-- Complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION` \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_xenophile" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add Spanish as the fourth language, for the benefit of the test case. insert into lang_l10n_en (lang_code, "name", lang_belongs_to_pg_xenophile, l10n_columns_belong_to_pg_xenophile) values ('es', 'Spanish', true, true); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace procedure test_dump_restore__l10n_table(test_stage$ text) set search_path from current set plpgsql.check_asserts to true language plpgsql as $$ declare _en_expected record; _nl_expected record; _pt_expected record; _es_expected record; _en_actual record; _nl_actual record; _pt_actual record; _es_actual record; begin assert test_stage$ in ('pre-dump', 'post-restore'); if test_stage$ = 'pre-dump' then -- Create the table that will be translated. create table test_uni ( uni_abbr text primary key ); insert into l10n_table (base_table_name, l10n_column_definitions, base_lang_code, target_lang_codes) values ( 'test_uni' ,array['name TEXT NOT NULL'] ,'en'::lang_code_alpha2 ,array['nl', 'fr']::lang_code_alpha2[] ); assert to_regclass('test_uni_l10n') is not null, 'The `_l10n` table should have been created as result of the preceding INSERT into the meta table.'; end if; -- Set up the expected data, now that we for sure have the `test_uni_l10n_*` types, -- regardless of `test_stage$`. _en_expected := row('AX-UNI', 'en', 'Axe University')::test_uni_l10n_en; _nl_expected := row('AX-UNI', 'nl', 'Bijl Universiteit')::test_uni_l10n_nl; if test_stage$ = 'pre-dump' then insert into test_uni_l10n_en (uni_abbr, name) values (_en_expected.uni_abbr, _en_expected.name) returning * into _en_actual ; update test_uni_l10n_nl set name = _nl_expected.name where uni_abbr = _en_expected.uni_abbr returning * into _nl_actual ; elsif test_stage$ = 'post-restore' then select * into _en_actual from test_uni_l10n_en where uni_abbr = _en_expected.uni_abbr; select * into _nl_actual from test_uni_l10n_nl where uni_abbr = _nl_expected.uni_abbr; end if; assert _en_expected = _en_actual; assert _nl_expected = _nl_actual; -- -- Go test a dependent extension (that has its own `l10n_table`) now… -- if test_stage$ = 'pre-dump' then create extension l10n_table_dependent_extension; end if; _pt_expected := row( '👋' ,10 ,false ,'pt' ,null ,null ,'tchau' )::subextension_tbl_l10n_pt; _es_expected := row( '👋' ,10 ,false ,'es' ,null ,null ,'adiós' )::subextension_tbl_l10n_es; if test_stage$ = 'pre-dump' then insert into subextension_tbl_l10n_pt (natural_key, base_tbl_col, localized_text) values (_pt_expected.natural_key, _pt_expected.base_tbl_col, _pt_expected.localized_text) returning * into _pt_actual ; update subextension_tbl_l10n_es set localized_text = _es_expected.localized_text where natural_key = _es_expected.natural_key returning * into _es_actual ; elsif test_stage$ = 'post-restore' then select * into _pt_actual from subextension_tbl_l10n_pt where natural_key = _pt_expected.natural_key; select * into _es_actual from subextension_tbl_l10n_es where natural_key = _es_expected.natural_key; end if; assert _pt_actual = _pt_expected, format('%s != %s', _pt_actual, _pt_expected); assert _es_actual = _es_expected, format('%s != %s', _es_actual, _es_expected); -- -- Test with the dependent subextension and a Portuguese row that has been inserted during installation… -- _pt_expected := row( '👍' ,null ,true ,'pt' ,'l10n_table_dependent_extension' ,'forever' -- Yes, this is a version string. ,'bem' )::subextension_tbl_l10n_pt; _es_expected := row( '👍' ,null ,true ,'es' ,null ,null ,'buen' )::subextension_tbl_l10n_es; if test_stage$ = 'pre-dump' then select * into _pt_actual from subextension_tbl_l10n_pt where natural_key = _pt_expected.natural_key; update subextension_tbl_l10n_es set localized_text = _es_expected.localized_text where natural_key = _es_expected.natural_key returning * into _es_actual ; elsif test_stage$ = 'post-restore' then select * into _pt_actual from subextension_tbl_l10n_pt where natural_key = _pt_expected.natural_key; select * into _es_actual from subextension_tbl_l10n_es where natural_key = _es_expected.natural_key; end if; assert _pt_actual = _pt_expected, format('%s != %s', _pt_actual, _pt_expected); assert _es_actual = _es_expected, format('%s != %s', _es_actual, _es_expected); end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter table l10n_table add column l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name name ,add column l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_version text; comment on column l10n_table.l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name is $md$This column must be `NOT NULL` if the l10n table is created through extension setup scripts and its row in the meta table must thus be omitted from `pg_dump`. If `l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name IS NOT NULL`, then the created localization (l10n) _table_ will be managed (and thus recreated during a restore) by the named extension's setup/upgrade script. That is _not_ the same as saying that the l10n table's _rows_ will belong to `pg_xenophile`. To determine the latter, a `l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name` column will be added to the l10n table if the `l10n_table__maintain_l10n_objects()` trigger function finds `l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name IS NOT NULL` on insert. Only developers of this or dependent extensions need to worry about these booleans. For users, the default of `false` assures that they will lose none of their precious data. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function set_installed_extension_version_from_name() returns trigger set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _extension_name_column name; _extension_version_column name; _extension_name name; _extension_version text; begin assert tg_when = 'BEFORE'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_nargs = 2; _extension_name_column := tg_argv[0]; _extension_version_column := tg_argv[1]; execute format('SELECT $1.%I, $1.%I', _extension_name_column, _extension_version_column) using NEW into _extension_name, _extension_version ; if _extension_name is null then raise null_value_not_allowed using message = format( 'Unexpected %I.%I.%I IS NULL' ,tg_table_schema ,tg_table_name ,_extension_name_column ) ,hint = 'Try adding a `WHEN (%I IS NOT NULL)` condition to the trigger.' ,schema = tg_table_schema ,table = tg_table_name ,column = _extension_name_column ; end if; _extension_version := (select extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where extname = _extension_name); if _extension_version is null then raise no_data_found using message = format( 'Could not find extension %s referenced in %I.%I.%I' ,_extension_name ,tg_table_schema ,tg_table_name ,_extension_name_column ) ,schema = tg_table_schema ,table = tg_table_name ,column = _extension_name_column ; end if; NEW := NEW #= hstore(_extension_version_column::text, _extension_version); return NEW; end; $$; comment on function set_installed_extension_version_from_name() is $md$Sets the installed extension version string in the column named in the second argument for the extension named in the second argument. See the [`test__set_installed_extension_version_from_name()` test procedure](#procedure-test__set_installed_extension_version_from_name) for a working example of this trigger function. This function was lifted from the `pg_utility_trigger_functions` extension version. 1.4.0, by means of copy-paste to keep the number of inter-extension dependencies to a minimum. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create trigger set_installed_extension_version_from_name before insert on l10n_table for each row when (NEW.l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name is not null) execute function set_installed_extension_version_from_name( 'l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name' ,'l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_version' ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Rename from `updatable_l10_view` (with missing ‘n’) to `updatable_l10n_view`. -- (`DROP` happens further down.) create function updatable_l10n_view() returns trigger set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _schema_name name; _base_table name; _l10n_table name; _base_columns name[]; _base_columns_for_upsert name[]; _l10n_columns name[]; _base_table_path text; _l10n_table_path text; _pk_column name; _new_base_row record; _new_l10n_row record; _target_lang_code lang_code_alpha2; _generated_pk_is_overriden_by_insert bool := false; begin assert tg_when = 'INSTEAD OF'; assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'); assert tg_table_name ~ '_l10n_[a-z]{2}$'; assert tg_nargs = 4; -- Unlike other arrays in Pg, `TG_ARGV[]` subscripts start at zero. _schema_name := tg_argv[0]; _base_table := tg_argv[1]; _l10n_table := tg_argv[2]; _pk_column := tg_argv[3]; _base_table_path := quote_ident(_schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(_base_table); _l10n_table_path := quote_ident(_schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(_l10n_table); _target_lang_code := right(tg_table_name, 2); _base_columns := array( select columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = _schema_name and columns.table_name = _base_table ); _base_columns_for_upsert := array( select columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = _schema_name and columns.table_name = _base_table and columns.is_generated = 'NEVER' and columns.is_identity = 'NO' ); if tg_op = 'INSERT' and not _pk_column = any (_base_columns_for_upsert) then execute 'SELECT $1.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' IS NOT NULL' using NEW into _generated_pk_is_overriden_by_insert; if _generated_pk_is_overriden_by_insert then -- We append the PK if it is NOT NULL, to make this crash instead of silently -- ignoring an explicit PK that should have probably been omitted in the context -- the INSERTed into this view. _base_columns_for_upsert := _base_columns_for_upsert || _pk_column; end if; end if; _l10n_columns := array( select columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = _schema_name and columns.table_name = _l10n_table and columns.column_name != 'l10n_lang_code' ); -- -- We start with INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on the base table. -- if tg_op = 'INSERT' then execute 'INSERT INTO ' || _base_table_path || '(' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_base_columns_for_upsert) as col ) || ') VALUES (' || ( select string_agg('$1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_base_columns_for_upsert) as col ) || ') RETURNING *' using NEW into _new_base_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_base_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); elsif tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute 'UPDATE ' || _base_table_path || ' SET ' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col) || ' = $1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_base_columns_for_upsert) as col ) || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' = $2.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' RETURNING *' using NEW, OLD into _new_base_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_base_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); elsif tg_op = 'DELETE' then execute 'DELETE FROM ' || _base_table_path || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' = $1.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) using OLD; -- The `ON DELETE CASCADE` on the FK from the l10n table will do the rest. end if; -- -- After INSERT or UPDATE on the base table, we need to also INSERT or UPDATE the l10n table. -- if tg_op = 'INSERT' or (tg_op = 'UPDATE' and OLD.l10n_lang_code is null) then execute 'INSERT INTO ' || _l10n_table_path || '(l10n_lang_code,' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_l10n_columns) as col ) || ') VALUES (' || quote_literal(_target_lang_code) || ',' || ( select string_agg('$1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_l10n_columns) as col ) || ') RETURNING *' using NEW into _new_l10n_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_l10n_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); elsif tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute 'UPDATE ' || _l10n_table_path || ' SET ' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col) || ' = $1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_l10n_columns) as col ) || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' = $2.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' AND l10n_lang_code = ' || quote_literal(_target_lang_code) || ' RETURNING *' using NEW, OLD into _new_l10n_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_l10n_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); end if; if tg_op = 'DELETE' then return OLD; end if; return NEW; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Adjust to new name (`updatable_l10n_view`) of trigger function. create or replace procedure create_l10n_view( table_schema$ name ,base_table$ name ,l10n_table$ name ,lang_code$ lang_code_alpha2 ,temp$ boolean default false ) set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _fk_details record; _view_name name; _col_with_default record; begin begin select tc.table_schema, tc.constraint_name, tc.table_name, kcu.column_name, ccu.table_schema as foreign_table_schema, ccu.table_name as foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name as foreign_column_name into strict _fk_details from information_schema.table_constraints as tc join information_schema.key_column_usage as kcu on tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name and tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema join information_schema.constraint_column_usage as ccu on ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name and ccu.table_schema = tc.table_schema where tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' and tc.table_schema = table_schema$ and tc.table_name = l10n_table$ and ccu.table_name = base_table$ -- Disambiguate the double foreign key to "lang" in "lang_l10n" table: and kcu.column_name != 'l10n_lang_code' ; exception when no_data_found then raise exception 'No FK to % found in %', base_table$, l10n_table$; when too_many_rows then raise exception 'More than one FK to % found in %', base_table$, l10n_table$; end; _view_name := l10n_table$ || '_' || lang_code$; execute 'CREATE OR REPLACE' || (case when temp$ then ' TEMPORARY' else '' end) || ' VIEW ' || quote_ident(table_schema$) || '.' || quote_ident(_view_name) || ' AS SELECT ' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(table_name) || '.' || quote_ident(column_name), ', ') from ( select columns.table_name ,columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = table_schema$ and ( columns.table_name = base_table$ or ( columns.table_name = l10n_table$ and columns.column_name != _fk_details.column_name ) ) order by case when columns.table_name = base_table$ then 0 else 1 end ,columns.ordinal_position ) as which_table_does_not_matter ) || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(table_schema$) || '.' || quote_ident(base_table$) || ' LEFT OUTER JOIN ' || quote_ident(table_schema$) || '.' || quote_ident(l10n_table$) || ' ON ' || quote_ident(base_table$) || '.' || quote_ident(_fk_details.column_name) || ' = ' || quote_ident(l10n_table$) || '.' || quote_ident(_fk_details.foreign_column_name) || ' AND ' || quote_ident(l10n_table$) || '.l10n_lang_code = ' || quote_literal(lang_code$) ; for _col_with_default in select columns.column_name ,columns.column_default from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = table_schema$ and columns.table_name in (base_table$, l10n_table$) and columns.column_default is not null loop execute 'ALTER VIEW ' || quote_ident(table_schema$) || '.' || quote_ident(_view_name) || ' ALTER COLUMN ' || quote_ident(_col_with_default.column_name) || ' SET DEFAULT ' || _col_with_default.column_default; end loop; execute 'CREATE TRIGGER updatable_l10n_view' || ' INSTEAD OF INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE' || ' ON ' || quote_ident(table_schema$) || '.' || quote_ident(_view_name) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION updatable_l10n_view(' || quote_literal(table_schema$) || ', ' || quote_literal(base_table$) || ', ' || quote_literal(l10n_table$) || ', ' || quote_literal(_fk_details.foreign_column_name) || ')'; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Allow other extensions to also own l10n tables. create or replace function l10n_table__maintain_l10n_objects() returns trigger set search_path from current set pg_xenophile.in_l10n_table_row_trigger to true reset client_min_messages language plpgsql as $$ declare _l10n_table_path text; _base_table_path text; _pk_details record; _existing_l10n_views name[]; _required_l10n_views name[]; _l10n_views_to_create name[]; _l10n_views_to_drop name[]; _missing_view name; _extraneous_view name; _copying bool; begin -- Generally, triggers that propagate changes to other database objects should be `AFTER` triggers, -- no `BEFORE` triggers. In this case, however, we want to, for example, be able to store the names -- and identifiers of the newly created table in the very row that is being inserted. assert tg_when = 'BEFORE'; assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'); assert tg_table_schema = 'xeno'; assert tg_table_name = 'l10n_table'; assert tg_nargs = 0; -- When we are inside a `COPY` command, it is likely that we're restoring from a `pg_dump`. -- Otherwise, why would you want to bulk insert into such a small table? _copying := tg_op = 'INSERT' and exists ( select from pg_stat_progress_copy where relid = tg_relid and command = 'COPY FROM' and type = 'PIPE' ); if _copying and NEW.l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name is not null then raise exception using message = format( 'Unexpected `%I.%I.l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name IS NOT NULL` during `COPY`.' ) ,hint = 'Probably, the second parameter to `pg_extension_config_dump()` was faulty.' ,schema = tg_table_schema ,table = tg_table_name ,column = 'l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name'; end if; if _copying then NEW.l10n_table_regclass := (NEW.schema_name || '.' || NEW.l10n_table_name)::regclass; NEW.base_table_regclass := (NEW.schema_name || '.' || NEW.base_table_name)::regclass; set pg_xenophile.pg_restore_seems_active to true; return NEW; end if; if tg_op = 'INSERT' and NEW.l10n_table_name is not null then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = '`l10n_table_name` is not supposed to be provided on `INSERT`, because' ' it is supposed to be determined automatically by this trigger `ON INSERT`.'; end if; if tg_op = 'INSERT' and NEW.l10n_table_regclass is not null then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = '`l10n_table_regclass` supposed to be `NULL` on `INSERT`, because the' ' l10n table is supposed to created by this trigger `ON INSERT`.'; end if; if tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') and array_length(NEW.l10n_column_definitions, 1) = 0 then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = 'It makes no sense to make an l10n table without any extra columns.' ' Specify the columns you want in the `l10n_column_definitions` column.'; end if; if not coalesce( nullif(current_setting('pg_xenophile.in_l10n_table_event_trigger', true), ''), 'false' )::bool and tg_op = 'UPDATE' and ( NEW.base_column_definitions != OLD.base_column_definitions or NEW.l10n_column_definitions != OLD.l10n_column_definitions or NEW.l10n_table_constraint_definitions != OLD.l10n_table_constraint_definitions ) then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = 'After the initial `INSERT`, column and constraint definitions should not be' ' altered manually, only via `ALTER TABLE` statements, that will propagate via the' ' `l10n_table__track_alter_table_events` event trigger.'; -- Feel free to implement support for this if this causes you discomfort. end if; if tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') then if NEW.base_table_regclass is null then if NEW.schema_name is null then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = 'schema_name must be specified if base_table_regclass is not given.'; end if; if NEW.base_table_name is null then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = 'base_table_name must be specified if base_table_regclass is not given.'; end if; NEW.base_table_regclass := (NEW.schema_name || '.' || NEW.base_table_name)::regclass; elsif NEW.base_table_regclass is not null then select pg_class.relnamespace::regnamespace::name ,pg_class.relname into NEW.schema_name ,NEW.base_table_name from pg_catalog.pg_class where pg_class.oid = NEW.base_table_regclass ; end if; end if; _base_table_path := NEW.base_table_regclass::text; NEW.l10n_table_name := NEW.base_table_name || '_l10n'; _l10n_table_path := quote_ident(NEW.schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(NEW.l10n_table_name); if tg_op = 'INSERT' and to_regclass(_l10n_table_path) is not null then raise integrity_constraint_violation using message = 'The l10n table is not supposed to exist yet.'; end if; if tg_op = 'INSERT' then begin select kcu.column_name ,c.data_type ,coalesce( quote_ident(c.domain_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(c.domain_name) ,c.data_type ) as data_type_path into strict _pk_details from information_schema.table_constraints as tc join information_schema.key_column_usage as kcu on tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name and tc.table_schema = kcu.table_schema join information_schema.columns as c on kcu.table_schema = c.table_schema and kcu.table_name = c.table_name and kcu.column_name = c.column_name where tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and tc.table_schema = NEW.schema_name and tc.table_name = NEW.base_table_name ; exception when no_data_found then raise exception 'No PK found in %', NEW.base_table_name; when too_many_rows then raise exception 'Multi-column PK found in %; Multi-column PKs not supported', NEW.base_table_name; end; execute 'CREATE TABLE ' || _l10n_table_path || ' ( ' || quote_ident(_pk_details.column_name) || ' ' || _pk_details.data_type_path || ' REFERENCES ' || _base_table_path || '(' || _pk_details.column_name || ') ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ,l10n_lang_code lang_code_alpha2 NOT NULL REFERENCES lang(lang_code) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT' || case when NEW.l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name is not null then ' ,l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name name ,l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_version text' else '' end || ' ,' || array_to_string(NEW.l10n_column_definitions, ', ') || ' ,PRIMARY KEY (' || quote_ident(_pk_details.column_name) || ', l10n_lang_code) ' || array_to_string(NEW.l10n_table_constraint_definitions, ', ') || ' )'; NEW.l10n_table_regclass := _l10n_table_path::regclass; execute 'COMMENT ON TABLE ' || NEW.l10n_table_regclass::text || $ddl$ IS $markdown$ This table is managed by the `pg_xenophile` extension, which has delegated its creation to the `$ddl$ || tg_name || $ddl$` trigger on the `$ddl$ || tg_table_name || $ddl$` table. To alter this table, just `ALTER` it as you normally would. The `l10n_table__track_alter_table_events` event trigger will detect such changes, as well as changes to the base table (`$ddl$ || NEW.base_table_name || $ddl$`) referenced by the foreign key (that doubles as primary key) on `$ddl$ || NEW.l10n_table_name || $ddl$`. When any `ALTER TABLE $ddl$ || quote_ident(NEW.l10n_table_name) || $ddl$` or `ALTER TABLE $ddl$ || quote_ident(NEW.base_table_name) || $ddl$` events are detected, `$ddl$ || tg_table_name || $ddl$` will be updated—the `base_column_definitions`, `l10n_column_definitions` and `l10n_table_constraint_definitions` columns—with the latest information from the `pg_catalog`. These changes to `$ddl$ || tg_table_name || $ddl$` in turn trigger the `$ddl$ || tg_name || $ddl$` trigger, which ensures that the language-specific convenience views that (left) join `$ddl$ || NEW.base_table_name || $ddl$` to `$ddl$ || NEW.l10n_table_name || $ddl$` are kept up-to-date with the columns in these tables. To drop this table, either just `DROP TABLE` it (and the `l10n_table__track_drop_table_events` will take care of the book-keeping or delete its bookkeeping row from `l10n_table`. $markdown$ $ddl$; if NEW.l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name is not null then perform pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump( _l10n_table_path, 'WHERE l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name IS NULL' ); execute 'CREATE TRIGGER set_installed_extension_version_from_name' || ' BEFORE INSERT ON ' || NEW.l10n_table_regclass::text || ' FOR EACH ROW' || ' WHEN (NEW.l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name IS NOT NULL)' || ' EXECUTE FUNCTION set_installed_extension_version_from_name(' || '''l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name'', ''l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_version'')'; end if; NEW := l10n_table_with_fresh_ddl(NEW.*); end if; _existing_l10n_views := ( select coalesce(array_agg(views.table_name), array[]::name[]) from information_schema.views where views.table_schema = OLD.schema_name and views.table_name like OLD.l10n_table_name || '\___' ); raise debug 'Existing l10n views: %', _existing_l10n_views; if tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') then _required_l10n_views := ( select array_agg(distinct NEW.l10n_table_name || '_' || required_lang_code) from unnest(NEW.base_lang_code || NEW.target_lang_codes) as required_lang_code ); elsif tg_op = 'DELETE' then _required_l10n_views := array[]::name[]; end if; raise debug 'Required l10n views: %', _required_l10n_views; if tg_op = 'UPDATE' and ( NEW.base_column_definitions != OLD.base_column_definitions or NEW.l10n_column_definitions != OLD.l10n_column_definitions or NEW.l10n_table_constraint_definitions != OLD.l10n_table_constraint_definitions ) then _l10n_views_to_drop := _existing_l10n_views; _l10n_views_to_create := _required_l10n_views; else _l10n_views_to_drop := ( select coalesce(array_agg(lang_code), array[]::lang_code_alpha2[]) from unnest(_existing_l10n_views) as lang_code where lang_code != all (_required_l10n_views) ); _l10n_views_to_create := ( select coalesce(array_agg(lang_code), array[]::lang_code_alpha2[]) from unnest(_required_l10n_views) as lang_code where lang_code != all (_existing_l10n_views) ); end if; foreach _extraneous_view in array _l10n_views_to_drop loop execute 'DROP TRIGGER updatable_l10n_view ON ' || quote_ident(OLD.schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(_extraneous_view); execute 'DROP VIEW ' || quote_ident(OLD.schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(_extraneous_view); end loop; raise debug 'Missing l10n views to create: %', _l10n_views_to_create; foreach _missing_view in array _l10n_views_to_create loop raise debug 'Creating missing l10n view: %', regexp_replace(_missing_view, '^.*([a-z]{2})$', '\1'); call create_l10n_view( NEW.schema_name ,NEW.base_table_name ,NEW.l10n_table_name ,regexp_replace(_missing_view, '^.*([a-z]{2})$', '\1') ,false ); end loop; if tg_op = 'DELETE' then if not coalesce( nullif(current_setting('pg_xenophile.in_l10n_table_event_trigger', true), ''), 'false' )::bool then execute 'DROP TABLE ' || quote_ident(OLD.schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(OLD.l10n_table_name); end if; return OLD; end if; return NEW; end; $$; update l10n_table set l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name = 'pg_xenophile' ,l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_version = ( select extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where extname = 'pg_xenophile' ) where l10n_table_belongs_to_pg_xenophile ; select pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump( 'l10n_table', 'WHERE l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name IS NULL' ); alter table l10n_table drop column l10n_table_belongs_to_pg_xenophile; -- Modify the column for all the existing l10n tables that belong to pg_xenophile. do $$ declare _l10n_table l10n_table; _l10n_view regclass; begin for _l10n_table in select * from l10n_table where l10n_table_belongs_to_extension_name is not null loop execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || _l10n_table.l10n_table_regclass || ' ADD COLUMN l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name name' || ' ,ADD COLUMN l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_version text'; execute 'UPDATE ' || _l10n_table.l10n_table_regclass || ' SET' || ' l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name = ''pg_xenophile''' || ' ,l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_version = $1' || ' WHERE l10n_columns_belong_to_pg_xenophile' using ( select extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where extname = 'pg_xenophile' ); for _l10n_view in select distinct ( quote_ident(_l10n_table.schema_name) || '.' || _l10n_table.l10n_table_name || '_' || lang_code )::regclass from unnest(_l10n_table.target_lang_codes || _l10n_table.base_lang_code) as lang_code loop execute 'DROP VIEW ' || _l10n_view; -- Drop views. They will be recreated by the `ALTER TABLE`. end loop; execute 'ALTER TABLE ' || _l10n_table.l10n_table_regclass || ' DROP COLUMN l10n_columns_belong_to_pg_xenophile'; perform pg_catalog.pg_extension_config_dump( _l10n_table.l10n_table_regclass ,'WHERE l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name IS NULL' ); execute 'CREATE TRIGGER set_installed_extension_version_from_name' || ' BEFORE INSERT ON ' || _l10n_table.l10n_table_regclass || ' FOR EACH ROW' || ' WHEN (NEW.l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name IS NOT NULL)' || ' EXECUTE FUNCTION set_installed_extension_version_from_name(' || '''l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_name'', ''l10n_columns_belong_to_extension_version'')'; end loop; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- drop function updatable_l10_view(); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------