/* contrib/pg_wait_sampling/pg_wait_sampling--1.0--1.1.sql */ DROP FUNCTION pg_wait_sampling_get_current ( pid int4, OUT pid int4, OUT event_type text, OUT event text ) CASCADE; DROP FUNCTION pg_wait_sampling_get_history ( OUT pid int4, OUT ts timestamptz, OUT event_type text, OUT event text ) CASCADE; DROP FUNCTION pg_wait_sampling_get_profile ( OUT pid int4, OUT event_type text, OUT event text, OUT count bigint ) CASCADE; CREATE FUNCTION pg_wait_sampling_get_current ( pid int4, OUT pid int4, OUT event_type text, OUT event text, OUT queryid int8 ) RETURNS SETOF record AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE CALLED ON NULL INPUT; CREATE VIEW pg_wait_sampling_current AS SELECT * FROM pg_wait_sampling_get_current(NULL::integer); GRANT SELECT ON pg_wait_sampling_current TO PUBLIC; CREATE FUNCTION pg_wait_sampling_get_history ( OUT pid int4, OUT ts timestamptz, OUT event_type text, OUT event text, OUT queryid int8 ) RETURNS SETOF record AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE STRICT; CREATE VIEW pg_wait_sampling_history AS SELECT * FROM pg_wait_sampling_get_history(); GRANT SELECT ON pg_wait_sampling_history TO PUBLIC; CREATE FUNCTION pg_wait_sampling_get_profile ( OUT pid int4, OUT event_type text, OUT event text, OUT queryid int8, OUT count int8 ) RETURNS SETOF record AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE STRICT; CREATE VIEW pg_wait_sampling_profile AS SELECT * FROM pg_wait_sampling_get_profile(); GRANT SELECT ON pg_wait_sampling_profile TO PUBLIC;