/* *Copyright (c) 2008, Mark Wong */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pg.h" #define QUERY_CPUTIME \ "SELECT user, nice, system, idle, iowait\n" \ "FROM pg_cputime()" #define QUERY_LOADAVG \ "SELECT load1, load5, load15, last_pid\n" \ "FROM pg_loadavg()" #define QUERY_MEMUSAGE \ "SELECT memused, memfree, memshared, membuffers, memcached,\n" \ " swapused, swapfree, swapcached\n" \ "FROM pg_memusage()" #define QUERY_PROCTAB \ "SELECT pid, comm, fullcomm, state, utime, stime, priority, nice,\n" \ " starttime, vsize, rss, uid, username\n" \ "FROM pg_proctab()" #define QUERY_PG_PROC \ "SELECT COUNT(*)\n" \ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc\n" \ "WHERE proname = '%s'" enum column_cputime { c_cpu_user, c_cpu_nice, c_cpu_system, c_cpu_idle, c_cpu_iowait }; enum column_loadavg { c_load1, c_load5, c_load15, c_last_pid }; enum column_memusage { c_memused, c_memfree, c_memshared, c_membuffers, c_memcached, c_swapused, c_swapfree, c_swapcached}; enum column_proctab { c_pid, c_comm, c_fullcomm, c_state, c_utime, c_stime, c_priority, c_nice, c_starttime, c_vsize, c_rss, c_uid, c_username }; #include "remote.h" #include "utils.h" #define HASH_SIZE (1003) #define HASH(x) (((x) * 1686629713U) % HASH_SIZE) #define bytetok(x) (((x) + 512) >> 10) #define INITIAL_ACTIVE_SIZE (256) #define PROCBLOCK_SIZE (32) #define NCPUSTATES 5 #define NMEMSTATS 5 #define NPROCSTATES 7 #define NSWAPSTATS 3 #define MEMUSED 0 #define MEMFREE 1 #define MEMSHARED 2 #define MEMBUFFERS 3 #define MEMCACHED 4 #define NMEMSTATS 5 #define SWAPUSED 0 #define SWAPFREE 1 #define SWAPCACHED 2 static unsigned int activesize = 0; static time_t boottime = -1; static struct top_proc **nextactive; static struct top_proc **pactive; static struct top_proc *freelist = NULL; static struct top_proc *procblock = NULL; static struct top_proc *procmax = NULL; static struct top_proc *ptable[HASH_SIZE]; static char *cpustatenames[NCPUSTATES + 1] = { "user", "nice", "system", "idle", "iowait", NULL }; static char *memorynames[NMEMSTATS + 1] = { "K used, ", "K free, ", "K shared, ", "K buffers, ", "K cached", NULL }; /* these are names given to allowed sorting orders -- first is default */ static char *ordernames[] = {"cpu", "size", "res", "time", "command", NULL}; static char *procstatenames[NPROCSTATES + 1] = { "", " running, ", " sleeping, ", " uninterruptable, ", " zombie, ", " stopped, ", " swapping, ", NULL }; static char *state_abbrev[NPROCSTATES + 1] = { "", "run", "sleep", "disk", "zomb", "stop", "swap", NULL }; static char *swapnames[NSWAPSTATS + 1] = { "K used, ", "K free, ", "K cached", NULL }; static char fmt_header[] = " PID X PRI NICE SIZE RES STATE TIME WCPU CPU COMMAND"; struct top_proc { pid_t pid; uid_t uid; char *name; char *username; int pri; int nice; unsigned long size; unsigned long rss; /* in k */ int state; unsigned long time; unsigned long start_time; double pcpu; double wcpu; struct top_proc *next; }; /* Now the array that maps process state to a weight. */ unsigned char sort_state_r[] = { 0, /* empty */ 6, /* run */ 3, /* sleep */ 5, /* disk wait */ 1, /* zombie */ 2, /* stop */ 4 /* swap */ }; static int64_t cpu_states[NCPUSTATES]; static long memory_stats[NMEMSTATS]; static int process_states[NPROCSTATES]; static long swap_stats[NSWAPSTATS]; static struct timeval lasttime; static int64_t cp_time[NCPUSTATES]; static int64_t cp_old[NCPUSTATES]; static int64_t cp_diff[NCPUSTATES]; #define ORDERKEY_PCTCPU if (dresult = p2->pcpu - p1->pcpu,\ (result = dresult > 0.0 ? 1 : dresult < 0.0 ? -1 : 0) == 0) #define ORDERKEY_CPTICKS if ((result = (long)p2->time - (long)p1->time) == 0) #define ORDERKEY_STATE if ((result = (sort_state_r[p2->state] - \ sort_state_r[p1->state])) == 0) #define ORDERKEY_PRIO if ((result = p2->pri - p1->pri) == 0) #define ORDERKEY_RSSIZE if ((result = p2->rss - p1->rss) == 0) #define ORDERKEY_MEM if ((result = p2->size - p1->size) == 0) #define ORDERKEY_NAME if ((result = strcmp(p1->name, p2->name)) == 0) int check_for_function(PGconn *, char *); int compare_cpu_r(struct top_proc **, struct top_proc **); int compare_size_r(struct top_proc **, struct top_proc **); int compare_res_r(struct top_proc **, struct top_proc **); int compare_time_r(struct top_proc **, struct top_proc **); int compare_cmd_r(struct top_proc **, struct top_proc **); static void free_proc(struct top_proc *); static struct top_proc *new_proc(); int check_for_function(PGconn *pgconn, char *procname) { PGresult *pgresult = NULL; int rows = 0; int count; char sql[128]; sprintf(sql, QUERY_PG_PROC, procname); pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, sql); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); /* Don't need to clean up on error, the program will exit shortly after. */ if (rows == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error executing '%s'.\n", sql); return -1; } count = atoi(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, 0)); if (count == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Stored function '%s' is missing.\n", procname); return -1; } if (pgresult != NULL) PQclear(pgresult); return 0; } int (*proc_compares_r[])() = { compare_cpu_r, compare_size_r, compare_res_r, compare_time_r, compare_cmd_r, NULL }; /* compare_cpu_r - the comparison function for sorting by cpu percentage */ int compare_cpu_r(struct top_proc **pp1, struct top_proc **pp2) { register struct top_proc *p1; register struct top_proc *p2; register long result; double dresult; /* remove one level of indirection */ p1 = *pp1; p2 = *pp2; ORDERKEY_PCTCPU ORDERKEY_CPTICKS ORDERKEY_STATE ORDERKEY_PRIO ORDERKEY_RSSIZE ORDERKEY_MEM ; return result == 0 ? 0 : result < 0 ? -1 : 1; } /* The comparison function for sorting by total memory usage. */ int compare_size_r(struct top_proc **pp1, struct top_proc **pp2) { register struct top_proc *p1; register struct top_proc *p2; register long result; double dresult; /* remove one level of indirection */ p1 = *pp1; p2 = *pp2; ORDERKEY_MEM ORDERKEY_RSSIZE ORDERKEY_PCTCPU ORDERKEY_CPTICKS ORDERKEY_STATE ORDERKEY_PRIO ; return result == 0 ? 0 : result < 0 ? -1 : 1; } /* The comparison function for sorting by resident set size. */ int compare_res_r(struct top_proc **pp1, struct top_proc **pp2) { register struct top_proc *p1; register struct top_proc *p2; register long result; double dresult; /* remove one level of indirection */ p1 = *pp1; p2 = *pp2; ORDERKEY_RSSIZE ORDERKEY_MEM ORDERKEY_PCTCPU ORDERKEY_CPTICKS ORDERKEY_STATE ORDERKEY_PRIO ; return result == 0 ? 0 : result < 0 ? -1 : 1; } /* The comparison function for sorting by total cpu time. */ int compare_time_r(struct top_proc **pp1, struct top_proc **pp2) { register struct top_proc *p1; register struct top_proc *p2; register long result; double dresult; /* remove one level of indirection */ p1 = *pp1; p2 = *pp2; ORDERKEY_CPTICKS ORDERKEY_PCTCPU ORDERKEY_STATE ORDERKEY_PRIO ORDERKEY_MEM ORDERKEY_RSSIZE ; return result == 0 ? 0 : result < 0 ? -1 : 1; } /* The comparison function for sorting by command name. */ int compare_cmd_r(struct top_proc ** pp1, struct top_proc **pp2) { register struct top_proc *p1; register struct top_proc *p2; register long result; double dresult; /* remove one level of indirection */ p1 = *pp1; p2 = *pp2; ORDERKEY_NAME ORDERKEY_PCTCPU ORDERKEY_CPTICKS ORDERKEY_STATE ORDERKEY_PRIO ORDERKEY_RSSIZE ORDERKEY_MEM ; return result == 0 ? 0 : result < 0 ? -1 : 1; } char * format_header_r(char *uname_field) { int uname_len = strlen(uname_field); if (uname_len > 8) uname_len = 8; memcpy(strchr(fmt_header, 'X'), uname_field, uname_len); return fmt_header; } char * format_next_process_r(caddr_t handler) { static char fmt[MAX_COLS];/* static area where result is built */ struct top_proc *p = *nextactive++; snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "%5d %-8.8s %3d %4d %5s %5s %-5s %6s %5.2f%% %5.2f%% %s", (int) p->pid, /* Some OS's need to cast pid_t to int. */ p->username, p->pri < -99 ? -99 : p->pri, p->nice, format_k(p->size), format_k(p->rss), state_abbrev[p->state], format_time(p->time), p->wcpu * 100.0, p->pcpu * 100.0, p->name); return (fmt); } static void free_proc(struct top_proc *proc) { proc->next = freelist; freelist = proc; } void get_system_info_r(struct system_info *info, char *conninfo) { PGconn *pgconn; PGresult *pgresult = NULL; int rows = 0; pgconn = connect_to_db(conninfo); if (pgconn != NULL) { pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, QUERY_LOADAVG); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); } /* Get load averages. */ if (rows > 0) { info->load_avg[0] = atof(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_load1)); info->load_avg[1] = atof(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_load5)); info->load_avg[2] = atof(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_load15)); info->last_pid = atoi(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_last_pid)); } else { info->load_avg[0] = 0; info->load_avg[1] = 0; info->load_avg[2] = 0; info->last_pid = 0; } /* Get processor time info. */ if (pgconn != NULL) { pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, QUERY_CPUTIME); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); } if (rows > 0) { cp_time[0] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_cpu_user)); cp_time[1] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_cpu_nice)); cp_time[2] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_cpu_system)); cp_time[3] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_cpu_idle)); cp_time[4] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_cpu_iowait)); /* convert cp_time counts to percentages */ percentages(NCPUSTATES, cpu_states, cp_time, cp_old, cp_diff); } else { cpu_states[0] = 0; cpu_states[1] = 0; cpu_states[2] = 0; cpu_states[3] = 0; cpu_states[4] = 0; } /* Get system wide memory usage. */ if (pgconn != NULL) { pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, QUERY_MEMUSAGE); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); } if (rows > 0) { memory_stats[MEMUSED] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_memused)); memory_stats[MEMFREE] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_memfree)); memory_stats[MEMSHARED] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_memshared)); memory_stats[MEMBUFFERS] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_membuffers)); memory_stats[MEMCACHED] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_memcached)); swap_stats[SWAPUSED] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_swapused)); swap_stats[SWAPFREE] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_swapfree)); swap_stats[SWAPCACHED] = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, 0, c_swapcached)); } else { memory_stats[MEMUSED] = 0; memory_stats[MEMFREE] = 0; memory_stats[MEMSHARED] = 0; memory_stats[MEMBUFFERS] = 0; memory_stats[MEMCACHED] = 0; swap_stats[SWAPUSED] = 0; swap_stats[SWAPFREE] = 0; swap_stats[SWAPCACHED] = 0; } info->cpustates = cpu_states; info->memory = memory_stats; info->swap = swap_stats; if (pgresult != NULL) PQclear(pgresult); PQfinish(pgconn); } caddr_t get_process_info_r(struct system_info *si, struct process_select *sel, int compare_index, char *conninfo) { int i; struct top_proc *pp; struct top_proc *proc; struct top_proc **active; pid_t pid; PGconn *pgconn; PGresult *pgresult = NULL; int rows; struct timeval thistime; double timediff; double alpha; double beta; unsigned long now; unsigned long elapsed; int total_procs = 0; int show_idle = sel->idle; int show_uid = sel->uid != -1; memset(process_states, 0, sizeof(process_states)); /* Calculate the time difference since our last check. */ gettimeofday(&thistime, 0); if (lasttime.tv_sec) { timediff = ((thistime.tv_sec - lasttime.tv_sec) + (thistime.tv_usec - lasttime.tv_usec) * 1e-6); } else { timediff = 0; } lasttime = thistime; /* Round current time to a second. */ now = (unsigned long) thistime.tv_sec; if (thistime.tv_usec >= 500000) now++; /* Calculate constants for the exponental average. */ if (timediff > 0.0 && timediff < 30.0) { alpha = 0.5 * (timediff / 30.0); beta = 1.0 - alpha; } else { alpha = beta = 0.5; } timediff *= HZ; /* Convert to ticks. */ /* Mark all has table entries as not seen. */ for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; ++i) for (proc = ptable[i]; proc; proc = proc->next) proc->state = 0; pgconn = connect_to_db(conninfo); if (pgconn != NULL) { pgresult = PQexec(pgconn, QUERY_PROCTAB); rows = PQntuples(pgresult); } else { rows = 0; } for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { unsigned long otime; pid = atoi(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_pid)); /* Look up hash table entry. */ proc = pp = ptable[HASH(pid)]; while (proc && proc->pid != pid) proc = proc->next; /* Create a new entry if not found. */ if (proc == NULL) { proc = new_proc(); proc->pid = pid; proc->next = pp; ptable[HASH(pid)] = proc; proc->time = 0; proc->wcpu = 0; /* Never mark as owner because we are remote. */ proc->uid = -1; } otime = proc->time; if (sel->fullcmd && PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_fullcomm)) proc->name = strdup(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_fullcomm)); else proc->name = strdup(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_comm)); switch (PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_state)[0]) { case 'R': proc->state = 1; break; case 'S': proc->state = 2; break; case 'D': proc->state = 3; break; case 'Z': proc->state = 4; break; case 'T': proc->state = 5; break; case 'W': proc->state = 6; break; case '\0': continue; } proc->time = (unsigned long) atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_utime)); proc->time += (unsigned long) atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_stime)); proc->pri = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_priority)); proc->nice = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_nice)); proc->start_time = (unsigned long) atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_starttime)); proc->size = bytetok((unsigned long) atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_vsize))); proc->rss = bytetok((unsigned long) atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_rss))); proc->uid = atol(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_uid)); proc->username = strdup(PQgetvalue(pgresult, i, c_username)); ++total_procs; ++process_states[proc->state]; if (timediff > 0.0) { if ((proc->pcpu = (proc->time - otime) / timediff) < 0.0001) proc->pcpu = 0; proc->wcpu = proc->pcpu * alpha + proc->wcpu * beta; } else if ((elapsed = (now - boottime) * HZ - proc->start_time) > 0) proc->wcpu = proc->pcpu; else proc->wcpu = proc->pcpu = 0.0; } if (pgresult != NULL) PQclear(pgresult); PQfinish(pgconn); /* Make sure we have enough slots for the active procs. */ if (activesize < total_procs) { pactive = (struct top_proc **) realloc(pactive, sizeof(struct top_proc *) * total_procs); activesize = total_procs; } /* Set up the active procs and flush dead entries. */ active = pactive; for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { struct top_proc *last; struct top_proc *ptmp; last = NULL; proc = ptable[i]; while (proc != NULL) { if (proc->state == 0) { ptmp = proc; if (last) { proc = last->next = proc->next; } else { proc = ptable[i] = proc->next; } free_proc(ptmp); } else { if ((show_idle || proc->state == 1 || proc->pcpu) && (!show_uid || proc->uid == sel->uid)) { *active++ = proc; last = proc; } proc = proc->next; } } } si->p_active = active - pactive; si->p_total = total_procs; si->procstates = process_states; /* Sort the "active" procs if specified. */ if (si->p_active) qsort(pactive, si->p_active, sizeof(struct top_proc *), proc_compares_r[compare_index]); /* Don't even pretend that the return value thing here isn't bogus. */ nextactive = pactive; return 0; } int machine_init_r(struct statics *statics, char *conninfo) { PGconn *pgconn; /* Make sure the remote system has the stored function installed. */ pgconn = connect_to_db(conninfo); if (pgconn == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot connect to database.\n"); return -1; } if (check_for_function(pgconn, "pg_cputime") != 0) return -1; if (check_for_function(pgconn, "pg_loadavg") != 0) return -1; if (check_for_function(pgconn, "pg_memusage") != 0) return -1; if (check_for_function(pgconn, "pg_proctab") != 0) return -1; PQfinish(pgconn); /* fill in the statics information */ statics->procstate_names = procstatenames; statics->cpustate_names = cpustatenames; statics->memory_names = memorynames; statics->swap_names = swapnames; statics->order_names = ordernames; statics->boottime = boottime; statics->flags.fullcmds = 1; statics->flags.warmup = 1; /* allocate needed space */ pactive = (struct top_proc **) malloc(sizeof(struct top_proc *) * INITIAL_ACTIVE_SIZE); activesize = INITIAL_ACTIVE_SIZE; /* make sure the hash table is empty */ memset(ptable, 0, HASH_SIZE * sizeof(struct top_proc *)); return 0; } static struct top_proc * new_proc() { struct top_proc *p; if (freelist) { p = freelist; freelist = freelist->next; } else if (procblock) { p = procblock; if (++procblock >= procmax) procblock = NULL; } else { p = procblock = (struct top_proc *) calloc(PROCBLOCK_SIZE, sizeof(struct top_proc)); procmax = procblock++ + PROCBLOCK_SIZE; } /* initialization */ if (p->name != NULL) { free(p->name); p->name = NULL; } return p; }