-- =================================================================== -- create extension -- =================================================================== CREATE EXTENSION pg_shard; -- ensure the test DB defaults to pg_shard select logic ALTER DATABASE :DBNAME SET pg_shard.use_citusdb_select_logic TO false; -- create fake fdw for use in tests CREATE FUNCTION fake_fdw_handler() RETURNS fdw_handler AS 'pg_shard' LANGUAGE C STRICT; CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER fake_fdw HANDLER fake_fdw_handler; CREATE SERVER fake_fdw_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER fake_fdw; -- Set pg_shard sequence to start at same number as that used by CitusDB. -- This makes testing easier, since shard IDs will match. DO $$ BEGIN BEGIN PERFORM setval('pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_id_sequence', 102008, false); EXCEPTION WHEN undefined_table THEN -- do nothing END; END; $$;