CREATE EXTENSION pg_wait_sampling; WITH t as (SELECT sum(0) FROM pg_wait_sampling_current) SELECT sum(0) FROM generate_series(1, 2), t; WITH t as (SELECT sum(0) FROM pg_wait_sampling_history) SELECT sum(0) FROM generate_series(1, 2), t; WITH t as (SELECT sum(0) FROM pg_wait_sampling_profile) SELECT sum(0) FROM generate_series(1, 2), t; -- Some dummy checks just to be sure that all our functions work and return something. SELECT count(*) = 1 as test FROM pg_wait_sampling_get_current(pg_backend_pid()); SELECT count(*) >= 0 as test FROM pg_wait_sampling_get_profile(); SELECT count(*) >= 0 as test FROM pg_wait_sampling_get_history(); SELECT pg_wait_sampling_reset_profile(); DROP EXTENSION pg_wait_sampling;