-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_utility_trigger_functions" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function copy_fields_from_foreign_table() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ declare _foreign_key_column name; _foreign_table regclass; _foreign_target_column name; _foreign_fields name[]; _foreign_field name; _foreign_record record; _fkey_is_null bool; begin assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_nargs between 3 and 4; _foreign_key_column := tg_argv[0]; _foreign_table := tg_argv[1]; _foreign_target_column := tg_argv[2]; if tg_nargs > 3 then _foreign_fields := tg_argv[3]::name[]; else _foreign_fields := ( select local_att.attname from pg_catalog.pg_attribute as local_att where local_att.attrelid = tg_relid and exists( select from pg_catalog.pg_attribute as foreign_att where foreign_att.attrelid = _foreign_table and foreign_att.attname = local_att.attname and foreign_att.attname != _foreign_target_column ) and local_att.attname not in (_foreign_key_column) ); end if; execute format('SELECT ($1).%I IS NULL', _foreign_key_column) using NEW into _fkey_is_null; if _fkey_is_null then return NEW; end if; execute 'SELECT ' || array_to_string(_foreign_fields, ', ') || ' FROM ' || _foreign_table || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_foreign_target_column) || ' = ($1).' || quote_ident(_foreign_key_column) using NEW into _foreign_record; foreach _foreign_field in array _foreign_fields loop NEW := NEW #= hstore(_foreign_record); end loop; return NEW; end; $$; comment on function copy_fields_from_foreign_table() is $markdown$ The purpose of the `copy_fields_from_foreign_table()` trigger function is to copy the given fields from the row in the given foreign table pointed at by the given foreign key. It takes up to 4 arguments: 1. Argument 1 (required): the name of the foreign key column in the local table. 2. Argument 2 (required): the `regclass` (can be passed as `oid` or `name`) of the foreign relationship. 3. Argument 3 (required): the name of the identifying key column in the foreign table. 4. Argument 4 (optional): an array with the names of the columns that should be copied. If the fourth argument is omitted, all the columns (except for the foreign key columns specified as argument 1 and 3) will be copied. Remember: more often than not, explicit is better than implicit! See the [`test__copy_fields_from_foreign_table()`](#procedure-test__copy_fields_from_foreign_table) routine for an example of this trigger function in action. $markdown$; create or replace procedure test__copy_fields_from_foreign_table() set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _b record; begin create table test__a ( a_id int primary key ,a_val_to_copy text ,a_val_to_not_copy text ); create table test__b ( a_id int not null references test__a(a_id) ,a_val_to_copy text not null ,a_val_to_not_copy text ,b_val text ); create trigger copy_a_val_from_test__a before insert or update on test__b for each row execute function copy_fields_from_foreign_table( 'a_id', 'test__a', 'a_id', '{a_val_to_copy}' ); insert into test__a (a_id, a_val_to_copy, a_val_to_not_copy) values (1, 'Een', 'Eentje'), (2, 'Twee', 'Tweetje'); insert into test__b (a_id, b_val) values (1, 'Uno') returning * into _b; assert _b.a_val_to_copy = 'Een'; assert _b.a_val_to_not_copy is null; insert into test__b (a_id, a_val_to_not_copy, b_val) values (2, 'Dois', 'Twee') returning * into _b; assert _b.a_val_to_copy = 'Twee'; assert _b.a_val_to_not_copy = 'Dois'; raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $$; comment on procedure test__copy_fields_from_foreign_table() is $markdown$ This is the test routine for the `copy_fields_from_foreign_table()` trigger function. The routine name is compliant with the `pg_tst` extension. An intentional choice has been made to not _depend_ on the `pg_tst` extension its test runner or developer-friendly assertions to keep the number of inter-extension dependencies to a minimum. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ declare _foreign_key_column name; _foreign_table regclass; _foreign_target_column name; _foreign_fields name[]; _foreign_field name; _foreign_record record; _fkey_is_null bool; begin assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_nargs between 3 and 4; _foreign_key_column := tg_argv[0]; _foreign_table := tg_argv[1]; _foreign_target_column := tg_argv[2]; if tg_nargs > 3 then _foreign_fields := tg_argv[3]::name[]; else _foreign_fields := ( select local_att.attname from pg_catalog.pg_attribute as local_att where local_att.attrelid = tg_relid and exists( select from pg_catalog.pg_attribute as foreign_att where foreign_att.attrelid = _foreign_table and foreign_att.attname = local_att.attname and foreign_att.attname != _foreign_target_column ) and local_att.attname not in (_foreign_key_column) ); end if; execute format('SELECT ($1).%I IS NULL', _foreign_key_column) using NEW into _fkey_is_null; if _fkey_is_null then -- Yes, the FK column(s) can be NULL. If you don't like this, put a constraint on it. return NEW; end if; execute 'SELECT ' || ( select string_agg( 'COALESCE(($1).' || quote_ident(ffield) || ', ftable.' || quote_ident(ffield) || ') AS ' || quote_ident(ffield), ', ' ) from unnest(_foreign_fields) as ffield ) || ' FROM ' || _foreign_table || ' AS ftable' || ' WHERE ' || quote_ident(_foreign_target_column) || ' = ($1).' || quote_ident(_foreign_key_column) using NEW into _foreign_record; NEW := NEW #= hstore(_foreign_record); return NEW; end; $$; comment on function fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table() is $markdown$ The purpose of the `fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table()` trigger function is to fallback to the given fields from the row in the given foreign table pointed at by the given foreign key, if, and only if, these fields are `NULL` in the local row. `fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table()` takes up to 4 arguments: 1. Argument 1 (required): the name of the foreign key column in the local table. 2. Argument 2 (required): the `regclass` (can be passed as `oid` or `name`) of the foreign relationship. 3. Argument 3 (required): the name of the identifying key column in the foreign table. 4. Argument 4 (optional): an array with the names of the columns that should be coalesced to. If the fourth argument is omitted, all the columns (except for the foreign key columns specified as argument 1 and 3) will be copied. Remember: more often than not, explicit is better than implicit! See the [`test__fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table()`](#routine-test__fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table) routine for an example of this trigger function in action. $markdown$; create or replace procedure test__fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table() set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _b record; begin create table test__a ( a_id int primary key ,val_1 text ,val_2 text ,val_3 text ); create table test__b ( a_id int not null references test__a(a_id) ,val_1 text ,val_2 text ,val_3 text ); create trigger fallback before insert or update on test__b for each row execute function fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table( 'a_id', 'test__a', 'a_id', '{val_1, val_2}' ); insert into test__a (a_id, val_1, val_2, val_3) values (1, 'Een', 'Eentje', '1tje'), (2, 'Twee', 'Tweetje', '2tje'); insert into test__b (a_id, val_1, val_2, val_3) values (1, 'Uno', null, 'a') returning * into _b; assert _b.val_1 = 'Uno'; assert _b.val_2 = 'Eentje'; assert _b.val_3 = 'a'; insert into test__b (a_id, val_1, val_2, val_3) values (2, null, 'Doises', null) returning * into _b; assert _b.val_1 = 'Twee'; assert _b.val_2 = 'Doises'; assert _b.val_3 is null; raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $$; comment on procedure test__fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table() is $markdown$ This is the test routine for the `fallback_to_fields_from_foreign_table()` trigger function. The routine name is compliant with the `pg_tst` extension. An intentional choice has been made to not _depend_ on the `pg_tst` extension its test runner or developer-friendly assertions to keep the number of inter-extension dependencies to a minimum. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function pg_utility_trigger_functions_meta_pgxn() returns jsonb stable language sql return jsonb_build_object( 'name' ,'pg_utility_trigger_functions' ,'abstract' ,'Some pet trigger functions that the extension author likes to follow him through various' ' PostgreSQL projects.' ,'description' ,'The pg_utility_trigger_functions PostgreSQL extensions bundles together some pet trigger functions' ' that the extension author likes to follow him through various PostgreSQL projects.' ,'version' ,( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = 'pg_utility_trigger_functions' ) ,'maintainer' ,array[ 'Rowan Rodrik van der Molen ' ] ,'license' ,'gpl_3' ,'prereqs' ,'{ "runtime": { "requires": { "hstore": 0 } }, "test": { "requires": { "pgtap": 0 } } }'::jsonb ,'provides' ,('{ "pg_utility_trigger_functions": { "file": "pg_utility_trigger_functions--1.0.0.sql", "version": "' || ( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = 'pg_utility_trigger_functions' ) || '", "docfile": "README.md" } }')::jsonb ,'resources' ,'{ "homepage": "https://blog.bigsmoke.us/tag/pg_utility_trigger_functions", "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_utility_trigger_functions/issues" }, "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_utility_trigger_functions.git", "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_utility_trigger_functions", "type": "git" } }'::jsonb ,'meta-spec' ,'{ "version": "1.0.0", "url": "https://pgxn.org/spec/" }'::jsonb ,'generated_by' ,'`select pg_utility_trigger_functions_meta_pgxn()`' ,'tags' ,array[ 'plpgsql', 'function', 'functions', 'trigger', 'triggers', 'utility' ] ); comment on function pg_utility_trigger_functions_meta_pgxn() is $markdown$ Returns the JSON meta data that has to go into the `META.json` file needed for [PGXN—PostgreSQL Extension Network](https://pgxn.org/) packages. The `Makefile` includes a recipe to allow the developer to: `make META.json` to refresh the meta file with the function's current output, including the `default_version`. `pg_utility_trigger_functions` can indeed be found on PGXN: https://pgxn.org/dist/pg_utility_trigger_functions/ $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do $$ begin if (select rolsuper from pg_catalog.pg_roles where rolname = current_user) then execute format( 'ALTER DATABASE %I SET pg_utility_trigger_functions.readme_url TO %L' ,current_database() ,'https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_utility_trigger_functions/blob/master/README.md' ); end if; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alter function pg_utility_trigger_functions_readme() reset pg_readme.include_routine_definitions set pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like to '{test__%}'; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------