SET client_min_messages = warning; -- -- create table. -- CREATE TABLE tbl_cluster ( col1 int, "time" timestamp, ","")" text, PRIMARY KEY (","")", col1) WITH (fillfactor = 75) ) WITH (fillfactor = 70); CREATE INDEX ","") cluster" ON tbl_cluster ("time", length(","")"), ","")" text_pattern_ops) WITH (fillfactor = 75); ALTER TABLE tbl_cluster CLUSTER ON ","") cluster"; CREATE TABLE tbl_only_pkey ( col1 int PRIMARY KEY, ","")" text ); CREATE TABLE tbl_only_ckey ( col1 int, col2 timestamp, ","")" text ) WITH (fillfactor = 70); CREATE INDEX cidx_only_ckey ON tbl_only_ckey (col2, ","")"); ALTER TABLE tbl_only_ckey CLUSTER ON cidx_only_ckey; CREATE TABLE tbl_incl_pkey ( col1 int, col2 timestamp ); -- Covering indexes were added only in PostgreSQL 11 ALTER TABLE tbl_incl_pkey ADD PRIMARY KEY (col1) INCLUDE (col2); CREATE TABLE tbl_gistkey ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, c circle ); CREATE INDEX cidx_circle ON tbl_gistkey USING gist (c); ALTER TABLE tbl_gistkey CLUSTER ON cidx_circle; CREATE TABLE tbl_with_dropped_column ( d1 text, c1 text, id integer PRIMARY KEY, d2 text, c2 text, d3 text ); ALTER INDEX tbl_with_dropped_column_pkey SET (fillfactor = 75); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_column CLUSTER ON tbl_with_dropped_column_pkey; CREATE INDEX idx_c1c2 ON tbl_with_dropped_column (c1, c2) WITH (fillfactor = 75); CREATE INDEX idx_c2c1 ON tbl_with_dropped_column (c2, c1); CREATE TABLE tbl_with_dropped_toast ( i integer, j integer, t text, PRIMARY KEY (i, j) ); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_toast CLUSTER ON tbl_with_dropped_toast_pkey; CREATE TABLE tbl_badindex ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, n integer ); CREATE TABLE tbl_idxopts ( i integer PRIMARY KEY, t text ); CREATE INDEX idxopts_t ON tbl_idxopts (t DESC NULLS LAST) WHERE (t != 'aaa'); -- Use this table to play with attribute options too ALTER TABLE tbl_idxopts ALTER i SET STATISTICS 1; ALTER TABLE tbl_idxopts ALTER t SET (n_distinct = -0.5); CREATE TABLE tbl_with_toast ( i integer PRIMARY KEY, c text ); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_toast SET (AUTOVACUUM_VACUUM_SCALE_FACTOR = 30, AUTOVACUUM_VACUUM_THRESHOLD = 300); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_toast SET (TOAST.AUTOVACUUM_VACUUM_SCALE_FACTOR = 40, TOAST.AUTOVACUUM_VACUUM_THRESHOLD = 400); CREATE TABLE tbl_with_mod_column_storage ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, c text ); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_mod_column_storage ALTER c SET STORAGE MAIN; CREATE TABLE tbl_order (c int primary key); CREATE TABLE tbl_storage_plain (c1 int primary key, c2 text); ALTER TABLE tbl_storage_plain ALTER COLUMN c1 SET STORAGE PLAIN; ALTER TABLE tbl_storage_plain ALTER COLUMN c2 SET STORAGE PLAIN; -- -- insert data -- INSERT INTO tbl_cluster VALUES(1, '2008-12-31 10:00:00', 'admin'); INSERT INTO tbl_cluster VALUES(2, '2008-01-01 00:00:00', 'king'); INSERT INTO tbl_cluster VALUES(3, '2008-03-04 12:00:00', 'joker'); INSERT INTO tbl_cluster VALUES(4, '2008-03-05 15:00:00', 'queen'); INSERT INTO tbl_cluster VALUES(5, '2008-01-01 00:30:00', sqrt(2::numeric(1000,999))::text || sqrt(3::numeric(1000,999))::text); INSERT INTO tbl_only_pkey VALUES(1, 'abc'); INSERT INTO tbl_only_pkey VALUES(2, 'def'); INSERT INTO tbl_only_ckey VALUES(1, '2008-01-01 00:00:00', 'abc'); INSERT INTO tbl_only_ckey VALUES(2, '2008-02-01 00:00:00', 'def'); INSERT INTO tbl_incl_pkey VALUES(1, '2008-01-01 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO tbl_incl_pkey VALUES(2, '2008-02-01 00:00:00'); INSERT INTO tbl_gistkey VALUES(1, '<(1,2),3>'); INSERT INTO tbl_gistkey VALUES(2, '<(4,5),6>'); INSERT INTO tbl_with_dropped_column VALUES('d1', 'c1', 2, 'd2', 'c2', 'd3'); INSERT INTO tbl_with_dropped_column VALUES('d1', 'c1', 1, 'd2', 'c2', 'd3'); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_column DROP COLUMN d1; ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_column DROP COLUMN d2; ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_column DROP COLUMN d3; ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_column ADD COLUMN c3 text; CREATE VIEW view_for_dropped_column AS SELECT * FROM tbl_with_dropped_column; INSERT INTO tbl_with_dropped_toast VALUES(1, 10, 'abc'); INSERT INTO tbl_with_dropped_toast VALUES(2, 20, sqrt(2::numeric(1000,999))::text || sqrt(3::numeric(1000,999))::text); ALTER TABLE tbl_with_dropped_toast DROP COLUMN t; INSERT INTO tbl_badindex VALUES(1, 10); INSERT INTO tbl_badindex VALUES(2, 10); -- insert data that is always stored into the toast table if column type is extended. SELECT setseed(0); INSERT INTO tbl_with_mod_column_storage SELECT 1, array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT chr((random() * (127 - 32) + 32)::int) FROM generate_series(1, 3 * 1024) code), ''); setseed --------- (1 row) --- This will fail \set VERBOSITY terse CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CONCURRENTLY idx_badindex_n ON tbl_badindex (n); ERROR: could not create unique index "idx_badindex_n" INSERT INTO tbl_idxopts VALUES (0, 'abc'), (1, 'aaa'), (2, NULL), (3, 'bbb'); -- Insert no-ordered data INSERT INTO tbl_order SELECT generate_series(100, 51, -1); CLUSTER tbl_order USING tbl_order_pkey; INSERT INTO tbl_order SELECT generate_series(50, 1, -1); -- -- before -- SELECT * FROM tbl_with_dropped_column; c1 | id | c2 | c3 ----+----+----+---- c1 | 2 | c2 | c1 | 1 | c2 | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM view_for_dropped_column; c1 | id | c2 | c3 ----+----+----+---- c1 | 2 | c2 | c1 | 1 | c2 | (2 rows) SELECT * FROM tbl_with_dropped_toast; i | j ---+---- 1 | 10 2 | 20 (2 rows) VACUUM FULL tbl_storage_plain;