/* Copyright (c) 2007, Mark Wong */ #include #include #include "display.h" #include "pg.h" #include "pg_top.h" char *index_ordernames[] = { "idx_scan", "idx_tup_fetch", "idx_tup_read", NULL }; char *table_ordernames[] = { "seq_scan", "seq_tup_read", "idx_scan", "idx_tup_fetch", "n_tup_ins", "n_tup_upd", "n_tup_del", NULL }; int (*table_compares[]) () = { compare_seq_scan, compare_seq_tup_read, compare_idx_scan_t, compare_idx_tup_fetch_t, compare_n_tup_ins, compare_n_tup_upd, compare_n_tup_del, NULL }; int (*index_compares[]) () = { compare_idx_scan, compare_idx_tup_fetch, compare_idx_tup_read, NULL }; struct index_node { long long indexrelid; /* Index to the index name in the PGresult object. */ int name_index; /* The change in the previous values and current values. */ long long diff_idx_scan; long long diff_idx_tup_read; long long diff_idx_tup_fetch; /* The previous values. */ long long old_idx_scan; long long old_idx_tup_read; long long old_idx_tup_fetch; /* The value totals. */ long long total_idx_scan; long long total_idx_tup_read; long long total_idx_tup_fetch; struct index_node *next; }; struct table_node { long long relid; /* Index to the relation name in the PGresult object. */ int name_index; /* The change in the previous values and current values. */ long long diff_idx_scan; long long diff_idx_tup_fetch; long long diff_n_tup_del; long long diff_n_tup_ins; long long diff_n_tup_upd; long long diff_seq_scan; long long diff_seq_tup_read; /* The previous values. */ long long old_idx_scan; long long old_idx_tup_fetch; long long old_n_tup_del; long long old_n_tup_ins; long long old_n_tup_upd; long long old_seq_scan; long long old_seq_tup_read; /* The value totals. */ long long total_idx_scan; long long total_idx_tup_fetch; long long total_n_tup_del; long long total_n_tup_ins; long long total_n_tup_upd; long long total_seq_scan; long long total_seq_tup_read; struct table_node *next; }; struct index_node *get_index_stats(struct index_node *, long long); struct index_node *insert_index_stats(struct index_node *, struct index_node *); struct index_node *new_index_node(long long); void update_index_stats(struct index_node *, long long, long long, long long); struct index_node *upsert_index_stats(struct index_node *, long long, long long, long long, long long); struct table_node *get_table_stats(struct table_node *, long long); struct table_node *insert_table_stats(struct table_node *, struct table_node *); struct table_node *new_table_node(long long); void update_table_stats(struct table_node *, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long); struct table_node *upsert_table_stats(struct table_node *, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long, long long); int compare_idx_scan(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct index_node **pp1 = (struct index_node **) vp1; struct index_node **pp2 = (struct index_node **) vp2; struct index_node *p1 = *pp1; struct index_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_idx_scan < p2->diff_idx_scan) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_idx_scan > p2->diff_idx_scan) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_idx_scan < p2->total_idx_scan) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_idx_scan > p2->total_idx_scan) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_idx_scan_t(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_idx_scan < p2->diff_idx_scan) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_idx_scan > p2->diff_idx_scan) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_idx_scan < p2->total_idx_scan) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_idx_scan > p2->total_idx_scan) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_idx_tup_fetch(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct index_node **pp1 = (struct index_node **) vp1; struct index_node **pp2 = (struct index_node **) vp2; struct index_node *p1 = *pp1; struct index_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_idx_tup_fetch < p2->diff_idx_tup_fetch) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_idx_tup_fetch > p2->diff_idx_tup_fetch) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_idx_tup_fetch < p2->total_idx_tup_fetch) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_idx_tup_fetch > p2->total_idx_tup_fetch) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_idx_tup_fetch_t(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_idx_tup_fetch < p2->diff_idx_tup_fetch) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_idx_tup_fetch > p2->diff_idx_tup_fetch) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_idx_tup_fetch < p2->total_idx_tup_fetch) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_idx_tup_fetch > p2->total_idx_tup_fetch) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_idx_tup_read(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct index_node **pp1 = (struct index_node **) vp1; struct index_node **pp2 = (struct index_node **) vp2; struct index_node *p1 = *pp1; struct index_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_idx_tup_read < p2->diff_idx_tup_read) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_idx_tup_read > p2->diff_idx_tup_read) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_idx_tup_read < p2->total_idx_tup_read) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_idx_tup_read > p2->total_idx_tup_read) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_n_tup_del(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_n_tup_del < p2->diff_n_tup_del) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_n_tup_del > p2->diff_n_tup_del) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_n_tup_del < p2->total_n_tup_del) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_n_tup_del > p2->total_n_tup_del) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_n_tup_ins(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_n_tup_ins < p2->diff_n_tup_ins) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_n_tup_ins > p2->diff_n_tup_ins) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_n_tup_ins < p2->total_n_tup_ins) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_n_tup_ins > p2->total_n_tup_ins) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_n_tup_upd(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_n_tup_upd < p2->diff_n_tup_upd) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_n_tup_upd > p2->diff_n_tup_upd) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_n_tup_upd < p2->total_n_tup_upd) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_n_tup_upd > p2->total_n_tup_upd) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_seq_scan(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_seq_scan < p2->diff_seq_scan) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_seq_scan > p2->diff_seq_scan) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_seq_scan < p2->total_seq_scan) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_seq_scan > p2->total_seq_scan) { return 1; } return 0; } } int compare_seq_tup_read(const void *vp1, const void *vp2) { struct table_node **pp1 = (struct table_node **) vp1; struct table_node **pp2 = (struct table_node **) vp2; struct table_node *p1 = *pp1; struct table_node *p2 = *pp2; if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { if (p1->diff_seq_tup_read < p2->diff_seq_tup_read) { return -1; } else if (p1->diff_seq_tup_read > p2->diff_seq_tup_read) { return 1; } return 0; } else { if (p1->total_seq_tup_read < p2->total_seq_tup_read) { return -1; } else if (p1->total_seq_tup_read > p2->total_seq_tup_read) { return 1; } return 0; } } PGconn * connect_to_db(char *conninfo) { static int refresh = 0; PGconn *pgconn = NULL; pgconn = PQconnectdb(conninfo); if (PQstatus(pgconn) != CONNECTION_OK) { refresh = 1; new_message(MT_standout | MT_delayed, " %s", PQerrorMessage(pgconn)); PQfinish(pgconn); return NULL; } else { /* * FIXME: I don't know how expensive this is but I don't know how to * get the header text to redisplay when it gets wipe out by the * above's susequent new_message() calls. The number of running * processes seems to printed a litle funny when it is 0 too. */ if (refresh == 1) { reset_display(); refresh = 0; } } return pgconn; } struct index_node * get_index_stats(struct index_node * head, long long indexrelid) { struct index_node *c = head; while (c != NULL) { if (c->indexrelid == indexrelid) { break; } c = c->next; } return c; } struct table_node * get_table_stats(struct table_node * head, long long relid) { struct table_node *c = head; while (c != NULL) { if (c->relid == relid) { break; } c = c->next; } return c; } void pg_display_index_stats(char *conninfo, int compare_index, int max_topn) { int i; int rows; PGconn *pgconn; PGresult *pgresult = NULL; static char line[512]; static struct index_node *head = NULL; static struct index_node **procs = NULL; int max_lines; /* Get the currently running query. */ pgconn = connect_to_db(conninfo); if (pgconn != NULL) { pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, SELECT_INDEX_STATS); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); } else { PQfinish(pgconn); return; } PQfinish(pgconn); max_lines = rows < max_topn ? rows : max_topn; procs = (struct index_node **) realloc(procs, rows * sizeof(struct index_node *)); /* Calculate change in values. */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { head = upsert_index_stats(head, atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 0)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 2)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 3)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 4))); } /* Sort stats. */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { procs[i] = get_index_stats(head, atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 0))); procs[i]->name_index = i; } qsort(procs, rows, sizeof(struct index_node *), index_compares[compare_index]); /* Display stats. */ for (i = rows - 1; i > rows - max_lines - 1; i--) { if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%9lld %9lld %9lld %s", procs[i]->diff_idx_scan, procs[i]->diff_idx_tup_read, procs[i]->diff_idx_tup_fetch, PQgetvalue(pgresult, procs[i]->name_index, 1)); } else { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%9lld %9lld %9lld %s", procs[i]->total_idx_scan, procs[i]->total_idx_tup_read, procs[i]->total_idx_tup_fetch, PQgetvalue(pgresult, procs[i]->name_index, 1)); } u_process(rows - i - 1, line); } if (pgresult != NULL) PQclear(pgresult); } void pg_display_table_stats(char *conninfo, int compare_index, int max_topn) { int i; int rows; PGconn *pgconn; PGresult *pgresult = NULL; static char line[512]; static struct table_node *head = NULL; static struct table_node **procs = NULL; int max_lines; /* Get the currently running query. */ pgconn = connect_to_db(conninfo); if (pgconn != NULL) { pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, SELECT_TABLE_STATS); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); } else { PQfinish(pgconn); return; } PQfinish(pgconn); max_lines = rows < max_topn ? rows : max_topn; procs = (struct table_node **) realloc(procs, rows * sizeof(struct table_node *)); /* Calculate change in values. */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { head = upsert_table_stats(head, atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 0)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 2)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 3)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 4)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 5)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 6)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 7)), atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 8))); } /* Sort stats. */ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { procs[i] = get_table_stats(head, atoll(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, 0))); procs[i]->name_index = i; } qsort(procs, rows, sizeof(struct table_node *), table_compares[compare_index]); for (i = rows - 1; i > rows - max_lines - 1; i--) { if (mode_stats == STATS_DIFF) { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %s", procs[i]->diff_seq_scan, procs[i]->diff_seq_tup_read, procs[i]->diff_idx_scan, procs[i]->diff_idx_tup_fetch, procs[i]->diff_n_tup_ins, procs[i]->diff_n_tup_upd, procs[i]->diff_n_tup_del, PQgetvalue(pgresult, procs[i]->name_index, 1)); } else { snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %9lld %s", procs[i]->total_seq_scan, procs[i]->total_seq_tup_read, procs[i]->total_idx_scan, procs[i]->total_idx_tup_fetch, procs[i]->total_n_tup_ins, procs[i]->total_n_tup_upd, procs[i]->total_n_tup_del, PQgetvalue(pgresult, procs[i]->name_index, 1)); } u_process(rows - i - 1, line); } if (pgresult != NULL) PQclear(pgresult); } struct index_node * insert_index_stats(struct index_node * head, struct index_node * node) { struct index_node *c = head; struct index_node *p = NULL; /* Check the head of the list as a special case. */ if (node->indexrelid < head->indexrelid) { node->next = head; head = node; return head; } c = head->next; p = head; while (c != NULL) { if (node->indexrelid < c->indexrelid) { node->next = c; p->next = node; return head; } p = c; c = c->next; } /* * The node to be inserted has the highest indexrelid so it goes on the * end. */ if (c == NULL) { p->next = node; } return head; } struct table_node * insert_table_stats(struct table_node * head, struct table_node * node) { struct table_node *c = head; struct table_node *p = NULL; /* Check the head of the list as a special case. */ if (node->relid < head->relid) { node->next = head; head = node; return head; } c = head->next; p = head; while (c != NULL) { if (node->relid < c->relid) { node->next = c; p->next = node; return head; } p = c; c = c->next; } /* * The node to be inserted has the highest relid so it goes on the end. */ if (c == NULL) { p->next = node; } return head; } struct index_node * new_index_node(long long indexrelid) { struct index_node *node; node = (struct index_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct index_node)); bzero(node, sizeof(struct index_node)); node->indexrelid = indexrelid; node->next = NULL; return node; } struct table_node * new_table_node(long long relid) { struct table_node *node; node = (struct table_node *) malloc(sizeof(struct table_node)); bzero(node, sizeof(struct table_node)); node->relid = relid; node->next = NULL; return node; } void update_index_stats(struct index_node * node, long long idx_scan, long long idx_tup_read, long long idx_tup_fetch) { /* Add to the index totals */ node->total_idx_scan += idx_scan; node->total_idx_tup_read += idx_tup_read; node->total_idx_tup_fetch += idx_tup_fetch; /* Calculate difference between previous and current values. */ node->diff_idx_scan = idx_scan - node->old_idx_scan; node->diff_idx_tup_read = idx_tup_read - node->old_idx_tup_read; node->diff_idx_tup_fetch = idx_tup_fetch - node->old_idx_tup_fetch; /* Save the current values as previous values. */ node->old_idx_scan = idx_scan; node->old_idx_tup_read = idx_tup_read; node->old_idx_tup_fetch = idx_tup_fetch; } void update_table_stats(struct table_node * node, long long seq_scan, long long seq_tup_read, long long idx_scan, long long idx_tup_fetch, long long n_tup_ins, long long n_tup_upd, long long n_tup_del) { /* Add to the table totals */ node->total_idx_scan += idx_scan; node->total_idx_tup_fetch += idx_tup_fetch; node->total_n_tup_del += n_tup_del; node->total_n_tup_ins += n_tup_ins; node->total_n_tup_upd += n_tup_upd; node->total_seq_scan += seq_scan; node->total_seq_tup_read += seq_tup_read; /* Calculate difference between previous and current values. */ node->diff_idx_scan = idx_scan - node->old_idx_scan; node->diff_idx_tup_fetch = idx_tup_fetch - node->old_idx_tup_fetch; node->diff_n_tup_del = n_tup_del - node->old_n_tup_del; node->diff_n_tup_ins = n_tup_ins - node->old_n_tup_ins; node->diff_n_tup_upd = n_tup_upd - node->old_n_tup_upd; node->diff_seq_scan = seq_scan - node->old_seq_scan; node->diff_seq_tup_read = seq_tup_read - node->old_seq_tup_read; /* Save the current values as previous values. */ node->old_idx_scan = idx_scan; node->old_idx_tup_fetch = idx_tup_fetch; node->old_n_tup_del = n_tup_del; node->old_n_tup_ins = n_tup_ins; node->old_n_tup_upd = n_tup_upd; node->old_seq_scan = seq_scan; node->old_seq_tup_read = seq_tup_read; } /* * Determine if indexrelid exists in the list and update it if it does. * Otherwise Create a new node and insert it into the list. Sort this * list by indexrelid. */ struct index_node * upsert_index_stats(struct index_node * head, long long indexrelid, long long idx_scan, long long idx_tup_read, long long idx_tup_fetch) { struct index_node *c = head; /* List is empty, create a new node. */ if (head == NULL) { head = new_index_node(indexrelid); update_index_stats(head, idx_scan, idx_tup_read, idx_tup_fetch); return head; } /* Check if this indexrelid exists already. */ while (c != NULL) { if (c->indexrelid == indexrelid) { /* Found an existing node with same indexrelid, update it. */ update_index_stats(c, idx_scan, idx_tup_read, idx_tup_fetch); return head; } c = c->next; } /* * Didn't find indexrelid. Create a new node, save the data and insert * it. */ c = new_index_node(indexrelid); update_index_stats(c, idx_scan, idx_tup_read, idx_tup_fetch); head = insert_index_stats(head, c); return head; } /* * Determine if relid exists in the list and update it if it does. * Otherwise Create a new node and insert it into the list. Sort this * list by relid. */ struct table_node * upsert_table_stats(struct table_node * head, long long relid, long long seq_scan, long long seq_tup_read, long long idx_scan, long long idx_tup_fetch, long long n_tup_ins, long long n_tup_upd, long long n_tup_del) { struct table_node *c = head; /* List is empty, create a new node. */ if (head == NULL) { head = new_table_node(relid); update_table_stats(head, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del); return head; } /* Check if this relid exists already. */ while (c != NULL) { if (c->relid == relid) { /* Found an existing node with same relid, update it. */ update_table_stats(c, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del); return head; } c = c->next; } /* * Didn't find relid. Create a new node, save the data and insert it. */ c = new_table_node(relid); update_table_stats(c, seq_scan, seq_tup_read, idx_scan, idx_tup_fetch, n_tup_ins, n_tup_upd, n_tup_del); head = insert_table_stats(head, c); return head; }