-- regression test script for pg_sample_ext (version 1.0.1) -- Create the extension CREATE EXTENSION pg_sample_ext; -- Test case 1: Verify the square function SELECT square(5) AS result, 25 AS expected_result; result | expected_result --------+----------------- 25 | 25 (1 row) -- Test case 2: Verify the square function with a negative number SELECT square(-4) AS result, 16 AS expected_result; result | expected_result --------+----------------- 16 | 16 (1 row) -- Test case 3: Verify the person_type composite type CREATE TABLE my_table ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, person person_type ); INSERT INTO my_table (person) VALUES (('John', 30)); SELECT * FROM my_table; id | person ----+----------- 1 | (John,30) (1 row) -- Test case 4: Verify the status_type enumerated type CREATE TABLE status_table ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, status status_type ); INSERT INTO status_table (status) VALUES ('active'); SELECT * FROM status_table; id | status ----+-------- 1 | active (1 row) -- Test case 5: Verify the positive_integer domain type CREATE TABLE positive_integer_table ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, value positive_integer ); INSERT INTO positive_integer_table (value) VALUES (42); SELECT * FROM positive_integer_table; id | value ----+------- 1 | 42 (1 row)