-- Complain if script is sourced in `psql`, rather than via `CREATE EXTENSION` \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_readme" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on extension pg_readme is $md$ # The `pg_readme` PostgreSQL extension The `pg_readme` PostgreSQL extension provides functions to generate a `README.md` document for a database extension or schema, based on [`COMMENT`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-comment.html) objects found in the [`pg_description`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/catalog-pg-description.html) system catalog. ## Usage To use `pg_readme` in your extension, the most self-documenting way to do it is to create a function that calls the `readme.pg_extension_readme(name)` function. Here is an example take from the [`pg_rowalesce`](https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_rowalesce) extension: ```sql create function pg_rowalesce_readme() returns text volatile set search_path from current set pg_readme.include_view_definitions to 'true' set pg_readme.include_routine_definition_like to '{test__%}' language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _readme text; begin create extension if not exists pg_readme with version '0.1.0'; _readme := pg_extension_readme('pg_rowalesce'::name); raise transaction_rollback; -- to drop extension if we happened to `CREATE EXTENSION` for just this. exception when transaction_rollback then return _readme; end; $plpgsql$; ``` In the above example, the `pg_readme.*` settings are (quite redundantly) set to their default values. There is no need to add `pg_readme` to the list of requirements in your extension's control file; after all, the extension is only intermittently required, _by you_, when you need to update your extension's `README.md`. To make it easy (and self-documenting) to update the readme, add something like the following recipe to the bottom of your extension's `Makefile`: ```sql README.md: README.sql install psql --quiet postgres < $< > $@ ``` And turn the `README.sql` into something like this (again an example from `pg_rowalesce`): ```sql \pset tuples_only \pset format unaligned begin; create schema rowalesce; create extension pg_rowalesce with schema rowalesce cascade; select rowalesce.pg_rowalesce_readme(); rollback; ``` Now you can update your `README.md` by running: ``` make README.md ``` `COMMENT` (also on your extension), play with it, and never go back. And don't forget to send me the pull requests for you enhancements. ## Markdown The `pg_readme` author has made the choice for Markdown, not out of love for Markdown, but out of practicality: Markdown, in all its neo-formal interprations, has become ubiquitous. Also, it has a straight-forward fall-through to (X)HTML. And we're not creating tech. books here (where TEI or DocBook would have been the superior choice); we're merely generating online/digital documentation on the basis of inline `COMMENT`s. To make the pain of Markdown's many competing extensions and implementations _somewhat_ bearable, `pg_readme` attempts to stick to those Markdown constructs that are valid both according to: * [GitHub Flavored Markdown](https://github.github.com/gfm/) (GFM), and * [CommonMark](https://commonmark.org/). “Attempts to”, because `pg_readme` relies heavily on MarkDown tables, which _are_ supported by GFM, but _not_ by CommonMark. ## Processing instructions `pg_readme` has support for a bunch of special XML processing instructions that you can include in the Markdown `COMMENT ON EXTENSION` or `COMMENT ON SCHEMA` objects: * <?pg-readme-reference?> will be replaced with a full reference with all the objects found by `pg_readme` that belong to the schema or extension (when [`pg_schema_readme()`](#function-pg_schema_readme-regnamespace) or [`pg_extension_readme()`](#function-pg_extension_readme-name) are run respectively. * <?pg-readme-colophon?> adds a colophon with information about `pg_readme` to the text. The following pseudo-attributes are supported for these processing instructions: | Pseudo-attribute | Coerced to | Default value | | -------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------ | | `context-division-depth` | `smallint` | `1` | | `context-division-is-self` | `boolean` | `false` | | `division-title` | `text` | `'Object reference'` / `'Colophon'` | (These attributes are called _pseudo-attributes_, because the XML spec does not prescribe any particular structure for a processing instruction's content. ## Extension-specific settings | Setting | Default | | -------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | `pg_readme.include_view_definitions` | `true` | | `pg_readme.readme_url` | `'https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme/blob/master/README.md'` | | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like` | `'{test__%}'` | | `pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition` | `null` | `pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition` is meant to be only used on a routine-local level to make sure that the definition for that particular routine is either _always_ or _never_ included in the reference, regardless of the `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like` setting. For `pg_readme` version 0.3.0, `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions` has been deprecated in favor of `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like`, and `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions` is now interpreted as: | Legacy setting | Deduced setting | | ----------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions is null` | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like = array['test__%']` | | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions = true` | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like = array['%']` | | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions = false` | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like = array[]::text[]` | ## To-dos and to-maybes ### Missing features * Table synopsis is not generated yet. ### Ideas for improvement * Support for `` PI could be nice. * Support for a `` PI in the `COMMENT` of specific tables could be a nice addition for extensions/schemas that have type-type tables. * Automatically turning references to objects from other/builtin extensions or schemas into links could be a plus. But this might also render the raw markup unreadable. That, at least, would be a good argument against doing the same for extension-local object references. ## The origins of the `pg_readme` extension `pg_readme`, together with a sizeable number of other PostgreSQL extensions, was developed as part of the backend for the super-scalable [FlashMQ MQTT SaaS service](https://www.flashmq.com). Bundling and releasing this code publically has: - made the PostgreSQL schema architecture cleaner, with fewer interdependencies; - made the documentation more complete and up-to-date; - increased the amount of polish; and - reduced the number of rough edges. The public gaze does improve quality! ## Authors and contributors * [Rowan](https://www.bigsmoke.us/) originated this extension in 2022 while developing the PostgreSQL backend for the [FlashMQ SaaS MQTT cloud broker](https://www.flashmq.com/). Rowan does not like to see himself as a tech person or a tech writer, but, much to his chagrin, [he _is_](https://blog.bigsmoke.us/category/technology). Some of his chagrin about his disdain for the IT industry he poured into a book: [_Why Programming Still Sucks_](https://www.whyprogrammingstillsucks.com/). Much more than a “tech bro”, he identifies as a garden gnome, fairy and ork rolled into one, and his passion is really to [regreen and reenchant his environment](https://sapienshabitat.com/). One of his proudest achievements is to be the third generation ecological gardener to grow the wild garden around his beautiful [family holiday home in the forest of Norg, Drenthe, the Netherlands](https://www.schuilplaats-norg.nl/) (available for rent!). $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do $$ declare _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url text; begin _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url := 'ALTER DATABASE ' || current_database() || ' SET pg_readme.readme_url = ''https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme/blob/master/README.md'''; execute _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url; exception when insufficient_privilege then -- We say `superuser = false` in the control file; so let's just whine a little instead of crashing. raise warning using message = format( 'Because you''re installing the pg_readme extension as non-superuser and because you' || ' are also not the owner of the %I DB, the database-level `pg_readme.readme_url` setting' || ' has not been set.', current_database() ) ,detail = 'Settings of the form `.readme_url` are used by `pg_readme` to' || ' cross-link between extensions their README files.' ,hint = 'If you want full inter-extension README cross-linking, you can ask your friendly' || E' neighbourhood DBA to execute the following statement:\n' || _ddl_cmd_to_set_pg_readme_url || ';'; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do $$ begin if not exists( select from pg_catalog.pg_proc where pg_proc.pronamespace = current_schema::regnamespace and pg_proc.proname = 'pg_installed_extension_version' ) then create function pg_installed_extension_version(pg_catalog.name) returns text stable set pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition to true language sql return ( select pg_extension.extversion from pg_catalog.pg_extension where pg_extension.extname = $1 ); alter extension pg_readme drop function pg_installed_extension_version(name); end if; end; $$; comment on function pg_installed_extension_version(name) is $md$`pg_installed_extension_version()` returns the version string of the currently installed version of the given extension. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_readme_meta_pgxn() returns jsonb stable language sql return jsonb_build_object( 'name' ,'pg_readme' ,'abstract' ,'Generates a Markdown README from COMMENT objects found in the pg_description system catalog.' ,'description' ,'The pg_readme PostgreSQL extension provides functions to generate a README.md document for a' ' database extension or schema, based on COMMENT objects found in the pg_description system' ' catalog.' ,'version' ,pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme') ,'maintainer' ,array[ 'Rowan Rodrik van der Molen ' ] ,'license' ,'postgresql' ,'prereqs' ,'{ "runtime": { "requires": { "hstore": 0 } }, "test": { "requires": { "pgtap": 0 } } }'::jsonb ,'provides' ,('{ "pg_readme": { "file": "pg_readme--0.7.0.sql", "version": "' || pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme') || '", "docfile": "README.md" } }')::jsonb ,'resources' ,'{ "homepage": "https://blog.bigsmoke.us/tag/pg_readme", "bugtracker": { "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme/issues" }, "repository": { "url": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme.git", "web": "https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme", "type": "git" } }'::jsonb ,'meta-spec' ,'{ "version": "1.0.0", "url": "https://pgxn.org/spec/" }'::jsonb ,'generated_by' ,'`select pg_readme_meta_pgxn()`' ,'tags' ,array[ 'documentation', 'markdown', 'meta', 'plpgsql', 'function', 'functions' ] ); comment on function pg_readme_meta_pgxn() is $md$Returns the JSON meta data that has to go into the `META.json` file needed for [PGXN—PostgreSQL Extension Network](https://pgxn.org/) packages. The `Makefile` includes a recipe to allow the developer to: `make META.json` to refresh the meta file with the function's current output, including the `default_version`. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_readme_object_reference__rel_attr_list(pg_class) returns text stable language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _text text; _attr record; _constraint_text text; begin _text = ''; if ($1).relnatts > 0 then _text := _text || 'The `' || ($1).relname || '` ' || case when ($1).relkind = 'r' then 'table' when ($1).relkind = 'v' then 'view' when ($1).relkind = 'm' then 'materialized view' when ($1).relkind = 'c' then 'composite type' when ($1).relkind = 'f' then 'foreign table' when ($1).relkind = 'p' then 'partitioned table' else '[missing `pg_class.relkind` = ''' || (($1).relkind)::text || ''' support]' end || E' has ' || ($1).relnatts::text || E' attributes:\n\n'; for _attr in select pg_attribute.* ,pg_attrdef.* ,constraint_agg.constraint_arr from pg_catalog.pg_attribute left outer join pg_catalog.pg_attrdef on pg_attrdef.adrelid = pg_attribute.attrelid and pg_attrdef.adnum = pg_attribute.attnum cross join lateral ( select array_agg(pg_get_constraintdef(pg_constraint.oid, true)) as constraint_arr from pg_catalog.pg_constraint where pg_constraint.conrelid = pg_attribute.attrelid and array_length(pg_constraint.conkey, 1) = 1 and pg_constraint.conkey[1] = pg_attribute.attnum ) as constraint_agg where pg_attribute.attrelid = ($1).oid and pg_attribute.attnum >= 1 loop _text := _text || E'\n' || _attr.attnum::text || '. ' || '`' || ($1).relname || '.' || _attr.attname || '` `' || _attr.atttypid::regtype::text || '`' || E'\n\n'; _text := _text || coalesce( regexp_replace( col_description(($1).oid, _attr.attnum), '^', ' ', 'ng' ) || E'\n\n', '' ); if _attr.attnotnull then _text := _text || E' - `NOT NULL`\n'; end if; if _attr.attidentity != '' then _text := _text || ' - `GENERATED ' || case when _attr.attidentity = 'a' then 'ALWAYS' else 'BY DEFAULT' end || ' AS IDENTITY' -- TODO: sequence_options || E'`\n' end; elsif _attr.atthasdef then _text := _text || ' - ' || case when _attr.attgenerated = 's' then '`GENERATED ALWAYS AS (' || pg_get_expr(_attr.adbin, _attr.attrelid, true) || ') STORED`' || E'\n' else '`DEFAULT ' || pg_get_expr(_attr.adbin, _attr.attrelid, true) || E'`\n' end; end if; if _attr.constraint_arr is not null then foreach _constraint_text in array _attr.constraint_arr loop _text := _text || ' - `' || _constraint_text || E'`\n'; end loop; end if; _text := _text || E'\n' ; end loop; end if; return _text; end; $plpgsql$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create type pg_readme_objects_for_reference as ( table_objects regclass[] ,view_objects regclass[] ,procedure_objects regprocedure[] ,operator_objects regoperator[] ,type_objects regtype[] ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create domain pg_readme_collection_type as text check (value in ('extension', 'schema')); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_readme_object_reference( objects$ pg_readme_objects_for_reference ,collection_type$ pg_readme_collection_type ,collection_name$ name ,context_division_depth$ smallint = 1 ,context_division_is_self$ boolean = false ,division_title$ text = 'Object reference' ) returns text stable set search_path from current language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _text text; _regclass regclass; _pg_class pg_catalog.pg_class; _pg_proc pg_catalog.pg_proc; _pg_type pg_catalog.pg_type; _real_nargs int2; _regop regoperator; _regtype regtype; _extension_schema name; begin perform set_config( 'pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like', coalesce( nullif(current_setting('pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like', true), '')::text, case when nullif(current_setting('pg_readme.include_routine_definitions', true), '') is null then array['test__%'] when current_setting('pg_readme.include_routine_definitions', true)::bool then array['%'] else array[]::text[] end::text )::text, true ); _text := ''; if not context_division_is_self$ then context_division_depth$ = context_division_depth$ + 1; _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$) || ' ' || division_title$ || E'\n\n'; end if; assert _text is not null; if collection_type$ = 'extension' then _extension_schema := ( select pg_available_extension_versions."schema" from pg_catalog.pg_available_extension_versions where pg_available_extension_versions.name = collection_name$ and pg_available_extension_versions.installed ); if _extension_schema is not null then _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 1) || ' Schema: `' || quote_ident(_extension_schema) || '`' || E'\n\n' || '`' || quote_ident(collection_name$) || '` must be installed in the' || ' `' || quote_ident(_extension_schema) || '` schema. Hence, it is not relocatable.' || E'\n\n' || coalesce( E'---\n\n' || obj_description(_extension_schema::regnamespace, 'pg_namespace') || E'\n\n' ,'' ); else perform set_config( 'search_path', concat_ws(',', _extension_schema, nullif(current_setting('search_path', false), '')), true ); end if; end if; if array_length((objects$).table_objects, 1) > 0 then _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 1) || ' Tables' || E'\n\n'; if collection_type$ = 'extension' then _text := _text || 'There are ' || array_length((objects$).table_objects, 1)::text || ' tables' || ' that directly belong to the `' || collection_name$ || E'` extension.\n\n'; elsif collection_type$ = 'schema' then _text := _text || 'There are ' || array_length((objects$).table_objects, 1)::text || ' tables' || ' within the `' || collection_name$ || E'` schema.\n\n'; end if; for _pg_class in select pg_class.* from pg_catalog.pg_class where pg_class.oid = any ((objects$).table_objects) order by pg_class.relnamespace::regnamespace::text ,pg_class.relname loop _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 2) || ' Table: `' || _pg_class.relname || '`' || E'\n\n'; _text := _text || coalesce(obj_description(_pg_class.oid, 'pg_class') || E'\n\n', ''); _text := _text || pg_readme_object_reference__rel_attr_list(_pg_class.*); -- TODO: Show synopsis with table column definitions, including constraints and defaults -- TODO: Show table constraint -- TODO: Show table indexes -- TODO: Show table triggers end loop; end if; assert _text is not null; if array_length((objects$).view_objects, 1) > 0 then _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 1) || ' Views' || E'\n\n'; foreach _regclass in array (objects$).view_objects loop _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 2) || ' View: `' || _regclass::text || '`' || E'\n\n'; _text := _text || coalesce(obj_description(_regclass, 'pg_class') || E'\n\n', ''); if coalesce( nullif(pg_catalog.current_setting('pg_readme.include_view_definitions', true), '')::bool, true ) then _text := _text || E'```sql\n' || pg_catalog.pg_get_viewdef(_regclass, 80) || E'\n```\n\n'; end if; end loop; end if; assert _text is not null; if array_length((objects$).procedure_objects, 1) > 0 then _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 1) || ' Routines' || E'\n\n'; for _pg_proc in select pg_proc.* from pg_catalog.pg_proc where pg_proc.oid = any ((objects$).procedure_objects) order by pg_proc.oid::regprocedure::text loop _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 2) || ' ' || case when _pg_proc.prokind = 'p' then 'Procedure' else 'Function' end || ': `' || regexp_replace( regexp_replace(_pg_proc.oid::regprocedure::text, '(\(.+\))$', ' \1'), ',', ', ', 'g' ) || '`' || E'\n\n'; _text := _text || coalesce(obj_description(_pg_proc.oid, 'pg_proc') || E'\n\n', ''); if length(pg_get_function_arguments(_pg_proc.oid)) > 0 then _real_nargs := coalesce(array_length(_pg_proc.proallargtypes, 1), _pg_proc.pronargs); _text := _text || case when _pg_proc.prokind = 'p' then 'Procedure' else 'Function' end || E' arguments:\n\n' || E'| Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression |\n' || E'| ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- |\n' || ( select string_agg( '| ' || lpad('`$' || arg_types.arg_pos::text || '`', 6, ' ') || ' | ' || lpad( '`' || case arg_modes.arg_mode when 'i' then 'IN' when 'o' then 'OUT' when 'b' then 'INOUT' when 'v' then 'VARIADIC' when 't' then 'TABLE' end || '`', 10, ' ' ) || ' | ' || rpad( coalesce('`' || arg_names.arg_name || '`', ''), current_setting('max_identifier_length')::int + 2, ' ' ) || ' | ' || rpad( '`' || arg_types.arg_type::regtype::text || '`', current_setting('max_identifier_length')::int + 5, ' ' ) || ' | ' || coalesce('`' || arg_defaults.arg_default::text || '`', '') || ' |', E'\n' ) from unnest( coalesce(_pg_proc.proallargtypes::oid[], _pg_proc.proargtypes) ) with ordinality as arg_types(arg_type, arg_pos) inner join unnest( coalesce(_pg_proc.proargmodes::char[], array_fill('i'::char, array[_real_nargs])) ) with ordinality as arg_modes(arg_mode, arg_pos) on arg_types.arg_pos = arg_modes.arg_pos inner join unnest( coalesce(_pg_proc.proargnames::text[], array_fill(null::text, array[_real_nargs])) ) with ordinality as arg_names(arg_name, arg_pos) on arg_modes.arg_pos = arg_names.arg_pos left join lateral ( select arg_default ,_pg_proc.pronargs - _pg_proc.pronargdefaults + optional_arg_pos as arg_pos from unnest(string_to_array(pg_get_expr(_pg_proc.proargdefaults, 0), ', ')) with ordinality as opt_arg_defaults(arg_default, optional_arg_pos) ) as arg_defaults on arg_defaults.arg_pos = arg_modes.arg_pos ) || E'\n\n'; end if; if _pg_proc.prokind != 'p' then _text := _text || 'Function return type: `' || pg_get_function_result(_pg_proc.oid) || E'`\n\n'; end if; _text := _text || coalesce( case when _pg_proc.prokind = 'p' then 'Procedure' else 'Function' end || ' attributes: ' || nullif( array_to_string( array[ ( case when _pg_proc.provolatile = 'i' then '`IMMUTABLE`' when _pg_proc.provolatile = 's' then '`STABLE`' else null -- `VOLATILE` is the default end ), ( case when _pg_proc.proleakproof then '`LEAKPROOF`' else null end ), ( case when _pg_proc.proisstrict then '`RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT`' else null -- `CALLED ON NULL INPUT` is the default end ), ( case when _pg_proc.prosecdef then '`SECURITY DEFINER`' else null -- `SECURITY INVOKER` is the default end ), ( case when _pg_proc.proparallel = 's' then '`PARALLEL SAFE`' when _pg_proc.proparallel = 'r' then '`PARALLEL RESTRICTED`' else null -- `PARALLEL UNSAFE` is the default end ), ( case when _pg_proc.procost <> 100.0 then 'COST ' || _pg_proc.procost::text else null end ), ( case when _pg_proc.prorows > 0.0 then 'ROWS ' || _pg_proc.prorows::text else null end ) ], ', ' ), '' ) || E'\n\n', '' ); _text := _text || coalesce( case when _pg_proc.prokind = 'p' then 'Procedure' else 'Function' end || E'-local settings:\n\n' || ( select string_agg( ' * `SET ' || (regexp_match(raw, '^([^=]+)=(.*)$'))[1] || ' TO ' || (regexp_match(raw, '^([^=]+)=(.*)$'))[2] || '`', E'\n' ) from unnest(_pg_proc.proconfig) as raw_cfg(raw) ) || E'\n\n', '' ); if (_pg_proc.proname like any (current_setting('pg_readme.include_routine_definitions_like')::text[]) and not 'pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition=false' = any (_pg_proc.proconfig) ) or 'pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition=true' = any (_pg_proc.proconfig) then _text := _text || E'```sql\n' || case when _extension_schema is not null then pg_catalog.pg_get_functiondef(_pg_proc.oid) else replace( pg_catalog.pg_get_functiondef(_pg_proc.oid), format('%I.', current_schema()), '' ) end || E'```\n\n'; end if; assert _text is not null, format('NULL result for pg_proc: %s', jsonb_pretty(to_jsonb(_pg_proc))); end loop; end if; assert _text is not null; if array_length((objects$).type_objects, 1) > 0 then _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 1) || ' Types' || E'\n\n' || 'The following extra types have been defined _besides_ the implicit composite types of' || ' the [tables](#tables) and [views](#views) in this ' || collection_type$ || E'.\n\n'; for _pg_type in select pg_type.* from pg_catalog.pg_type where pg_type.oid = any ((objects$).type_objects) loop _text := _text || repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 2) || case when _pg_type.typtype = 'c' then ' Composite type' when _pg_type.typtype = 'd' then ' Domain' when _pg_type.typtype = 'e' then ' Enum type' when _pg_type.typtype = 'r' then ' Range type' when _pg_type.typtype = 'm' then ' Multirange type' else 'Type' end || ': `' || _pg_type.typname || '`' || E'\n\n'; _text := _text || coalesce(obj_description(_pg_type.oid, 'pg_type') || E'\n\n', ''); if _pg_type.typtype = 'd' then _text := _text || E'```sql\n' || 'CREATE DOMAIN ' || format_type(_pg_type.oid, null) || ' AS ' || format_type(_pg_type.typbasetype, _pg_type.typtypmod) || coalesce( ( select E'\n ' || string_agg(pg_get_constraintdef(pg_constraint.oid), E'\n ') from pg_catalog.pg_constraint where pg_constraint.contypid = _pg_type.oid ) ,'' ) || coalesce( ( select E'\n COLLATE ' || quote_ident(pg_collation.collname) from pg_catalog.pg_collation where pg_collation.oid = _pg_type.typcollation and pg_collation.collname != 'default' ) ,'' ) || coalesce(E'\n DEFAULT ' || _pg_type.typdefault, '') || E';\n```\n\n'; elsif _pg_type.typtype = 'c' then _text := _text || E'```sql\n' || 'CREATE TYPE ' || format_type(_pg_type.oid, null) || E' AS (' || coalesce( ( select E'\n ' || string_agg( quote_ident(pg_attribute.attname) || ' ' || format_type(pg_attribute.atttypid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) || coalesce( E'\n COLLATE ' || quote_ident(pg_collation.collname), '' ), E',\n ' order by pg_attribute.attnum ) from pg_catalog.pg_class join pg_catalog.pg_attribute on pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid and pg_attribute.attnum > 0 left join pg_catalog.pg_collation on pg_collation.oid = pg_attribute.attcollation and pg_collation.collname != 'default' where pg_class.oid = _pg_type.typrelid ) ,'' ) || E'\n);\n```\n\n'; elsif _pg_type.typtype = 'e' then _text := _text || E'```sql\n' || 'CREATE TYPE ' || format_type(_pg_type.oid, null) || E' AS ENUM (\n ' || ( select string_agg( quote_literal(pg_enum.enumlabel) ,E',\n ' order by pg_enum.enumsortorder ) from pg_catalog.pg_enum where pg_enum.enumtypid = _pg_type.oid ) || E'\n);\n```\n\n'; end if; end loop; end if; assert _text is not null; return _text; end; $plpgsql$; comment on function pg_readme_object_reference is $md$`pg_readme_object_reference()` is a function internal to `pg_readme` that is delegated to by `pg_readme_pis_process()` to replace <?pg-readme-reference?> processing instructions with a standard colophon indicating that `pg_readme` was used to generate a schema or extension README. See the [_Processing instructions_](#processing-instructions) section for an overview of the processing instructions and their pseudo-attributes. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_readme_colophon( collection_type$ pg_readme_collection_type ,collection_name$ name ,context_division_depth$ smallint = 1 ,context_division_is_self$ boolean = false ,division_title$ text = 'Colophon' ) returns text immutable leakproof parallel safe return case when not context_division_is_self$ then repeat('#', context_division_depth$ + 1) || ' ' || division_title$ || E'\n' else '' end || format( E'\nThis `README.md` for the `%s` %s was automatically generated using the [`pg_readme`](https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme) PostgreSQL extension.\n', collection_name$, collection_type$ ); comment on function pg_readme_colophon(pg_readme_collection_type, name, smallint, bool, text) is $md$`pg_readme_colophon()` is a function internal to `pg_readme` that is used by `pg_readme_pis_process()` to replace <?pg-readme-colophon?> processing instructions with a standard colophon indicating that `pg_readme` was used to generate a schema or extension README. See the [_Processing instructions_](#processing-instructions) section for an overview of the processing instructions and their pseudo-attributes. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs(haystack$ text, pi_target$ text) returns hstore immutable leakproof parallel safe returns null on null input language sql return hstore( ( select array_agg(m) from regexp_matches( (regexp_match(haystack$, '<\?' || pi_target$ || '(.*?)\?>'))[1], '\s+([a-z][a-z0-9-]+)="([^"]*)"', 'g' ) as m )::text[][2] ); comment on function pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs(text, text) is $md$`pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs()` extracts the pseudo-attributes from the XML processing instruction with the given `pi_target$` found in the given`haystack$` argument. See the `test__pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs()` procedure source for examples. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure test__pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs() language plpgsql set search_path from current as $plpgsql$ begin assert pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs( '', 'muizen-stapje' ) = hstore('soort=>woelmuis, hem-of-haar=>piep, a1=>4'); assert pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs( 'Blabla bla Frotsepots', 'muizen-stapje' ) = hstore('soort=>woelmuis, hem-of-haar=>piep'); assert pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs( 'Blabla bla Frotsepots', 'muizen-stapje' ) is null; end; $plpgsql$; comment on procedure test__pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs() is $md$This routine tests the `pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs()` function. The routine name is compliant with the `pg_tst` extension. An intentional choice has been made to not _depend_ on the `pg_tst` extension its test runner or developer-friendly assertions to keep the number of inter-extension dependencies to a minimum. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_readme_pis_process( unprocessed$ text ,collection_type$ pg_readme_collection_type ,collection_name$ name ,objects$ pg_readme_objects_for_reference ) returns text stable leakproof parallel safe returns null on null input set search_path from current language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _pi_psuedo_attrs hstore; _pi_target text; _target_function name; _generated text; _processed text; begin _processed = unprocessed$; foreach _pi_target in array array['pg-readme-reference', 'pg-readme-colophon'] loop _target_function := case when _pi_target = 'pg-readme-reference' then 'pg_readme_object_reference' when _pi_target = 'pg-readme-colophon' then 'pg_readme_colophon' end; _pi_psuedo_attrs := pg_readme_pi_pseudo_attrs(unprocessed$, _pi_target); execute format( 'SELECT %I( collection_type$ => %L::pg_readme_collection_type ,collection_name$ => %L::name %s %s %s %s )', _target_function, collection_type$, collection_name$, coalesce( ',context_division_depth$ => ' || (_pi_psuedo_attrs->'context-division-depth')::smallint::text || '::smallint', '' ), coalesce( ',context_division_is_self$ => ' || (_pi_psuedo_attrs->'context-division-is-self')::bool::text || '::bool', '' ), coalesce( ',division_title$ => ' || quote_literal(_pi_psuedo_attrs->'division-title') || '::text', '' ), case when _target_function = 'pg_readme_object_reference' then ',objects$ => ' || quote_literal(objects$::text) || '::pg_readme_objects_for_reference' else '' end ) into _generated; _processed := regexp_replace(_processed, '<\?' || _pi_target || '.*?\?>', _generated); end loop; return _processed; end; $plpgsql$; comment on function pg_readme_pis_process is $md$`pg_readme_object_reference()` is a function internal to `pg_readme` that is responsible for replacing processing instructions in the source text with generated content. See the [_Processing instructions_](#processing-instructions) section for an overview of the processing instructions and their pseudo-attributes. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_extension_readme(pg_catalog.name) returns text stable set search_path from current language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _text text; _ext_oid oid; _reference_pi_attrs hstore; _colophon_pi_attrs hstore; begin _ext_oid := (select oid from pg_catalog.pg_extension where extname = $1); _text := format( $markdown$--- pg_extension_name: %s pg_extension_version: %s pg_readme_generated_at: %s pg_readme_version: %s --- %s $markdown$, $1::text, pg_installed_extension_version($1), now(), pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme'::name), obj_description(_ext_oid, 'pg_extension') ); _text = pg_readme_pis_process( unprocessed$ => _text, collection_type$ => 'extension', collection_name$ => $1, objects$ => ( select row( array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regclass) filter (where pg_class.relkind in ('r', 'f', 'p')) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regclass) filter (where pg_class.relkind in ('v', 'm')) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regprocedure) filter (where pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regoperator) filter (where pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regtype) filter (where pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_type'::regclass) )::pg_readme_objects_for_reference from pg_catalog.pg_depend left outer join pg_catalog.pg_class on pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass and pg_class.oid = pg_depend.objid where pg_depend.refclassid = 'pg_catalog.pg_extension'::regclass and pg_depend.refobjid = _ext_oid ) ); _text := trim(both E'\n' from _text); _text := regexp_replace(_text, '(?:^ *\n){2,}', E'\n', 'ng'); _text := regexp_replace(_text, '^ +$', '', 'gn'); return _text; end; $plpgsql$; comment on function pg_extension_readme(name) is $md$`pg_extension_readme()` automatically generates a `README.md` for the given extension, taking the `COMMENT ON EXTENSION` as the prelude, and optionally adding a full reference (with neatly layed out object characteristics from the `pg_catalog`) in the place where a <?pg-readme-reference?> processing instruction is encountered in the `COMMENT ON EXTENSION`. See the [_Processing instructions_](#processing-instructions) section for details about the processing instructions that are recognized and which pseudo-attributes they support. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function pg_schema_readme(pg_catalog.regnamespace) returns text stable set search_path from current language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _text text; begin _text := format( $markdown$--- pg_schema_name: %s pg_readme_generated_at: %s pg_readme_version: %s --- %s $markdown$, $1::text, now(), pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme'::name), obj_description($1::regnamespace::oid, 'pg_namespace') ); _text := pg_readme_pis_process( unprocessed$ => _text, collection_type$ => 'schema'::pg_readme_collection_type, collection_name$ => $1::name, objects$ => ( select row( array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regclass) filter (where pg_class.relkind in ('r', 'f', 'p')) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regclass) filter (where pg_class.relkind in ('v', 'm')) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regprocedure) filter (where pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regoperator) filter (where pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_proc'::regclass) ,array_agg(pg_depend.objid::regtype) filter (where pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_type'::regclass) )::pg_readme_objects_for_reference from pg_catalog.pg_depend left outer join pg_catalog.pg_class on pg_depend.classid = 'pg_catalog.pg_class'::regclass and pg_class.oid = pg_depend.objid where pg_depend.refclassid = 'pg_catalog.pg_namespace'::regclass and pg_depend.refobjid = $1 ) ); _text := trim(both E'\n' from _text); _text := regexp_replace(_text, '\n{3,}', E'\n\n', 'g'); return _text; end; $plpgsql$; comment on function pg_schema_readme(regnamespace) is $md$`pg_schema_readme()` automatically generates a `README.md` for the given schema, taking the `COMMENT ON SCHEMA` as the prelude, and optionally adding a full reference (with neatly layed out object characteristics from the `pg_catalog`) in the place where a <?pg-readme-reference?> processing instruction is encountered in the `COMMENT ON SCHEMA`. See the [_Processing instructions_](#processing-instructions) section for details about the processing instructions that are recognized and which pseudo-attributes they support. $md$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function string_diff(text, text) returns text immutable leakproof returns null on null input language plpgsql as $$ declare _a text[]; _b text[]; _line_count int; _line_no int; _diff text; begin if $1 = $2 then return null; end if; _diff := ''; _a := string_to_array($1, E'\n'); _b := string_to_array($2, E'\n'); _line_count := greatest(array_length(_a, 1), array_length(_b, 1)); _line_no := 0; while _line_no < _line_count loop _line_no := _line_no + 1; if _a[_line_no] != _b[_line_no] then _diff := _diff || _line_no::text || E'\n' || '< ' || _a[_line_no] || E'\n' || '> ' || _b[_line_no] || E'\n'; end if; end loop; return _diff; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure test__pg_readme() set search_path from current set pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition to false set plpgsql.check_asserts to true language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _generated_extension_readme text; _expected_extension_readme text; begin create extension pg_readme_test_extension with version 'forever'; _expected_extension_readme := format( $markdown$--- pg_extension_name: pg_readme_test_extension pg_extension_version: %s pg_readme_generated_at: %s pg_readme_version: %s --- # `pg_readme_test_extension` The `pg_readme_test_extension` PostgreSQL extension is sort of a sub-extension of `pg_readme`, in the sense that the former's purpose is to test the latter's capability to generate a comprehensive `README.md` for an extension. The reason that this extension exists as a separate set of `.control` and `sql` files is because we need an extension to fully test `pg_readme` its `pg_extension_readme()` function. ## Reference ### Tables There are 2 tables that directly belong to the `pg_readme_test_extension` extension. #### Table: `my_2nd_table` The `my_2nd_table` table has 3 attributes: 1. `my_2nd_table.a` `bigint` - `NOT NULL` - `PRIMARY KEY (a)` - `FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES my_table(a) ON DELETE CASCADE` 2. `my_2nd_table.c` `bigint` - `NOT NULL` - `GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY` - `UNIQUE (c)` 3. `my_2nd_table.d` `timestamp without time zone` A column with a comment. Second paragraph of column comment. - `DEFAULT now()` #### Table: `my_table` A table with a comment. The `my_table` table has 3 attributes: 1. `my_table.a` `bigint` - `NOT NULL` - `GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY` - `PRIMARY KEY (a)` 2. `my_table.b` `bigint` - `NOT NULL` - `GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a + 2) STORED` - `UNIQUE (b)` 3. `my_table.z` `text` ### Views #### View: `my_view` This is a view _with_ a `COMMENT`. ```sql SELECT my_table.a, my_table.b, my_2nd_table.*::my_2nd_table AS my_2nd_table, my_2nd_table.c, my_table.z FROM my_table LEFT JOIN my_2nd_table ON my_2nd_table.a = my_table.a; ``` #### View: `view_without_comment` ```sql SELECT my_table.a, my_table.b, my_2nd_table.*::my_2nd_table AS my_2nd_table, my_2nd_table.c, my_table.z FROM my_table JOIN my_2nd_table ON my_2nd_table.a = my_table.a; ``` ### Routines #### Function: `my_variadic_func (integer, integer[])` Function arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | `boe$` | `integer` | | | `$2` | `VARIADIC` | `bla$` | `integer[]` | | Function return type: `void` #### Function: `my_view__upsert()` Function return type: `trigger` #### Procedure: `test__my_view()` Procedure-local settings: * `SET search_path TO readme, pg_temp` ```sql CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test__my_view() LANGUAGE plpgsql SET search_path TO 'readme', 'pg_temp' AS $procedure$ declare _my_view my_view; begin insert into my_view (z) values ('blah') returning * into _my_view; update my_view set z = 'bleh' -- “bleh” is obviously better than “blah” where a = _my_view.a; delete from my_view where a = _my_view.a; raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $procedure$ ``` #### Procedure: `test__something_very_verbose()` Procedure-local settings: * `SET search_path TO readme, pg_temp` * `SET pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition TO false` ### Types The following extra types have been defined _besides_ the implicit composite types of the [tables](#tables) and [views](#views) in this extension. #### Domain: `my_upper` Must be uppercase text. ```sql CREATE DOMAIN my_upper AS text CHECK ((VALUE = upper(VALUE))); ``` #### Composite type: `my_composite_type` `my_composite_type` doesn't do much. ```sql CREATE TYPE my_composite_type AS ( "name with spaces" text[], created_at timestamp with time zone ); ``` #### Enum type: `my_enum_type` ```sql CREATE TYPE my_enum_type AS ENUM ( 'FIRSTBLA', '2NDBLA' ); ``` ## Appendices ### Appendix A. Colophon This `README.md` for the `pg_readme_test_extension` extension was automatically generated using the [`pg_readme`](https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme) PostgreSQL extension.$markdown$, pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme_test_extension'), now(), pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme') ); _generated_extension_readme := pg_extension_readme('pg_readme_test_extension'); assert _generated_extension_readme = _expected_extension_readme, format( E'Generated extension README is not what expected (%s vs %s chars):\n\n%s', length(_generated_extension_readme), length(_expected_extension_readme), string_diff(_generated_extension_readme, _expected_extension_readme) ); create schema test__pg_readme; comment on schema test__pg_readme is $markdown$ # `test__pg_readme` – THE schema of schemas This schema is amazing! $markdown$; create table test__pg_readme.table1 (id int); comment on table test__pg_readme.table1 is $markdown$ This table has a `COMMENT` that describes it. $markdown$; create function test__pg_readme.func(int, text, bool[]) returns bool language sql return true; create function test__pg_readme.func(int, text) returns bool language sql return true; assert pg_schema_readme('test__pg_readme') = format( $markdown$--- pg_schema_name: test__pg_readme pg_readme_generated_at: %s pg_readme_version: %s --- # `test__pg_readme` – THE schema of schemas This schema is amazing! ### Object reference #### Tables There are 1 tables within the `test__pg_readme` schema. ##### Table: `table1` This table has a `COMMENT` that describes it. The `table1` table has 1 attributes: 1. `table1.id` `integer` #### Routines ##### Function: `test__pg_readme.func (integer, text)` Function arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | | `integer` | | | `$2` | `IN` | | `text` | | Function return type: `boolean` ##### Function: `test__pg_readme.func (integer, text, boolean[])` Function arguments: | Arg. # | Arg. mode | Argument name | Argument type | Default expression | | ------ | ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------- | | `$1` | `IN` | | `integer` | | | `$2` | `IN` | | `text` | | | `$3` | `IN` | | `boolean[]` | | Function return type: `boolean` ### Colophon This `README.md` for the `test__pg_readme` schema was automatically generated using the [`pg_readme`](https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_readme) PostgreSQL extension.$markdown$, now(), pg_installed_extension_version('pg_readme') ), pg_schema_readme('test__pg_readme'); raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $plpgsql$; comment on procedure test__pg_readme() is $md$This routine tests the `pg_readme` extension. The routine name is compliant with the `pg_tst` extension. An intentional choice has been made to not _depend_ on the `pg_tst` extension its test runner or developer-friendly assertions to keep the number of inter-extension dependencies to a minimum. $md$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------