELECT id FROM remove_key UNION SELECT id FROM remove_prev_new_key UNION SELECT id FROM update_prev_new_key ) dlog ORDER BY id; $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.update_key( aid BIGINT, path_to_key_name TEXT[], old_value anyelement, new_value anyelement ) RETURNS SETOF BIGINT AS $$ WITH update_old_key AS ( UPDATE pgmemento.row_log SET old_data = jsonb_set(old_data, $2, to_jsonb($4), FALSE) WHERE audit_id = $1 AND old_data @> jsonb_build_object($2[1], $3) RETURNING id ), update_new_key AS ( UPDATE pgmemento.row_log SET new_data = jsonb_set(new_data, $2, to_jsonb($4), FALSE) WHERE audit_id = $1 AND new_data @> jsonb_build_object($2[1], $3) RETURNING id ) SELECT id FROM ( SELECT id FROM update_old_key UNION SELECT id FROM update_new_key ) ulog ORDER BY id; $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * AUDIT TABLE CHECK * * Helper function to check if requested table has existed * before tid happened and if the name has been renamed ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.audit_table_check( IN tid INTEGER, IN tab_name TEXT, IN tab_schema TEXT, OUT table_log_id INTEGER, OUT log_tab_name TEXT, OUT log_tab_schema TEXT, OUT log_audit_id_column TEXT, OUT log_tab_id INTEGER, OUT recent_tab_name TEXT, OUT recent_tab_schema TEXT, OUT recent_audit_id_column TEXT, OUT recent_tab_id INTEGER ) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ BEGIN -- get recent and possible previous parameter for audited table SELECT a_old.log_id, a_old.table_name, a_old.schema_name, a_old.audit_id_column, a_old.id, a_new.table_name, a_new.schema_name, a_new.audit_id_column, a_new.id INTO table_log_id, log_tab_name, log_tab_schema, log_audit_id_column, log_tab_id, recent_tab_name, recent_tab_schema, recent_audit_id_column, recent_tab_id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log a_new LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a_old ON a_old.log_id = a_new.log_id AND a_old.txid_range @> $1::numeric WHERE a_new.table_name = $2 AND a_new.schema_name = $3 AND upper(a_new.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a_new.txid_range) IS NOT NULL; -- if table does not exist use name to query logs IF recent_tab_name IS NULL THEN SELECT log_id, table_name, schema_name, audit_id_column, id INTO table_log_id, log_tab_name, log_tab_schema, log_audit_id_column, log_tab_id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $2 AND schema_name = $3 AND txid_range @> $1::numeric; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; /********************************************************** * GET COLUMN LIST BY TXID (RANGE) * * Returns column details of an audited table that have * existed either before a given transaction ID or within * a given ID range. When querying by range all different * versions of a column appear in the result set. To avoid * ambiguity a counter is returned as well. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid( tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, OUT column_name TEXT, OUT data_type TEXT, OUT ordinal_position INTEGER ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ SELECT c.column_name, c.data_type, c.ordinal_position FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON t.id = c.audit_table_id WHERE t.table_name = $2 AND t.schema_name = $3 AND t.txid_range @> $1::numeric AND c.txid_range @> $1::numeric; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid_range( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_log_id INTEGER, OUT column_name TEXT, OUT column_count INTEGER, OUT data_type TEXT, OUT ordinal_position INTEGER, OUT txid_range numrange ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ SELECT column_name, (row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY column_name))::int AS column_count, data_type, ordinal_position, txid_range FROM ( SELECT c.column_name, c.data_type, c.ordinal_position, numrange(min(lower(c.txid_range)),max(COALESCE(upper(c.txid_range),$2::numeric))) AS txid_range FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON t.id = c.audit_table_id WHERE t.log_id = $3 AND t.txid_range && numrange(1::numeric, $2::numeric) AND c.txid_range && numrange(1::numeric, $2::numeric) GROUP BY c.column_name, c.data_type, c.ordinal_position ORDER BY c.ordinal_position ) t; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; -- DDL_LOG.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This script is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script provides functions to track table changes in all database -- schemas using event triggers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.7.8 2020-04-13 remove txid from log_table_event FKun -- 0.7.7 2020-04-05 add tags CREATE TABLE AS and SELECT INTO FKun -- 0.7.6 2020-03-29 reflect that logging old data is configurable FKun -- 0.7.5 2020-03-23 use audit_schema_log to check audit config FKun -- 0.7.4 2020-03-07 set SECURITY DEFINER where log tables are used FKun -- 0.7.3 2020-02-29 add triggers to log new data in row_log FKun -- 0.7.2 2020-02-09 reflect changes on schema and triggers FKun -- 0.7.1 2019-02-08 refactoring with new split_table_from_query FKun -- 0.7.0 2019-04-14 reflect schema changes in UDFs and VIEWs FKun -- 0.6.9 2019-02-24 new function flatten_ddl to remove comments FKun -- 0.6.8 2019-02-14 permit drop audit_id in pre alter trigger FKun -- 0.6.7 2019-02-09 fetch_ident: improved parsing of DDL context FKun -- 0.6.6 2018-11-19 log ADD COLUMN events in pre alter trigger FKun -- 0.6.5 2018-11-10 better treatment of dropping audit_id column FKun -- 0.6.4 2018-11-01 reflect range bounds change in audit tables FKun -- 0.6.3 2018-10-25 bool argument in create_schema_event_trigger FKun -- 0.6.2 2018-09-24 altering or dropping multiple columns at once FKun -- produces only one JSONB log -- 0.6.1 2018-07-24 RENAME events now appear in table_event_log FKun -- 0.6.0 2018-07-16 now calling log_table_event for ddl events FKun -- 0.5.1 2017-08-08 DROP TABLE/SCHEMA events log data as truncated FKun -- 0.5.0 2017-07-25 improved processing of DDL events FKun -- 0.4.1 2017-07-18 now using register functions from SETUP FKun -- 0.4.0 2017-07-12 reflect changes to audit_column_log table FKun -- 0.3.2 2017-04-10 log also CREATE/DROP TABLE and ADD COLUMN FKun -- event in log tables (no data logging) -- 0.3.1 2017-03-31 data logging before ALTER COLUMN events FKun -- 0.3.0 2017-03-15 data logging before DDL drop events FKun -- 0.2.0 2017-03-11 update to Pg9.5 and adding more trigger FKun -- 0.1.0 2016-04-14 initial commit FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * FUNCTIONS: * create_schema_event_trigger(trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_schema_event_trigger() RETURNS SETOF VOID * fetch_ident(context TEXT, fetch_count INTEGER DEFAULT 1) RETURNS TEXT * flatten_ddl(ddl_command TEXT) RETURNS TEXT * get_ddl_from_context(stack TEXT) RETURNS TEXT * modify_ddl_log_tables(tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * split_table_from_query(INOUT query TEXT, OUT audit_table_name TEXT, OUT audit_schema_name TEXT, * OUT audit_table_log_id INTEGER, OUT audit_id_column_name TEXT, OUT audit_old_data BOOLEAN) RETURNS RECORD AS * * TRIGGER FUNCTIONS: * schema_drop_pre_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger * table_alter_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger * table_alter_pre_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger * table_create_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger * table_drop_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger * table_drop_pre_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger * ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************** * GET DDL FROM CONTEXT * * Helper function to parse DDL statement from PG_CONTEXT * of GET DIAGNOSTICS command **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.get_ddl_from_context(stack TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE ddl_text TEXT; objs TEXT[] := '{}'; do_next BOOLEAN := TRUE; ddl_pos INTEGER; BEGIN -- split context by lines objs := regexp_split_to_array($1, E'\\r?\\n+'); -- if context is greater than 1 line, trigger was fired from inside a function IF array_length(objs,1) > 1 THEN FOR i IN 2..array_length(objs,1) LOOP EXIT WHEN do_next = FALSE; -- try to find starting position of DDL command ddl_pos := GREATEST( position('ALTER TABLE' IN objs[i]), position('DROP TABLE' IN objs[i]), position('DROP SCHEMA' IN objs[i]) ); IF ddl_pos > 0 THEN ddl_text := substr(objs[2], ddl_pos, length(objs[2]) - ddl_pos); do_next := FALSE; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN ddl_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE STRICT; /********************************************************** * flatten_ddl * * Helper function for to remove comments and line breaks * from parsed DDL command **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.flatten_ddl(ddl_command TEXT) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT string_agg( CASE WHEN position('--' in ddl_part) > 0 THEN left(ddl_part, position('--' in ddl_part) - 1) ELSE ddl_part END, ' ' ) FROM unnest(regexp_split_to_array( regexp_replace($1, '/\*(.*?)\*/', '', 'g'), E'\\r?\\n' )) AS s (ddl_part); $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT; /********************************************************** * fetch_ident * * Helper function to return first word from DDL context * which could be a schema, table or column name * (incl. quotes, commas and other special characters) **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.fetch_ident( context TEXT, fetch_count INTEGER DEFAULT 1 ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE do_next BOOLEAN := TRUE; sql_ident TEXT := ''; quote_pos INTEGER := 1; quote_count INTEGER := 0; obj_count INTEGER := 0; fetch_result TEXT; BEGIN IF $2 <= 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Second input must be greather than 0!'; END IF; FOR i IN 1..length($1) LOOP EXIT WHEN do_next = FALSE; -- parse as long there is no space or within quotes IF (substr($1,i,1) <> ' ' AND substr($1,i,1) <> ',' AND substr($1,i,1) <> ';') OR (substr(sql_ident,quote_pos,1) = '"' AND ( (right(sql_ident, 1) = '"') = (quote_pos = length(sql_ident)) )) THEN sql_ident := sql_ident || substr($1,i,1); IF substr($1,i,1) = '"' THEN quote_count := quote_count + 1; IF quote_count > 2 THEN quote_pos := length(sql_ident); quote_count := 1; ELSE quote_pos := position('"' in sql_ident); END IF; END IF; ELSE IF length(sql_ident) > 0 THEN obj_count := obj_count + 1; IF fetch_result IS NULL THEN fetch_result := sql_ident; ELSE fetch_result := fetch_result || ' ' || sql_ident; END IF; IF obj_count = $2 THEN do_next := FALSE; END IF; sql_ident := ''; quote_pos := 1; quote_count := 0; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; IF length(sql_ident) > 0 THEN IF fetch_result IS NULL THEN fetch_result := sql_ident; ELSE fetch_result := fetch_result || ' ' || sql_ident; END IF; END IF; RETURN fetch_result; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; /********************************************************** * GET_TABLE_FROM_QUERY * * Helper function to retrieve single schema and table name * as well as matching log_id from audit_table_log **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.split_table_from_query( INOUT query TEXT, OUT audit_table_name TEXT, OUT audit_schema_name TEXT, OUT audit_table_log_id INTEGER, OUT audit_id_column_name TEXT, OUT audit_old_data BOOLEAN ) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ DECLARE fetch_next BOOLEAN := TRUE; table_ident TEXT := ''; ntables INTEGER := 0; rec RECORD; BEGIN -- remove comments and line breaks from the DDL string query := pgmemento.flatten_ddl(query); WHILE fetch_next LOOP -- extracting the table identifier from the DDL command table_ident := pgmemento.fetch_ident(query); -- exit loop when nothing has been fetched IF table_ident IS NULL OR length(table_ident) = 0 THEN EXIT; END IF; -- shrink ddl_text by table_ident query := substr(query, position(table_ident in query) + length(table_ident), length(query)); IF position('"' IN table_ident) > 0 OR ( position('"' IN table_ident) = 0 AND ( lower(table_ident) NOT IN ('drop', 'table', 'if', 'exists') ) ) THEN BEGIN -- if table exists, this should work PERFORM table_ident::regclass; fetch_next := FALSE; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN fetch_next := TRUE; WHEN invalid_name THEN fetch_next := FALSE; END; END IF; END LOOP; -- get table and schema name IF table_ident LIKE '%.%' THEN -- check if table is audited SELECT table_name, schema_name, log_id, audit_id_column, log_old_data INTO audit_table_name, audit_schema_name, audit_table_log_id, audit_id_column_name, audit_old_data FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(table_ident, '.', 2)) AND schema_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(table_ident, '.', 1)) AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; IF audit_schema_name IS NOT NULL AND audit_table_name IS NOT NULL THEN ntables := 1; END IF; ELSE audit_table_name := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(table_ident); -- check if table is audited and not ambiguous FOR rec IN SELECT schema_name AS schema_name, log_id, audit_id_column, log_old_data FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = audit_table_name AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL LOOP ntables := ntables + 1; IF ntables > 1 THEN -- table name is found more than once in audit_table_log RAISE EXCEPTION 'Please specify the schema name in the DDL command.'; END IF; audit_schema_name := rec.schema_name; audit_table_log_id := rec.log_id; audit_id_column_name := rec.audit_id_column; audit_old_data := rec.log_old_data; END LOOP; END IF; -- table not found in audit_table_log, so it can be changed without logging IF ntables IS NULL OR ntables = 0 THEN query := NULL; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; /********************************************************** * MODIFY DDL LOGS * * Helper function to update tables audit_table_log and * audit_column_log **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.modify_ddl_log_tables( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE tab_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- get id from audit_table_log for given table tab_id := pgmemento.register_audit_table($1, $2); IF tab_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- insert columns that do not exist in audit_column_log table INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_column_log (id, audit_table_id, column_name, ordinal_position, data_type, column_default, not_null, txid_range) ( SELECT nextval('pgmemento.audit_column_log_id_seq') AS id, tab_id AS audit_table_id, a.attname AS column_name, a.attnum AS ordinal_position, substr( format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), position('.' IN format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod))+1, length(format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)) ) AS data_type, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid, TRUE) AS column_default, a.attnotnull AS not_null, numrange(current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, NULL, '(]') AS txid_range FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON (a.attrelid, a.attnum) = (d.adrelid, d.adnum) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT a.audit_id_column, c.ordinal_position, c.column_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log a JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c ON c.audit_table_id = a.id WHERE a.id = tab_id AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) acl ON acl.ordinal_position = a.attnum OR acl.audit_id_column = a.attname WHERE a.attrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND (acl.ordinal_position IS NULL OR (acl.column_name <> a.attname AND acl.audit_id_column <> a.attname)) ORDER BY a.attnum ); -- EVENT: Column dropped -- update txid_range for removed columns in audit_column_log table WITH dropped_columns AS ( SELECT c.id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log a JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c ON c.audit_table_id = a.id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT attname AS column_name, $1 AS table_name, $2 AS schema_name FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) ) col ON col.column_name = c.column_name AND col.table_name = a.table_name AND col.schema_name = a.schema_name WHERE a.id = tab_id AND col.column_name IS NULL AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) UPDATE pgmemento.audit_column_log acl SET txid_range = numrange(lower(acl.txid_range), current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, '(]') FROM dropped_columns dc WHERE acl.id = dc.id; -- EVENT: Column altered -- update txid_range for updated columns and insert new versions into audit_column_log table WITH updated_columns AS ( SELECT acl.id, acl.audit_table_id, col.column_name, col.ordinal_position, col.data_type, col.column_default, col.not_null FROM ( SELECT a.attname AS column_name, a.attnum AS ordinal_position, substr( format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod), position('.' IN format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod))+1, length(format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)) ) AS data_type, pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid, TRUE) AS column_default, a.attnotnull AS not_null, $1 AS table_name, $2 AS schema_name FROM pg_attribute a LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef d ON (a.attrelid, a.attnum) = (d.adrelid, d.adnum) WHERE a.attrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ) col JOIN ( SELECT c.*, a.table_name, a.schema_name FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.id = c.audit_table_id WHERE a.id = tab_id AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) acl ON col.column_name = acl.column_name AND col.table_name = acl.table_name AND col.schema_name = acl.schema_name WHERE col.column_default IS DISTINCT FROM acl.column_default OR col.not_null IS DISTINCT FROM acl.not_null OR col.data_type IS DISTINCT FROM acl.data_type ), insert_new_versions AS ( INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_column_log (id, audit_table_id, column_name, ordinal_position, data_type, column_default, not_null, txid_range) ( SELECT nextval('pgmemento.audit_column_log_id_seq') AS id, audit_table_id, column_name, ordinal_position, data_type, column_default, not_null, numrange(current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, NULL, '(]') AS txid_range FROM updated_columns ) ) UPDATE pgmemento.audit_column_log acl SET txid_range = numrange(lower(acl.txid_range), current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric, '(]') FROM updated_columns uc WHERE uc.id = acl.id; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * MODIFY ROW LOG * * Helper function to update row log table for ADD COLUMN * or ALTER COLUMN events **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.modify_row_log( tablename TEXT, schemaname TEXT, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE added_columns TEXT[] := '{}'::text[]; altered_columns TEXT[] := '{}'::text[]; BEGIN SELECT array_agg(c_new.column_name) FILTER (WHERE c_old.column_name IS NULL), array_agg(c_new.column_name) FILTER (WHERE c_old.column_name IS NOT NULL) INTO added_columns, altered_columns FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.id = c_new.audit_table_id AND a.table_name = $1 AND a.schema_name = $2 LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old ON c_old.column_name = c_new.column_name AND c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND c_old.audit_table_id = a.id AND upper(c_old.txid_range) = current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric WHERE lower(c_new.txid_range) = current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::numeric AND upper(c_new.txid_range) IS NULL; IF added_columns IS NOT NULL OR array_length(added_columns, 1) > 0 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_new_table_state(added_columns, $1, $2, concat_ws(';', extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()), extract(epoch from statement_timestamp()), txid_current(), pgmemento.get_operation_id('ADD COLUMN'), $1, $2), $3 ); END IF; IF altered_columns IS NOT NULL OR array_length(altered_columns, 1) > 0 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_new_table_state(altered_columns, $1, $2, concat_ws(';', extract(epoch from transaction_timestamp()), extract(epoch from statement_timestamp()), txid_current(), pgmemento.get_operation_id('ALTER COLUMN'), $1, $2), $3 ); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER PROCEDURE schema_drop_pre_trigger * * Procedure that is called BEFORE schema will be dropped. **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.schema_drop_pre_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE ddl_text TEXT := current_query(); stack TEXT; fetch_next BOOLEAN := TRUE; schema_ident TEXT; rec RECORD; table_event_key TEXT; BEGIN -- get context in which trigger has been fired GET DIAGNOSTICS stack = PG_CONTEXT; stack := pgmemento.get_ddl_from_context(stack); -- if DDL command was found in context, trigger was fired from inside a function IF stack IS NOT NULL THEN -- check if context starts with DROP command IF lower(stack) NOT LIKE 'drop%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Could not parse DROP SCHEMA event! SQL context is: %', stack; END IF; ddl_text := stack; END IF; -- remove comments and line breaks from the DDL string ddl_text := pgmemento.flatten_ddl(ddl_text); WHILE fetch_next LOOP -- extracting the schema identifier from the DDL command schema_ident := pgmemento.fetch_ident(ddl_text); -- exit loop when nothing has been fetched IF schema_ident IS NULL OR length(schema_ident) = 0 THEN EXIT; END IF; -- shrink ddl_text by schema_ident ddl_text := substr(ddl_text, position(schema_ident in ddl_text) + length(schema_ident), length(ddl_text)); IF position('"' IN schema_ident) > 0 OR ( position('"' IN schema_ident) = 0 AND ( lower(schema_ident) NOT IN ('drop', 'schema', 'if', 'exists') ) ) THEN SELECT NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(schema_ident) ) INTO fetch_next; END IF; END LOOP; IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = schema_ident AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL ) THEN -- truncate tables to log the data FOR rec IN SELECT n.nspname AS schemaname, c.relname AS tablename, a.audit_id_column, a.log_old_data FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = c.relname AND a.schema_name = n.nspname AND upper(a.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(a.txid_range) IS NOT NULL JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency d ON d.schemaname = a.table_name AND d.tablename = a.schema_name WHERE n.nspname = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(schema_ident) ORDER BY n.oid, d.depth DESC LOOP -- log the whole content of the dropped table as truncated table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event(rec.tablename, rec.schemaname, 'TRUNCATE'); IF rec.log_old_data THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_old_table_state('{}'::text[], rec.tablename, rec.schemaname, table_event_key, rec.audit_id_column); END IF; -- now log drop table event PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event(rec.tablename, rec.schemaname, 'DROP TABLE'); -- unregister table from log tables PERFORM pgmemento.unregister_audit_table(rec.tablename, rec.schemaname); END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER PROCEDURE table_alter_post_trigger * * Procedure that is called AFTER tables have been altered * e.g. to add, alter or drop columns **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.table_alter_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE obj RECORD; tid INTEGER; table_log_id INTEGER; tg_tablename TEXT; tg_schemaname TEXT; current_table_name TEXT; current_schema_name TEXT; current_audit_id_column TEXT; current_log_old_data BOOLEAN; current_log_new_data BOOLEAN; event_op_id SMALLINT; BEGIN tid := current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int; FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() LOOP -- get table from trigger variable - remove quotes if exists tg_tablename := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,2)); tg_schemaname := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,1)); BEGIN -- check if event required to remember log_id from audit_table_log (e.g. RENAME) table_log_id := current_setting('pgmemento.' || obj.object_identity)::int; -- get old table and schema name for this log_id SELECT table_name, schema_name, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data INTO current_table_name, current_schema_name, current_audit_id_column, current_log_old_data, current_log_new_data FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE log_id = table_log_id AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN NULL; -- no log id set or no open txid_range. Use names from obj. END; IF current_table_name IS NULL THEN current_table_name := tg_tablename; current_schema_name := tg_schemaname; -- get current settings for audit table SELECT audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data INTO current_audit_id_column, current_log_old_data, current_log_new_data FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = current_table_name AND schema_name = current_schema_name AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(txid_range) IS NOT NULL; ELSE -- table got renamed and so remember audit_id_column and logging behavior to register renamed version PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || tg_schemaname || '.' || tg_tablename || '.audit_id.' || txid_current(), current_audit_id_column, TRUE); PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || tg_schemaname || '.' || tg_tablename || '.log_data.' || txid_current(), CASE WHEN current_log_old_data THEN 'old=true,' ELSE 'old=false,' END || CASE WHEN current_log_new_data THEN 'new=true' ELSE 'new=false' END, TRUE); END IF; -- modify audit_table_log and audit_column_log if DDL events happened SELECT op_id INTO event_op_id FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = tid AND table_name = current_table_name AND schema_name = current_schema_name AND op_id IN (12, 2, 21, 22, 5, 6); IF event_op_id IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.modify_ddl_log_tables(tg_tablename, tg_schemaname); END IF; -- update row_log to with new log data IF current_log_new_data AND (event_op_id = 2 OR event_op_id = 5) THEN PERFORM pgmemento.modify_row_log(tg_tablename, tg_schemaname, current_audit_id_column); END IF; END LOOP; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN RETURN; -- no event has been logged, yet END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER PROCEDURE table_alter_pre_trigger * * Procedure that is called BEFORE tables will be altered * e.g. to log data following an old schema **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.table_alter_pre_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE ddl_text TEXT := current_query(); stack TEXT; fetch_next BOOLEAN := TRUE; table_ident TEXT := ''; rec RECORD; tablename TEXT; schemaname TEXT; table_log_id INTEGER; ntables INTEGER := 0; audit_id_columnname TEXT; log_old_data BOOLEAN; column_candidate TEXT; columnname TEXT; event_type TEXT; column_type TEXT; added_columns BOOLEAN := FALSE; dropped_columns TEXT[] := '{}'::text[]; altered_columns TEXT[] := '{}'::text[]; altered_columns_log TEXT[] := '{}'::text[]; table_event_key TEXT; BEGIN -- get context in which trigger has been fired GET DIAGNOSTICS stack = PG_CONTEXT; stack := pgmemento.get_ddl_from_context(stack); -- if DDL command was found in context, trigger was fired from inside a function IF stack IS NOT NULL THEN -- check if context starts with ALTER command IF lower(stack) NOT LIKE 'alter%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Could not parse ALTER TABLE event! SQL context is: %', stack; END IF; ddl_text := stack; END IF; -- are columns renamed, altered or dropped IF lower(ddl_text) LIKE '% type %' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '% using %' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '% not null%' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '%default%' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '%add column%' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '%add %' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '%drop column%' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '%drop %' OR lower(ddl_text) LIKE '%rename %' THEN -- remove table name from ddl_text SELECT query, audit_table_name, audit_schema_name, audit_table_log_id, audit_id_column_name, audit_old_data INTO ddl_text, tablename, schemaname, table_log_id, audit_id_columnname, log_old_data FROM pgmemento.split_table_from_query(ddl_text); -- if table is not audited ddl_text will be NULL IF ddl_text IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; -- check if table got renamed and log event if yes IF lower(ddl_text) LIKE ' rename to%' THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'RENAME TABLE'); -- make sure to quote ident as variable will later be read -- from obj trigger variable which can come with quotes PERFORM set_config( 'pgmemento.' || quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || pgmemento.fetch_ident(substr(ddl_text,11,length(ddl_text))), table_log_id::text, TRUE ); RETURN; END IF; -- start parsing columns WHILE length(ddl_text) > 0 LOOP -- process each single following word in DDL string -- hope to find event types, column names and data types column_candidate := pgmemento.fetch_ident(ddl_text); -- exit loop when nothing has been fetched IF column_candidate IS NULL OR length(column_candidate) = 0 THEN EXIT; END IF; -- shrink ddl_text by column_candidate ddl_text := substr(ddl_text, position(column_candidate in ddl_text) + length(column_candidate), length(ddl_text)); -- if keyword 'column' is found, do not reset event type IF lower(column_candidate) <> 'column' THEN IF event_type IS NOT NULL THEN IF event_type = 'ADD' THEN -- after ADD we might find a column name -- if next word is a data type it must be an ADD COLUMN event -- otherwise it could also be an ADD constraint event, which is not audited column_type := pgmemento.fetch_ident(ddl_text); ddl_text := substr(ddl_text, position(column_type in ddl_text) + length(column_type), length(ddl_text)); FOR i IN 0..length(ddl_text) LOOP EXIT WHEN added_columns = TRUE; BEGIN IF current_setting('server_version_num')::int < 90600 THEN IF to_regtype((column_type || substr(ddl_text, 1, i))::cstring) IS NOT NULL THEN added_columns := TRUE; END IF; ELSE IF to_regtype(column_type || substr(ddl_text, 1, i)) IS NOT NULL THEN added_columns := TRUE; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN syntax_error THEN CONTINUE; END; END LOOP; ELSE IF column_candidate = audit_id_columnname THEN columnname := column_candidate; ELSE SELECT c.column_name INTO columnname FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c, pgmemento.audit_table_log a WHERE c.audit_table_id = a.id AND c.column_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(column_candidate) AND a.table_name = tablename AND a.schema_name = schemaname AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL; END IF; IF columnname IS NOT NULL THEN CASE event_type WHEN 'RENAME' THEN IF column_candidate = audit_id_columnname THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Renaming the % column is not possible!', audit_id_columnname; END IF; -- log event as only one RENAME COLUMN action is possible per table per transaction PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'RENAME COLUMN'); WHEN 'DROP' THEN dropped_columns := array_append(dropped_columns, columnname); WHEN 'ALTER' THEN altered_columns := array_append(altered_columns, columnname); -- check if logging column content is really required column_type := pgmemento.fetch_ident(ddl_text, 6); IF lower(column_type) LIKE '% collate %' OR lower(column_type) LIKE '% using %' THEN altered_columns_log := array_append(altered_columns_log, columnname); END IF; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Event type % unknown', event_type; END CASE; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- when event is found column name might be next CASE lower(column_candidate) WHEN 'add' THEN event_type := 'ADD'; WHEN 'rename' THEN event_type := 'RENAME'; WHEN 'alter' THEN event_type := 'ALTER'; WHEN 'drop' THEN event_type := 'DROP'; ELSE event_type := NULL; END CASE; END IF; END LOOP; IF added_columns THEN -- log ADD COLUMN table event table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'ADD COLUMN'); END IF; IF array_length(altered_columns, 1) > 0 THEN -- log ALTER COLUMN table event table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'ALTER COLUMN'); -- log data of entire column(s) IF array_length(altered_columns_log, 1) > 0 AND log_old_data THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_old_table_state(altered_columns_log, tablename, schemaname, table_event_key, audit_id_columnname); END IF; END IF; IF array_length(dropped_columns, 1) > 0 THEN IF NOT (audit_id_columnname = ANY(dropped_columns)) THEN -- log DROP COLUMN table event table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'DROP COLUMN'); -- log data of entire column(s) IF log_old_data THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_old_table_state(dropped_columns, tablename, schemaname, table_event_key, audit_id_columnname); END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'To remove the % column, please use pgmemento.drop_table_audit!', audit_id_columnname; END IF; END IF; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER PROCEDURE table_create_post_trigger * * Procedure that is called AFTER new tables have been created **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.table_create_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE obj record; tablename TEXT; schemaname TEXT; current_default_column TEXT; current_log_old_data BOOLEAN; current_log_new_data BOOLEAN; BEGIN FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands() LOOP IF obj.object_type = 'table' THEN -- remove quotes if exists tablename := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,2)); schemaname := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,1)); -- check if auditing is active for schema SELECT default_audit_id_column, default_log_old_data, default_log_new_data INTO current_default_column, current_log_old_data, current_log_new_data FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = schemaname AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL; IF current_default_column IS NOT NULL THEN -- log as 'create table' event PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event( tablename, schemaname, 'CREATE TABLE' ); -- start auditing for new table PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit( tablename, schemaname, current_default_column, current_log_old_data, current_log_new_data, FALSE ); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER PROCEDURE table_drop_post_trigger * * Procedure that is called AFTER tables have been dropped **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.table_drop_post_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE obj RECORD; tid INTEGER; tablename TEXT; schemaname TEXT; BEGIN FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects() LOOP IF obj.object_type = 'table' AND NOT obj.is_temporary THEN BEGIN tid := current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int; -- remove quotes if exists tablename := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,2)); schemaname := pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(split_part(obj.object_identity, '.' ,1)); -- if DROP AUDIT_ID event exists for table in the current transaction -- only create a DROP TABLE event, because auditing has already stopped IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = tid AND table_name = tablename AND schema_name = schemaname AND op_id = 81 -- DROP AUDIT_ID event ) THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event( tablename, schemaname, 'DROP TABLE' ); ELSE -- update txid_range for removed table in audit_table_log table PERFORM pgmemento.unregister_audit_table( tablename, schemaname ); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN RETURN; -- no event has been logged, yet. Thus, table was not audited. END; END IF; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER PROCEDURE table_drop_pre_trigger * * Procedure that is called BEFORE tables will be dropped. **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.table_drop_pre_trigger() RETURNS event_trigger AS $$ DECLARE ddl_text TEXT := current_query(); stack TEXT; schemaname TEXT; tablename TEXT; audit_id_columnname TEXT; log_old_data BOOLEAN; table_event_key TEXT; BEGIN -- get context in which trigger has been fired GET DIAGNOSTICS stack = PG_CONTEXT; stack := pgmemento.get_ddl_from_context(stack); -- if DDL command was found in context, trigger was fired from inside a function IF stack IS NOT NULL THEN -- check if context starts with DROP command IF lower(stack) NOT LIKE 'drop%' THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Could not parse DROP TABLE event! SQL context is: %', stack; END IF; ddl_text := stack; END IF; -- remove table name from ddl_text SELECT query, audit_table_name, audit_schema_name, audit_id_column_name, audit_old_data INTO ddl_text, tablename, schemaname, audit_id_columnname, log_old_data FROM pgmemento.split_table_from_query(ddl_text); -- if table is not audited ddl_text will be NULL IF ddl_text IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; -- log the whole content of the dropped table as truncated table_event_key := pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'TRUNCATE'); IF log_old_data THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_old_table_state('{}'::text[], tablename, schemaname, table_event_key, audit_id_columnname); END IF; -- now log drop table event PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event(tablename, schemaname, 'DROP TABLE'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * EVENT TRIGGER * * Global event triggers that are fired when tables are * created, altered or dropped **********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_schema_event_trigger( trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN -- Create event trigger for DROP SCHEMA events to log data -- before it is lost IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'pgmemento_schema_drop_pre_trigger' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER pgmemento_schema_drop_pre_trigger ON ddl_command_start WHEN TAG IN ('DROP SCHEMA') EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.schema_drop_pre_trigger(); END IF; -- Create event trigger for ALTER TABLE events to update 'audit_column_log' table -- after table is altered IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'pgmemento_table_alter_post_trigger' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER pgmemento_table_alter_post_trigger ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG IN ('ALTER TABLE') EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.table_alter_post_trigger(); END IF; -- Create event trigger for ALTER TABLE events to log data -- before table is altered IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'pgmemento_table_alter_pre_trigger' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER pgmemento_table_alter_pre_trigger ON ddl_command_start WHEN TAG IN ('ALTER TABLE') EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.table_alter_pre_trigger(); END IF; -- Create event trigger for CREATE TABLE events to automatically start auditing on new tables -- The user can decide if he wants this behaviour during initializing pgMemento. IF $1 THEN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'pgmemento_table_create_post_trigger' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER pgmemento_table_create_post_trigger ON ddl_command_end WHEN TAG IN ('CREATE TABLE', 'CREATE TABLE AS', 'SELECT INTO') EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.table_create_post_trigger(); END IF; END IF; -- Create event trigger for DROP TABLE events to update tables 'audit_table_log' and 'audit_column_log' -- after table is dropped IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'pgmemento_table_drop_post_trigger' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER pgmemento_table_drop_post_trigger ON sql_drop WHEN TAG IN ('DROP TABLE') EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.table_drop_post_trigger(); END IF; -- Create event trigger for DROP TABLE events to log data -- before it is lost IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_event_trigger WHERE evtname = 'pgmemento_table_drop_pre_trigger' ) THEN CREATE EVENT TRIGGER pgmemento_table_drop_pre_trigger ON ddl_command_start WHEN TAG IN ('DROP TABLE') EXECUTE PROCEDURE pgmemento.table_drop_pre_trigger(); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_schema_event_trigger() RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DROP EVENT TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_schema_drop_pre_trigger; DROP EVENT TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_table_alter_post_trigger; DROP EVENT TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_table_alter_pre_trigger; DROP EVENT TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_table_create_post_trigger; DROP EVENT TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_table_drop_post_trigger; DROP EVENT TRIGGER IF EXISTS pgmemento_table_drop_pre_trigger; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- RESTORE.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This skript is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script provides functions to restore previous data states, be a single -- value, a record, a table or a whole database schema ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.7.5 2020-04-13 fix NULL check in restore_record function FKun -- 0.7.4 2020-03-23 reflect dynamic audit_id in logged tables FKun -- 0.7.3 2020-02-29 reflect new schema of row_log table FKun -- 0.7.2 2020-02-09 reflect changes on schema and triggers FKun -- 0.7.1 2020-02-08 stop using trim_outer_quotes for tables FKun -- 0.7.0 2019-03-23 reflect schema changes in UDFs FKun -- 0.6.9 2019-03-09 enable restoring as MATERIALIZED VIEWs FKun -- 0.6.8 2019-02-25 restore_record with setof return for emtpy result FKun -- 0.6.7 2018-11-04 have two restore_record_definition functions FKun -- 0.6.6 2018-11-02 consider schema changes when restoring versions FKun -- 0.6.5 2018-10-28 renamed file to RESTORE.sql FKun -- extended API to return multiple versions per row -- 0.6.4 2018-10-25 renamed generate functions to restore_record/set FKun -- which do not return JSONB anymore -- new template helper restore_record_definition -- use BOOLEAN type instead of INTEGER (0,1) -- 0.6.3 2018-10-24 restoring tables now works without templates FKun -- moved audit_table_check to LOG_UTIL -- 0.6.2 2018-10-23 rewritten restore_query to return relational FKun -- instead of JSONB -- 0.6.1 2018-09-22 new functions to retrieve the value of a single FKun -- columns from the logs -- 0.6.0 2018-07-16 reflect changes in transaction_id handling FKun -- 0.5.1 2017-07-26 reflect changes of updated logging behaviour FKun -- 0.5.0 2017-07-12 reflect changes to audit_column_log table FKun -- 0.4.4 2017-04-07 split up restore code to different functions FKun -- 0.4.3 2017-04-05 greatly improved performance for restoring FKun -- using window functions with a FILTER -- 0.4.2 2017-03-28 better logic to query tables if nothing found FKun -- in logs (considers also rename events) -- 0.4.1 2017-03-15 reflecting new DDL log table schema FKun -- 0.4.0 2017-03-05 updated JSONB functions FKun -- 0.3.0 2016-04-14 a new template mechanism for restoring FKun -- 0.2.2 2016-03-08 minor change to generate_log_entry function FKun -- 0.2.1 2016-02-14 removed unnecessary plpgsql and dynamic sql code FKun -- 0.2.0 2015-05-26 more efficient queries FKun -- 0.1.0 2014-11-26 initial commit FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * FUNCTIONS: * create_restore_template(until_tid INTEGER, template_name TEXT, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * preserve_template BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * jsonb_populate_value(jsonb_log JSONB, column_name TEXT, INOUT template anyelement) RETURNS anyelement * restore_change(during_tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, column_name TEXT, INOUT restored_value anyelement) RETURNS anyelement * restore_query(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * aid BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, all_versions BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS TEXT * restore_record(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT, aid BIGINT, * jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF RECORD * restore_records(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT, aid BIGINT, * jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF RECORD * restore_record_definition(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_log_id INTEGER, * audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS TEXT * restore_record_definition(tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS TEXT * restore_recordset(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF RECORD * restore_recordsets(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF RECORD * restore_schema_state(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, original_schema_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, * target_table_type TEXT DEFAULT 'VIEW', update_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * restore_table_state(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, original_table_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT, * target_schema_name TEXT, target_table_type TEXT DEFAULT 'VIEW', update_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURNS SETOF VOID * restore_value(until_tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, column_name TEXT, INOUT restored_value anyelement) RETURNS anyelement ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************** * RESTORE VALUE * * Returns the historic value before a given transaction_id * and given audit_id with the correct data type. * - jsonb_populate_value is used for casting * - restore_value returns the historic column value <= tid * - restore_change returns the historic column value in case * it was changed during given tid (NULL otherwise) ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.jsonb_populate_value( jsonb_log JSONB, column_name TEXT, INOUT template anyelement ) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ BEGIN IF $1 IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('SELECT ($1->>$2)::%s', pg_typeof($3)) INTO template USING $1, $2; ELSE EXECUTE format('SELECT NULL::%s', pg_typeof($3)) INTO template; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_value( until_tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, column_name TEXT, INOUT restored_value anyelement ) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.jsonb_populate_value(r.old_data, $3, $4) AS restored_value FROM pgmemento.row_log r JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON r.event_key = e.event_key WHERE r.audit_id = $2 AND r.old_data ? $3 AND e.transaction_id <= $1 ORDER BY e.id DESC LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_change( during_tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, column_name TEXT, INOUT restored_value anyelement ) RETURNS anyelement AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.jsonb_populate_value(r.old_data, $3, $4) AS restored_value FROM pgmemento.row_log r JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON r.event_key = e.event_key WHERE r.audit_id = $2 AND e.transaction_id = $1 ORDER BY e.id DESC LIMIT 1; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE; /********************************************************** * RESTORE QUERY * * Helper function to produce query string for restore * single or multiple log entries (depends if aid is given) ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_query( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, aid BIGINT DEFAULT NULL, all_versions BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE log_id INTEGER; tab_name TEXT; tab_schema TEXT; tab_audit_id_column TEXT; tab_id INTEGER; new_tab_name TEXT; new_tab_schema TEXT; new_audit_id_column TEXT; new_tab_id INTEGER; join_recent_state BOOLEAN := FALSE; query_text TEXT := E'SELECT\n'; find_logs TEXT; extract_logs TEXT; BEGIN -- first check if table can be restored SELECT table_log_id, log_tab_name, log_tab_schema, log_audit_id_column, log_tab_id, recent_tab_name, recent_tab_schema, recent_audit_id_column, recent_tab_id INTO log_id, tab_name, tab_schema, tab_audit_id_column, tab_id, new_tab_name, new_tab_schema, new_audit_id_column, new_tab_id FROM pgmemento.audit_table_check($2, $3, $4); IF tab_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Can not restore table ''%'' because it did not exist before requested transaction %', $3, $2; END IF; -- check if recent state can be queried IF new_tab_id IS NULL THEN new_tab_id := tab_id; ELSE join_recent_state := TRUE; END IF; -- loop over all columns and query the historic value for each column separately IF $6 THEN SELECT string_agg( CASE WHEN join_recent_state AND c_new.column_name IS NOT NULL THEN ' COALESCE(' ELSE ' ' END || format('first_value(a.old_data -> %L) OVER ', c_old.column_name) || format('(PARTITION BY f.event_key, a.audit_id ORDER BY a.old_data -> %L IS NULL, a.id)', c_old.column_name) || CASE WHEN join_recent_state AND c_new.column_name IS NOT NULL THEN format(', to_jsonb(x.%I))', c_new.column_name) ELSE '' END || format(' AS %s', quote_ident(c_old.column_name || CASE WHEN c_old.column_count > 1 THEN '_' || c_old.column_count ELSE '' END) ) , E',\n' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position, c_old.column_count ), string_agg( ' COALESCE((' || format('CASE WHEN transaction_id >= %L AND transaction_id < %L THEN %I ->> 0 ELSE NULL END', CASE WHEN lower(c_old.txid_range) IS NOT NULL THEN lower(c_old.txid_range) ELSE $1 END, CASE WHEN upper(c_old.txid_range) IS NOT NULL THEN upper(c_old.txid_range) ELSE $2 END, c_old.column_name || CASE WHEN c_old.column_count > 1 THEN '_' || c_old.column_count ELSE '' END ) || format(')::%s, NULL::%s) AS %s', c_old.data_type, c_old.data_type, quote_ident(c_old.column_name || CASE WHEN c_old.column_count > 1 THEN '_' || c_old.column_count ELSE '' END) ) , E',\n' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position, c_old.column_count ) INTO find_logs, extract_logs FROM pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid_range($1, $2, log_id) c_old LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new ON c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND c_old.data_type = c_new.data_type AND c_new.audit_table_id = new_tab_id AND upper(c_new.txid_range) IS NULL; ELSE SELECT string_agg( CASE WHEN join_recent_state AND c_new.column_name IS NOT NULL THEN ' COALESCE(' ELSE ' ' END || format('first_value(a.old_data -> %L) OVER ', c_old.column_name) || format('(PARTITION BY a.audit_id ORDER BY a.old_data -> %L IS NULL, a.id)', c_old.column_name) || CASE WHEN join_recent_state AND c_new.column_name IS NOT NULL THEN format(', to_jsonb(x.%I))', c_new.column_name) ELSE '' END || format(' AS %s', quote_ident(c_old.column_name)) , E',\n' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position ), string_agg( format(' COALESCE((%I ->> 0)::%s, NULL::%s) AS %s', c_old.column_name, c_old.data_type, c_old.data_type, quote_ident(c_old.column_name)) , E',\n' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position ) INTO find_logs, extract_logs FROM pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid($2, tab_name, tab_schema) c_old LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new ON c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND c_old.data_type = c_new.data_type AND c_new.audit_table_id = new_tab_id AND upper(c_new.txid_range) IS NULL; END IF; -- finish restore query query_text := query_text || extract_logs || format(E',\n audit_id AS %s', quote_ident(tab_audit_id_column)) || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E',\n stmt_time,\n table_operation,\n transaction_id\n' ELSE E'\n' END || E'FROM (\n' -- use DISTINCT ON to get only one row || ' SELECT DISTINCT ON (' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN 'f.event_key, ' ELSE '' END || 'a.audit_id' || CASE WHEN join_recent_state THEN ', x.' || new_audit_id_column ELSE '' END || E')\n' -- add column selection that has been set up above || find_logs || E',\n f.audit_id' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E',\n f.stmt_time,\n f.table_operation,\n f.transaction_id\n' ELSE E'\n' END -- add subquery f to get last event for given audit_id before given transaction || E' FROM (\n' || ' SELECT ' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN E'\n' ELSE E'DISTINCT ON (r.audit_id)\n' END || E' r.audit_id, e.event_key, e.stmt_time, e.op_id, e.table_operation, e.transaction_id\n' || E' FROM\n' || E' pgmemento.row_log r\n' || E' JOIN\n' || E' pgmemento.table_event_log e ON r.event_key = e.event_key\n' || format(E' WHERE e.transaction_id >= %L AND e.transaction_id < %L\n', $1, $2) || CASE WHEN $5 IS NULL THEN format(E' AND e.table_name = %L AND e.schema_name = %L\n', tab_name, tab_schema) ELSE format(E' AND r.audit_id = %L\n', $5) END || E' ORDER BY\n' || E' r.audit_id, e.id DESC\n' || E' ) f\n' -- left join on row_log table and consider only events younger than the one extracted in subquery f || E' LEFT JOIN\n' || E' pgmemento.row_log a ON a.audit_id = f.audit_id AND (a.event_key > f.event_key)\n' -- left join on actual table to get the recent value for a field if nothing is found in the logs || CASE WHEN join_recent_state THEN E' LEFT JOIN\n' || format(E' %I.%I x ON x.' || new_audit_id_column || E' = f.audit_id\n', new_tab_schema, new_tab_name) ELSE '' END -- if 'all_versions' flag is FALSE do not produce a result if row did not exist before second transaction ID -- therefore, filter out DELETE, TRUNCATE or DROP TABLE events || CASE WHEN $6 THEN '' ELSE E' WHERE\n f.op_id < 7\n' END -- order by oldest log entry for given audit_id || E' ORDER BY\n' || CASE WHEN $6 THEN ' f.event_key, ' ELSE ' ' END || 'a.audit_id' || CASE WHEN join_recent_state THEN ', x.' || new_audit_id_column ELSE '' END || E'\n) e'; RETURN query_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; /********************************************************** * RESTORE RECORD/SET * * Functions to reproduce historic tuples for a given * transaction range. To see all different versions of the * tuples and not just the version at 'end_at_tid' set * the all_versions flag to TRUE. * Retrieving the correct result requires you to provide a * column definition list. If you prefer to retrieve the * logs as JSONB, set the last flag to TRUE. Then the column * definition list requires just one JSONB column which is * easier to write. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_record( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT, aid BIGINT, jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE -- init query string restore_query_text TEXT := pgmemento.restore_query($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); BEGIN IF $6 IS TRUE THEN restore_query_text := E'SELECT to_jsonb(t) FROM (\n' || restore_query_text || E'\n) t'; END IF; -- execute the SQL command RETURN QUERY EXECUTE restore_query_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_records( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT, aid BIGINT, jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE -- init query string restore_query_text TEXT := pgmemento.restore_query($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, TRUE); BEGIN IF $6 IS TRUE THEN restore_query_text := E'SELECT to_jsonb(t) FROM (\n' || restore_query_text || E'\n) t'; END IF; -- execute the SQL command RETURN QUERY EXECUTE restore_query_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_recordset( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE -- init query string restore_query_text TEXT := pgmemento.restore_query($1, $2, $3, $4); BEGIN IF $5 IS TRUE THEN restore_query_text := E'SELECT to_jsonb(t) FROM (\n' || restore_query_text || E'\n) t'; END IF; -- execute the SQL command RETURN QUERY EXECUTE restore_query_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_recordsets( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, jsonb_output BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF RECORD AS $$ DECLARE -- init query string restore_query_text TEXT := pgmemento.restore_query($1, $2, $3, $4, NULL, TRUE); BEGIN IF $5 IS TRUE THEN restore_query_text := E'SELECT to_jsonb(t) FROM (\n' || restore_query_text || E'\n) t'; END IF; -- execute the SQL command RETURN QUERY EXECUTE restore_query_text; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE STRICT; /********************************************************** * RESTORE RECORD DEFINITION * * Functions that return a column definition list for * retrieving historic tuples with functions restor_record(s) * and restore_recordset(s). Simply attach the output to your * restore query. When restoring multiple versions of one * row that set the flag include events to TRUE ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_record_definition( tid INTEGER, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT 'AS (' || string_agg( quote_ident(column_name) || ' ' || data_type, ', ' ORDER BY ordinal_position ) || format(', %s bigint)', quote_ident($4)) FROM pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid($1, $2, $3); $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_record_definition( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, table_log_id INTEGER, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT 'AS (' || string_agg( quote_ident(column_name || CASE WHEN column_count > 1 THEN '_' || column_count ELSE '' END) || ' ' || data_type , ', ' ORDER BY ordinal_position, column_count ) || format(', %s bigint', quote_ident($4)) || ', stmt_time timestamp with time zone, table_operation text, transaction_id integer)' FROM pgmemento.get_column_list_by_txid_range($1, $2, $3); $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; /********************************************************** * CREATE RESTORE TEMPLATE * * Function to create a temporary table to be used as a * historically correct template for restoring data with * jsonb_populate_record function ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.create_restore_template( until_tid INTEGER, template_name TEXT, table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, preserve_template BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE stmt TEXT; audit_id_column_name TEXT; BEGIN -- get columns that exist before transaction with id end_at_tid SELECT string_agg( quote_ident(c.column_name) || ' ' || c.data_type || CASE WHEN c.column_default IS NOT NULL AND c.column_default NOT LIKE '%::regclass%' THEN ' DEFAULT ' || c.column_default ELSE '' END || CASE WHEN c.not_null THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END, ', ' ORDER BY c.ordinal_position ), (array_agg(DISTINCT t.audit_id_column))[1] INTO stmt, audit_id_column_name FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON t.id = c.audit_table_id WHERE t.table_name = $3 AND t.schema_name = $4 AND t.txid_range @> $1::numeric AND c.txid_range @> $1::numeric; -- create temp table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format( 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %I (' || stmt || format(', %s bigint ', quote_ident(audit_id_column_name)) || 'DEFAULT nextval(''pgmemento.audit_id_seq''::regclass) unique not null' || ') ' || CASE WHEN $5 THEN 'ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS' ELSE 'ON COMMIT DROP' END, $2); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; /********************************************************** * RESTORE TABLE STATE * * See what the table looked like at a given date. * The table state will be restored in a separate schema. * The user can choose if it will appear as a TABLE, VIEW * or MATERIALIZED VIEW ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_table_state( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, original_table_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, target_table_type TEXT DEFAULT 'VIEW', update_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE existing_table_type CHAR(1); replace_view TEXT := ' '; restore_query TEXT; BEGIN -- test if target schema already exists IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = $5 ) THEN EXECUTE format('CREATE SCHEMA %I', $5); END IF; -- test if table, view or materialized view already exists in target schema SELECT c.relkind INTO existing_table_type FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relname = $3 AND n.nspname = $5 AND ( c.relkind = 'r' OR c.relkind = 'v' OR c.relkind = 'm' ); IF existing_table_type IS NOT NULL THEN IF $7 THEN -- drop or replace existing objects IF existing_table_type = 'r' THEN PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_state($3, $5); ELSIF existing_table_type = 'm' THEN EXECUTE format('DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW %I.%I CASCADE', $5, $3); ELSE IF $6 = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' OR $6 = 'TABLE' THEN EXECUTE format('DROP VIEW %I.%I CASCADE', $5, $3); ELSE replace_view := ' OR REPLACE '; END IF; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'Relation ''%'' in schema ''%'' does already exists. Either set the update_state flag to TRUE or choose another target schema.', $3, $5; END IF; END IF; -- let's go back in time - restore a table state for given transaction interval IF upper($6) = 'VIEW' OR upper($6) = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' OR upper($6) = 'TABLE' THEN restore_query := 'CREATE' || replace_view || $6 || format(E' %I.%I AS\n', $5, $3) || pgmemento.restore_query($1, $2, $3, $4); -- finally execute query string EXECUTE restore_query; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Table type ''%'' not supported. Use ''VIEW'', ''MATERIALIZED VIEW'' or ''TABLE''.', $6; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; -- perform restore_table_state on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.restore_schema_state( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER, original_schema_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, target_table_type TEXT DEFAULT 'VIEW', update_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.restore_table_state($1, $2, table_name, schema_name, $4, $5, $6) FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE schema_name = $3 AND txid_range @> $2::numeric; $$ LANGUAGE sql STRICT; -- REVERT.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This skript is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- This script provides functions to revert single transactions and entire database -- states. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.7.7 2020-04-20 add revert for DROP AUDIT_ID event FKun -- 0.7.6 2020-04-19 add revert for REINIT TABLE event FKun -- 0.7.5 2020-04-13 remove txid from log_table_event FKun -- 0.7.4 2020-03-23 reflect configurable audit_id column FKun -- 0.7.3 2020-02-29 reflect new schema of row_log table FKun -- 0.7.2 2020-01-09 reflect changes on schema and triggers FKun -- 0.7.1 2019-04-21 reuse log_id when reverting DROP TABLE events FKun -- 0.7.0 2019-03-23 reflect schema changes in UDFs FKun -- 0.6.4 2019-02-14 Changed revert ADD AUDIT_ID events FKun -- 0.6.3 2018-11-20 revert updates with composite data types FKun -- 0.6.2 2018-09-24 improved reverts when column type is altered FKun -- 0.6.1 2018-07-24 support for RENAME events & improved queries FKun -- 0.6.0 2018-07-16 reflect changes in transaction_id handling FKun -- 0.5.1 2017-08-08 sort reverts by row_log ID and not audit_id FKun -- improved revert_distinct_transaction(s) -- 0.5.0 2017-07-25 add revert support for DDL events FKun -- 0.4.1 2017-04-11 improved revert_distinct_transaction(s) FKun -- 0.4.0 2017-03-08 integrated table dependencies FKun -- recover_audit_version takes txid as first arg -- 0.3.0 2016-04-29 splitting up the functions to match the new FKun -- logging behavior for table events -- 0.2.2 2016-03-08 added another revert procedure FKun -- 0.2.1 2016-02-14 removed dynamic sql code FKun -- 0.2.0 2015-02-26 added revert_transaction procedure FKun -- 0.1.0 2014-11-26 initial commit FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * FUNCTIONS: * recover_audit_version(tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, changes JSONB, table_op INTEGER, * table_name TEXT, schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * revert_distinct_transaction(tid INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF VOID * revert_distinct_transactions(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF VOID * revert_transaction(tid INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF VOID * revert_transactions(start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF VOID ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************** * RECOVER * * Procedure to apply DML operations recovered from the logs ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.recover_audit_version( tid INTEGER, aid BIGINT, changes JSONB, table_op INTEGER, tab_name TEXT, tab_schema TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}'; stmt TEXT; table_log_id INTEGER; current_transaction INTEGER; BEGIN CASE -- CREATE TABLE case WHEN $4 = 1 THEN -- try to drop table BEGIN EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I', $6, $5); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert CREATE TABLE event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- REINIT TABLE case WHEN $4 = 11 THEN BEGIN -- reinit only given table and exclude all others SELECT array_agg(table_name) INTO except_tables FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name <> $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND upper(txid_range) = $1; PERFORM pgmemento.reinit($6, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data, FALSE, except_tables) FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND upper(txid_range) = $1; -- if auditing was stopped within the same transaction (e.g. reverted ADD AUDIT_ID event) -- the REINIT TABLE event will not be logged by reinit function -- therefore, we have to make the insert here IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int AND table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND op_id = 11 -- REINIT TABLE event ) THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event($5, $6, 'REINIT TABLE'); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert REINIT TABLE event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- RENAME TABLE case WHEN $4 = 12 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of renamed table SELECT format('%I.%I', t_old.schema_name, t_old.table_name ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t_old, pgmemento.audit_table_log t_new WHERE t_old.log_id = t_new.log_id AND t_new.table_name = $5 AND t_new.schema_name = $6 AND upper(t_new.txid_range) = $1 AND lower(t_old.txid_range) = $1; -- try to re-rename table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE 'ALTER TABLE ' || stmt || format(' RENAME TO %I', $5); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert RENAME TABLE event for table %: %', stmt, SQLERRM; END; -- ADD COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 2 THEN BEGIN -- collect added columns SELECT string_agg( 'DROP COLUMN ' || quote_ident(c.column_name), ', ' ORDER BY c.id DESC ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_column_log c JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON c.audit_table_id = t.id WHERE lower(c.txid_range) = $1 AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6; -- try to execute ALTER TABLE command IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt , $6, $5); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert ADD COLUMN event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- ADD AUDIT_ID case WHEN $4 = 21 THEN PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_audit($5, $6, $7, TRUE, FALSE); -- RENAME COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 22 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of renamed table SELECT 'RENAME COLUMN ' || quote_ident(c_old.column_name) || ' TO ' || quote_ident(c_new.column_name) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new WHERE c_old.audit_table_id = t.id AND c_new.audit_table_id = t.id AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 AND t.txid_range @> $1::numeric AND c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND upper(c_new.txid_range) = $1 AND lower(c_old.txid_range) = $1; -- try to re-rename table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt, $6, $5); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert RENAME COLUMN event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- INSERT case WHEN $4 = 3 THEN -- aid can be null in case of conflicts during insert IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN -- delete inserted row BEGIN EXECUTE format( 'DELETE FROM %I.%I WHERE %I = $1', $6, $5, $7) USING $2; -- row is already deleted EXCEPTION WHEN no_data_found THEN NULL; END; END IF; -- UPDATE case WHEN $4 = 4 THEN -- update the row with values from changes IF $2 IS NOT NULL AND $3 <> '{}'::jsonb THEN BEGIN -- create SET part SELECT string_agg(set_columns,', ') INTO stmt FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' AND p.typname IS NOT NULL THEN pgmemento.jsonb_unroll_for_update(j.key, j.value, p.typname) ELSE quote_ident(j.key) || '=' || quote_nullable(j.value->>0) END AS set_columns FROM jsonb_each($3) j LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c ON c.column_name = j.key AND jsonb_typeof(j.value) = 'object' AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log t ON t.id = c.audit_table_id AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 LEFT JOIN pg_type p ON p.typname = c.data_type AND p.typcategory = 'C' ) u; -- try to execute UPDATE command EXECUTE format( 'UPDATE %I.%I t SET ' || stmt || ' WHERE t.%I = $1', $6, $5, $7) USING $2; -- row is already deleted EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert UPDATE event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; END IF; -- ALTER COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 5 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of altered columns SELECT string_agg( format('ALTER COLUMN %I SET DATA TYPE %s USING pgmemento.restore_change(%L, %I, %L, NULL::%s)', c_new.column_name, c_old.data_type, $1, $7, quote_ident(c_old.column_name), c_old.data_type), ', ' ORDER BY c_new.id ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old, pgmemento.audit_column_log c_new WHERE c_old.audit_table_id = t.id AND c_new.audit_table_id = t.id AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 AND t.txid_range @> $1::numeric AND upper(c_old.txid_range) = $1 AND lower(c_new.txid_range) = $1 AND c_old.ordinal_position = c_new.ordinal_position AND c_old.data_type <> c_new.data_type; -- alter table if it has not been done, yet IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt , $6, $5); END IF; -- it did not work for some reason EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert ALTER COLUMN event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- DROP COLUMN case WHEN $4 = 6 THEN BEGIN -- collect information of dropped columns SELECT string_agg( 'ADD COLUMN ' || quote_ident(c_old.column_name) || ' ' || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' AND pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(c_old.column_default) LIKE E'%_seq\'::regclass)' THEN CASE WHEN c_old.data_type = 'smallint' THEN 'smallserial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'integer' THEN 'serial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'bigint' THEN 'bigserial' ELSE c_old.data_type END ELSE c_old.data_type || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default IS NOT NULL THEN ' DEFAULT ' || c_old.column_default ELSE '' END END || CASE WHEN c_old.not_null THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END, ', ' ORDER BY c_old.id ) INTO stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old ON c_old.audit_table_id = t.id LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT c.column_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log atl JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c ON c.audit_table_id = atl.id WHERE atl.table_name = t.table_name AND atl.schema_name = t.schema_name AND upper(c.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(c.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) c_new ON c_old.column_name = c_new.column_name WHERE upper(c_old.txid_range) = $1 AND c_new.column_name IS NULL AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6; -- try to execute ALTER TABLE command IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ' || stmt , $6, $5); END IF; -- fill in data with an UPDATE statement if audit_id is set IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 4, $5, $6, $7); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_column THEN -- if column already exists just do an UPDATE PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 4, $5, $6, $7); END; -- DELETE or TRUNCATE case WHEN $4 = 7 OR $4 = 8 THEN IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN BEGIN EXECUTE format( 'INSERT INTO %I.%I SELECT * FROM jsonb_populate_record(null::%I.%I, $1)', $6, $5, $6, $5) USING $3; -- row has already been re-inserted, so update it based on the values of this deleted version EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- merge changes with recent version of table record and update row PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 4, $5, $6, $7); END; END IF; -- DROP AUDIT_ID case WHEN $4 = 81 THEN -- first check if a preceding CREATE TABLE event already recreated the audit_id BEGIN current_transaction := current_setting('pgmemento.' || txid_current())::int; EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_object THEN NULL; END; BEGIN IF current_transaction IS NULL OR NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.table_event_log WHERE transaction_id = current_transaction AND table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND op_id = 1 -- RE/CREATE TABLE event ) THEN -- try to restart auditing for table PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit(table_name, schema_name, audit_id_column, log_old_data, log_new_data, FALSE) FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $5 AND schema_name = $6 AND upper(txid_range) = $1; END IF; -- audit_id already exists EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not revert DROP AUDIT_ID event for table %.%: %', $6, $5, SQLERRM; END; -- DROP TABLE case WHEN $4 = 9 THEN -- collect information of columns of dropped table SELECT t.log_id, string_agg( quote_ident(c_old.column_name) || ' ' || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default LIKE 'nextval(%' AND pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes(c_old.column_default) LIKE E'%_seq\'::regclass)' THEN CASE WHEN c_old.data_type = 'smallint' THEN 'smallserial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'integer' THEN 'serial' WHEN c_old.data_type = 'bigint' THEN 'bigserial' ELSE c_old.data_type END ELSE c_old.data_type || CASE WHEN c_old.column_default IS NOT NULL THEN ' DEFAULT ' || c_old.column_default ELSE '' END END || CASE WHEN c_old.not_null THEN ' NOT NULL' ELSE '' END, ', ' ORDER BY c_old.ordinal_position ) INTO table_log_id, stmt FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log t JOIN pgmemento.audit_column_log c_old ON c_old.audit_table_id = t.id LEFT JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT atl.table_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log atl WHERE atl.table_name = t.table_name AND atl.schema_name = t.schema_name AND upper(atl.txid_range) IS NULL AND lower(atl.txid_range) IS NOT NULL ) t_new ON t.table_name = t_new.table_name WHERE upper(c_old.txid_range) = $1 AND c_old.column_name <> $7 AND t_new.table_name IS NULL AND t.table_name = $5 AND t.schema_name = $6 GROUP BY t.log_id; -- try to create table IF stmt IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event($5, $6, 'RECREATE TABLE'); PERFORM set_config('pgmemento.' || $6 || '.' || $5, table_log_id::text, TRUE); EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %I.%I (' || stmt || ')', $6, $5); END IF; -- fill in truncated data with an INSERT statement if audit_id is set IF $2 IS NOT NULL THEN PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version($1, $2, $3, 8, $5, $6, $7); END IF; END CASE; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; /********************************************************** * REVERT TRANSACTION * * Procedures to revert a single transaction or a range of * transactions. All table operations are processed in * order of table dependencies so no foreign keys should be * violated. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.revert_transaction(tid INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN SELECT t.id, r.audit_id, r.old_data, e.op_id, a.table_name, a.schema_name, a.audit_id_column, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY r.event_key ORDER BY r.id DESC) AS audit_order, CASE WHEN e.op_id > 4 THEN rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth ASC) ELSE rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth DESC) END AS dependency_order FROM pgmemento.transaction_log t JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON e.transaction_id = t.id JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = e.table_name AND a.schema_name = e.schema_name AND ((a.txid_range @> t.id::numeric AND NOT e.op_id IN (1, 11, 21)) OR (lower(a.txid_range) = t.id::numeric AND NOT e.op_id IN (81, 9))) LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency d ON d.table_log_id = a.log_id LEFT JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND e.op_id <> 5 WHERE t.id = $1 ORDER BY dependency_order, e.id DESC, audit_order LOOP PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version(rec.id, rec.audit_id, rec.old_data, rec.op_id, rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, rec.audit_id_column); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.revert_transactions( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN SELECT t.id, r.audit_id, r.old_data, e.op_id, a.table_name, a.schema_name, a.audit_id_column, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY t.id, r.event_key ORDER BY r.id DESC) AS audit_order, CASE WHEN e.op_id > 4 THEN rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth ASC) ELSE rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth DESC) END AS dependency_order FROM pgmemento.transaction_log t JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e ON e.transaction_id = t.id JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = e.table_name AND a.schema_name = e.schema_name AND ((a.txid_range @> t.id::numeric AND NOT e.op_id IN (1, 11, 21)) OR (lower(a.txid_range) = t.id::numeric AND NOT e.op_id IN (81, 9))) LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency d ON d.table_log_id = a.log_id LEFT JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND e.op_id <> 5 WHERE t.id BETWEEN $1 AND $2 ORDER BY t.id DESC, dependency_order, e.id DESC, audit_order LOOP PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version(rec.id, rec.audit_id, rec.old_data, rec.op_id, rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, rec.audit_id_column); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; /********************************************************** * REVERT DISTINCT TRANSACTION * * Procedures to revert a single transaction or a range of * transactions. For each distinct audit_id only the oldest * operation is applied to make the revert process faster. * This can be a fallback method for revert_transaction if * foreign key violations are occurring. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.revert_distinct_transaction(tid INTEGER) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN SELECT q.tid, q.audit_id, CASE WHEN e2.op_id > 6 THEN e2.op_id ELSE e1.op_id END AS op_id, q.old_data, a.table_name, a.schema_name, a.audit_id_column, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY e1.id ORDER BY q.row_log_id DESC) AS audit_order, CASE WHEN e1.op_id > 4 THEN rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth ASC) ELSE rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth DESC) END AS dependency_order FROM ( SELECT audit_id, table_name, schema_name, transaction_id AS tid, min(event_id) AS first_event, max(event_id) AS last_event, min(id) AS row_log_id, pgmemento.jsonb_merge(old_data ORDER BY id DESC) AS old_data FROM ( SELECT r.id, r.audit_id, r.old_data, e.id AS event_id, e.table_name, e.schema_name, e.transaction_id, CASE WHEN r.audit_id IS NULL THEN e.id ELSE NULL END AS ddl_event FROM pgmemento.table_event_log e LEFT JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND e.op_id <> 5 WHERE e.transaction_id = $1 ) s GROUP BY audit_id, table_name, schema_name, ddl_event, transaction_id ) q JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e1 ON e1.id = q.first_event JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e2 ON e2.id = q.last_event JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = q.table_name AND a.schema_name = q.schema_name AND (a.txid_range @> q.tid::numeric OR lower(a.txid_range) = q.tid::numeric) LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency d ON d.table_log_id = a.log_id WHERE NOT ( e1.op_id = 1 AND e2.op_id = 9 ) AND NOT ( e1.op_id = 21 AND e2.op_id = 81 ) AND NOT ( e1.op_id = 3 AND (e2.op_id BETWEEN 7 AND 9) ) ORDER BY dependency_order, e1.id DESC, audit_order LOOP PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version(rec.tid, rec.audit_id, rec.old_data, rec.op_id, rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, rec.audit_id_column); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.revert_distinct_transactions( start_from_tid INTEGER, end_at_tid INTEGER ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR rec IN SELECT q.tid, q.audit_id, CASE WHEN e2.op_id > 6 THEN e2.op_id ELSE e1.op_id END AS op_id, q.old_data, a.table_name, a.schema_name, a.audit_id_column, rank() OVER (PARTITION BY e1.id ORDER BY q.row_log_id DESC) AS audit_order, CASE WHEN e1.op_id > 4 THEN rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth ASC) ELSE rank() OVER (ORDER BY d.depth DESC) END AS dependency_order FROM ( SELECT audit_id, table_name, schema_name, min(transaction_id) AS tid, min(event_id) AS first_event, max(event_id) AS last_event, min(id) AS row_log_id, pgmemento.jsonb_merge(old_data ORDER BY id DESC) AS old_data FROM ( SELECT r.id, r.audit_id, r.old_data, e.id AS event_id, e.table_name, e.schema_name, e.transaction_id, CASE WHEN r.audit_id IS NULL THEN e.id ELSE NULL END AS ddl_event FROM pgmemento.table_event_log e LEFT JOIN pgmemento.row_log r ON r.event_key = e.event_key AND e.op_id <> 5 WHERE e.transaction_id BETWEEN $1 AND $2 ) s GROUP BY audit_id, table_name, schema_name, ddl_event ) q JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e1 ON e1.id = q.first_event JOIN pgmemento.table_event_log e2 ON e2.id = q.last_event JOIN pgmemento.audit_table_log a ON a.table_name = q.table_name AND a.schema_name = q.schema_name AND (a.txid_range @> q.tid::numeric OR lower(a.txid_range) = q.tid::numeric) LEFT JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables_dependency d ON d.table_log_id = a.log_id WHERE NOT ( e1.op_id = 1 AND e2.op_id = 9 ) AND NOT ( e1.op_id = 21 AND e2.op_id = 81 ) AND NOT ( e1.op_id = 3 AND (e2.op_id BETWEEN 7 AND 9) ) ORDER BY q.tid DESC, dependency_order, e1.id DESC, audit_order LOOP PERFORM pgmemento.recover_audit_version(rec.tid, rec.audit_id, rec.old_data, rec.op_id, rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, rec.audit_id_column); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; -- SCHEMA_MANAGEMENT.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This skript is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- If pgMemento has been used to restore tables as BASE TABLEs they do not include -- PRIMARY KEYs, FOREIGN KEYs, INDEXes, SEQUENCEs and DEFAULT values for columns. -- This script provides procedures to add those elements by querying information -- on recent contraints (as such metadata is yet not logged by pgMemento). -- Moreover, recreated tables can be moved or copied to another schema or they -- can just be dropped. This could be useful when choosing a restored state as to -- be the new production state. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.6.0 2020-04-03 reflect dynamic audit_id in logged tables FKun -- 0.5.0 2020-03-07 set SECURITY DEFINER in all functions FKun -- 0.4.1 2020-02-08 use get_table_oid instead of trimming quotes FKun -- 0.4.0 2019-02-14 support for quoted tables and schemas FKun -- 0.4.0 2018-10-25 copy_data argument changed to boolean FKun -- 0.3.0 2017-07-27 avoid querying the information_schema FKun -- removed default_values_* functions -- 0.2.1 2016-02-14 removed unnecessary plpgsql code FKun -- 0.2.0 2015-06-06 added procedures and renamed file FKun -- 0.1.0 2014-11-26 initial commit as INDEX_SCHEMA.sql FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * FUNCTIONS: * drop_schema_state(table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * drop_table_state(table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) RETURNS SETOF VOID * fkey_schema_state(target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * fkey_table_state(table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) * RETURNS SETOF VOID * index_schema_state(target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * index_table_state(table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) * RETURNS SETOF VOID * move_schema_state(target_schema_name TEXT, source_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}', * copy_data INTEGER DEFAULT 1) RETURNS SETOF void AS * move_table_state(table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, source_schema_name TEXT, copy_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE * RETURNS SETOF VOID * pkey_schema_state(target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, * except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS SETOF VOID * pkey_table_state(target_table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) * RETURNS SETOF VOID * sequence_schema_state(target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text) * RETURNS SETOF VOID ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************** * PKEY TABLE STATE * * If a table state is produced as a base table it will not have * a primary key. The primary key might be reconstructed by * querying the recent primary key of the table. If no primary * can be redefined the audit_id column will be used. ***********************************************************/ -- define a primary key for a produced table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.pkey_table_state( target_table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE pkey_columns TEXT := ''; audit_id_column_name TEXT; BEGIN -- rebuild primary key columns to index produced tables SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(pga.attname),', ') INTO pkey_columns FROM pg_index pgi, pg_class pgc, pg_attribute pga WHERE pgc.oid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $3) AND pgi.indrelid = pgc.oid AND pga.attrelid = pgc.oid AND pga.attnum = ANY(pgi.indkey) AND pgi.indisprimary; IF pkey_columns IS NULL THEN SELECT audit_id_column INTO audit_id_column_name FROM pgmemento.audit_table_log WHERE table_name = $1 AND schema_name = $2; RAISE NOTICE 'Table ''%'' has no primary key defined. Column ''%'' will be used as primary key.', $1, audit_id_column_name; pkey_columns := audit_id_column_name; END IF; EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD PRIMARY KEY (' || pkey_columns || ')', $2, $1); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform pkey_table_state on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.pkey_schema_state( target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.pkey_table_state(c.relname, $1, $2) FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $2 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($3,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * FKEY TABLE STATE * * If multiple table states are produced as tables they are not * referenced which each other. Foreign key relations might be * reconstructed by querying the recent foreign keys of the table. ***********************************************************/ -- define foreign keys between produced tables CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.fkey_table_state( table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE fkey RECORD; BEGIN -- rebuild foreign key constraints FOR fkey IN SELECT c.conname AS fkey_name, a.attname AS fkey_column, t.relname AS ref_table, a_ref.attname AS ref_column, CASE c.confupdtype WHEN 'a' THEN 'no action' WHEN 'r' THEN 'restrict' WHEN 'c' THEN 'cascade' WHEN 'n' THEN 'set null' WHEN 'd' THEN 'set default' END AS on_up, CASE c.confdeltype WHEN 'a' THEN 'no action' WHEN 'r' THEN 'restrict' WHEN 'c' THEN 'cascade' WHEN 'n' THEN 'set null' WHEN 'd' THEN 'set default' END AS on_del, CASE c.confmatchtype WHEN 'f' THEN 'full' WHEN 'p' THEN 'partial' WHEN 'u' THEN 'simple' END AS mat FROM pg_constraint c JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.conrelid AND a.attnum = ANY (c.conkey) JOIN pg_attribute a_ref ON a_ref.attrelid = c.confrelid AND a_ref.attnum = ANY (c.confkey) JOIN pg_class t ON t.oid = a_ref.attrelid WHERE c.conrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $3) AND c.contype = 'f' LOOP BEGIN -- test query EXECUTE format( 'SELECT 1 FROM %I.%I a, %I.%I b WHERE a.%I = b.%I LIMIT 1', $2, $1, $2, fkey.ref_table, fkey.fkey_column, fkey.ref_column); -- recreate foreign key of original table EXECUTE format( 'ALTER TABLE %I.%I ADD CONSTRAINT %I FOREIGN KEY (%I) REFERENCES %I.%I ON UPDATE %I ON DELETE %I MATCH %I', $2, $1, fkey.fkey_name, fkey.fkey_column, $2, fkey.ref_table, fkey.ref_column, fkey.on_up, fkey.on_del, fkey.mat); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not recreate foreign key constraint ''%'' on table ''%'': %', fkey.fkey_name, $1, SQLERRM; NULL; END; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform fkey_table_state on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.fkey_schema_state( target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.fkey_table_state(c.relname, $1, $2) FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $2 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($3,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * INDEX TABLE STATE * * If a produced table shall be used for queries indexes will * be necessary in order to guarantee high performance. Indexes * might be reconstructed by querying recent indexes of the table. ***********************************************************/ -- define index(es) on columns of a produced table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.index_table_state( table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE stmt TEXT; BEGIN -- rebuild user defined indexes FOR stmt IN SELECT replace(pg_get_indexdef(c.oid),' ON ', format(' ON %I.', $2)) FROM pg_index i JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = i.indexrelid WHERE i.indrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $3) AND i.indisprimary = 'f' LOOP BEGIN EXECUTE stmt; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Could not recreate index ''%'' on table ''%'': %', idx.idx_name, $1, SQLERRM; END; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform index_table_state on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.index_schema_state( target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.index_table_state(c.relname, $1, $2) FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $2 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($3,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * SEQUENCE SCHEMA STATE * * Adds sequences to the created target schema by querying the * recent sequences of the source schema. This is only necessary * if new data will be inserted in a previous database state. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.sequence_schema_state( target_schema_name TEXT, original_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE seq TEXT; seq_value INTEGER; BEGIN -- copy or move sequences FOR seq IN SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $2 AND relkind = 'S' LOOP SELECT nextval(quote_ident($2) || '.' || quote_ident(seq)) INTO seq_value; IF seq_value > 1 THEN seq_value = seq_value - 1; END IF; EXECUTE format('CREATE SEQUENCE %I.%I START ' || seq_value, $1, seq); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * MOVE (or COPY) TABLE STATE * * Allows for moving or copying tables to another schema. * This can be useful when resetting the production state * by using an already restored state. In this case the * content of the production schema should be removed and * the content of the restored state would be moved. * Triggers for tables would have to be created again. ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.move_table_state( table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT, source_schema_name TEXT, copy_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ BEGIN IF $4 THEN EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE %I.%I AS SELECT * FROM %I.%I', $2, $1, $3, $1); ELSE EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I SET SCHEMA %I', $3, $1, $2); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.move_schema_state( target_schema_name TEXT, source_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}', copy_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE ) RETURNS SETOF void AS $$ DECLARE seq TEXT; seq_value INTEGER; BEGIN -- create new schema EXECUTE format('CREATE SCHEMA %I', $1); -- copy or move sequences FOR seq IN SELECT c.relname FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $2 AND relkind = 'S' LOOP IF $4 THEN SELECT nextval(quote_ident($2) || '.' || quote_ident(seq)) INTO seq_value; IF seq_value > 1 THEN seq_value = seq_value - 1; END IF; EXECUTE format( 'CREATE SEQUENCE %I.%I START ' || seq_value, $1, seq); ELSE EXECUTE format( 'ALTER SEQUENCE %I.%I SET SCHEMA %I', $2, seq, $1); END IF; END LOOP; -- copy or move tables PERFORM pgmemento.move_table_state(c.relname, $1, $2, $4) FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $2 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($3,'{}'::text[])); -- remove old schema if data were not copied but moved IF NOT $4 THEN EXECUTE format('DROP SCHEMA %I CASCADE', $2); END IF; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; /********************************************************** * DROP TABLE STATE * * Drops a schema or table state e.g. if it is of no more use. * Note: The database schema itself is not dropped. ***********************************************************/ -- truncate and drop table and all depending objects CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_table_state( table_name TEXT, target_schema_name TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ DECLARE fkey TEXT; BEGIN -- dropping depending references to given table FOR fkey IN SELECT conname FROM pg_constraint WHERE conrelid = pgmemento.get_table_oid($1, $2) AND contype = 'f' LOOP EXECUTE format('ALTER TABLE %I.%I DROP CONSTRAINT %I', $2, $1, fkey); END LOOP; -- hit the log_truncate_trigger EXECUTE format('TRUNCATE TABLE %I.%I CASCADE', $2, $1); -- dropping the table EXECUTE format('DROP TABLE %I.%I CASCADE', $2, $1); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; -- perform drop_table_state on multiple tables in one schema CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop_schema_state( target_schema_name TEXT, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS SETOF VOID AS $$ SELECT pgmemento.drop_table_state(c.relname, $1) FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = $1 AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($2,'{}'::text[])); $$ LANGUAGE sql SECURITY DEFINER; -- CTL.sql -- -- Author: Felix Kunde -- -- This script is free software under the LGPL Version 3 -- See the GNU Lesser General Public License at -- http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html -- for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- About: -- Script to start auditing for a given database schema ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ChangeLog: -- -- Version | Date | Description | Author -- 0.5.0 2020-05-04 add revision to version endpoint FKun -- 0.4.0 2020-04-19 add reinit endpoint FKun -- 0.3.2 2020-04-16 better support for quoted schemas FKun -- 0.3.1 2020-04-11 add drop endpoint FKun -- 0.3.0 2020-03-29 make logging of old data configurable, too FKun -- 0.2.0 2020-03-21 write changes to audit_schema_log FKun -- 0.1.0 2020-03-15 initial commit FKun -- /********************************************************** * C-o-n-t-e-n-t: * * FUNCTIONS: * drop(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, drop_log BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS TEXT * init(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, * trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS TEXT * reinit(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' * start(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, * log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, * except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS TEXT * stop(schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}') RETURNS TEXT * version(OUT full_version TEXT, OUT major_version INTEGER, OUT minor_version INTEGER, OUT revision INTEGER, * OUT build_id TEXT) RETURNS RECORD * ***********************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.init( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_quoted TEXT; txid_log_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- make sure schema is quoted no matter how it is passed to init schema_quoted := quote_ident(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1)); -- check if schema is already logged IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL ) THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is already intialized for %s schema.', schema_quoted); END IF; -- log transaction that initializes pgMemento for a schema -- and store configuration in session_info object PERFORM set_config( 'pgmemento.session_info', format('{"pgmemento_init": {"schema_name": %L, "default_audit_id_column": %L, "default_log_old_data": %L, "default_log_new_data": %L, "log_state": %L, "trigger_create_table": %L, "except_tables": %L}}', to_jsonb($1), to_jsonb($2), to_jsonb($3), to_jsonb($4), to_jsonb($5), to_jsonb($6), to_jsonb($7))::text, TRUE ); txid_log_id := pgmemento.log_transaction(txid_current()); -- insert new entry in audit_schema_log INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_schema_log (log_id, schema_name, default_audit_id_column, default_log_old_data, default_log_new_data, trigger_create_table, txid_range) VALUES (nextval('pgmemento.schema_log_id_seq'), $1, $2, $3, $4, $6, numrange(txid_log_id, NULL, '(]')); -- create event trigger to log schema changes PERFORM pgmemento.create_schema_event_trigger($6); -- start auditing for tables in given schema' PERFORM pgmemento.create_schema_audit(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1), $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7); RETURN format('pgMemento is initialized for %s schema.', schema_quoted); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.reinit( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_quoted TEXT; current_audit_schema_log pgmemento.audit_schema_log%ROWTYPE; txid_log_id INTEGER; rec RECORD; BEGIN -- make sure schema is quoted no matter how it is passed to reinit schema_quoted := quote_ident(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1)); -- check if schema is already logged SELECT * INTO current_audit_schema_log FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; IF current_audit_schema_log.id IS NULL THEN RETURN format('pgMemento has never been intialized for %s schema. Run init instread.', schema_quoted); END IF; IF upper(current_audit_schema_log.txid_range) IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is already dropped from %s schema. Run init instead.', schema_quoted); END IF; -- log transaction that reinitializes pgMemento for a schema -- and store configuration in session_info object PERFORM set_config( 'pgmemento.session_info', format('{"pgmemento_reinit": {"schema_name": %L, "default_audit_id_column": %L, "default_log_old_data": %L, "default_log_new_data": %L, "trigger_create_table": %L, "except_tables": %L}}', to_jsonb($1), to_jsonb($2), to_jsonb($3), to_jsonb($4), to_jsonb($5), to_jsonb($6))::text, TRUE ); txid_log_id := pgmemento.log_transaction(txid_current()); -- configuration differs, so reinitialize IF current_audit_schema_log.default_audit_id_column != $2 OR current_audit_schema_log.default_log_old_data != $3 OR current_audit_schema_log.default_log_new_data != $4 OR current_audit_schema_log.trigger_create_table != $5 THEN UPDATE pgmemento.audit_schema_log SET txid_range = numrange(lower(txid_range), txid_log_id::numeric, '(]') WHERE id = current_audit_schema_log.id; -- create new entry in audit_schema_log INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_schema_log (log_id, schema_name, default_audit_id_column, default_log_old_data, default_log_new_data, trigger_create_table, txid_range) VALUES (current_audit_schema_log.log_id, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, numrange(txid_log_id, NULL, '(]')); END IF; -- recreate auditing if parameters differ FOR rec IN SELECT c.relname AS table_name, n.nspname AS schema_name, at.audit_id_column FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables at ON at.tablename = c.relname AND at.schemaname = n.nspname AND tg_is_active WHERE n.nspname = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($6,'{}'::text[])) AND (at.audit_id_column IS DISTINCT FROM $2 OR at.log_old_data IS DISTINCT FROM $3 OR at.log_new_data IS DISTINCT FROM $4) LOOP -- drop auditing from table but do not log or drop anything PERFORM pgmemento.drop_table_audit(rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, rec.audit_id_column, FALSE, FALSE); -- log reinit event to keep log_id in audit_table_log PERFORM pgmemento.log_table_event(rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, 'REINIT TABLE'); -- recreate auditing PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_audit(rec.table_name, rec.schema_name, $2, $3, $4, FALSE); END LOOP; -- create event triggers if they were not enabled for schema IF $5 AND NOT current_audit_schema_log.trigger_create_table THEN PERFORM pgmemento.create_schema_event_trigger($5); END IF; RETURN format('pgMemento is reinitialized for %s schema.', schema_quoted); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.start( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, audit_id_column_name TEXT DEFAULT 'pgmemento_audit_id'::text, log_old_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, log_new_data BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, trigger_create_table BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_quoted TEXT; current_audit_schema_log pgmemento.audit_schema_log%ROWTYPE; txid_log_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- make sure schema is quoted no matter how it is passed to start schema_quoted := quote_ident(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1)); -- check if schema is already logged SELECT * INTO current_audit_schema_log FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL; IF current_audit_schema_log.id IS NULL THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is not yet intialized for %s schema. Run init first.', schema_quoted); END IF; -- log transaction that starts pgMemento for a schema -- and store configuration in session_info object PERFORM set_config( 'pgmemento.session_info', format('{"pgmemento_start": {"schema_name": %L, "default_audit_id_column": %L, "default_log_old_data": %L, "default_log_new_data": %L, "trigger_create_table": %L, "except_tables": %L}}', to_jsonb($1), to_jsonb($2), to_jsonb($3), to_jsonb($4), to_jsonb($5), to_jsonb($6))::text, TRUE ); txid_log_id := pgmemento.log_transaction(txid_current()); -- configuration differs, so close txid_range for audit_schema_log entry IF current_audit_schema_log.default_log_old_data != $3 OR current_audit_schema_log.default_log_new_data != $4 OR current_audit_schema_log.trigger_create_table != $5 THEN UPDATE pgmemento.audit_schema_log SET txid_range = numrange(lower(txid_range), txid_log_id::numeric, '(]') WHERE id = current_audit_schema_log.id; -- create new entry in audit_schema_log INSERT INTO pgmemento.audit_schema_log (log_id, schema_name, default_audit_id_column, default_log_old_data, default_log_new_data, trigger_create_table, txid_range) VALUES (current_audit_schema_log.log_id, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, numrange(txid_log_id, NULL, '(]')); END IF; -- enable triggers where they are not active PERFORM pgmemento.create_table_log_trigger(c.relname, $1, at.audit_id_column, at.log_old_data, at.log_new_data) FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid JOIN pgmemento.audit_tables at ON at.tablename = c.relname AND at.schemaname = n.nspname AND NOT tg_is_active WHERE n.nspname = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) AND c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname <> ALL (COALESCE($6,'{}'::text[])); -- create event triggers if they were not enabled for schema IF $5 AND NOT current_audit_schema_log.trigger_create_table THEN PERFORM pgmemento.create_schema_event_trigger($5); END IF; RETURN format('pgMemento is started for %s schema.', schema_quoted); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.stop( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_quoted TEXT; BEGIN -- make sure schema is quoted no matter how it is passed to stop schema_quoted := quote_ident(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1)); -- check if schema is already logged IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) AND upper(txid_range) IS NULL ) THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is not intialized for %s schema. Nothing to stop.', schema_quoted); END IF; -- log transaction that stops pgMemento for a schema -- and store configuration in session_info object PERFORM set_config( 'pgmemento.session_info', format('{"pgmemento_stop": {"schema_name": %L, "except_tables": %L}}', to_jsonb($1), to_jsonb($2))::text, TRUE ); PERFORM pgmemento.log_transaction(txid_current()); -- drop log triggers for all tables except those from passed array PERFORM pgmemento.drop_schema_log_trigger(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1), $2); IF $2 IS NOT NULL AND array_length($2, 1) > 0 THEN -- check if excluded tables are still audited IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audited_tables at JOIN unnest($2) AS t(audit_table) ON t.audit_table = at.tablename AND at.schemaname = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) WHERE tg_is_active ) THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is partly stopped for %s schema.', schema_quoted); END IF; END IF; RETURN format('pgMemento is stopped for %s schema.', schema_quoted); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.drop( schemaname TEXT DEFAULT 'public'::text, log_state BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE, drop_log BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE, except_tables TEXT[] DEFAULT '{}' ) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ DECLARE schema_quoted TEXT; current_schema_log_id INTEGER; current_schema_log_range numrange; txid_log_id INTEGER; BEGIN -- make sure schema is quoted no matter how it is passed to drop schema_quoted := quote_ident(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1)); -- check if schema is already logged SELECT id, txid_range INTO current_schema_log_id, current_schema_log_range FROM pgmemento.audit_schema_log WHERE schema_name = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1; IF current_schema_log_id IS NULL THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is not intialized for %s schema. Nothing to drop.', schema_quoted); END IF; IF upper(current_schema_log_range) IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is already dropped from %s schema.', schema_quoted); END IF; -- log transaction that drops pgMemento from a schema -- and store configuration in session_info object PERFORM set_config( 'pgmemento.session_info', format('{"pgmemento_drop": {"schema_name": %L, "log_state": %L, "drop_log": %L, "except_tables": %L}}', to_jsonb($1), to_jsonb($2), to_jsonb($3), to_jsonb($4))::text, TRUE ); txid_log_id := pgmemento.log_transaction(txid_current()); -- drop auditing for all tables except those from passed array PERFORM pgmemento.drop_schema_audit(pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1), $2, $3, $4); IF $4 IS NOT NULL AND array_length($4, 1) > 0 THEN -- check if excluded tables are still audited IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pgmemento.audited_tables at JOIN unnest($4) AS t(audit_table) ON t.audit_table = at.tablename AND at.schemaname = pgmemento.trim_outer_quotes($1) WHERE tg_is_active ) THEN RETURN format('pgMemento is partly dropped from %s schema.', schema_quoted); END IF; END IF; -- close txid_range for audit_schema_log entry UPDATE pgmemento.audit_schema_log SET txid_range = numrange(lower(txid_range), txid_log_id::numeric, '(]') WHERE id = current_schema_log_id; RETURN format('pgMemento is dropped from %s schema.', schema_quoted); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pgmemento.version( OUT full_version TEXT, OUT major_version INTEGER, OUT minor_version INTEGER, OUT revision INTEGER, OUT build_id TEXT ) RETURNS RECORD AS $$ SELECT 'pgMemento 0.7.0'::text AS full_version, 0 AS major_version, 7 AS minor_version, 0 AS revision, '60'::text AS build_id; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- make all the data available for pg_dump do language plpgsql $$ declare name_ varchar; begin for name_ in select sequence_schema || '.' || sequence_name from information_schema.sequences where sequence_schema = 'pgmemento' loop perform pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump(name_, ''); end loop; for name_ in select table_schema || '.' || table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'pgmemento' loop perform pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump(name_, ''); end loop; end $$;