/* * pg_repack: lib/pg_repack.sql.in * * Portions Copyright (c) 2008-2011, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION * Portions Copyright (c) 2011, Itagaki Takahiro * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-2020, The Reorg Development Team */ CREATE SCHEMA repack; CREATE FUNCTION repack.version() RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_version' LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.version_sql() RETURNS text AS $$SELECT 'pg_repack REPACK_VERSION'::text$$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT; -- Always specify search_path to 'pg_catalog' so that we -- always can get schema-qualified relation name CREATE FUNCTION repack.oid2text(oid) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT textin(regclassout($1)); $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT SET search_path to 'pg_catalog'; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_index_columns(oid, text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT coalesce(string_agg(quote_ident(attname), $2), '') FROM pg_attribute, (SELECT indrelid, indkey, generate_series(0, indnatts-1) AS i FROM pg_index WHERE indexrelid = $1 ) AS keys WHERE attrelid = indrelid AND attnum = indkey[i]; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_order_by(oid, oid) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_get_order_by' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_create_index_type(oid, name) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT 'CREATE TYPE ' || $2 || ' AS (' || coalesce(string_agg(quote_ident(attname) || ' ' || pg_catalog.format_type(atttypid, atttypmod), ', '), '') || ')' FROM pg_attribute, (SELECT indrelid, indkey, generate_series(0, indnatts-1) AS i FROM pg_index WHERE indexrelid = $1 ) AS keys WHERE attrelid = indrelid AND attnum = indkey[i]; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_create_trigger(relid oid, pkid oid) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT 'CREATE TRIGGER repack_trigger' || ' AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON ' || repack.oid2text($1) || ' FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE repack.repack_trigger(' || '''INSERT INTO repack.log_' || $1 || '(pk, row) VALUES(' || ' CASE WHEN $1 IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE (ROW($1.' || repack.get_index_columns($2, ', $1.') || ')::repack.pk_' || $1 || ') END, $2)'')'; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_enable_trigger(relid oid) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || repack.oid2text($1) || ' ENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER repack_trigger'; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_assign(oid, text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT '(' || coalesce(string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', '), '') || ') = (' || $2 || '.' || coalesce(string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', ' || $2 || '.'), '') || ')' FROM (SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $1 AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum) tmp; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_compare_pkey(oid, text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT '(' || coalesce(string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', '), '') || ') = (' || $2 || '.' || coalesce(string_agg(quote_ident(attname), ', ' || $2 || '.'), '') || ')' FROM pg_attribute, (SELECT indrelid, indkey, generate_series(0, indnatts-1) AS i FROM pg_index WHERE indexrelid = $1 ) AS keys WHERE attrelid = indrelid AND attnum = indkey[i]; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; -- Get a column list for SELECT all columns including dropped ones. -- We use NULLs of integer types for dropped columns (types are not important). CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_columns_for_create_as(oid) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT coalesce(string_agg(c, ','), '') FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN attisdropped THEN 'NULL::integer AS ' || quote_ident(attname) ELSE quote_ident(attname) END AS c FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $1 AND attnum > 0 ORDER BY attnum ) AS COL $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; -- Get a SQL text to DROP dropped columns for the table, -- or NULL if it has no dropped columns. CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_drop_columns(oid, text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT 'ALTER TABLE ' || $2 || ' ' || array_to_string(dropped_columns, ', ') FROM ( SELECT array_agg('DROP COLUMN ' || quote_ident(attname)) AS dropped_columns FROM ( SELECT * FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = $1 AND attnum > 0 AND attisdropped ORDER BY attnum ) T ) T WHERE array_upper(dropped_columns, 1) > 0 $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; -- Get a comma-separated storage paramter for the table including -- paramters for the corresponding TOAST table. -- Note that since oid setting is always not NULL, this function -- never returns NULL CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_storage_param(oid) RETURNS TEXT AS $$ SELECT string_agg(param, ', ') FROM ( -- table storage parameter SELECT unnest(reloptions) as param FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 UNION ALL -- TOAST table storage parameter SELECT ('toast.' || unnest(reloptions)) as param FROM ( SELECT reltoastrelid from pg_class where oid = $1 ) as t, pg_class as c WHERE c.oid = t.reltoastrelid UNION ALL -- table oid SELECT 'oids = ' || CASE WHEN relhasoids THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END FROM pg_class WHERE oid = $1 ) as t $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; -- GET a SQL text to set column storage option for the table. CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_alter_col_storage(oid) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT 'ALTER TABLE repack.table_' || $1 || array_to_string(column_storage, ',') FROM ( SELECT array_agg(' ALTER ' || quote_ident(attname) || CASE attstorage WHEN 'p' THEN ' SET STORAGE PLAIN' WHEN 'm' THEN ' SET STORAGE MAIN' WHEN 'e' THEN ' SET STORAGE EXTERNAL' WHEN 'x' THEN ' SET STORAGE EXTENDED' END) AS column_storage FROM ( SELECT * FROM pg_attribute a JOIN pg_type t on t.oid = atttypid JOIN pg_class r on r.oid = a.attrelid JOIN pg_namespace s on s.oid = r.relnamespace WHERE typstorage <> attstorage AND attrelid = $1 AND attnum > 0 AND NOT attisdropped ORDER BY attnum ) T ) T WHERE array_upper(column_storage , 1) > 0 $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; -- includes not only PRIMARY KEYS but also UNIQUE NOT NULL keys CREATE VIEW repack.primary_keys AS SELECT indrelid, min(indexrelid) AS indexrelid FROM (SELECT indrelid, indexrelid FROM pg_index WHERE indisunique AND indisvalid AND indpred IS NULL AND 0 <> ALL(indkey) AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid = indrelid AND attnum = ANY(indkey) AND NOT attnotnull) ORDER BY indrelid, indisprimary DESC, indnatts, indkey) tmp GROUP BY indrelid; CREATE VIEW repack.tables AS SELECT repack.oid2text(R.oid) AS relname, R.oid AS relid, R.reltoastrelid AS reltoastrelid, CASE WHEN R.reltoastrelid = 0 THEN 0 ELSE ( SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid = R.reltoastrelid AND indisvalid) END AS reltoastidxid, N.nspname AS schemaname, PK.indexrelid AS pkid, CK.indexrelid AS ckid, repack.get_create_index_type(PK.indexrelid, 'repack.pk_' || R.oid) AS create_pktype, 'CREATE TABLE repack.log_' || R.oid || ' (id bigserial PRIMARY KEY, pk repack.pk_' || R.oid || ', row ' || repack.oid2text(R.oid) || ')' AS create_log, repack.get_create_trigger(R.oid, PK.indexrelid) AS create_trigger, repack.get_enable_trigger(R.oid) as enable_trigger, 'CREATE TABLE repack.table_' || R.oid || ' WITH (' || repack.get_storage_param(R.oid) || ') TABLESPACE ' AS create_table_1, coalesce(quote_ident(S.spcname), 'pg_default') as tablespace_orig, ' AS SELECT ' || repack.get_columns_for_create_as(R.oid) || ' FROM ONLY ' || repack.oid2text(R.oid) AS create_table_2, 'INSERT INTO repack.table_' || R.oid || ' SELECT ' || repack.get_columns_for_create_as(R.oid) || ' FROM ONLY ' || repack.oid2text(R.oid) AS copy_data, repack.get_alter_col_storage(R.oid) AS alter_col_storage, repack.get_drop_columns(R.oid, 'repack.table_' || R.oid) AS drop_columns, 'DELETE FROM repack.log_' || R.oid AS delete_log, 'LOCK TABLE ' || repack.oid2text(R.oid) || ' IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE' AS lock_table, repack.get_order_by(CK.indexrelid, R.oid) AS ckey, 'SELECT * FROM repack.log_' || R.oid || ' ORDER BY id LIMIT $1' AS sql_peek, 'INSERT INTO repack.table_' || R.oid || ' VALUES ($1.*)' AS sql_insert, 'DELETE FROM repack.table_' || R.oid || ' WHERE ' || repack.get_compare_pkey(PK.indexrelid, '$1') AS sql_delete, 'UPDATE repack.table_' || R.oid || ' SET ' || repack.get_assign(R.oid, '$2') || ' WHERE ' || repack.get_compare_pkey(PK.indexrelid, '$1') AS sql_update, 'DELETE FROM repack.log_' || R.oid || ' WHERE id IN (' AS sql_pop FROM pg_class R LEFT JOIN pg_class T ON R.reltoastrelid = T.oid LEFT JOIN repack.primary_keys PK ON R.oid = PK.indrelid LEFT JOIN (SELECT CKI.* FROM pg_index CKI, pg_class CKT WHERE CKI.indisvalid AND CKI.indexrelid = CKT.oid AND CKI.indisclustered AND CKT.relam = 403) CK ON R.oid = CK.indrelid LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON N.oid = R.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_tablespace S ON S.oid = R.reltablespace WHERE R.relkind = 'r' AND R.relpersistence = 'p' AND N.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND N.nspname NOT LIKE E'pg\\_temp\\_%'; CREATE FUNCTION repack.repack_indexdef(oid, oid, name, bool) RETURNS text AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_indexdef' LANGUAGE C STABLE; CREATE FUNCTION repack.repack_trigger() RETURNS trigger AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_trigger' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE STRICT SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE FUNCTION repack.conflicted_triggers(oid) RETURNS SETOF name AS $$ SELECT tgname FROM pg_trigger WHERE tgrelid = $1 AND tgname = 'repack_trigger' ORDER BY tgname; $$ LANGUAGE sql STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.disable_autovacuum(regclass) RETURNS void AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_disable_autovacuum' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.repack_apply( sql_peek cstring, sql_insert cstring, sql_delete cstring, sql_update cstring, sql_pop cstring, count integer) RETURNS integer AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_apply' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE; CREATE FUNCTION repack.repack_swap(oid) RETURNS void AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_swap' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.repack_drop(oid, int) RETURNS void AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_drop' LANGUAGE C VOLATILE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.repack_index_swap(oid) RETURNS void AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_index_swap' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT; CREATE FUNCTION repack.get_table_and_inheritors(regclass) RETURNS regclass[] AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'repack_get_table_and_inheritors' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT;