-- -- no superuser check -- SET client_min_messages = error; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS nosuper; SET client_min_messages = warning; CREATE ROLE nosuper WITH LOGIN; -- => OK \! pg_repack --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_cluster --no-superuser-check -- => ERROR \! pg_repack --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_cluster --username=nosuper -- => ERROR \! pg_repack --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_cluster --username=nosuper --no-superuser-check GRANT ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA repack TO nosuper; GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA repack TO nosuper; -- => ERROR \! pg_repack --dbname=contrib_regression --table=tbl_cluster --username=nosuper --no-superuser-check REVOKE ALL ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA repack FROM nosuper; REVOKE USAGE ON SCHEMA repack FROM nosuper; DROP ROLE IF EXISTS nosuper;