-- Complain if script is sourced in `psql`, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION`. \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_rowalesce" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on extension pg_rowalesce is $markdown$ # The `pg_rowalesce` PostgreSQL extension The `pg_rowalesce` PostgreSQL extension its defining feature is the `rowalesce()` function. `rowalesce()` is like `coalesce()`, but for rows and other composite types. From its arbitrary number of argument rows, for each field/column, `rowalesce()` takes the value from the first row for which that particular field/column has a `not null` value. `rowalesce()` comes in a number of variants: 1. `rowalesce(variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` 2. `rowalesce(in jsonb, variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` 3. `rowalesce(in record, variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` 4. `rowalesce(anyelement, jsonb, out anyelement)` These variants make it easy to combine data from different sources, as long as there is at least one argument to mark the type proper. A properly composite-typed `NULL` argument can be used to just force the correct row type, as in: ```sql select rowalesce('{"my_attr_1": 3, "my_attr_2": "b"}'::jsonb, null::my.type) ``` Besides these variations, there is also a `rowalesce_with_defaults()` variant of the first 3 of those, plus one extra, to work with the so very loose `record` type: 1. `rowalesce_with_defaults(variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` 2. `rowalesce_with_defaults(in jsonb, variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` 3. `rowalesce_with_defaults(in hstore, variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` 4. `rowalesce_with_defaults(in record, variadic anyarray, out anyelement)` `rowalesce_with_defaults()` depends on `table_defaults()`, which can also be used separately, if you wish to evaluate all of a table its default expressions (or a subset thereof) for some other purpose. Finally, there is the `insert_row()` function which makes inserting the result of these functions easier. ## Dependencies This extension only depends on the `hstore` extension. There _are_ extensions which will _enhance_ `pg_rowalesce`, but these are not necessary for its proper functioning. ## Installation Installation is done by means of a `Makefile`, which depends on the [PGXS](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/extend-pgxs.html) infrastructure that should come as part of your PostgreSQL installation. ```bash make install ``` Installing a PostgreSQL extension successfully requires access to the `$(pg_config --sharedir)/extension` directory. After the extension files have been installed by `make install`, as usual, the extension can be installes by means of: ```sql CREATE EXTENSION pg_rowalesce; ``` `pg_rowalesce` supports the `WITH SCHEMA` option of the [`CREATE EXTENSION`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createextension.html) command. ## Schema relocation `pg_rowalesce` supports schema relocation, _but_… There is one manual step involved if you want to make it work extra super-duper well: you have to call the `pg_rowalesce_relocate(name)` function, either _instead_ of `ALTER EXTENSION pg_rowalesce SET SCHEMA _new_schema_`, as ```sql SELECT pg_rowalesce_relocate('new_schema'); ``` Or _after_ `ALTER EXTENSION pg_rowalesce SET SCHEMA _new_schema_` (in which case the name of the new schema doesn't need to be supplied): ```sql ALTER EXTENSION pg_rowalesce SET SCHEMA new_schema; SELECT pg_rowalesce_relocate(); ``` ## Extension object reference ## Extension authors and contributors * [Rowan](https://www.bigsmoke.us/) originated this extension in 2022 while developing the PostgreSQL backend for the [FlashMQ SaaS MQTT cloud broker](https://www.flashmq.com/). Rowan does not like to see himself as a tech person or a tech writer, but, much to his chagrin, [he _is_](https://blog.bigsmoke.us/category/technology). Some of his chagrin about his disdain for the IT industry he poured into a book: [_Why Programming Still Sucks_](https://www.whyprogrammingstillsucks.com/). Much more than a “tech bro”, he identifies as a garden gnome, fairy and ork rolled into one, and his passion is really to [regreen and reenchant his environment](https://sapienshabitat.com/). One of his proudest achievements is to be the third generation ecological gardener to grow the wild garden around his beautiful [family holiday home in the forest of Norg, Drenthe, the Netherlands](https://www.schuilplaats-norg.nl/) (available for rent!). ## Colophon $markdown$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------