/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * src/prune_shard_list.c * * This file contains functions to examine lists of shards and remove those not * required to execute a given query. Functions contained here are borrowed from * CitusDB. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Citus Data, Inc. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "c.h" #include "fmgr.h" #include "distribution_metadata.h" #include "prune_shard_list.h" #include #include "access/attnum.h" #include "access/skey.h" #include "catalog/pg_am.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/memnodes.h" /* IWYU pragma: keep */ #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "nodes/nodes.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "nodes/primnodes.h" #include "nodes/relation.h" #include "optimizer/clauses.h" #include "optimizer/predtest.h" #include "optimizer/restrictinfo.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/errcodes.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/typcache.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" /* * OperatorIdCache is used for caching operator identifiers for given typeId, * accessMethodId and strategyNumber. It is initialized to empty list as * there are no items in the cache. */ static List *OperatorIdCache = NIL; /* local function forward declarations */ static Oid LookupOperatorByType(Oid typeId, Oid accessMethodId, int16 strategyNumber); static bool SimpleOpExpression(Expr *clause); static Node * HashableClauseMutator(Node *originalNode, Var *partitionColumn); static bool OpExpressionContainsColumn(OpExpr *operatorExpression, Var *partitionColumn); static Var * MakeInt4Column(void); static Const * MakeInt4Constant(Datum constantValue); static OpExpr * MakeHashedOperatorExpression(OpExpr *operatorExpression); static OpExpr * MakeOpExpressionWithZeroConst(void); static List * BuildRestrictInfoList(List *qualList); static Node * BuildBaseConstraint(Var *column); static void UpdateConstraint(Node *baseConstraint, ShardInterval *shardInterval); /* * PruneShardList prunes shards from given list based on the selection criteria, * and returns remaining shards in another list. */ List * PruneShardList(Oid relationId, List *whereClauseList, List *shardIntervalList) { List *remainingShardList = NIL; ListCell *shardIntervalCell = NULL; List *restrictInfoList = NIL; Node *baseConstraint = NULL; Var *partitionColumn = PartitionColumn(relationId); char partitionMethod = PartitionType(relationId); /* build the filter clause list for the partition method */ switch (partitionMethod) { case APPEND_PARTITION_TYPE: case RANGE_PARTITION_TYPE: { restrictInfoList = BuildRestrictInfoList(whereClauseList); break; } case HASH_PARTITION_TYPE: { Node *hashedNode = HashableClauseMutator((Node *) whereClauseList, partitionColumn); List *hashedClauseList = (List *) hashedNode; restrictInfoList = BuildRestrictInfoList(hashedClauseList); /* override the partition column for hash partitioning */ partitionColumn = MakeInt4Column(); break; } default: { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("unsupported table partition type: %c", partitionMethod))); } } /* build the base expression for constraint */ baseConstraint = BuildBaseConstraint(partitionColumn); /* walk over shard list and check if shards can be pruned */ foreach(shardIntervalCell, shardIntervalList) { ShardInterval *shardInterval = lfirst(shardIntervalCell); List *constraintList = NIL; bool shardPruned = false; /* set the min/max values in the base constraint */ UpdateConstraint(baseConstraint, shardInterval); constraintList = list_make1(baseConstraint); shardPruned = predicate_refuted_by(constraintList, restrictInfoList); if (shardPruned) { ereport(DEBUG2, (errmsg("predicate pruning for shard with ID " INT64_FORMAT, shardInterval->id))); } else { remainingShardList = lappend(remainingShardList, &(shardInterval->id)); } } return remainingShardList; } /* * BuildRestrictInfoList builds restrict info list using the selection criteria, * and then return this list. Note that this function assumes there is only one * relation for now. */ static List * BuildRestrictInfoList(List *qualList) { List *restrictInfoList = NIL; ListCell *qualCell = NULL; foreach(qualCell, qualList) { RestrictInfo *restrictInfo = NULL; Node *qualNode = (Node *) lfirst(qualCell); restrictInfo = make_simple_restrictinfo((Expr *) qualNode); restrictInfoList = lappend(restrictInfoList, restrictInfo); } return restrictInfoList; } /* * BuildBaseConstraint builds and returns a base constraint. This constraint * implements an expression in the form of (column <= max && column >= min), * where column is the partition key, and min and max values represent a shard's * min and max values. These shard values are filled in after the constraint is * built. */ static Node * BuildBaseConstraint(Var *column) { Node *baseConstraint = NULL; OpExpr *lessThanExpr = NULL; OpExpr *greaterThanExpr = NULL; /* Build these expressions with only one argument for now */ lessThanExpr = MakeOpExpression(column, BTLessEqualStrategyNumber); greaterThanExpr = MakeOpExpression(column, BTGreaterEqualStrategyNumber); /* Build base constaint as an and of two qual conditions */ baseConstraint = make_and_qual((Node *) lessThanExpr, (Node *) greaterThanExpr); return baseConstraint; } /* Updates the base constraint with the given min/max values. */ static void UpdateConstraint(Node *baseConstraint, ShardInterval *shardInterval) { BoolExpr *andExpr = (BoolExpr *) baseConstraint; Node *lessThanExpr = (Node *) linitial(andExpr->args); Node *greaterThanExpr = (Node *) lsecond(andExpr->args); Node *minNode = get_rightop((Expr *) greaterThanExpr); /* right op */ Node *maxNode = get_rightop((Expr *) lessThanExpr); /* right op */ Const *minConstant = NULL; Const *maxConstant = NULL; Assert(shardInterval != NULL); Assert(IsA(minNode, Const)); Assert(IsA(maxNode, Const)); minConstant = (Const *) minNode; maxConstant = (Const *) maxNode; minConstant->constvalue = shardInterval->minValue; maxConstant->constvalue = shardInterval->maxValue; minConstant->constisnull = false; maxConstant->constisnull = false; minConstant->constbyval = true; maxConstant->constbyval = true; } /* * MakeOpExpression builds an operator expression node. This operator expression * implements the operator clause as defined by the variable and the strategy * number. */ OpExpr * MakeOpExpression(Var *variable, int16 strategyNumber) { Oid typeId = variable->vartype; Oid typeModId = variable->vartypmod; Oid collationId = variable->varcollid; Oid accessMethodId = BTREE_AM_OID; Oid operatorId = InvalidOid; Const *constantValue = NULL; OpExpr *expression = NULL; /* Load the operator from system catalogs */ operatorId = LookupOperatorByType(typeId, accessMethodId, strategyNumber); constantValue = makeNullConst(typeId, typeModId, collationId); /* Now make the expression with the given variable and a null constant */ expression = (OpExpr *) make_opclause(operatorId, InvalidOid, /* no result type yet */ false, /* no return set */ (Expr *) variable, (Expr *) constantValue, InvalidOid, collationId); /* Set implementing function id and result type */ expression->opfuncid = get_opcode(operatorId); expression->opresulttype = get_func_rettype(expression->opfuncid); return expression; } /* * LookupOperatorByType is a wrapper around GetOperatorByType that uses a cache * to avoid multiple lookups of operators within a single session by their types. */ static Oid LookupOperatorByType(Oid typeId, Oid accessMethodId, int16 strategyNumber) { OperatorIdCacheEntry *matchingCacheEntry = NULL; ListCell *cacheEntryCell = NULL; /* search the cache */ foreach(cacheEntryCell, OperatorIdCache) { OperatorIdCacheEntry *cacheEntry = lfirst(cacheEntryCell); if ((cacheEntry->typeId == typeId) && (cacheEntry->accessMethodId == accessMethodId) && (cacheEntry->strategyNumber == strategyNumber)) { matchingCacheEntry = cacheEntry; break; } } /* if not found in the cache, call GetOperatorByType and put the result in cache */ if (matchingCacheEntry == NULL) { MemoryContext oldContext = NULL; Oid operatorId = GetOperatorByType(typeId, accessMethodId, strategyNumber); if (operatorId == InvalidOid) { /* if operatorId is invalid, return and do not cache its value */ return operatorId; } oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(CacheMemoryContext); matchingCacheEntry = palloc0(sizeof(OperatorIdCacheEntry)); matchingCacheEntry->typeId = typeId; matchingCacheEntry->accessMethodId = accessMethodId; matchingCacheEntry->strategyNumber = strategyNumber; matchingCacheEntry->operatorId = operatorId; OperatorIdCache = lappend(OperatorIdCache, matchingCacheEntry); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext); } return matchingCacheEntry->operatorId; } /* * GetOperatorByType returns the operator oid for the given type, access * method, and strategy number. */ Oid GetOperatorByType(Oid typeId, Oid accessMethodId, int16 strategyNumber) { /* get default operator class from pg_opclass */ Oid operatorClassId = GetDefaultOpClass(typeId, accessMethodId); Oid operatorFamily = get_opclass_family(operatorClassId); Oid operatorClassInputType = get_opclass_input_type(operatorClassId); /* lookup for the operator with the desired input type in the family */ Oid operatorId = get_opfamily_member(operatorFamily, operatorClassInputType, operatorClassInputType, strategyNumber); return operatorId; } /* * SimpleOpExpression checks that given expression is a simple operator * expression. A simple operator expression is a binary operator expression with * operands of a var and a non-null constant. */ static bool SimpleOpExpression(Expr *clause) { Node *leftOperand = NULL; Node *rightOperand = NULL; Const *constantClause = NULL; if (is_opclause(clause) && list_length(((OpExpr *) clause)->args) == 2) { leftOperand = get_leftop(clause); rightOperand = get_rightop(clause); } else { return false; /* not a binary opclause */ } if (IsA(rightOperand, Const) && IsA(leftOperand, Var)) { constantClause = (Const *) rightOperand; } else if (IsA(leftOperand, Const) && IsA(rightOperand, Var)) { constantClause = (Const *) leftOperand; } else { return false; } if (constantClause->constisnull) { return false; } return true; } /* * HashableClauseMutator walks over the original where clause list, replaces * hashable nodes with hashed versions and keeps other nodes as they are. */ static Node * HashableClauseMutator(Node *originalNode, Var *partitionColumn) { Node *newNode = NULL; if (originalNode == NULL) { return NULL; } if (IsA(originalNode, OpExpr)) { OpExpr *operatorExpression = (OpExpr *) originalNode; bool hasPartitionColumn = false; Oid leftHashFunction = InvalidOid; Oid rightHashFunction = InvalidOid; bool hasHashFunction = get_op_hash_functions(operatorExpression->opno, &leftHashFunction, &rightHashFunction); bool simpleOpExpression = SimpleOpExpression((Expr *) operatorExpression); if (simpleOpExpression) { hasPartitionColumn = OpExpressionContainsColumn(operatorExpression, partitionColumn); } if (hasHashFunction && hasPartitionColumn) { OpExpr *hashedOperatorExpression = MakeHashedOperatorExpression((OpExpr *) originalNode); newNode = (Node *) hashedOperatorExpression; } } else if (IsA(originalNode, NullTest)) { NullTest *nullTest = (NullTest *) originalNode; Var *column = NULL; Expr *nullTestOperand = nullTest->arg; if (IsA(nullTestOperand, Var)) { column = (Var *) nullTestOperand; } if ((column != NULL) && equal(column, partitionColumn) && (nullTest->nulltesttype == IS_NULL)) { OpExpr *opExpressionWithZeroConst = MakeOpExpressionWithZeroConst(); newNode = (Node *) opExpressionWithZeroConst; } } else if (IsA(originalNode, ScalarArrayOpExpr)) { ereport(NOTICE, (errmsg("cannot use shard pruning with ANY (array expression)"), errhint("Consider rewriting the expression with OR clauses."))); } /* * If this node is not hashable, continue walking down the expression tree * to find and hash clauses which are eligible. */ if (newNode == NULL) { newNode = expression_tree_mutator(originalNode, HashableClauseMutator, (void *) partitionColumn); } return newNode; } /* * OpExpressionContainsColumn checks if the operator expression contains the * given partition column. We assume that given operator expression is a simple * operator expression which means it is a binary operator expression with * operands of a var and a non-null constant. */ static bool OpExpressionContainsColumn(OpExpr *operatorExpression, Var *partitionColumn) { Node *leftOperand = get_leftop((Expr *) operatorExpression); Node *rightOperand = get_rightop((Expr *) operatorExpression); Var *column = NULL; if (IsA(leftOperand, Var)) { column = (Var *) leftOperand; } else { column = (Var *) rightOperand; } return equal(column, partitionColumn); } /* * MakeHashedOperatorExpression creates a new operator expression with a column * of int4 type and hashed constant value. */ static OpExpr * MakeHashedOperatorExpression(OpExpr *operatorExpression) { const Oid hashResultTypeId = INT4OID; TypeCacheEntry *hashResultTypeEntry = NULL; Oid operatorId = InvalidOid; OpExpr *hashedExpression = NULL; Var *hashedColumn = NULL; Datum hashedValue = 0; Const *hashedConstant = NULL; FmgrInfo *hashFunction = NULL; TypeCacheEntry *typeEntry = NULL; Node *leftOperand = get_leftop((Expr *) operatorExpression); Node *rightOperand = get_rightop((Expr *) operatorExpression); Const *constant = NULL; if (IsA(rightOperand, Const)) { constant = (Const *) rightOperand; } else { constant = (Const *) leftOperand; } /* Load the operator from type cache */ hashResultTypeEntry = lookup_type_cache(hashResultTypeId, TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR); operatorId = hashResultTypeEntry->eq_opr; /* Get a column with int4 type */ hashedColumn = MakeInt4Column(); /* Load the hash function from type cache */ typeEntry = lookup_type_cache(constant->consttype, TYPECACHE_HASH_PROC_FINFO); hashFunction = &(typeEntry->hash_proc_finfo); if (!OidIsValid(hashFunction->fn_oid)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION), errmsg("could not identify a hash function for type %s", format_type_be(constant->consttype)), errdatatype(constant->consttype))); } /* * Note that any changes to PostgreSQL's hashing functions will change the * new value created by this function. */ hashedValue = FunctionCall1(hashFunction, constant->constvalue); hashedConstant = MakeInt4Constant(hashedValue); /* Now create the expression with modified partition column and hashed constant */ hashedExpression = (OpExpr *) make_opclause(operatorId, InvalidOid, /* no result type yet */ false, /* no return set */ (Expr *) hashedColumn, (Expr *) hashedConstant, InvalidOid, InvalidOid); /* Set implementing function id and result type */ hashedExpression->opfuncid = get_opcode(operatorId); hashedExpression->opresulttype = get_func_rettype(hashedExpression->opfuncid); return hashedExpression; } /* * MakeInt4Column creates a column of int4 type with invalid table id and max * attribute number. */ static Var * MakeInt4Column() { Index tableId = 0; AttrNumber columnAttributeNumber = RESERVED_HASHED_COLUMN_ID; Oid columnType = INT4OID; int32 columnTypeMod = -1; Oid columnCollationOid = InvalidOid; Index columnLevelSup = 0; Var *int4Column = makeVar(tableId, columnAttributeNumber, columnType, columnTypeMod, columnCollationOid, columnLevelSup); return int4Column; } /* * MakeInt4Constant creates a new constant of int4 type and assigns the given * value as a constant value. */ static Const * MakeInt4Constant(Datum constantValue) { Oid constantType = INT4OID; int32 constantTypeMode = -1; Oid constantCollationId = InvalidOid; int constantLength = sizeof(int32); bool constantIsNull = false; bool constantByValue = true; Const *int4Constant = makeConst(constantType, constantTypeMode, constantCollationId, constantLength, constantValue, constantIsNull, constantByValue); return int4Constant; } /* * MakeOpExpressionWithZeroConst creates a new operator expression with equality * check to zero and returns it. */ static OpExpr * MakeOpExpressionWithZeroConst() { Var *int4Column = MakeInt4Column(); OpExpr *operatorExpression = MakeOpExpression(int4Column, BTEqualStrategyNumber); Const *constant = (Const *) get_rightop((Expr *) operatorExpression); constant->constvalue = Int32GetDatum(0); constant->constisnull = false; return operatorExpression; }