-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via CREATE EXTENSION \echo Use "CREATE EXTENSION pg_readme_test_extension" to load this file. \quit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment on extension pg_readme_test_extension is $markdown$ # `pg_readme_test_extension` The `pg_readme_test_extension` PostgreSQL extension is sort of a sub-extension of `pg_readme`, in the sense that the former's purpose is to test the latter's capability to generate a comprehensive `README.md` for an extension. The reason that this extension exists as a separate set of `.control` and `sql` files is because we need an extension to fully test `pg_readme` its `pg_extension_readme()` function. ## Reference ## Appendices $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create domain my_upper as text check (value = upper(value)); comment on domain my_upper is $markdown$ Must be uppercase text. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create type my_composite_type as ( "name with spaces" text[] ,created_at timestamptz ); comment on type my_composite_type is $markdown$ `my_composite_type` doesn't do much. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table my_table ( a bigint primary key generated always as identity ,b bigint not null unique generated always as (a + 2) stored ,z text ,check (a <> b) ); comment on type my_table is $markdown$ A table with a comment. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create table my_2nd_table ( a bigint primary key references my_table(a) on delete cascade ,c bigint generated by default as identity not null unique ,d timestamp null default now() ); comment on column my_2nd_table.d is $markdown$ A column with a comment. Second paragraph of column comment. $markdown$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create view my_view as select my_table.a ,my_table.b ,my_2nd_table,c ,my_table.z from my_table left outer join my_2nd_table on my_2nd_table.a = my_table.a; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function my_view__upsert() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$ begin assert tg_when = 'INSTEAD OF'; assert tg_level = 'ROW'; assert tg_op IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'); assert tg_table_name = 'my_view'; if tg_op = 'INSERT' then with parent_row as ( insert into my_table (z) values (NEW.z) returning * ) insert into my_2nd_table (a, c) values (parent_row.a, NEW.c); elsif tg_op = 'UPDATE' then update my_table set z = NEW.z where my_table.a = OLD.a; update my_2nd_table set c = NEW.c where my_2nd_table.a = OLD.a; elsif tg_op = 'DELETE' then delete from my_table when my_table.a = OLD.a; end if; end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create trigger upsert instead of insert or update or delete on my_view for each row execute function my_view__upsert(); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure test__my_view() set search_path from current language plpgsql as $$ declare _my_view my_view; begin insert into my_view (z) values ('blah') returning * into _my_view; update my_view set z = 'bleh' -- “bleh” is obviously better than “blah” where a = _my_view.a; delete from my_view where a = _my_view.a; raise transaction_rollback; -- I could have use any error code, but this one seemed to fit best. exception when transaction_rollback then end; $$; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create function my_variadic_func(boe$ int, bla$ variadic int[]) returns void language sql return null; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create procedure test__something_very_verbose() set search_path from current set pg_readme.include_this_routine_definition = false language plpgsql as $$ begin -- Imagine that this is actually very verbose—_waaay_ to verbose to ever -- include in the README. end; $$; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------