-- Complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION. \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_rowalesce" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add test to expose `null_value_not_allowed` bug. create or replace procedure test__pg_rowalesce() language plpgsql set search_path from current set plpgsql.check_asserts to true as $$ declare _rec record; begin create local temporary table _tbl ( col1 int default 9 ,col2 text default 'iets' ,col3 bool default true ,col4 timestamptz default now() ); assert table_defaults('_tbl')::text = hstore('"col1"=>"9","col2"=>"iets","col3"=>"t",col4=>"' || now()::text || '"')::text; assert table_defaults('_tbl', ''::hstore) = ''::hstore ,'table_defaults() should be okay with having nothing to do.'; assert rowalesce( row(4, null, null, now())::_tbl ,row(5, 'blah', null, now() + interval '1 day')::_tbl ) = row(4, 'blah', null, now())::_tbl ,'NULL values (and _only_ NULL values) should be rowalesced.'; assert rowalesce_with_defaults( row(4, null, null, now())::_tbl ,row(5, 'blah', null, now() + interval '1 day')::_tbl ) = row(4, 'blah', true, now())::_tbl ,'NULL values in arguments should be rowalesced, and fall back to table defaults.'; assert rowalesce( '{"col1": 4, "col4": "2022-01-01"}'::jsonb, null::_tbl, row(null, null, false, null)::_tbl ) = row(4, null, false, '2022-01-01'::timestamptz)::_tbl; assert rowalesce_with_defaults( '{"col1": 4, "col4": "2022-01-01"}'::jsonb, null::_tbl ) = row(4, 'iets', true, '2022-01-01'::timestamptz)::_tbl; assert rowalesce( '{"col1": 4, "col4": "2022-01-01"}'::jsonb, row(5, 'blah', null, '2022-12-31'::timestamptz)::_tbl, null::_tbl, null::_tbl ) = row(4, 'blah', null, '2022-01-01'::timestamptz)::_tbl; assert rowalesce_with_defaults( '{"col4": "2022-01-01"}'::jsonb, row(null, 'blah', null, '2022-12-31'::timestamptz)::_tbl, null::_tbl, null::_tbl ) = row(9, 'blah', true, '2022-01-01'::timestamptz)::_tbl; assert rowalesce( 'col1=>4,col4=>"2022-01-01"'::hstore, row(5, 'blah', null, '2022-12-31'::timestamptz)::_tbl ) = row(4, 'blah', null, '2022-01-01'::timestamptz)::_tbl; assert rowalesce_with_defaults( 'col1=>4,col4=>"2022-01-01"'::hstore, row(5, 'blah', null, '2022-12-31'::timestamptz)::_tbl ) = row(4, 'blah', true, '2022-01-01'::timestamptz)::_tbl; /* assert record_rowalesce_with_defaults( _rec, row(5, 'blah', null, now() + interval '1 day')::_tbl ) = row(4, 'blah', true, now())::_tbl; */ raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Be okay when no defaults are found among the columns to include. create or replace function table_defaults(pg_class$ regclass, include_columns$ hstore = null) returns hstore set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _record record; _default_expressions_to_execute text; begin _default_expressions_to_execute := ( select string_agg( format( '%s AS %I', pg_get_expr(pg_attrdef.adbin, pg_attrdef.adrelid), pg_attribute.attname ), ', ' ) from pg_catalog.pg_attribute join pg_catalog.pg_attrdef on pg_attrdef.adrelid = pg_attribute.attrelid and pg_attrdef.adnum = pg_attribute.attnum where pg_attribute.attrelid = $1.oid and pg_attribute.attnum > 0 and pg_attribute.atthasdef = true and pg_attribute.attgenerated = '' -- zero byte and ( include_columns$ is null or coalesce((include_columns$ -> pg_attribute.attname)::bool, false) ) ); if _default_expressions_to_execute is null then return ''::hstore; end if; execute 'SELECT ' || _default_expressions_to_execute into _record; return hstore(_record); end; $$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------