#include "include.h" extern char *task_null; extern int task_idle; extern int work_close; extern int work_fetch; extern Task task; long current_timeout; static dlist_head remote; static emit_log_hook_type emit_log_hook_prev = NULL; static volatile dlist_head local; static volatile TimeoutId timeout; static volatile uint64 idle_count = 0; Work work = {0}; static void work_query(Task *t); #define work_ereport(finish_or_free, ...) do { \ Task s = task; \ bool remote = t->remote != NULL; \ emit_log_hook_prev = emit_log_hook; \ emit_log_hook = task_error; \ task = *t; \ PG_TRY(); \ ereport(__VA_ARGS__); \ PG_CATCH(); \ EmitErrorReport(); \ FlushErrorState(); \ PG_END_TRY(); \ *t = task; \ task = s; \ if (task_done(t) || finish_or_free) remote ? work_finish(t) : work_free(t); \ } while(0) static char *work_errstr(char *err) { int len; if (!err) return ""; len = strlen(err); if (!len) return ""; if (err[len - 1] == '\n') err[len - 1] = '\0'; return err; } static char *PQerrorMessageMy(const PGconn *conn) { return work_errstr(PQerrorMessage(conn)); } static char *PQresultErrorMessageMy(const PGresult *res) { return work_errstr(PQresultErrorMessage(res)); } static void work_check(void) { Datum values[] = {Int32GetDatum(work.hash)}; static const char *src = SQL( WITH j AS ( SELECT COALESCE(COALESCE("data", "user"), current_setting('pg_task.data')) AS "data", EXTRACT(epoch FROM COALESCE("reset", current_setting('pg_task.reset')::interval))::bigint AS "reset", COALESCE("schema", current_setting('pg_task.schema')) AS "schema", COALESCE("table", current_setting('pg_task.table')) AS "table", COALESCE("sleep", current_setting('pg_task.sleep')::bigint) AS "sleep", COALESCE(COALESCE("user", "data"), current_setting('pg_task.user')) AS "user" FROM jsonb_to_recordset(current_setting('pg_task.json')::jsonb) AS j ("data" text, "reset" interval, "schema" text, "table" text, "sleep" bigint, "user" text) ) SELECT DISTINCT j.* FROM j WHERE "user" = current_user AND "data" = current_catalog AND hashtext(concat_ws(' ', 'pg_work', "schema", "table", "sleep")) = $1 ); static Oid argtypes[] = {INT4OID}; static SPIPlanPtr plan = NULL; if (ShutdownRequestPending) return; set_ps_display_my("check"); SPI_connect_my(src); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(src, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, NULL, SPI_OK_SELECT); if (!SPI_processed) ShutdownRequestPending = true; elog(DEBUG1, "sleep = %li, reset = %li, schema = %s, table = %s, SPI_processed = %li", work.shared->sleep, work.shared->reset, work.shared->schema, work.shared->table, (long)SPI_processed); SPI_finish_my(); set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_command(Task *t, PGresult *result) { if (t->skip) { t->skip--; return; } if (!t->output.data) initStringInfoMy(&t->output); appendStringInfo(&t->output, "%s%s", t->output.len ? "\n" : "", PQcmdStatus(result)); } static void work_events(WaitEventSet *set) { dlist_mutable_iter iter; AddWaitEventToSet(set, WL_LATCH_SET, PGINVALID_SOCKET, MyLatch, NULL); AddWaitEventToSet(set, WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH, PGINVALID_SOCKET, NULL, NULL); dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &remote) { Task *t = dlist_container(Task, node, iter.cur); AddWaitEventToSet(set, t->event, PQsocket(t->conn), NULL, t); } } static void work_fatal(Task *t, const PGresult *result) { char *value = NULL; char *value2 = NULL; char *value3 = NULL; if (!t->output.data) initStringInfoMy(&t->output); if (!t->error.data) initStringInfoMy(&t->error); appendStringInfo(&t->output, SQL(%sROLLBACK), t->output.len ? "\n" : ""); t->skip++; if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SEVERITY))) appendStringInfo(&t->error, "%s: ", _(value)); if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE && (value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE))) appendStringInfo(&t->error, "%s: ", value); if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY))) append_with_tabs(&t->error, value); else append_with_tabs(&t->error, _("missing error text")); if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION))) appendStringInfo(&t->error, _(" at character %s"), value); else if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_POSITION))) appendStringInfo(&t->error, _(" at character %s"), value); if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_DEFAULT) { if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL))) { if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfoString(&t->error, _("DETAIL: ")); append_with_tabs(&t->error, value); } if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT))) { if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfoString(&t->error, _("HINT: ")); append_with_tabs(&t->error, value); } if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_INTERNAL_QUERY))) { if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfoString(&t->error, _("QUERY: ")); append_with_tabs(&t->error, value); } if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_CONTEXT))) { if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfoString(&t->error, _("CONTEXT: ")); append_with_tabs(&t->error, value); } if (Log_error_verbosity >= PGERROR_VERBOSE) { value2 = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE); value3 = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE); if ((value = PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION)) && value2) { // assume no newlines in funcname or filename... if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfo(&t->error, _("LOCATION: %s, %s:%s"), value, value2, value3); } else if (value2) { if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfo(&t->error, _("LOCATION: %s:%s"), value2, value3); } } } if (is_log_level_output(severity_error(PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SEVERITY)), log_min_error_statement)) { // If the user wants the query that generated this error logged, do it. if (t->error.len) appendStringInfoChar(&t->error, '\n'); appendStringInfoString(&t->error, _("STATEMENT: ")); append_with_tabs(&t->error, t->input); } } static void work_finish(Task *t) { dlist_delete(&t->node); PQfinish(t->conn); if (!proc_exit_inprogress && t->pid && !unlock_table_pid_hash(work.shared->oid, t->pid, t->shared->hash)) elog(WARNING, "!unlock_table_pid_hash(%i, %i, %i)", work.shared->oid, t->pid, t->shared->hash); task_free(t); pfree(t->shared); pfree(t); } static void work_free(Task *t) { dlist_delete(&t->node); dsm_detach(t->seg); task_free(t); pfree(t); } static int work_nevents(void) { dlist_mutable_iter iter; int nevents = 2; dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &remote) { Task *t = dlist_container(Task, node, iter.cur); if (PQstatus(t->conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE), errmsg("PQstatus == CONNECTION_BAD"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); continue; } if (PQsocket(t->conn) == PGINVALID_SOCKET) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("PQsocket == PGINVALID_SOCKET"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); continue; } nevents++; } return nevents; } static void work_handler(void) { dlist_mutable_iter iter; TimestampTz finish = get_timeout_finish_time(timeout), min = 0; dlist_foreach_modify(iter, (dlist_head *)&local) { Task *t = dlist_container(Task, node, iter.cur); TimestampTz start = TimestampTzPlusMilliseconds(t->start, work_close); if (finish >= start) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED), errmsg("task timeout"))); } else if (min == 0 || min >= start) min = start; } if (!dlist_is_empty((dlist_head *)&local)) enable_timeout_at(timeout, min); } static void work_index(int count, const char *const *indexes) { const char *name_quote; const RangeVar *rangevar; List *names; RelationData *relation; StringInfoData src, name, idx; set_ps_display_my("index"); initStringInfoMy(&name); appendStringInfoString(&name, work.shared->table); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const char *index = indexes[i]; appendStringInfoString(&name, "_"); appendStringInfoString(&name, index); } appendStringInfoString(&name, "_idx"); name_quote = quote_identifier(name.data); initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL(CREATE INDEX %s ON %s USING btree), name_quote, work.schema_table); appendStringInfoString(&src, " ("); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { const char *index = indexes[i]; const char *index_quote = quote_identifier(index); if (i) appendStringInfoString(&src, ", "); appendStringInfoString(&src, index_quote); if (index_quote != index) pfree((void *)index_quote); } appendStringInfoString(&src, ")"); initStringInfoMy(&idx); appendStringInfo(&idx, "%s.%s", work.schema, name_quote); names = stringToQualifiedNameListMy(idx.data); rangevar = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names); elog(DEBUG1, "index = %s, schema_table = %s", idx.data, work.schema_table); SPI_connect_my(src.data); if (!OidIsValid(RangeVarGetRelid(rangevar, NoLock, true))) { SPI_execute_with_args_my(src.data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_UTILITY); } else if ((relation = relation_openrv_extended_my(rangevar, AccessShareLock, true))) { if (relation->rd_index && relation->rd_index->indrelid != work.shared->oid) SPI_execute_with_args_my(src.data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_UTILITY); relation_close(relation, AccessShareLock); } SPI_finish_my(); pfree((void *)rangevar); list_free_deep(names); if (name_quote != name.data) pfree((void *)name_quote); pfree(idx.data); pfree(name.data); pfree(src.data); set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_reset(void) { Portal portal; static SPIPlanPtr plan = NULL; static StringInfoData src = {0}; set_ps_display_my("reset"); if (!src.data) { initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL( WITH s AS ( SELECT "id" FROM %1$s AS t LEFT JOIN "pg_locks" AS l ON "locktype" = 'userlock' AND "mode" = 'AccessExclusiveLock' AND "granted" AND "objsubid" = 4 AND "database" = (SELECT "oid" FROM "pg_database" WHERE "datname" = CURRENT_CATALOG) AND "classid" = "id">>32 AND "objid" = "id"<<32>>32 WHERE "plan" BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - current_setting('pg_work.active')::interval AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND "state" IN ('TAKE', 'WORK') AND l.pid IS NULL FOR UPDATE OF t %2$s ) UPDATE %1$s AS t SET "state" = 'PLAN', "start" = NULL, "stop" = NULL, "pid" = NULL FROM s WHERE "plan" BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - current_setting('pg_work.active')::interval AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND t.id = s.id RETURNING t.id ), work.schema_table, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90500 "SKIP LOCKED" #else "" #endif ); } SPI_connect_my(src.data); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(src.data, 0, NULL); portal = SPI_cursor_open_my(src.data, plan, NULL, NULL); do { SPI_cursor_fetch(portal, true, work_fetch); for (uint64 row = 0; row < SPI_processed; row++) elog(WARNING, "row = %lu, reset id = %li", row, DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[row], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "id", false))); } while (SPI_processed); SPI_cursor_close(portal); SPI_finish_my(); set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_timeout(void) { static SPIPlanPtr plan = NULL; static StringInfoData src = {0}; set_ps_display_my("timeout"); if (!src.data) { initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL( SELECT COALESCE(LEAST(EXTRACT(epoch FROM (( SELECT "plan" + current_setting('pg_task.reset')::interval AS "plan" FROM %1$s AS t LEFT JOIN "pg_locks" AS l ON "locktype" = 'userlock' AND "mode" = 'AccessExclusiveLock' AND "granted" AND "objsubid" = 4 AND "database" = (SELECT "oid" FROM "pg_database" WHERE "datname" = CURRENT_CATALOG) AND "classid" = "id">>32 AND "objid" = "id"<<32>>32 WHERE "plan" BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - current_setting('pg_work.active')::interval AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND "state" IN ('TAKE', 'WORK') AND l.pid IS NULL ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 1 ) - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))::bigint, EXTRACT(epoch FROM (( SELECT "plan" FROM %1$s WHERE "state" = 'PLAN' AND "plan" > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ORDER BY 1 LIMIT 1 ) - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP))::bigint), -1) as "min" ), work.schema_table); } SPI_connect_my(src.data); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(src.data, 0, NULL); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_SELECT); current_timeout = SPI_processed == 1 ? DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "min", false)) : -1; elog(DEBUG1, "current_timeout = %li", current_timeout); SPI_finish_my(); set_ps_display_my("idle"); idle_count = 0; } static void work_reload(void) { ConfigReloadPending = false; ProcessConfigFile(PGC_SIGHUP); work_check(); } static void work_latch(void) { ResetLatch(MyLatch); CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); if (ConfigReloadPending) work_reload(); } static void work_readable(Task *t) { if (PQstatus(t->conn) == CONNECTION_OK && !PQconsumeInput(t->conn)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE), errmsg("!PQconsumeInput"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); return; } t->socket(t); } static void work_done(Task *t) { if (PQstatus(t->conn) == CONNECTION_OK && PQtransactionStatus(t->conn) != PQTRANS_IDLE) { t->socket = work_done; if (!PQsendQuery(t->conn, SQL(COMMIT))) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("PQsendQuery failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); return; } t->event = WL_SOCKET_READABLE; return; } task_done(t) || PQstatus(t->conn) != CONNECTION_OK ? work_finish(t) : work_query(t); } static void work_schema(const char *schema_quote) { List *names = stringToQualifiedNameListMy(schema_quote); StringInfoData src; elog(DEBUG1, "schema = %s", schema_quote); set_ps_display_my("schema"); initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL(CREATE SCHEMA %s), schema_quote); SPI_connect_my(src.data); if (!OidIsValid(get_namespace_oid(strVal(linitial(names)), true))) SPI_execute_with_args_my(src.data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_UTILITY); SPI_finish_my(); list_free_deep(names); pfree(src.data); set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_headers(Task *t, const PGresult *result) { if (t->output.len) appendStringInfoString(&t->output, "\n"); for (int col = 0; col < PQnfields(result); col++) { if (col > 0) appendStringInfoChar(&t->output, t->delimiter); appendBinaryStringInfoEscapeQuote(&t->output, PQfname(result, col), strlen(PQfname(result, col)), false, t->escape, t->quote); } } static void work_success(Task *t, const PGresult *result, int row) { if (!t->output.data) initStringInfoMy(&t->output); if (t->header && !row && PQnfields(result) > 1) work_headers(t, result); if (t->output.len) appendStringInfoString(&t->output, "\n"); for (int col = 0; col < PQnfields(result); col++) { if (col > 0) appendStringInfoChar(&t->output, t->delimiter); if (PQgetisnull(result, row, col)) appendStringInfoString(&t->output, t->null); else appendBinaryStringInfoEscapeQuote(&t->output, PQgetvalue(result, row, col), PQgetlength(result, row, col), !init_oid_is_string(PQftype(result, col)) && t->string, t->escape, t->quote); } } static void work_copy(Task *t) { char *buffer = NULL; int len; if (!t->output.data) initStringInfoMy(&t->output); switch ((len = PQgetCopyData(t->conn, &buffer, false))) { case 0: break; case -1: break; case -2: work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errmsg("id = %li, PQgetCopyData == -2", t->shared->id), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); if (buffer) PQfreemem(buffer); return; default: appendBinaryStringInfo(&t->output, buffer, len); break; } if (buffer) PQfreemem(buffer); t->skip++; } static void work_result(Task *t) { for (PGresult *result; PQstatus(t->conn) == CONNECTION_OK && (result = PQgetResult(t->conn)); PQclear(result)) switch (PQresultStatus(result)) { case PGRES_COMMAND_OK: work_command(t, result); break; case PGRES_COPY_OUT: work_copy(t); break; case PGRES_FATAL_ERROR: ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("id = %li, PQresultStatus == PGRES_FATAL_ERROR", t->shared->id), errdetail("%s", PQresultErrorMessageMy(result)))); work_fatal(t, result); break; case PGRES_TUPLES_OK: for (int row = 0; row < PQntuples(result); row++) work_success(t, result, row); break; default: elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, %s", t->shared->id, PQresStatus(PQresultStatus(result))); break; } work_done(t); } static void work_query(Task *t) { StringInfoData input; for (;;) { if (ShutdownRequestPending) return; t->socket = work_query; if (task_work(t)) { work_finish(t); return; } if (t->active) break; work_ereport(false, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_QUERY_CANCELED), errmsg("task not active"))); if (!t->shared->id) return; } initStringInfoMy(&input); t->skip = 0; appendStringInfoString(&input, SQL(BEGIN;)); t->skip++; appendStringInfo(&input, SQL(SET SESSION "pg_task.id" = %li;), t->shared->id); t->skip++; if (t->timeout) { appendStringInfo(&input, SQL(SET SESSION "statement_timeout" = %i;), t->timeout); t->skip++; } appendStringInfoString(&input, SQL(COMMIT;)); t->skip++; appendStringInfoString(&input, t->input); elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, timeout = %i, input = %s, count = %i", t->shared->id, t->timeout, input.data, t->count); if (!PQsendQuery(t->conn, input.data)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("PQsendQuery failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); pfree(input.data); return; } pfree(input.data); t->socket = work_result; t->event = WL_SOCKET_READABLE; } static void work_connect(Task *t) { bool connected = false; switch (PQstatus(t->conn)) { case CONNECTION_BAD: work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE), errmsg("PQstatus == CONNECTION_BAD"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); return; case CONNECTION_OK: elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, PQstatus == CONNECTION_OK", t->shared->id); connected = true; break; default: break; } if (!connected) switch (PQconnectPoll(t->conn)) { case PGRES_POLLING_ACTIVE: elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, PQconnectPoll == PGRES_POLLING_ACTIVE", t->shared->id); break; case PGRES_POLLING_FAILED: work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SQLCLIENT_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_SQLCONNECTION), errmsg("PQconnectPoll failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); return; case PGRES_POLLING_OK: elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, PQconnectPoll == PGRES_POLLING_OK", t->shared->id); connected = true; break; case PGRES_POLLING_READING: elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, PQconnectPoll == PGRES_POLLING_READING", t->shared->id); t->event = WL_SOCKET_READABLE; break; case PGRES_POLLING_WRITING: elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, PQconnectPoll == PGRES_POLLING_WRITING", t->shared->id); t->event = WL_SOCKET_WRITEABLE; break; } if (connected) { if (!(t->pid = PQbackendPID(t->conn))) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("PQbackendPID failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); return; } if (!lock_table_pid_hash(work.shared->oid, t->pid, t->shared->hash)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE), errmsg("!lock_table_pid_hash(%i, %i, %i)", work.shared->oid, t->pid, t->shared->hash))); return; } work_query(t); } } static void work_proc_exit(int code, Datum arg) { dlist_mutable_iter iter; elog(DEBUG1, "code = %i", code); dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &remote) { Task *t = dlist_container(Task, node, iter.cur); if (PQstatus(t->conn) == CONNECTION_OK) { char errbuf[256]; PGcancel *cancel = PQgetCancel(t->conn); if (!cancel) { ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("PQgetCancel failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); continue; } if (!PQcancel(cancel, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf))) { ereport(WARNING, (errmsg("PQcancel failed"), errdetail("%s", errbuf))); PQfreeCancel(cancel); continue; } elog(WARNING, "cancel id = %li", t->shared->id); PQfreeCancel(cancel); } work_finish(t); } if (!code) { if (!ShutdownRequestPending) init_conf(true); } } static void work_remote(Task *t) { bool password = false; char *err; char *options = NULL; const char **keywords; const char **values; int arg = 3; PQconninfoOption *opts = PQconninfoParse(t->remote, &err); StringInfoData name, value; elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, group = %s, remote = %s, max = %i, oid = %i", t->shared->id, t->group, t->remote ? t->remote : task_null, t->shared->max, work.shared->oid); dlist_delete(&t->node); dlist_push_head(&remote, &t->node); if (!opts) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("PQconninfoParse failed"), errdetail("%s", work_errstr(err)))); if (err) PQfreemem(err); return; } for (PQconninfoOption *opt = opts; opt->keyword; opt++) { if (!opt->val) continue; elog(DEBUG1, "%s = %s", opt->keyword, opt->val); if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "password")) password = true; if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "fallback_application_name")) continue; if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "application_name")) continue; if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "options")) { options = opt->val; continue; } arg++; } if (!superuser() && !password) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_S_R_E_PROHIBITED_SQL_STATEMENT_ATTEMPTED), errmsg("password is required"), errdetail("Non-superusers must provide a password in the connection string."))); PQconninfoFree(opts); return; } keywords = MemoryContextAlloc(TopMemoryContext, arg * sizeof(*keywords)); values = MemoryContextAlloc(TopMemoryContext, arg * sizeof(*values)); initStringInfoMy(&name); appendStringInfo(&name, "pg_task %s %s %s", work.shared->schema, work.shared->table, t->group); arg = 0; keywords[arg] = "application_name"; values[arg] = name.data; initStringInfoMy(&value); if (options) appendStringInfoString(&value, options); appendStringInfo(&value, " -c pg_task.schema=%s", work.shared->schema); appendStringInfo(&value, " -c pg_task.table=%s", work.shared->table); appendStringInfo(&value, " -c pg_task.oid=%i", work.shared->oid); appendStringInfo(&value, " -c pg_task.group=%s", t->group); arg++; keywords[arg] = "options"; values[arg] = value.data; for (PQconninfoOption *opt = opts; opt->keyword; opt++) { if (!opt->val) continue; if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "fallback_application_name")) continue; if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "application_name")) continue; if (!strcmp(opt->keyword, "options")) continue; arg++; keywords[arg] = opt->keyword; values[arg] = opt->val; } arg++; keywords[arg] = NULL; values[arg] = NULL; t->event = WL_SOCKET_MASK; t->socket = work_connect; t->start = GetCurrentTimestamp(); if (!(t->conn = PQconnectStartParams(keywords, values, false))) work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_SQLCLIENT_UNABLE_TO_ESTABLISH_SQLCONNECTION), errmsg("PQconnectStartParams failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); else if (PQstatus(t->conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_FAILURE), errmsg("PQstatus == CONNECTION_BAD"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); else if (!PQisnonblocking(t->conn) && PQsetnonblocking(t->conn, true) == -1) work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("PQsetnonblocking failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); else if (!superuser() && !PQconnectionUsedPassword(t->conn)) work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_S_R_E_PROHIBITED_SQL_STATEMENT_ATTEMPTED), errmsg("password is required"), errdetail("Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a password."), errhint("Target server's authentication method must be changed."))); else if (PQclientEncoding(t->conn) != GetDatabaseEncoding() && !PQsetClientEncoding(t->conn, GetDatabaseEncodingName())) work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONNECTION_EXCEPTION), errmsg("PQsetClientEncoding failed"), errdetail("%s", PQerrorMessageMy(t->conn)))); pfree(name.data); pfree(value.data); pfree(keywords); pfree(values); PQconninfoFree(opts); if (t->group) pfree(t->group); t->group = NULL; } static void work_task(Task *t) { BackgroundWorkerHandle *handle = NULL; BackgroundWorker worker = {0}; size_t len; elog(DEBUG1, "id = %li, group = %s, max = %i, oid = %i", t->shared->id, t->group, t->shared->max, work.shared->oid); dlist_delete(&t->node); dlist_push_head((dlist_head *)&local, &t->node); if ((len = strlcpy(worker.bgw_function_name, "task_main", sizeof(worker.bgw_function_name))) >= sizeof(worker.bgw_function_name)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("strlcpy %li >= %li", len, sizeof(worker.bgw_function_name)))); return; } if ((len = strlcpy(worker.bgw_library_name, "pg_task", sizeof(worker.bgw_library_name))) >= sizeof(worker.bgw_library_name)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("strlcpy %li >= %li", len, sizeof(worker.bgw_library_name)))); return; } if ((len = snprintf(worker.bgw_name, sizeof(worker.bgw_name) - 1, "%s %s pg_task %s %s %s", work.shared->user, work.shared->data, work.shared->schema, work.shared->table, t->group)) >= sizeof(worker.bgw_name) - 1) ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("snprintf %li >= %li", len, sizeof(worker.bgw_name) - 1))); #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 110000 if ((len = strlcpy(worker.bgw_type, worker.bgw_name, sizeof(worker.bgw_type))) >= sizeof(worker.bgw_type)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("strlcpy %li >= %li", len, sizeof(worker.bgw_type)))); return; } #endif worker.bgw_flags = BGWORKER_SHMEM_ACCESS | BGWORKER_BACKEND_DATABASE_CONNECTION; worker.bgw_main_arg = UInt32GetDatum(dsm_segment_handle(t->seg)); worker.bgw_notify_pid = MyProcPid; worker.bgw_restart_time = BGW_NEVER_RESTART; worker.bgw_start_time = BgWorkerStart_RecoveryFinished; if (!RegisterDynamicBackgroundWorker(&worker, &handle)) { work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_CONFIGURATION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("could not register background worker"), errhint("Consider increasing configuration parameter \"max_worker_processes\"."))); return; } switch (WaitForBackgroundWorkerStartup(handle, &t->pid)) { case BGWH_NOT_YET_STARTED: work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INTERNAL_ERROR), errmsg("BGWH_NOT_YET_STARTED is never returned!"))); break; case BGWH_POSTMASTER_DIED: work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES), errmsg("cannot start background worker without postmaster"), errhint("Kill all remaining database processes and restart the database."))); break; case BGWH_STARTED: break; case BGWH_STOPPED: work_ereport(true, ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES), errmsg("could not start background worker"), errhint("More details may be available in the server log."))); break; } t->start = GetCurrentTimestamp(); if (!get_timeout_active(timeout)) enable_timeout_at(timeout, TimestampTzPlusMilliseconds(t->start, work_close)); pfree(handle); } static void work_sleep(void) { dlist_head head; dlist_mutable_iter iter; Portal portal; static SPIPlanPtr plan = NULL; static StringInfoData src = {0}; elog(DEBUG1, "idle_count = %lu", idle_count); set_ps_display_my("sleep"); dlist_init(&head); if (!src.data) { initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL( WITH l AS ( SELECT count("classid") AS "classid", "objid" FROM "pg_locks" WHERE "locktype" = 'userlock' AND "mode" = 'AccessShareLock' AND "granted" AND "objsubid" = 5 AND "database" = (SELECT "oid" FROM "pg_database" WHERE "datname" = CURRENT_CATALOG) GROUP BY "objid" ), s AS ( SELECT "id", t.hash, CASE WHEN "max" >= 0 THEN "max" ELSE 0 END - COALESCE("classid", 0) AS "count" FROM %1$s AS t LEFT JOIN l ON "objid" = "hash" WHERE "plan" BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - current_setting('pg_work.active')::interval AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND "state" = 'PLAN' AND CASE WHEN "max" >= 0 THEN "max" ELSE 0 END - COALESCE("classid", 0) >= 0 ORDER BY 3 DESC, 1 LIMIT current_setting('pg_task.limit')::int FOR UPDATE OF t %2$s ), u AS ( SELECT "id", "count" - row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY "hash" ORDER BY "count" DESC, "id") + 1 AS "count" FROM s ORDER BY s.count DESC, id ) UPDATE %1$s AS t SET "state" = 'TAKE' FROM u WHERE "plan" BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - current_setting('pg_work.active')::interval AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND t.id = u.id AND u.count >= 0 RETURNING t.id, "hash", "group", "remote", "max" ), work.schema_table, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 90500 "SKIP LOCKED" #else "" #endif ); } SPI_connect_my(src.data); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(src.data, 0, NULL); portal = SPI_cursor_open_my(src.data, plan, NULL, NULL); do { SPI_cursor_fetch(portal, true, work_fetch); for (uint64 row = 0; row < SPI_processed; row++) { HeapTuple val = SPI_tuptable->vals[row]; Task *t = MemoryContextAllocZero(TopMemoryContext, sizeof(*t)); TupleDesc tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc; t->group = TextDatumGetCStringMy(SPI_getbinval_my(val, tupdesc, "group", false)); t->remote = TextDatumGetCStringMy(SPI_getbinval_my(val, tupdesc, "remote", true)); t->shared = t->remote ? MemoryContextAllocZero(TopMemoryContext, sizeof(*t->shared)) : shm_toc_allocate_my(PG_TASK_MAGIC, &t->seg, sizeof(*t->shared)); t->shared->handle = DatumGetUInt32(MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_main_arg); t->shared->hash = DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval_my(val, tupdesc, "hash", false)); t->shared->id = DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval_my(val, tupdesc, "id", false)); t->shared->max = DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval_my(val, tupdesc, "max", false)); elog(DEBUG1, "row = %lu, id = %li, hash = %i, group = %s, remote = %s, max = %i", row, t->shared->id, t->shared->hash, t->group, t->remote ? t->remote : task_null, t->shared->max); dlist_push_head(&head, &t->node); } } while (SPI_processed); SPI_cursor_close(portal); SPI_finish_my(); if (dlist_is_empty(&head)) idle_count++; else { idle_count = 0; dlist_foreach_modify(iter, &head) { Task *t = dlist_container(Task, node, iter.cur); t->remote ? work_remote(t) : work_task(t); } } set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_sigaction(int signum, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *code) { dlist_mutable_iter iter; elog(DEBUG1, "si_pid = %i", siginfo->si_pid); dlist_foreach_modify(iter, (dlist_head *)&local) { Task *t = dlist_container(Task, node, iter.cur); if (siginfo->si_pid == t->pid) work_free(t); } } static void work_table(void) { List *names = stringToQualifiedNameListMy(work.schema_table); const RangeVar *rangevar = makeRangeVarFromNameList(names); StringInfoData src, hash; elog(DEBUG1, "schema_table = %s, schema_type = %s", work.schema_table, work.schema_type); set_ps_display_my("table"); initStringInfoMy(&hash); #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 120000 appendStringInfo(&hash, SQL(GENERATED ALWAYS AS (hashtext("group"||COALESCE("remote", '%1$s'))) STORED), ""); #else if (true) { const char *function_quote; StringInfoData function; initStringInfoMy(&function); appendStringInfo(&function, "%1$s_hash_generate", work.shared->table); function_quote = quote_identifier(function.data); appendStringInfo(&hash, SQL(CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %1$s.%2$s() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $function$BEGIN IF tg_op = 'INSERT' OR (new.group, new.remote) IS DISTINCT FROM (old.group, old.remote) THEN new.hash = hashtext(new.group||COALESCE(new.remote, '%3$s')); END IF; RETURN new; end;$function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER hash_generate BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON %4$s FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE %1$s.%2$s();), work.schema, function_quote, "", work.schema_table); if (function_quote != function.data) pfree((void *)function_quote); pfree(function.data); } #endif initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL( CREATE TABLE %1$s ( "id" bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "parent" bigint DEFAULT NULLIF(current_setting('pg_task.id')::bigint, 0), "plan" timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "start" timestamptz, "stop" timestamptz, "active" interval NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.active')::interval CHECK ("active" > '0 sec'::interval), "live" interval NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.live')::interval CHECK ("live" >= '0 sec'::interval), "repeat" interval NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.repeat')::interval CHECK ("repeat" >= '0 sec'::interval), "timeout" interval NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.timeout')::interval CHECK ("timeout" >= '0 sec'::interval), "count" int NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.count')::int CHECK ("count" >= 0), "hash" int NOT NULL %3$s, "max" int NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.max')::int, "pid" int, "state" %2$s NOT NULL DEFAULT 'PLAN'::%2$s, "delete" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.delete')::bool, "drift" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.drift')::bool, "header" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.header')::bool, "string" bool NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.string')::bool, "delimiter" "char" NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.delimiter')::"char", "escape" "char" NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.escape')::"char", "quote" "char" NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.quote')::"char", "data" text, "error" text, "group" text NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.group'), "input" text NOT NULL, "null" text NOT NULL DEFAULT current_setting('pg_task.null'), "output" text, "remote" text ); COMMENT ON TABLE %1$s IS 'Tasks'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."id" IS 'Primary key'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."parent" IS 'Parent task id (if exists, like foreign key to id, but without constraint, for performance)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."plan" IS 'Planned date and time of start'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."start" IS 'Actual date and time of start'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."stop" IS 'Actual date and time of stop'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."active" IS 'Positive period after plan time, when task is active for executing'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."live" IS 'Non-negative maximum time of live of current background worker process before exit'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."repeat" IS 'Non-negative auto repeat tasks interval'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."timeout" IS 'Non-negative allowed time for task run'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."count" IS 'Non-negative maximum count of tasks, are executed by current background worker process before exit'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."hash" IS 'Hash for identifying tasks group'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."max" IS 'Maximum count of concurrently executing tasks in group, negative value means pause between tasks in milliseconds'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."pid" IS 'Id of process executing task'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."state" IS 'Task state'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."delete" IS 'Auto delete task when both output and error are nulls'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."drift" IS 'Compute next repeat time by stop time instead by plan time'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."header" IS 'Show columns headers in output'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."string" IS 'Quote only strings'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."delimiter" IS 'Results columns delimiter'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."escape" IS 'Results columns escape'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."quote" IS 'Results columns quote'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."data" IS 'Some user data'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."error" IS 'Catched error'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."group" IS 'Task grouping by name'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."input" IS 'Sql command(s) to execute'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."null" IS 'Null text value representation'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."output" IS 'Received result(s)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s."remote" IS 'Connect to remote database (if need)'; ), work.schema_table, work.schema_type, #if PG_VERSION_NUM >= 120000 hash.data #else "" #endif ); #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 120000 appendStringInfoString(&src, hash.data); #endif SPI_connect_my(src.data); if (!OidIsValid(RangeVarGetRelid(rangevar, NoLock, true))) SPI_execute_with_args_my(src.data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_UTILITY); work.shared->oid = RangeVarGetRelid(rangevar, NoLock, false); SPI_finish_my(); pfree((void *)rangevar); list_free_deep(names); resetStringInfo(&src); pfree(hash.data); pfree(src.data); set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_type(void) { int32 typmod; Oid type = InvalidOid; StringInfoData src; set_ps_display_my("type"); initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL(CREATE TYPE %s AS ENUM ('PLAN', 'TAKE', 'WORK', 'DONE', 'STOP')), work.schema_type); SPI_connect_my(src.data); parseTypeStringMy(work.schema_type, &type, &typmod); if (!OidIsValid(type)) SPI_execute_with_args_my(src.data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_UTILITY); SPI_finish_my(); pfree(src.data); set_ps_display_my("idle"); } static void work_update(void) { char *schema = quote_literal_cstr(work.shared->schema); char *table = quote_literal_cstr(work.shared->table); const char *function_quote; StringInfoData function; StringInfoData src; initStringInfoMy(&function); appendStringInfo(&function, "%1$s_wake_up", work.shared->table); function_quote = quote_identifier(function.data); initStringInfoMy(&src); appendStringInfo(&src, SQL( DO $DO$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'data') THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ADD COLUMN "data" text; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'active') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_active'::text))::interval$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "active" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.active'::text))::interval; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'live') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_live'::text))::interval$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "live" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.live'::text))::interval; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'repeat') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_repeat'::text))::interval$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "repeat" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.repeat'::text))::interval; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'timeout') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_timeout'::text))::interval$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "timeout" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.timeout'::text))::interval; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'count') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_count'::text))::int$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "count" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.count'::text))::int; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'max') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_max'::text))::int$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "max" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.max'::text))::int; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'delete') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_delete'::text))::bool$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "delete" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.delete'::text))::bool; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'drift') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_drift'::text))::bool$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "drift" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.drift'::text))::bool; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'header') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_header'::text))::bool$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "header" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.header'::text))::bool; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'string') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_string'::text))::bool$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "string" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.string'::text))::bool; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'delimiter') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_delimiter'::text))::"char"$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "delimiter" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.delimiter'::text))::"char"; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'escape') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_escape'::text))::"char"$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "escape" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.escape'::text))::"char"; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'quote') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_quote'::text))::"char"$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "quote" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.quote'::text))::"char"; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'group') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_group'::text))::text$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "group" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.group'::text))::text; END IF; IF (SELECT column_default FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = %2$s AND table_name = %3$s AND column_name = 'null') IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $$(current_setting('pg_task.default_null'::text))::text$$ THEN ALTER TABLE %1$s ALTER COLUMN "null" SET DEFAULT (current_setting('pg_task.null'::text))::text; END IF; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %4$s.%5$s() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $function$BEGIN PERFORM pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM "pg_locks" WHERE "locktype" = 'userlock' AND "mode" = 'AccessExclusiveLock' AND "granted" AND "objsubid" = 3 AND "database" = (SELECT "oid" FROM "pg_database" WHERE "datname" = CURRENT_CATALOG) AND "classid" = (SELECT "oid" FROM "pg_authid" WHERE "rolname" = CURRENT_USER) AND "objid" = %6$i; RETURN NULL; end;$function$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM information_schema.triggers WHERE event_object_table = %3$s AND trigger_name = 'wake_up') THEN CREATE TRIGGER wake_up AFTER INSERT ON %1$s FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE %4$s.%5$s(); END IF; END; $DO$ ), work.schema_table, schema, table, work.schema, function.data, work.hash); SPI_connect_my(src.data); SPI_execute_with_args_my(src.data, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, SPI_OK_UTILITY); SPI_finish_my(); if (function_quote != function.data) pfree((void *)function_quote); pfree(function.data); pfree(src.data); pfree(schema); pfree(table); } static void work_writeable(Task *t) { t->socket(t); } static void work_on_dsm_detach_callback(dsm_segment *seg, Datum arg) { elog(DEBUG1, "seg = %u", dsm_segment_handle(seg)); } static void work_idle(SIGNAL_ARGS) { int save_errno = errno; idle_count = 0; SetLatch(MyLatch); errno = save_errno; } void work_main(Datum arg) { const char *application_name; const char *index_hash[] = {"hash"}; const char *index_input[] = {"input"}; const char *index_parent[] = {"parent"}; const char *index_plan[] = {"plan"}; const char *index_state[] = {"state"}; Datum datum; instr_time current_time_reset; instr_time current_time_sleep; instr_time start_time_reset; instr_time start_time_sleep; long current_reset = -1; long current_sleep = -1; shm_toc *toc; StringInfoData schema_table, schema_type; struct sigaction act = {0}, oldact = {0}; #ifdef GP_VERSION_NUM Gp_role = GP_ROLE_DISPATCH; optimizer = false; #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 120000 Gp_session_role = GP_ROLE_DISPATCH; #endif #endif on_proc_exit(work_proc_exit, (Datum)NULL); pqsignal(SIGHUP, SignalHandlerForConfigReload); pqsignal(SIGINT, work_idle); act.sa_sigaction = work_sigaction; act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sigaction(SIGUSR2, &act, &oldact); timeout = RegisterTimeout(USER_TIMEOUT, work_handler); BackgroundWorkerUnblockSignals(); CreateAuxProcessResourceOwner(); if (!(work.seg = dsm_attach(DatumGetUInt32(arg)))) { ereport(WARNING, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("unable to map dynamic shared memory segment"))); return; } // exit without error to disable restart, then start conf on_dsm_detach(work.seg, work_on_dsm_detach_callback, (Datum)NULL); if (!(toc = shm_toc_attach(PG_WORK_MAGIC, dsm_segment_address(work.seg)))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("bad magic number in dynamic shared memory segment"))); work.shared = shm_toc_lookup_my(toc, 0); work.data = quote_identifier(work.shared->data); work.schema = quote_identifier(work.shared->schema); work.table = quote_identifier(work.shared->table); work.user = quote_identifier(work.shared->user); if (kill(MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_notify_pid, SIGUSR2)) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("could not send signal SIGUSR2 to process %d: %m", MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_notify_pid))); BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionMy(work.shared->data, work.shared->user); CurrentResourceOwner = AuxProcessResourceOwner; MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); application_name = MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_name + strlen(work.shared->user) + 1 + strlen(work.shared->data) + 1; set_config_option_my("application_name", application_name, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR); pgstat_report_appname(application_name); set_ps_display_my("main"); process_session_preload_libraries(); initStringInfoMy(&schema_table); appendStringInfo(&schema_table, "%s.%s", work.schema, work.table); work.schema_table = schema_table.data; datum = CStringGetTextDatumMy(application_name); work.hash = DatumGetInt32(DirectFunctionCall1Coll(hashtext, DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID, datum)); pfree((void *)datum); if (!lock_data_user_hash(MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(), work.hash)) { elog(WARNING, "!lock_data_user_hash(%i, %i, %i)", MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(), work.hash); ShutdownRequestPending = true; return; } // exit without error to disable restart, then not start conf dlist_init((dlist_head *)&local); dlist_init(&remote); initStringInfoMy(&schema_type); appendStringInfo(&schema_type, "%s.state", work.schema); work.schema_type = schema_type.data; elog(DEBUG1, "sleep = %li, reset = %li, schema_table = %s, schema_type = %s, hash = %i", work.shared->sleep, work.shared->reset, work.schema_table, work.schema_type, work.hash); #ifdef GP_VERSION_NUM Gp_role = GP_ROLE_UTILITY; #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 120000 Gp_session_role = GP_ROLE_UTILITY; #endif #endif work_schema(work.schema); work_type(); work_table(); work_update(); work_index(countof(index_hash), index_hash); work_index(countof(index_input), index_input); work_index(countof(index_parent), index_parent); work_index(countof(index_plan), index_plan); work_index(countof(index_state), index_state); #ifdef GP_VERSION_NUM Gp_role = GP_ROLE_DISPATCH; #if PG_VERSION_NUM < 120000 Gp_session_role = GP_ROLE_DISPATCH; #endif #endif set_ps_display_my("idle"); work_reset(); while (!ShutdownRequestPending) { int nevents = work_nevents(); WaitEvent *events = MemoryContextAllocZero(TopMemoryContext, nevents * sizeof(*events)); WaitEventSet *set = CreateWaitEventSet(TopMemoryContext, nevents); work_events(set); if (current_reset <= 0) { INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(start_time_reset); current_reset = work.shared->reset; } if (current_sleep <= 0) { INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(start_time_sleep); current_sleep = work.shared->sleep; } current_timeout = Min(current_reset, current_sleep); if (idle_count >= (uint64)task_idle) work_timeout(); nevents = WaitEventSetWaitMy(set, current_timeout, events, nevents); for (int i = 0; i < nevents; i++) { WaitEvent *event = &events[i]; if (event->events & WL_LATCH_SET) work_latch(); if (event->events & WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH) ShutdownRequestPending = true; if (event->events & WL_SOCKET_READABLE) work_readable(event->user_data); if (event->events & WL_SOCKET_WRITEABLE) work_writeable(event->user_data); } INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(current_time_reset); INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(current_time_reset, start_time_reset); current_reset = work.shared->reset - (long)INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(current_time_reset); if (current_reset <= 0) work_reset(); INSTR_TIME_SET_CURRENT(current_time_sleep); INSTR_TIME_SUBTRACT(current_time_sleep, start_time_sleep); current_sleep = work.shared->sleep - (long)INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(current_time_sleep); if (current_sleep <= 0) work_sleep(); FreeWaitEventSet(set); pfree(events); } if (!unlock_data_user_hash(MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(), work.hash)) elog(WARNING, "!unlock_data_user_hash(%i, %i, %i)", MyDatabaseId, GetUserId(), work.hash); }