-- complain if script is sourced in `psql`, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION` \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_role_fkey_trigger_functions" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace function revoke_role_in_column1_from_role_in_column2() returns trigger security definer language plpgsql as $$ declare _granted_role_col name; _grantee_role_col name; _new_granted_role name; _new_grantee_role name; _old_granted_role name; _old_grantee_role name; begin assert tg_when = 'AFTER'; assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op in ('UPDATE', 'DELETE'); assert tg_nargs = 2, 'Names of the group and member columns are needed in the CREATE TRIGGER definition.'; _granted_role_col := tg_argv[0]; _grantee_role_col := tg_argv[1]; execute format('SELECT $1.%1$I, $1.%2$I, $2.%1$I, $2.%2$I', _granted_role_col, _grantee_role_col) using OLD, NEW into _old_granted_role, _old_grantee_role, _new_granted_role, _new_grantee_role; if tg_op = 'UPDATE' and _old_granted_role is not distinct from _new_granted_role and _old_grantee_role is not distinct from _new_grantee_role then raise assert_failure using message = format( '%I AFTER UPDATE trigger executed without any changes to %I (column 1) or %I (column 2).', tg_name, _granted_role_col, _grantee_role_col ) ,hint = format( 'Add a WHEN condition to the AFTER UPDATE trigger to make sure that this trigger' ' is only executed WHEN NEW.%1$I IS DISTINCT FROM OLD.%1$I OR NEW.%2$I IS DISTINCT' ' FROM OLD.%2$I. If %1$I or %2$I is managed by the maintain_referenced_role()' ' trigger function, make sure that this present trigger is executed _after_ the' ' trigger that executes `maintain_referenced_role()`.', _granted_role_col, _grantee_role_col ) ,table = tg_table_name ,schema = tg_table_schema; end if; execute 'REVOKE ' || quote_ident(_old_granted_role) || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(_old_grantee_role); return NEW; end; $$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------