-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_readme" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on extension pg_readme is $markdown$ # `pg_readme` The `pg_readme` PostgreSQL extension provides functions to generate a `README.md` document for a database extension or schema, based on [`COMMENT`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-comment.html) objects found in the [`pg_description`](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/catalog-pg-description.html) system catalog. ## Usage To use `pg_readme` in your extension, the most self-documenting way to do it is to create a function that calls the `readme.pg_extension_readme(name)` function. Here is an example from [`pg_rowalesce`](https://github.com/bigsmoke/pg_rowalesce): ```sql create function pg_rowalesce_readme() returns text volatile set search_path from current set pg_readme.include_view_definitions to 'true' set pg_readme.include_routine_definitions to 'false' language plpgsql as $plpgsql$ declare _readme text; begin create extension if not exists pg_readme with version '0.1.0'; _readme := pg_extension_readme('pg_rowalesce'::name); raise transaction_rollback; -- to drop extension if we happened to `CREATE EXTENSION` for just this. exception when transaction_rollback then return _readme; end; $plpgsql$; ``` In the above example, the `pg_readme.*` settings are (quite redundantly) set to their default values. There is no need to add `pg_readme` to the list of requirements in your extension's control file; after all, the extension is only intermittently required, _by you_, when you need to update your extension's `README.md`. To make it easy (and self-documenting) to update the readme, add something like the following recipe to the bottom of your extension's `Makefile`: ```sql README.md: README.sql install psql --quiet postgres < $< > $@ ``` And turn the `README.sql` into something like this (again an example from `pg_rowalesce`): ```sql \pset tuples_only \pset format unaligned begin; create schema rowalesce; create extension pg_rowalesce with schema rowalesce cascade; select rowalesce.pg_rowalesce_readme(); rollback; ``` Now you can update your `README.md` by running: ``` make README.md ``` `COMMENT` (also on your extension), play with it, and never go back. And don't forget to send me the pull requests for you enhancements. ## Extension-specific settings | Setting | Default | | ---------------------------------------- | -------- | | `pg_readme.include_routine_definitions` | `false` | | `pg_readme.include_view_definitions` | `true` | ## Missing features * Support for `<?pg-readme-install?>` PI. * `pg_schema_readme(regnamespace)` is not actually implemented yet. * Table synopsis is not generated yet. * (Composite) type and domain descriptions are not implemented. <?pg-readme-reference?> <?pg-readme-colophon?> $markdown$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------