/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * src/generate_ddl_commands.c * * This file contains functions to retrieve ddl commands for a table. Functions * contained here are borrowed from CitusDB. * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Citus Data, Inc. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "c.h" #include "ddl_commands.h" /* IWYU pragma: keep */ #include #include "access/attnum.h" #include "access/genam.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/htup.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "access/skey.h" #include "access/tupdesc.h" #include "catalog/dependency.h" #include "catalog/indexing.h" #include "catalog/pg_attribute.h" #include "catalog/pg_class.h" #include "catalog/pg_index.h" #include "commands/defrem.h" #include "foreign/foreign.h" #include "lib/stringinfo.h" #include "nodes/nodes.h" #include "nodes/parsenodes.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "storage/lock.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/elog.h" #include "utils/errcodes.h" #include "utils/fmgroids.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/palloc.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/relcache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "utils/tqual.h" /* local function forward declarations */ static char * pg_shard_get_tableschemadef_string(Oid tableRelationId); static char * generate_relation_name(Oid relationId); static char * pg_shard_get_tablecolumnoptionsdef_string(Oid tableRelationId); static char * pg_shard_get_indexclusterdef_string(Oid indexRelationId); /* * TableDDLCommandList takes in a relationId, and returns the list of DDL * command needed to reconstruct the relation. These DDL commands are all * palloced; and include the table's schema definition, optional column * storage and statistics definitions, and index and constraint defitions. */ List * TableDDLCommandList(Oid relationId) { List *tableDDLCommandList = NIL; char *tableSchemaDef = NULL; char *tableColumnOptionsDef = NULL; Relation pgIndex = NULL; SysScanDesc scanDescriptor = NULL; ScanKeyData scanKey[1]; int scanKeyCount = 1; HeapTuple heapTuple = NULL; /* fetch table schema and column option definitions */ tableSchemaDef = pg_shard_get_tableschemadef_string(relationId); tableColumnOptionsDef = pg_shard_get_tablecolumnoptionsdef_string(relationId); tableDDLCommandList = lappend(tableDDLCommandList, tableSchemaDef); if (tableColumnOptionsDef != NULL) { tableDDLCommandList = lappend(tableDDLCommandList, tableColumnOptionsDef); } /* open system catalog and scan all indexes that belong to this table */ pgIndex = heap_open(IndexRelationId, AccessShareLock); ScanKeyInit(&scanKey[0], Anum_pg_index_indrelid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_OIDEQ, relationId); scanDescriptor = systable_beginscan(pgIndex, IndexIndrelidIndexId, true, /* indexOK */ SnapshotSelf, scanKeyCount, scanKey); heapTuple = systable_getnext(scanDescriptor); while (HeapTupleIsValid(heapTuple)) { Form_pg_index indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(heapTuple); Oid indexId = indexForm->indexrelid; bool isConstraint = false; char *statementDef = NULL; /* * A primary key index is always created by a constraint statement. * A unique key index is created by a constraint if and only if the * index has a corresponding constraint entry in pg_depend. Any other * index form is never associated with a constraint. */ if (indexForm->indisprimary) { isConstraint = true; } else if (indexForm->indisunique) { Oid constraintId = get_index_constraint(indexId); isConstraint = OidIsValid(constraintId); } else { isConstraint = false; } /* get the corresponding constraint or index statement */ if (isConstraint) { Oid constraintId = get_index_constraint(indexId); Assert(constraintId != InvalidOid); statementDef = pg_get_constraintdef_string(constraintId); } else { statementDef = pg_get_indexdef_string(indexId); } /* append found constraint or index definition to the list */ tableDDLCommandList = lappend(tableDDLCommandList, statementDef); /* if table is clustered on this index, append definition to the list */ if (indexForm->indisclustered) { char *clusteredDef = pg_shard_get_indexclusterdef_string(indexId); Assert(clusteredDef != NULL); tableDDLCommandList = lappend(tableDDLCommandList, clusteredDef); } heapTuple = systable_getnext(scanDescriptor); } /* clean up scan and close system catalog */ systable_endscan(scanDescriptor); heap_close(pgIndex, AccessShareLock); return tableDDLCommandList; } /* * pg_get_tableschemadef_string returns the definition of a given table. This * definition includes table's schema, default column values, not null and check * constraints. The definition does not include constraints that trigger index * creations; specifically, unique and primary key constraints are excluded. */ static char * pg_shard_get_tableschemadef_string(Oid tableRelationId) { Relation relation = NULL; char *relationName = NULL; char relationKind = 0; TupleDesc tupleDescriptor = NULL; TupleConstr *tupleConstraints = NULL; int attributeIndex = 0; bool firstAttributePrinted = false; AttrNumber defaultValueIndex = 0; AttrNumber constraintIndex = 0; AttrNumber constraintCount = 0; StringInfoData buffer = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; /* * Instead of retrieving values from system catalogs as other functions in * ruleutils.c do, we follow an unusual approach here: we open the relation, * and fetch the relation's tuple descriptor. We do this because the tuple * descriptor already contains information harnessed from pg_attrdef, * pg_attribute, pg_constraint, and pg_class; and therefore using the * descriptor saves us from a lot of additional work. */ relation = relation_open(tableRelationId, AccessShareLock); relationName = generate_relation_name(tableRelationId); relationKind = relation->rd_rel->relkind; if (relationKind != RELKIND_RELATION && relationKind != RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("%s is not a regular or foreign table", relationName))); } initStringInfo(&buffer); if (relationKind == RELKIND_RELATION) { appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CREATE TABLE %s (", relationName); } else { appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CREATE FOREIGN TABLE %s (", relationName); } /* * Iterate over the table's columns. If a particular column is not dropped * and is not inherited from another table, print the column's name and its * formatted type. */ tupleDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(relation); tupleConstraints = tupleDescriptor->constr; for (attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < tupleDescriptor->natts; attributeIndex++) { Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = tupleDescriptor->attrs[attributeIndex]; if (!attributeForm->attisdropped && attributeForm->attinhcount == 0) { const char *attributeName = NULL; const char *attributeTypeName = NULL; if (firstAttributePrinted) { appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ", "); } firstAttributePrinted = true; attributeName = NameStr(attributeForm->attname); appendStringInfo(&buffer, "%s ", quote_identifier(attributeName)); attributeTypeName = format_type_with_typemod(attributeForm->atttypid, attributeForm->atttypmod); appendStringInfoString(&buffer, attributeTypeName); /* if this column has a default value, append the default value */ if (attributeForm->atthasdef) { AttrDefault *defaultValueList = NULL; AttrDefault *defaultValue = NULL; Node *defaultNode = NULL; List *defaultContext = NULL; char *defaultString = NULL; Assert(tupleConstraints != NULL); defaultValueList = tupleConstraints->defval; Assert(defaultValueList != NULL); defaultValue = &(defaultValueList[defaultValueIndex]); defaultValueIndex++; Assert(defaultValue->adnum == (attributeIndex + 1)); Assert(defaultValueIndex <= tupleConstraints->num_defval); /* convert expression to node tree, and prepare deparse context */ defaultNode = (Node *) stringToNode(defaultValue->adbin); defaultContext = deparse_context_for(relationName, tableRelationId); /* deparse default value string */ defaultString = deparse_expression(defaultNode, defaultContext, false, false); appendStringInfo(&buffer, " DEFAULT %s", defaultString); } /* if this column has a not null constraint, append the constraint */ if (attributeForm->attnotnull) { appendStringInfoString(&buffer, " NOT NULL"); } } } /* * Now check if the table has any constraints. If it does, set the number of * check constraints here. Then iterate over all check constraints and print * them. */ if (tupleConstraints != NULL) { constraintCount = tupleConstraints->num_check; } for (constraintIndex = 0; constraintIndex < constraintCount; constraintIndex++) { ConstrCheck *checkConstraintList = tupleConstraints->check; ConstrCheck *checkConstraint = &(checkConstraintList[constraintIndex]); Node *checkNode = NULL; List *checkContext = NULL; char *checkString = NULL; /* if an attribute or constraint has been printed, format properly */ if (firstAttributePrinted || constraintIndex > 0) { appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ", "); } appendStringInfo(&buffer, "CONSTRAINT %s CHECK ", quote_identifier(checkConstraint->ccname)); /* convert expression to node tree, and prepare deparse context */ checkNode = (Node *) stringToNode(checkConstraint->ccbin); checkContext = deparse_context_for(relationName, tableRelationId); /* deparse check constraint string */ checkString = deparse_expression(checkNode, checkContext, false, false); appendStringInfoString(&buffer, checkString); } /* close create table's outer parentheses */ appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ")"); /* * If the relation is a foreign table, append the server name and options to * the create table statement. */ if (relationKind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) { ForeignTable *foreignTable = GetForeignTable(tableRelationId); ForeignServer *foreignServer = GetForeignServer(foreignTable->serverid); char *serverName = foreignServer->servername; appendStringInfo(&buffer, " SERVER %s", quote_identifier(serverName)); AppendOptionListToString(&buffer, foreignTable->options); } relation_close(relation, AccessShareLock); return (buffer.data); } /* * generate_relation_name generates a schema qualified relation name for the * given relationId. Note: This function is adapted from generate_relation_name * from postgres ruleutils.c. */ static char * generate_relation_name(Oid relationId) { HeapTuple tp; Form_pg_class reltup; char *relname; char *nspname; char *result; tp = SearchSysCache1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(relationId)); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tp)) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cache lookup failed for relation %u", relationId))); } reltup = (Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tp); relname = NameStr(reltup->relname); nspname = get_namespace_name(reltup->relnamespace); result = quote_qualified_identifier(nspname, relname); ReleaseSysCache(tp); return result; } /* * AppendOptionListToString converts the option list to its textual format, and * appends this text to the given string buffer. */ void AppendOptionListToString(StringInfo stringBuffer, List *optionList) { if (optionList != NIL) { ListCell *optionCell = NULL; bool firstOptionPrinted = false; appendStringInfo(stringBuffer, " OPTIONS ("); foreach(optionCell, optionList) { DefElem *option = (DefElem *) lfirst(optionCell); char *optionName = option->defname; char *optionValue = defGetString(option); if (firstOptionPrinted) { appendStringInfo(stringBuffer, ", "); } firstOptionPrinted = true; appendStringInfo(stringBuffer, "%s ", quote_identifier(optionName)); appendStringInfo(stringBuffer, "%s", quote_literal_cstr(optionValue)); } appendStringInfo(stringBuffer, ")"); } } /* * pg_get_tablecolumnoptionsdef_string returns column storage type and column * statistics definitions for given table, _if_ these definitions differ from * their default values. The function returns null if all columns use default * values for their storage types and statistics. */ static char * pg_shard_get_tablecolumnoptionsdef_string(Oid tableRelationId) { Relation relation = NULL; char *relationName = NULL; char relationKind = 0; TupleDesc tupleDescriptor = NULL; AttrNumber attributeIndex = 0; List *columnOptionList = NIL; ListCell *columnOptionCell = NULL; bool firstOptionPrinted = false; StringInfoData buffer = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; /* * Instead of retrieving values from system catalogs, we open the relation, * and use the relation's tuple descriptor to access attribute information. * This is primarily to maintain symmetry with pg_get_tableschemadef. */ relation = relation_open(tableRelationId, AccessShareLock); relationName = generate_relation_name(tableRelationId); relationKind = relation->rd_rel->relkind; if (relationKind != RELKIND_RELATION && relationKind != RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("%s is not a regular or foreign table", relationName))); } /* * Iterate over the table's columns. If a particular column is not dropped * and is not inherited from another table, check if column storage or * statistics statements need to be printed. */ tupleDescriptor = RelationGetDescr(relation); for (attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < tupleDescriptor->natts; attributeIndex++) { Form_pg_attribute attributeForm = tupleDescriptor->attrs[attributeIndex]; char *attributeName = NameStr(attributeForm->attname); char defaultStorageType = get_typstorage(attributeForm->atttypid); if (!attributeForm->attisdropped && attributeForm->attinhcount == 0) { /* * If the user changed the column's default storage type, create * alter statement and add statement to a list for later processing. */ if (attributeForm->attstorage != defaultStorageType) { char *storageName = 0; StringInfoData statement = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; initStringInfo(&statement); switch (attributeForm->attstorage) { case 'p': { storageName = "PLAIN"; break; } case 'e': { storageName = "EXTERNAL"; break; } case 'm': { storageName = "MAIN"; break; } case 'x': { storageName = "EXTENDED"; break; } default: { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("unrecognized storage type: %c", attributeForm->attstorage))); break; } } appendStringInfo(&statement, "ALTER COLUMN %s ", quote_identifier(attributeName)); appendStringInfo(&statement, "SET STORAGE %s", storageName); columnOptionList = lappend(columnOptionList, statement.data); } /* * If the user changed the column's statistics target, create * alter statement and add statement to a list for later processing. */ if (attributeForm->attstattarget >= 0) { StringInfoData statement = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; initStringInfo(&statement); appendStringInfo(&statement, "ALTER COLUMN %s ", quote_identifier(attributeName)); appendStringInfo(&statement, "SET STATISTICS %d", attributeForm->attstattarget); columnOptionList = lappend(columnOptionList, statement.data); } } } /* * Iterate over column storage and statistics statements that we created, * and append them to a single alter table statement. */ foreach(columnOptionCell, columnOptionList) { char *columnOptionStatement = (char *) lfirst(columnOptionCell); if (!firstOptionPrinted) { initStringInfo(&buffer); appendStringInfo(&buffer, "ALTER TABLE ONLY %s ", generate_relation_name(tableRelationId)); } else { appendStringInfoString(&buffer, ", "); } firstOptionPrinted = true; appendStringInfoString(&buffer, columnOptionStatement); pfree(columnOptionStatement); } list_free(columnOptionList); relation_close(relation, AccessShareLock); return (buffer.data); } /* * pg_get_indexclusterdef_string returns the definition of a cluster statement * for a given index. The function returns null if the table is not clustered on * the given index. */ static char * pg_shard_get_indexclusterdef_string(Oid indexRelationId) { HeapTuple indexTuple = NULL; Form_pg_index indexForm = NULL; Oid tableRelationId = InvalidOid; StringInfoData buffer = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; indexTuple = SearchSysCache(INDEXRELID, ObjectIdGetDatum(indexRelationId), 0, 0, 0); if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple)) { ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("cache lookup failed for index %u", indexRelationId))); } indexForm = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple); tableRelationId = indexForm->indrelid; /* check if the table is clustered on this index */ if (indexForm->indisclustered) { char *tableName = generate_relation_name(tableRelationId); char *indexName = get_rel_name(indexRelationId); /* needs to be quoted */ initStringInfo(&buffer); appendStringInfo(&buffer, "ALTER TABLE %s CLUSTER ON %s", tableName, quote_identifier(indexName)); } ReleaseSysCache(indexTuple); return (buffer.data); }