\set VERBOSITY terse SET search_path = 'public'; CREATE SCHEMA pathman; CREATE EXTENSION pg_pathman SCHEMA pathman; CREATE SCHEMA test; CREATE TABLE test.range_rel ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, dt DATE NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE test.r2 (LIKE test.range_rel); ALTER TABLE test.range_rel ATTACH PARTITION test.r2 FOR VALUES FROM ('2015-05-01') TO ('2015-06-01'); ERROR: "range_rel" is not partitioned INSERT INTO test.range_rel (dt) SELECT g FROM generate_series('2015-01-01', '2015-04-30', '1 day'::interval) AS g; SELECT pathman.create_range_partitions('test.range_rel', 'dt', '2015-01-01'::DATE, '1 month'::INTERVAL); create_range_partitions ------------------------- 4 (1 row) SELECT * FROM pathman.pathman_partition_list; parent | partition | parttype | expr | range_min | range_max ----------------+------------------+----------+------+------------+------------ test.range_rel | test.range_rel_1 | 2 | dt | 01-01-2015 | 02-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_2 | 2 | dt | 02-01-2015 | 03-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_3 | 2 | dt | 03-01-2015 | 04-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_4 | 2 | dt | 04-01-2015 | 05-01-2015 (4 rows) ALTER TABLE test.range_rel ATTACH PARTITION test.r2 FOR VALUES IN ('2015-05-01', '2015-06-01'); ERROR: pg_pathman only supports queries for range partitions ALTER TABLE test.range_rel ATTACH PARTITION test.r2 FOR VALUES FROM ('2014-05-01') TO ('2015-06-01'); ERROR: specified range [05-01-2014, 06-01-2015) overlaps with existing partitions ALTER TABLE test.range_rel ATTACH PARTITION test.r2 FOR VALUES FROM ('2015-05-01') TO ('2015-06-01'); SELECT * FROM pathman.pathman_partition_list; parent | partition | parttype | expr | range_min | range_max ----------------+------------------+----------+------+------------+------------ test.range_rel | test.range_rel_1 | 2 | dt | 01-01-2015 | 02-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_2 | 2 | dt | 02-01-2015 | 03-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_3 | 2 | dt | 03-01-2015 | 04-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_4 | 2 | dt | 04-01-2015 | 05-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.r2 | 2 | dt | 05-01-2015 | 06-01-2015 (5 rows) \d+ test.r2; Table "test.r2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | not null | | plain | | dt | date | | not null | | plain | | Check constraints: "pathman_r2_check" CHECK (dt >= '05-01-2015'::date AND dt < '06-01-2015'::date) Inherits: test.range_rel ALTER TABLE test.range_rel DETACH PARTITION test.r2; SELECT * FROM pathman.pathman_partition_list; parent | partition | parttype | expr | range_min | range_max ----------------+------------------+----------+------+------------+------------ test.range_rel | test.range_rel_1 | 2 | dt | 01-01-2015 | 02-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_2 | 2 | dt | 02-01-2015 | 03-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_3 | 2 | dt | 03-01-2015 | 04-01-2015 test.range_rel | test.range_rel_4 | 2 | dt | 04-01-2015 | 05-01-2015 (4 rows) \d+ test.r2; Table "test.r2" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+---------+---------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | not null | | plain | | dt | date | | not null | | plain | | CREATE TABLE test.r4 PARTITION OF test.range_rel FOR VALUES IN ('2015-05-01', '2015-06-01'); ERROR: pg_pathman only supports queries for range partitions CREATE TABLE test.r4 PARTITION OF test.range_rel FOR VALUES FROM ('2014-05-01') TO ('2015-06-01'); ERROR: specified range [05-01-2014, 06-01-2015) overlaps with existing partitions CREATE TABLE test.r4 PARTITION OF test.range_rel FOR VALUES FROM ('2015-06-01') TO ('2016-01-01'); \d+ test.r4; Table "test.r4" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description --------+---------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------------+---------+--------------+------------- id | integer | | not null | nextval('test.range_rel_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | | dt | date | | not null | | plain | | Indexes: "r4_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) Check constraints: "pathman_r4_check" CHECK (dt >= '06-01-2015'::date AND dt < '01-01-2016'::date) Inherits: test.range_rel DROP SCHEMA test CASCADE; NOTICE: drop cascades to 8 other objects DROP EXTENSION pg_pathman CASCADE; DROP SCHEMA pathman CASCADE;