-- -- Create the triggers on all table in a schema -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_upless_start( schema_source NAME) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE qry TEXT; ltables RECORD; BEGIN FOR ltables IN SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = schema_source AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' AND table_name != 'pg_upless_stats' LOOP PERFORM pg_upless_start(schema_source, ltables.table_name); END LOOP; RETURN schema_source ; END; $$; -- -- Create the triggers on a single table -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_upless_start( schema_source NAME, table_source NAME) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE qry text; BEGIN -- keep the time we set it up INSERT INTO @extschema@.pg_upless_start_time(relnamespace, relname, start_time) VALUES (schema_source, table_source, current_timestamp) ON CONFLICT (relnamespace, relname) DO NOTHING; -- create the triggers SELECT pg_upless_create_trigger(schema_source, table_source) INTO qry; EXECUTE qry; RETURN schema_source || '.' || table_source || '_log'; END; $$; -- -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_upless_stop( schema_source NAME, table_source NAME) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE qry text; BEGIN EXECUTE format('DROP TRIGGER pg_upless_%s_trg ON %s.%s ', table_source, schema_source, table_source); RETURN format('Trigger dropped on %s.%s', schema_source, table_source); END; $$; -- -- The function called by the trigger -- -- Will update the stats if the record is changed or not -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_upless_stats_trg() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT pg_upless_compare_record(NEW, OLD) THEN -- records are different INSERT INTO @extschema@.pg_upless_stats (relnamespace, relname, useful, useless) VALUES (TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME, 1, 0) ON CONFLICT (relnamespace, relname) DO UPDATE SET useful = pg_upless_stats.useful + 1; ELSE -- records are identical INSERT INTO @extschema@.pg_upless_stats (relnamespace, relname, useful, useless) VALUES (TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME, 1, 0) ON CONFLICT (relnamespace, relname) DO UPDATE SET useless = pg_upless_stats.useless + 1; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$; -- -- Compare two record -- -- Return True if the two records are the same -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_upless_compare_record(new_r record, old_r record) RETURNS boolean LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE colexclu text[]; BEGIN SELECT ARRAY(SELECT colname FROM @extschema@.pg_upless_column_exclusion) INTO colexclu; IF to_jsonb(new_r) - colexclu != to_jsonb(old_r) - colexclu THEN RETURN False; ELSE RETURN True; END IF; END; $$; -- -- -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_upless_create_trigger( schema_source NAME, table_source NAME) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ BEGIN RETURN format(' CREATE TRIGGER pg_upless_%s_trg BEFORE UPDATE ON %s.%s FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE pg_upless_stats_trg(); ALTER TRIGGER pg_upless_%s_trg ON %s.%s DEPENDS ON EXTENSION pg_upless; ', table_source, schema_source, table_source, table_source, schema_source, table_source); END; $$;