-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_safer_settings" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Don't quote `PUBLIC` in `GRANT … TO PUBLIC`. create or replace function pg_safer_settings_table__create_or_replace_getters() returns trigger set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _func_name name; _col_name name; _col_type text; _col_no int; _val_old text; _val_new text; _pg_safer_settings_table pg_safer_settings_table; _col_privilege information_schema.column_privileges; begin assert tg_when = 'AFTER'; assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE'); assert tg_relid in (select table_regclass from pg_safer_settings_table); select * into _pg_safer_settings_table from pg_safer_settings_table where pg_safer_settings_table.table_regclass = tg_relid ; for _col_name ,_col_type ,_col_no in select columns.column_name ,coalesce( quote_ident(columns.domain_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(columns.domain_name), quote_ident(columns.udt_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(columns.udt_name) ) ,columns.ordinal_position from pg_safer_settings_table_columns(tg_table_schema, tg_table_name) as columns loop _func_name := _pg_safer_settings_table.setting_getter_prefix || _col_name; execute format('SELECT %s.%I::TEXT', '$1', _col_name) using NEW into _val_new; if tg_op = 'UPDATE' then execute format('SELECT %s.%I::TEXT', '$1', _col_name) using OLD into _val_old; else _val_old := null; end if; if _val_old is distinct from _val_new or to_regproc(quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(_func_name) || '()') is null then if _col_name like _pg_safer_settings_table.secret_setting_prefix || '%' then execute 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(_func_name) || '()' || ' RETURNS ' || _col_type || ' LANGUAGE SQL' || ' STABLE LEAKPROOF PARALLEL SAFE' || ' RETURN (SELECT ' || quote_ident(_col_name) || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(tg_table_name) || ')'; else execute 'CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(_func_name) || '()' || ' RETURNS ' || _col_type || ' LANGUAGE SQL' || ' IMMUTABLE LEAKPROOF PARALLEL SAFE' || ' RETURN ' || quote_nullable(_val_new) || '::' || _col_type; end if; execute 'COMMENT ON FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(_func_name) || '()' || $sqlstr$ IS $md$This function was generated by the `$sqlstr$ || tg_name || $sqlstr$` trigger on the `$sqlstr$ || tg_table_schema || $sqlstr$.$sqlstr$ || tg_table_name || $sqlstr$` table. This function wraps around the value of the `$sqlstr$ || tg_table_name || $sqlstr$.$sqlstr$ || _col_name || $sqlstr$` column and is automatically recreated every time that the value of that column changes. $sqlstr$ || case when col_description(tg_relid, _col_no) is not null then $sqlstr$ See [`$sqlstr$ || tg_table_name || $sqlstr$`](#table-$sqlstr$ || tg_table_name || $sqlstr$) for documentation on the underlying column. $sqlstr$ else '' end || $sqlstr$ $md$ $sqlstr$; end if; for _col_privilege in select column_privileges.* from information_schema.column_privileges where column_privileges.table_schema = tg_table_schema and column_privileges.table_name = tg_table_name and column_privileges.column_name = _col_name and column_privileges.privilege_type = 'SELECT' loop execute 'GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION ' || quote_ident(tg_table_schema) || '.' || quote_ident(_func_name) || '()' || ' TO ' || case when _col_privilege.grantee = 'PUBLIC' then 'PUBLIC' else quote_ident(_col_privilege.grantee) end || case when _col_privilege.is_grantable = 'YES' then ' WITH GRANT OPTION' else '' end; end loop; end loop; return NEW; end; $$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------