#include "include.h" extern bool xact_started; extern char *default_null; static void task_update(Task *task) { Work *work = task->work; static Oid argtypes[] = {TEXTOID}; Datum values[] = {CStringGetTextDatum(task->group)}; static SPI_plan *plan = NULL; static char *command = NULL; if (!command) { StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, SQL( WITH s AS ( SELECT id FROM %1$s AS t WHERE max < 0 AND plan < current_timestamp AND t.group = $1 AND state = 'PLAN'::%2$s FOR UPDATE OF t SKIP LOCKED ) UPDATE %1$s AS u SET plan = current_timestamp FROM s WHERE u.id = s.id RETURNING u.id ), work->schema_table, work->schema_type); command = buf.data; } SPI_connect_my(command); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(command, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, NULL, SPI_OK_UPDATE_RETURNING, true); if (SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1) W("%li: SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1", task->id); SPI_finish_my(); pfree((void *)values[0]); } bool task_done(Task *task) { bool exit = false; Work *work = task->work; static Oid argtypes[] = {INT8OID, BOOLOID, TEXTOID, TEXTOID}; Datum values[] = {Int64GetDatum(task->id), BoolGetDatum(task->fail = task->output.data ? task->fail : false), task->output.data ? CStringGetTextDatum(task->output.data) : (Datum)NULL, task->error.data ? CStringGetTextDatum(task->error.data) : (Datum)NULL}; char nulls[] = {' ', ' ', task->output.data ? ' ' : 'n', task->error.data ? ' ' : 'n'}; static SPI_plan *plan = NULL; static char *command = NULL; D1("id = %li, output = %s, error = %s, fail = %s", task->id, task->output.data ? task->output.data : default_null, task->error.data ? task->error.data : default_null, task->fail ? "true" : "false"); task_update(task); if (!command) { StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, SQL( WITH s AS ( SELECT id FROM %1$s AS t WHERE id = $1 FOR UPDATE OF t ) UPDATE %1$s AS u SET state = CASE WHEN $2 THEN 'FAIL'::%2$s ELSE 'DONE'::%2$s END, stop = current_timestamp, output = concat_ws('%3$s', NULLIF(output, '%4$s'), $3), error = concat_ws('%3$s', NULLIF(error, '%3$s'), $4) FROM s WHERE u.id = s.id RETURNING delete, repeat > '0 sec' AND state IN ('DONE'::%2$s, 'FAIL'::%2$s) AS repeat, count > 0 OR live > '0 sec' AS live ), work->schema_table, work->schema_type, "\n", ""); command = buf.data; } SPI_connect_my(command); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(command, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, nulls, SPI_OK_UPDATE_RETURNING, true); if (SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1) { W("%li: SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1", task->id); exit = true; } else { task->delete = DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "delete", false)); task->repeat = DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "repeat", false)); task->live = DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "live", false)); } SPI_finish_my(); if (task->output.data) pfree((void *)values[2]); if (task->error.data) pfree((void *)values[3]); if (task->null) pfree(task->null); task->null = NULL; if (task->lock && !init_table_id_unlock(work->table, task->id)) { W("!init_table_id_unlock(%i, %li)", work->table, task->id); exit = true; } task->lock = false; if (ShutdownRequestPending) exit = true; return exit; } bool task_live(Task *task) { Work *work = task->work; bool exit = false; static Oid argtypes[] = {TEXTOID, TEXTOID, INT4OID, INT4OID, TIMESTAMPTZOID, OIDOID}; Datum values[] = {CStringGetTextDatum(task->group), task->remote ? CStringGetTextDatum(task->remote) : (Datum)NULL, Int32GetDatum(task->max), Int32GetDatum(task->count), TimestampTzGetDatum(task->start), ObjectIdGetDatum(work->table)}; char nulls[] = {' ', task->remote ? ' ' : 'n', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}; static SPI_plan *plan = NULL; static char *command = NULL; if (!command) { Work *work = task->work; StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, SQL( WITH s AS ( SELECT id FROM %1$s AS t LEFT JOIN pg_locks AS l ON l.locktype = 'userlock' AND l.mode = 'AccessExclusiveLock' AND l.granted AND l.objsubid = 4 AND l.database = $6 AND l.classid = t.id>>32 AND l.objid = t.id<<32>>32 WHERE state = 'PLAN'::%2$s AND plan <= current_timestamp AND t.group = $1 AND remote IS NOT DISTINCT FROM $2 AND max >= $3 AND CASE WHEN count > 0 AND live > '0 sec' THEN count > $4 AND $5 + live > current_timestamp ELSE count > $4 OR $5 + live > current_timestamp END AND t.start IS NULL AND t.stop IS NULL AND t.pid IS NULL AND l.pid IS NULL ORDER BY max DESC, id LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE OF t SKIP LOCKED ) UPDATE %1$s AS u SET state = 'TAKE'::%2$s FROM s WHERE u.id = s.id RETURNING u.id ), work->schema_table, work->schema_type); command = buf.data; } SPI_connect_my(command); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(command, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, nulls, SPI_OK_UPDATE_RETURNING, true); if (!SPI_tuptable->numvals) exit = true; else task->id = DatumGetInt64(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "id", false)); SPI_finish_my(); pfree((void *)values[0]); if (task->remote) pfree((void *)values[1]); return exit; } bool task_work(Task *task) { bool exit = false; Work *work = task->work; static Oid argtypes[] = {INT8OID, INT4OID}; Datum values[] = {Int64GetDatum(task->id), Int32GetDatum(task->pid)}; static SPI_plan *plan = NULL; static char *command = NULL; if (ShutdownRequestPending) return true; if (!init_table_id_lock(work->table, task->id)) { W("!init_table_id_lock(%i, %li)", work->table, task->id); return true; } task->lock = true; task->count++; D1("id = %li, group = %s, max = %i, oid = %i, count = %i, pid = %i", task->id, task->group, task->max, work->table, task->count, task->pid); if (!task->conn) { StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, "%li", task->id); set_config_option("pg_task.id", buf.data, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); pfree(buf.data); } if (!command) { StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, SQL( WITH s AS ( SELECT id FROM %1$s AS t WHERE id = $1 FOR UPDATE OF t ) UPDATE %1$s AS u SET state = 'WORK'::%2$s, start = current_timestamp, pid = $2 FROM s WHERE u.id = s.id RETURNING input, EXTRACT(epoch FROM timeout)::int4 * 1000 AS timeout, append, header, string, u.null, delimiter, quote, escape ), work->schema_table, work->schema_type); command = buf.data; } SPI_connect_my(command); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(command, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, NULL, SPI_OK_UPDATE_RETURNING, true); if (SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1) { W("%li: SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1", task->id); exit = true; } else { task->input = TextDatumGetCStringMy(TopMemoryContext, SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "input", false)); task->null = TextDatumGetCStringMy(TopMemoryContext, SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "null", false)); task->timeout = DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "timeout", false)); task->append = DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "append", false)); task->header = DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "header", false)); task->string = DatumGetBool(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "string", false)); task->delimiter = DatumGetChar(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "delimiter", false)); task->quote = DatumGetChar(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "quote", true)); task->escape = DatumGetChar(SPI_getbinval_my(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, "escape", true)); if (0 < StatementTimeout && StatementTimeout < task->timeout) task->timeout = StatementTimeout; D1("input = %s, timeout = %i, append = %s, header = %s, string = %s, null = %s, delimiter = %c, quote = %c, escape = %c", task->input, task->timeout, task->append ? "true" : "false", task->header ? "true" : "false", task->string ? "true" : "false", task->null, task->delimiter, task->quote, task->escape); } SPI_finish_my(); return exit; } void task_delete(Task *task) { static Oid argtypes[] = {INT8OID}; Datum values[] = {Int64GetDatum(task->id)}; static SPI_plan *plan = NULL; static char *command = NULL; if (!command) { Work *work = task->work; StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, SQL(DELETE FROM %1$s WHERE id = $1 AND state IN ('DONE'::%2$s, 'FAIL'::%2$s) RETURNING id), work->schema_table, work->schema_type); command = buf.data; } SPI_connect_my(command); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(command, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, NULL, SPI_OK_DELETE_RETURNING, true); if (SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1) W("%li: SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1", task->id); SPI_finish_my(); } void task_error(Task *task, ErrorData *edata) { if (!task->output.data) initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &task->output); if (!task->error.data) initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &task->error); if (edata->elevel) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%selevel%s%c%i", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::int4" : "", task->delimiter, edata->elevel); if (edata->output_to_server) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%soutput_to_server%s%ctrue", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::bool" : "", task->delimiter); if (edata->output_to_client) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%soutput_to_client%s%ctrue", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::bool" : "", task->delimiter); if (edata->hide_stmt) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%shide_stmt%s%ctrue", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::bool" : "", task->delimiter); if (edata->hide_ctx) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%shide_ctx%s%ctrue", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::bool" : "", task->delimiter); if (edata->filename) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sfilename%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->filename); if (edata->lineno) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%slineno%s%c%i", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::int4" : "", task->delimiter, edata->lineno); if (edata->funcname) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sfuncname%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->funcname); if (edata->domain) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sdomain%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->domain); if (edata->context_domain) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%scontext_domain%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->context_domain); if (edata->sqlerrcode) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%ssqlerrcode%s%c%i", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::int4" : "", task->delimiter, edata->sqlerrcode); if (edata->message) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%smessage%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->message); if (edata->detail) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sdetail%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->detail); if (edata->detail_log) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sdetail_log%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->detail_log); if (edata->hint) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%shint%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->hint); if (edata->context) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%scontext%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->context); if (edata->message_id) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%smessage_id%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->message_id); if (edata->schema_name) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sschema_name%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->schema_name); if (edata->table_name) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%stable_name%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->table_name); if (edata->column_name) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%scolumn_name%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->column_name); if (edata->datatype_name) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sdatatype_name%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->datatype_name); if (edata->constraint_name) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sconstraint_name%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->constraint_name); if (edata->cursorpos) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%scursorpos%s%c%i", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::int4" : "", task->delimiter, edata->cursorpos); if (edata->internalpos) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sinternalpos%s%c%i", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::int4" : "", task->delimiter, edata->internalpos); if (edata->internalquery) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%sinternalquery%s%c%s", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::text" : "", task->delimiter, edata->internalquery); if (edata->saved_errno) appendStringInfo(&task->error, "%ssaved_errno%s%c%i", task->error.len ? "\n" : "", task->append ? "::int4" : "", task->delimiter, edata->saved_errno); appendStringInfo(&task->output, SQL(%sROLLBACK), task->output.len ? "\n" : ""); task->fail = true; } void task_repeat(Task *task) { static Oid argtypes[] = {INT8OID}; Datum values[] = {Int64GetDatum(task->id)}; static SPI_plan *plan = NULL; static char *command = NULL; if (!command) { Work *work = task->work; StringInfoData buf; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, SQL( INSERT INTO %1$s (parent, plan, "group", max, input, timeout, delete, repeat, drift, count, live) SELECT $1, CASE WHEN drift THEN current_timestamp + repeat ELSE (WITH RECURSIVE s AS (SELECT plan AS t UNION SELECT t + repeat FROM s WHERE t <= current_timestamp) SELECT * FROM s ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1) END AS plan, t.group, max, input, timeout, delete, repeat, drift, count, live FROM %1$s AS t WHERE id = $1 AND state IN ('DONE'::%2$s, 'FAIL'::%2$s) LIMIT 1 RETURNING id ), work->schema_table, work->schema_type); command = buf.data; } SPI_connect_my(command); if (!plan) plan = SPI_prepare_my(command, countof(argtypes), argtypes); SPI_execute_plan_my(plan, values, NULL, SPI_OK_INSERT_RETURNING, true); if (SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1) W("%li: SPI_tuptable->numvals != 1", task->id); SPI_finish_my(); } static void task_fail(Task *task) { MemoryContextData *oldMemoryContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); ErrorData *edata = CopyErrorData(); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldMemoryContext); task_error(task, edata); FreeErrorData(edata); HOLD_INTERRUPTS(); disable_all_timeouts(false); QueryCancelPending = false; EmitErrorReport(); debug_query_string = NULL; AbortOutOfAnyTransaction(); PortalErrorCleanup(); SPICleanup(); if (MyReplicationSlot) ReplicationSlotRelease(); ReplicationSlotCleanup(); jit_reset_after_error(); MemoryContextSwitchTo(TopMemoryContext); FlushErrorState(); xact_started = false; RESUME_INTERRUPTS(); } static void SignalHandlerForShutdownRequestMy(SIGNAL_ARGS) { int save_errno = errno; ShutdownRequestPending = true; SetLatch(MyLatch); if (!DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall1(pg_cancel_backend, Int32GetDatum(MyProcPid)))) E("!pg_cancel_backend(%i)", MyProcPid); errno = save_errno; } static void task_init(Work *work, Task *task) { char *p = MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_extra; const char *schema_quote; const char *table_quote; MemoryContextData *oldcontext = CurrentMemoryContext; StringInfoData buf; #define X(src, serialize, deserialize) deserialize(src); WORK #undef X pqsignal(SIGTERM, SignalHandlerForShutdownRequestMy); BackgroundWorkerUnblockSignals(); BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionByOid(work->conf.data, work->conf.user, 0); pgstat_report_appname(MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_type); process_session_preload_libraries(); StartTransactionCommand(); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); work->conf.schema = get_namespace_name(work->schema); work->conf.table = get_rel_name(work->table); work->data = get_database_name(work->conf.data); work->user = GetUserNameFromId(work->conf.user, false); CommitTransactionCommand(); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); task->id = DatumGetInt64(MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_main_arg); task->work = work; if (!MyProcPort && !(MyProcPort = (Port *) calloc(1, sizeof(Port)))) E("!calloc"); if (!MyProcPort->remote_host) MyProcPort->remote_host = "[local]"; if (!MyProcPort->user_name) MyProcPort->user_name = work->user; if (!MyProcPort->database_name) MyProcPort->database_name = work->data; set_config_option("application_name", MyBgworkerEntry->bgw_type, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); set_config_option("pg_task.data", work->data, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); set_config_option("pg_task.group", task->group, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); if (work->conf.schema) set_config_option("pg_task.schema", work->conf.schema, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); set_config_option("pg_task.table", work->conf.table, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); set_config_option("pg_task.user", work->user, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); if (!MessageContext) MessageContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext, "MessageContext", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); D1("user = %s, data = %s, schema = %s, table = %s, oid = %i, id = %li, group = %s, max = %i", work->user, work->data, work->conf.schema ? work->conf.schema : default_null, work->conf.table, work->table, task->id, task->group, task->max); schema_quote = work->conf.schema ? quote_identifier(work->conf.schema) : NULL; table_quote = quote_identifier(work->conf.table); initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); if (work->conf.schema) appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s.", schema_quote); appendStringInfoString(&buf, table_quote); work->schema_table = buf.data; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); if (work->conf.schema) appendStringInfo(&buf, "%s.", schema_quote); appendStringInfoString(&buf, "state"); work->schema_type = buf.data; initStringInfoMy(TopMemoryContext, &buf); appendStringInfo(&buf, "%i", work->table); set_config_option("pg_task.oid", buf.data, PGC_USERSET, PGC_S_SESSION, GUC_ACTION_SET, true, ERROR, false); pfree(buf.data); if (work->conf.schema && schema_quote && work->conf.schema != schema_quote) pfree((void *)schema_quote); if (work->conf.table != table_quote) pfree((void *)table_quote); task->pid = MyProcPid; task->start = GetCurrentTimestamp(); task->count = 0; } static void task_latch(void) { ResetLatch(MyLatch); CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); } static void task_success(Task *task) { MemoryContextData *oldMemoryContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(MessageContext); MemoryContextResetAndDeleteChildren(MessageContext); InvalidateCatalogSnapshotConditionally(); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldMemoryContext); ReadyForQueryMy(task); SetCurrentStatementStartTimestamp(); exec_simple_query_my(task); pfree(task->input); task->input = SQL(COMMIT); if (IsTransactionState()) exec_simple_query_my(task); if (IsTransactionState()) E("IsTransactionState"); } static bool task_timeout(Task *task) { if (task_work(task)) return true; D1("id = %li, timeout = %i, input = %s, count = %i", task->id, task->timeout, task->input, task->count); PG_TRY(); task_success(task); PG_CATCH(); task_fail(task); PG_END_TRY(); pgstat_report_stat(false); pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLE, NULL); if (task_done(task)) return true; D1("repeat = %s, delete = %s, live = %s", task->repeat ? "true" : "false", task->delete ? "true" : "false", task->live ? "true" : "false"); if (task->repeat) task_repeat(task); if (task->delete && !task->output.data) task_delete(task); if (task->output.data) pfree(task->output.data); task->output.data = NULL; if (task->error.data) pfree(task->error.data); task->error.data = NULL; if (ShutdownRequestPending) task->live = false; return !task->live || task_live(task); } void task(Datum main_arg) { Task task; Work work; MemSet(&task, 0, sizeof(task)); MemSet(&work, 0, sizeof(work)); task_init(&work, &task); while (!ShutdownRequestPending) { int rc = WaitLatch(MyLatch, WL_LATCH_SET | WL_TIMEOUT | WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH, 0, PG_WAIT_EXTENSION); if (rc & WL_TIMEOUT) if (task_timeout(&task)) ShutdownRequestPending = true; if (rc & WL_LATCH_SET) task_latch(); if (rc & WL_POSTMASTER_DEATH) ShutdownRequestPending = true; } }