# pg_set_level pg_set_level is a PostgreSQL extension which allows to customize the SET statement. # Installation ## Compiling This module can be built using the standard PGXS infrastructure. For this to work, the `pg_config` program must be available in your $PATH: `git clone https://github.com/pierreforstmann/pg_set_level.git`
`cd pg_set_level`
`make install`
## PostgreSQL setup Extension must be loaded at server level with `shared_preload_libraries` parameter:
`shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_set_level'`
It can also be created with following SQL statement at server level:
`create extension pg_set_level;`
This extension has been validated with PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. ## Usage pg_set_level has 2 specific GUC parameters:
- `pg_set_level.names` which is the list of GUC comma separated parameters for which SET statement must be modified
- `ps_set_level.actions` which is the list of comma separated actions to run when SET statement is run. Action can be one the message severity level: INFO, NOTICE, WARNING, ERROR, LOG, FATAL. The first action is run for first parameter and so on.
Note that pg_set_level only works for the SET statement: it does not take into account `set_config` function call for any GUC parameter.
## Example To generate an error when `SET work_mem` is run, add in `postgresql.conf`:
Run from psql:
`# show work_mem;`
` work_mem`
` 4MB `
`(1 row)` `# set work_mem='1G';`
`ERROR: pg_set_level: set work_mem='1G';`