-- Complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION` \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_xenophile" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add column to `test_species` table to trigger duplicate PK on INSERT bug. create or replace procedure test__l10n_table() set search_path from current set pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition to true language plpgsql as $$ declare _row record; _l10n_table l10n_table; begin -- Create the table that will be translated. create table test_tbl ( id bigint primary key generated always as identity ,"universal blergh" text ); <> begin -- This tests that the trigger(s) on `l10n_table` tries to create the `_l10n_nl`-suffixed view -- only once and doesn't crash because of trying to create it twice. insert into l10n_table (base_table_name, l10n_column_definitions, base_lang_code, target_lang_codes) values ( 'test_tbl' ,array['name TEXT NOT NULL', '"description (short)" TEXT NOT NULL'] ,'nl'::lang_code_alpha2 -- Apologies for the Dutch East India Company mentality. ,array['nl']::lang_code_alpha2[] ); raise transaction_rollback; exception when transaction_rollback then end with_redundant_target_lang; -- Register `test_tbl` with the meta table, to activate all the l10n magic. insert into l10n_table (base_table_name, l10n_column_definitions, base_lang_code, target_lang_codes) values ( 'test_tbl' ,array['name TEXT NOT NULL', '"description (short)" TEXT NOT NULL'] ,'nl'::lang_code_alpha2 -- Apologies for the Dutch East India Company mentality. ,array['en', 'fr']::lang_code_alpha2[] ); assert to_regclass('test_tbl_l10n') is not null, 'The `_l10n` table should have been created as result of the preceding INSERT into the meta table.'; assert array['test_tbl_l10n_en', 'test_tbl_l10n_fr', 'test_tbl_l10n_nl']::name[] = ( select array_agg(pg_class.relname order by pg_class.relname)::name[] from pg_catalog.pg_class where pg_class.relkind = 'v' and pg_class.relnamespace = current_schema::regnamespace and pg_class.relname like 'test\_tbl\_l10n\___' ) ,'3 `_l10n_`-suffixed views should have been created, one for the base language' || ' and 2 for the target languages.'; <> declare _nl_expected record := row( 1, 'AX-UNI', 'nl', 'Bijl Universiteit', 'De trainingsleider in bijlonderhoud en gebruik' )::test_tbl_l10n_nl; _en_expected record := row( 1, 'AX-UNI', 'en', 'Axe University', 'The leader in axe maintenance and usage training' )::test_tbl_l10n_en; begin insert into test_tbl_l10n_nl ("universal blergh", name, "description (short)") values (_nl_expected."universal blergh", _nl_expected.name, _nl_expected."description (short)") returning * into _row ; assert _row = _nl_expected, format( 'The `RETURNING` clause did not return the data as inserted; %s ≠ %s' ,_row, _nl_expected ); assert _nl_expected = (select row(tbl.*)::test_tbl_l10n_nl from test_tbl_l10n_nl as tbl), 'The `RETURNING` clause should have returned the same row data as this separate `SELECT`.'; assert exists(select from test_tbl_l10n_en where id = _nl_expected.id), 'Even though the row for English doesn''t exist in `test_tbl_l10n` yet, it should exist in the' ' `test_l10n_en` view, with NULL values for all the l10n columns.'; update test_tbl_l10n_en set "name" = _en_expected."name" ,"description (short)" = _en_expected."description (short)" where id = _nl_expected.id returning * into _row ; assert found, 'The `UPDATE` should have found a row to update in the `test_tbl_l10n_en` view.'; assert _row = _en_expected, format('%s ≠ %s; the `RETURNING` clause did not return the data as upserted.', _row, _en_expected); assert _en_expected = (select row(tbl.*)::test_tbl_l10n_en from test_tbl_l10n_en as tbl), 'The `RETURNING` clause should have returned the same row data as this separate `SELECT`.'; end upsert_into_l10n_lang_view; <> declare _expected_id bigint := currval('test_tbl_id_seq') + 1; _nl_expected record := row( _expected_id, 'SIMP-UNI', 'nl', 'Simpschool', 'Simpen voor Elon en Jeff' )::test_tbl_l10n_nl; begin insert into test_tbl_l10n_nl (id, "universal blergh", name, "description (short)") values ( _nl_expected.id ,_nl_expected."universal blergh" ,_nl_expected.name ,_nl_expected."description (short)" ) returning * into _row ; raise assert_failure using message = 'It should not be possible to explicitly specify a PK value on insert' 'if that PK is `GENERATED ALWAYS`.'; exception when generated_always then end try_to_override_generated_pk; <> declare _expected_id bigint := currval('test_tbl_id_seq') + 1; _nl_expected record := row( _expected_id, 'PO-UNI', 'nl', 'Poep-Universiteit', 'De Beste Plek om Te Leren Legen' )::test_tbl_l10n_nl; _en_expected record := row( _expected_id, 'PO-UNI', 'en', 'Pooversity', 'The Best Place To Empty Yourself' )::test_tbl_l10n_nl; begin insert into test_tbl_l10n_nl ("universal blergh", name, "description (short)") values (_nl_expected."universal blergh", _nl_expected.name, _nl_expected."description (short)") returning * into _row ; -- Test that the trigger `test_tbl_l10n_en` does an INSERT instead of an UPDATE if no row for this -- PK + lang_code combo exists yet in `test_tbl_l10n`. update test_tbl_l10n_en set "universal blergh" = _en_expected."universal blergh" ,name = _en_expected.name ,"description (short)" = _en_expected."description (short)" where id = _en_expected.id returning * into _row ; assert _row = _en_expected, format('%s ≠ %s', _row, _en_expected); end insert_instead_of_update_on_missing_l10n_record; <> declare _expected_id bigint := currval('test_tbl_id_seq') + 1; _fr_expected record := row( _expected_id, 'MOI-UNI', 'fr', 'Moiversitee', 'La Premier Bla' )::test_tbl_l10n_fr; begin insert into test_tbl_l10n_fr ("universal blergh", name, "description (short)") values (_fr_expected."universal blergh", _fr_expected.name, _fr_expected."description (short)") returning * into _row ; delete from test_tbl_l10n_fr where id = _row.id; assert found; assert not exists (select from test_tbl where id = _row.id), 'The base table record should have been deleted.'; assert not exists ( select from test_tbl_l10n where id = _row.id and l10n_lang_code = _row.l10n_lang_code ) ,'The l10n record should have been deleted, via the `ON DELETE CASCADE` to the base table.'; end delete_via_l10n_view; <> begin alter table test_tbl_l10n add description2 text; update test_tbl_l10n set description2 = 'Something to satisfy NOT NULL'; -- Because we want to make it NOT NULL. alter table test_tbl_l10n alter column description2 set not null; select * into _l10n_table from l10n_table where base_table_name = 'test_tbl'; assert _l10n_table.l10n_column_definitions[3] = 'description2 text NOT NULL', 'The `l10n_table__track_alter_table_events` event trigger should have updated the list of l10n' ' columns.'; assert exists( select from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test_tbl_l10n_fr'::regclass and attname = 'description2' ), 'The `description2` column should have been added to the view.'; alter table test_tbl_l10n drop column description2 cascade; select * into _l10n_table from l10n_table where base_table_name = 'test_tbl'; assert array_length(_l10n_table.l10n_column_definitions, 1) = 2, 'The dropped column should have been removed from the `l10n_table` meta table.'; assert not exists( select from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test_tbl_l10n_nl'::regclass and attname = 'description2' ), 'The `description2` column should have disappeared from the views.'; alter table test_tbl add non_l10n_col int not null default 6; select * into _l10n_table from l10n_table where base_table_name = 'test_tbl'; assert _l10n_table.base_column_definitions[3] = 'non_l10n_col integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 6', 'The `l10n_table__track_alter_table_events` event trigger should have updated the list of base' ' columns.'; assert (select non_l10n_col from test_tbl_l10n_nl where id = 2) = 6; alter table test_tbl drop column non_l10n_col cascade; assert not exists( select from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'test_tbl_l10n_nl'::regclass and attname = 'non_l10n_col' ), 'The `non_l10n_col` column should have disappeared from the views.'; <> declare _nl_expected record; begin alter table test_tbl add column base_col_with_default text not null default 'I am default.'; alter table test_tbl_l10n add column localized_image text not null default 'fallback.png'; select * into _l10n_table from l10n_table where base_table_name = 'test_tbl'; assert _l10n_table.base_column_definitions[3] = 'base_col_with_default text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''I am default.''::text', format( 'The `l10n_table__track_alter_table_events` event trigger should have updated the list of' ' base columns; base_column_definitions = ''%s''' ,_l10n_table.base_column_definitions ); assert _l10n_table.l10n_column_definitions[3] = 'localized_image text NOT NULL DEFAULT ''fallback.png''::text', format( 'The `l10n_table__track_alter_table_events` event trigger should have updated the list of' ' l10n columns; l10n_column_definitions = ''%s''' ,_l10n_table.l10n_column_definitions ); -- Now, let's test how the defaults behave on insert… _nl_expected := row( 1, 'HOF', 'I am default.', 'nl', 'Wim Hof', 'De Ijsman', 'fallback.png' )::test_tbl_l10n_nl; insert into test_tbl_l10n_nl ("universal blergh", name, "description (short)") values (_nl_expected."universal blergh", _nl_expected.name, _nl_expected."description (short)") returning * into _row ; assert _row.base_col_with_default = _nl_expected.base_col_with_default, 'Default should have propegated from the base table to view.'; assert _row.localized_image = _nl_expected.localized_image, 'Default should have propegated from the l10n table to view.'; end add_base_column_with_default_value; <> begin drop table test_tbl cascade; assert not exists (select from l10n_table where base_table_name = 'test_tbl'); raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have used any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end drop_base_table; end trigger_alter_table_events; -- DELETE-ing the meta info for our l10n table should cascade cleanly, without crashing. delete from l10n_table where base_table_regclass = 'test_tbl'::regclass; assert to_regclass('test_tbl_l10n') is null, 'The actual `_l10n` table should have been removed when deleting the meta row from `l10n_table`.'; <> declare _expected record; begin -- Let's make a table with a natural primary key that is _not_ `GENERATED ALWAYS`. create table test_species ( scientific_name text primary key -- Just so you know: without the `year_first_described` column, the `INSERT INTO l10n_table` -- would not trigger a certain bug, so please do not allow regressions to occur by removing -- this column. ,year_first_described int ); -- Register `test_species` with the meta table, to activate all the l10n magic. insert into l10n_table (base_table_name, l10n_column_definitions, base_lang_code) values ('test_species' ,'{common_name TEXT}' ,'en') ; insert into test_species_l10n_en (scientific_name, common_name, year_first_described) values ('Taraxacum officinale', 'common dandelion', 1753) ; <> begin insert into test_species_l10n_en (scientific_name, common_name) values ('Taraxacum officinale', 'uncommon dandelion') ; raise assert_failure using message = 'Duplicating a primary key shouldn''t have been possible.'; exception when unique_violation then end insert_duplicate_natural_key; end insert_natural_key; raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have used any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fix boolean logic bug that causes the PK column to be included in the INSERT twice sometimes. create or replace function updatable_l10_view() returns trigger set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _schema_name name; _base_table name; _l10n_table name; _base_columns name[]; _base_columns_for_upsert name[]; _l10n_columns name[]; _base_table_path text; _l10n_table_path text; _pk_column name; _new_base_row record; _new_l10n_row record; _target_lang_code lang_code_alpha2; _generated_pk_is_overriden_by_insert bool := false; begin assert tg_when = 'INSTEAD OF'; assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'); assert tg_table_name ~ '_l10n_[a-z]{2}$'; assert tg_nargs = 4; -- Unlike other arrays in Pg, `TG_ARGV[]` subscripts start at zero. _schema_name := tg_argv[0]; _base_table := tg_argv[1]; _l10n_table := tg_argv[2]; _pk_column := tg_argv[3]; _base_table_path := quote_ident(_schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(_base_table); _l10n_table_path := quote_ident(_schema_name) || '.' || quote_ident(_l10n_table); _target_lang_code := right(tg_table_name, 2); _base_columns := array( select columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = _schema_name and columns.table_name = _base_table ); _base_columns_for_upsert := array( select columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = _schema_name and columns.table_name = _base_table and columns.is_generated = 'NEVER' and columns.is_identity = 'NO' ); if tg_op = 'INSERT' and not _pk_column = any (_base_columns_for_upsert) then execute 'SELECT $1.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' IS NOT NULL' using NEW into _generated_pk_is_overriden_by_insert; if _generated_pk_is_overriden_by_insert then -- We append the PK if it is NOT NULL, to make this crash instead of silently -- ignoring an explicit PK that should have probably been omitted in the context -- the INSERTed into this view. _base_columns_for_upsert := _base_columns_for_upsert || _pk_column; end if; end if; _l10n_columns := array( select columns.column_name from information_schema.columns where columns.table_schema = _schema_name and columns.table_name = _l10n_table and columns.column_name != 'l10n_lang_code' ); -- -- We start with INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on the base table. -- if tg_op = 'INSERT' then execute 'INSERT INTO ' || _base_table_path || '(' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_base_columns_for_upsert) as col ) || ') VALUES (' || ( select string_agg('$1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_base_columns_for_upsert) as col ) || ') RETURNING *' using NEW into _new_base_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_base_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); elsif tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute 'UPDATE ' || _base_table_path || ' SET ' || ( select quote_ident(col) || ' = $1.' || quote_ident(col) from unnest(_base_columns_for_upsert) as col ) || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' = $2.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' RETURNING *' using NEW, OLD into _new_base_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_base_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); elsif tg_op = 'DELETE' then execute 'DELETE FROM ' || _base_table_path || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' = $1.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) using OLD; -- The `ON DELETE CASCADE` on the FK from the l10n table will do the rest. end if; -- -- After INSERT or UPDATE on the base table, we need to also INSERT or UPDATE the l10n table. -- if tg_op = 'INSERT' or (tg_op = 'UPDATE' and OLD.l10n_lang_code is null) then execute 'INSERT INTO ' || _l10n_table_path || '(l10n_lang_code,' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_l10n_columns) as col ) || ') VALUES (' || quote_literal(_target_lang_code) || ',' || ( select string_agg('$1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_l10n_columns) as col ) || ') RETURNING *' using NEW into _new_l10n_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_l10n_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); elsif tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute 'UPDATE ' || _l10n_table_path || ' SET ' || ( select string_agg(quote_ident(col) || ' = $1.' || quote_ident(col), ', ') from unnest(_l10n_columns) as col ) || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' = $2.' || quote_ident(_pk_column) || ' AND l10n_lang_code = ' || quote_literal(_target_lang_code) || ' RETURNING *' using NEW, OLD into _new_l10n_row; NEW := NEW #= hstore( array( select array[key, value] from each(hstore(_new_l10n_row.*)) where value is not null ) ); end if; if tg_op = 'DELETE' then return OLD; end if; return NEW; end; $$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------