-- This program is open source, licensed under the PostgreSQL License. -- For license terms, see the LICENSE file. -- -- Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Dalibo -- Copyright (c) 2018, The PoWA-team -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_kcache" to load this file. \quit SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; -- Drop objects depending on pg_stat_kcache() DROP VIEW pg_stat_kcache; DROP VIEW pg_stat_kcache_detail; -- pg_stat_kcache() paremeters differ, we need to drop and create it DROP FUNCTION pg_stat_kcache(); CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_kcache( OUT queryid bigint, OUT userid oid, OUT dbid oid, OUT reads bigint, /* total reads, in bytes */ OUT writes bigint, /* total writes, in bytes */ OUT user_time double precision, /* total user CPU time used */ OUT system_time double precision, /* total system CPU time used */ OUT minflts bigint, /* total page reclaims (soft page faults) */ OUT majflts bigint, /* total page faults (hard page faults) */ OUT nswaps bigint, /* total swaps */ OUT msgsnds bigint, /* total IPC messages sent */ OUT msgrcvs bigint, /* total IPC messages received */ OUT nsignals bigint, /* total sginal received */ OUT nvcsws bigint, /* total voluntary context switches */ OUT nivcsws bigint /* total involuntary context switches */ ) RETURNS SETOF record LANGUAGE c COST 1000 AS '$libdir/pg_stat_kcache', 'pg_stat_kcache_2_1'; GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION pg_stat_kcache() TO public; CREATE VIEW pg_stat_kcache_detail AS SELECT s.query, d.datname, r.rolname, k.user_time, k.system_time, k.minflts, k.majflts, k.nswaps, k.reads AS reads, k.reads/(current_setting('block_size')::integer) AS reads_blks, k.writes AS writes, k.writes/(current_setting('block_size')::integer) AS writes_blks, k.msgsnds, k.msgrcvs, k.nsignals, k.nvcsws, k.nivcsws FROM pg_stat_kcache() k JOIN pg_stat_statements s ON k.queryid = s.queryid AND k.dbid = s.dbid AND k.userid = s.userid JOIN pg_database d ON d.oid = s.dbid JOIN pg_roles r ON r.oid = s.userid; GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_kcache_detail TO public; CREATE VIEW pg_stat_kcache AS SELECT datname, SUM(user_time) AS user_time, SUM(system_time) AS system_time, SUM(minflts) AS minflts, SUM(majflts) AS majflts, SUM(nswaps) AS nswaps, SUM(reads) AS reads, SUM(reads_blks) AS reads_blks, SUM(writes) AS writes, SUM(writes_blks) AS writes_blks, SUM(msgsnds) AS msgsnds, SUM(msgrcvs) AS msgrcvs, SUM(nsignals) AS nsignals, SUM(nvcsws) AS nvcsws, SUM(nivcsws) AS nivcsws FROM pg_stat_kcache_detail GROUP BY datname; GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_kcache TO public;