-- Complain if script is sourced in `psql`, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION`. \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_utility_trigger_functions" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add _Authors_ section. comment on extension pg_utility_trigger_functions is $markdown$ # `pg_utility_trigger_functions` [![PGXN version](https://badge.fury.io/pg/pg_utility_trigger_functions.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/pg/pg_utility_trigger_functions) The `pg_utility_trigger_functions` PostgreSQL extensions bundles together some pet trigger functions that the extension author—[BigSmoke](https://www.bigsmoke.us/)—likes to walk through various PostgreSQL projects. Feel free to copy-paste individual functions if you don't want to introduce an extension dependency into your own extension/project. Just try to respect the PostgreSQL license that this extension was released under. ## Authors and contributors * [Rowan](https://www.bigsmoke.us/) originated this extension in 2022 while developing the PostgreSQL backend for the [FlashMQ SaaS MQTT cloud broker](https://www.flashmq.com/). Rowan does not like to see himself as a tech person or a tech writer, but, much to his chagrin, [he _is_](https://blog.bigsmoke.us/category/technology). Some of his chagrin about his disdain for the IT industry he poured into a book: [_Why Programming Still Sucks_](https://www.whyprogrammingstillsucks.com/). Much more than a “tech bro”, he identifies as a garden gnome, fairy and ork rolled into one, and his passion is really to [regreen and reenchant his environment](https://sapienshabitat.com/). One of his proudest achievements is to be the third generation ecological gardener to grow the wild garden around his beautiful [family holiday home in the forest of Norg, Drenthe, the Netherlands](https://www.schuilplaats-norg.nl/) (available for rent!). $markdown$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------