-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_utility_trigger_functions" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on function overwrite_fields_in_referencing_table() is $md$Copy specific (or all same-named) field values from this table to a table that references it. `overwrite_fields_in_referencing_table()` takes 3 or 4 arguments: 1. Argument 1 (required): the identifying column referenced by the foreign key in the other table. 2. Argument 2 (required): the table that references the present table. 3. Argument 3 (required): the foreign key column in the other table. 4. Argument 4 (optional): the columns that should be copied. This argument can be either: - omitted, so that all the columns (except for the foreign key columns specified as argument 1 and 3) will be copied (but remember that, more often than not, explicit is better than implicit); - an array with the same-named columns that should be copied; or - a `hstore` with the names of the ccolumns in the local table as keys and the names of the corresponding columns in the referencing table as values. See the [`test__overwrite_fields_in_referencing_table()`](#procedure-test__overwrite_fields_in_referencing_table) routine for examples of this trigger function in action. $md$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------